Yarn.social Online Meetup 25th May (See: #fcghsma for details)
In-reply-to » What does a yarnd setup look like to anyone? 🤔 Let's say it exists, and it helps you setup a Yarn pod in seconds. What does it do? Of course I'd have to split out yarnd itself into yarnd run to actually run the server/daemon part.

@prologic@twtxt.net One minor detail: The Makefile wants to run date -Is, which doesn’t exist on OpenBSD. Not sure how relevant this platform is for you, though. 😅

I haven’t come up with a portable solution yet. date '+%FT%T%z' is the closest approximation that works on both GNU and OpenBSD, but it doesn’t include a colon in the time zone offset, so it’s 0200 instead of 02:00. 🤦 I’m not sure if this is ISO8601 compliant. And it’s still not POSIX. 🤦 Well, I tried. 😂

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