Yarn.social Online Meetup 25th May (See: #fcghsma for details)
In-reply-to » @jlj @xuu hello! @prologic and I were chatting about the question of globally deleting twts from the yarn.social network. @prologic noted that he could build the tools and endpoints to delete twts, but some amount of cooperation from pod operators would be necessary to make it all work together. He asked me to spawn a discussion of the subject here, so here we are!

So my thinking so far is:

  • We build a /api/v1/admin/delete API endpoint which takes {"hash": <hash>} as JSON input.
  • We build a yarnc admin delete <hash> sub-command (start a new sub-command group)

Which would delete a Twt by hash from the Pod’s archive and blacklist it (as it could come back from other pods via the Converge logic).

This would require manual operations to be performed by one or more cooperating / participating Pod operators in the network. And I think this would have to end up being a “culture” we build upon where we agree when incidents that require this happen, that we get together in some way to cooperatively agree on a Twt deletion.

A similar set of tools would have to be built for the Twtxt Search engine too, although I would probably do this by hand for now as it does not peer with pods and therefore has no way to bring back Twts from the dead from a convergence logic that yarnd has.

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