Yarn.social Online Meetup 25th May (See: #fcghsma for details)
In-reply-to » Virginia Police Routinely Use Secret GPS Pings To Track People's Cell Phones The nonprofit online news site Virginia Mercury investigated their state police departments' "real-time location warrants," which are "addressed to telephone companies, ordering them to regularly ping a customers' phone for its GPS location and share the results with police."

I live in three different worlds. One world is where my private and secure world where I try as much as I can do deploy applications and alternative services that respect my privacy and security. This is generally for myself and a little bit for my better half.

My second world is where I spend most of the time in where it’s with family and friends. As much as I try to explain about the horrendous implications of certain online services they don’t blink an eye.

The third world is where I do my work. I have no choice of OS or applications and although my development and planning have a lot of FOSS choices certain constraints limit me. I show everybody of all ages better online choices however like the second world mentioned above people unfortunately rely on popular services.

We can all certainly try our hardest to change peoples point of view, one day at a time, and with time will hopefully better our online future.

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