thingy: It can now ask Yarn pods for twt hashes.
@quark@ferengi.one It would also be possible to use the search engine here too I think 🤔 i.e: https://search.twtxt.net
@prologic@twtxt.net Nah! I don’t do news feeds 🤣 I gave some a try back then but it was just way too much noise. I have a separate app for RSS feeds I want to follow. None of them mention AI except for one article about the author’s fight back against the crawlers, I believe I’ve mentioned it before.
thingy: It can now ask Yarn pods for twt hashes.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I can have more than one Yarn, correct? Like:
"yarn_pods_for_discovery": ["https://twtxt.net", "https://txt.sour.is"],
Tangential, @prologic@twtxt.net, mentioning is still broken in Yarn. See parent, @aelaraji@aelaraji.com is not linked (probably the mention on this twtxt will also be not linked).
@sorenpeter@darch.dk All valid points. Maybe the correct way to do it should be to start a new feed at the new URL rather than move the feed and break all the hashes.
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Must be your bubble. All I hear is “AI this”, “AI that”. 😂😭
Keys for identity are too much for me. This steps up the complexity by a lot. Simplicity is what made me join twtxt with its extensions. A feed URL is all I need.
Eventually, twt hashes have to change (lengthen at least), no doubt about that. But I’d like to keep it equally simple.
@mckinley@twtxt.net Thanks for the feedback.
- Yeah I agrees that nick sound not be part of syntax. Any valid URL to a twtxt.txt-file should be enough and is more clear, so it is not confused with a email (one of the the issues with webfinger and fedivese handles)
- I think any valid URL would work, since we are not bound to look for exact matches. Accepting both http and https as well as a gemni and gophe could all work as long as the path to the twtxt.txt is the same.
- My idea is that you quote the timestamp as it is in the original twtxt.txt that you are referring to, so you can do it by simply copy/pasting. Also what are the change that the same human will make two different posts within the same second?!
Regarding the whole cryptographic keys for identity, to me it seems like an unnecessary layer of complexity. If you move to a new house or city you tell people that you moved - you can do the same in a twtxt.txt. Just post something like “I move to this new URL, please follow me there!” I did that with my feeds at least twice, and you guys still seem to read my posts:)
@prologic@twtxt.net Brute force. I just hashed a bunch of versions of both tweets until I found a collision.
I mostly just wanted an excuse to write the program. I don’t know how I feel about actually using super-long hashes; could make the twts annoying to read if you prefer to view them untransformed.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org brr, we have the same here. Starting to get cold riding motorcycle to work in the morning.
Pinellas County - Long run: 11.04 miles, 00:11:22 average pace, 02:05:22 duration
body was a bit worn out today. switched it up to walk-run after about 5 miles because i have a daddy-daughter dance this afternoon and did not want to be too stiff. met another runner who actually only lives about a mile or less from me. maybe i’ll try to meet up with him after my business trip this week.
you can just have a web address.. i added mine.. though i think they have changed up the protocol so my key doesn’t seem to work anymore. https://key.sour.is/id/me@sour.is
been rather uninterested in technology lately for some reason. it’s probably the US Election’s fault, since I live in the US and all
Fall is in the air now in Minnesota.
@New_scientist@feeds.twtxt.net Make sense–if a clown murders the child they don’t need to go to the hospital.
Clown visits may shorten the amount of time children spend in hospital
Medical clowns, who play with children in hospitals, may help them be discharged sooner by reducing their heart rates ⌘ Read more
Inside the out feeling
RT https://hispagatos.space/@argumento/113092655322062316
The only thing we need to say to any liberal that calls for “unity” to “stop the rise of fascism” is “France 2024”.
🕟 Hi, the current time is about a quarter till five in the afternoon 🌅.
I love retailers that sell a variety of werid stuff. Add leevalley.com to sciplus.com and countycomm.com.
As a rule of thumb, I only want to own or use computing devices that are not powerful enough to run a large language model. I like things simple and small.