Yarn.social Online Meetup 25th May (See: #fcghsma for details)
In-reply-to » @adi @prologic @maya @jlj Not sure how much Facebook's fault, as poster's are responsible for what they post. It's their fault for providing just an image of their lives (which may count as lying), only showing the positive sides and the content's consumer's are responsible for discerning what's true or false in the end.

Actually @adi@twtxt.net that’s kind of the problem with Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and honestly even HackerNews, Lobsters and Reddit. Because they are driven by “algorithms” based on “statistical” data you end up creating “Echo Chambers” and end up with self-reinforcing “silos”. The “problem” I see is that you will never be able to fix this unless you actually ban user-data driven advertising entirely.

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