Yarn.social Online Meetup 25th May (See: #fcghsma for details)
In-reply-to » @lyse Speaking of which, can we make any obvious (low hanging fruit) improvements here? 🤔

@prologic@twtxt.net Good question. Two things come straigt to mind, although, I’m not sure how low hanging they are. Probably not even remotely.

  1. I don’t know what these three search types mean: “Match”, “Term” and “Query String”. I could read the help page (I probably should), but they are sooo far off from my little brain that I can’t even think of a possible explanation. My (possibly broken) intuition would categorize “Match” and “Term” to be the same. Zero idea what “Query String” is supposed to be. But then I think a search should be so easy to use to not having to read up on it in a manual. Admittedly, the basic search works alright.

  2. When “Match” is the default, why is it not selected? Similarly, when it searches all fields by default, why is “_all” not selected? This technical spelling “_all” with the leading underscore also doesn’t look pleasing to my eyes. It’s been a hell lot of time that I looked at the code base, so I forgot everthing by now, but that should be easy to fix.

  3. Okay, three things. :-D Apart from the search results taking up soo much space, it would really be nice if the markdown would be rendered. Yes, this is probably very tricky, as the matching search terms are highlighted. So I imagine both the highlighting and markdown rendering probably contradict each other. Also, how to go about matches that are part of markdown link URLs, image alternative texts and the like. Not easy at all.

I reckon that’s certainly not what you had in mind or wanted to hear. :-( Sorry about that. I doubt it myself if this is any helpful feedback.

No promises, but I try to toy around with the search more in the future. Maybe even look into the code base and see what I can do. The next weeks will be full of activities with the scouts, though. So don’t expect something in the near future.

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