Yarn.social Online Meetup 25th May (See: #fcghsma for details)
In-reply-to » twtxt critic: Unfortunately the original values seam to have been eroded. Yarn is turning twtxt in to a cheap copy of Mastodon without the benefit of the Fediverse. What happened to everybody hosting their own twt files in a public facing folder? I was hoping development would have gone in the direction to help people to publish to a personnel held public facing folder via FTP, Dropbox, Sia Skynet, IPFS etc. And servers would just be search engines, and proxies etc. I appreciate the hard work that has gone in to the Yarn.social however ...

@prologic@twtxt.net thanks for the offer, however what I am saying here is pretty simple. Users should not have to run a pod, just to own and have control over their data. Having to trust a pod as a user (Like your old man) who can’t run their own, just turned yarn in to a copy of mastodon. The “original” aim of twtxt was different. That all I am saying “mate”.

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