In-reply-to » @lyse @movq I propose that we extend the Metadata spec once more and borrow from JSON API cursor pagination and for feed author's that wish to rotate or truncate their feed ( already does at ~1MB, and soon yarnd will also at some point); Then one can optionally provide # next = <link> and # prev = <link> Metdata in their feed to link to previous/older versions of their feed. I think this is the easier way to implement this that works no matter how you host or the client used.

In addition, supporting “Range” requests should be possible from a client’s perspective with fallback options to do a full request. I don’t think this needs to be part of the spec at all. The way I would implement this is to keep track of the last position, and re-fetch from that position minus a few hundred bytes just to be sure, throw away any initial garbage. I’d probably also try to detect if the feed is append-only or prepend and track this too (somewhere). If the Metadata preamble changes, seeking back a bit should in theory work or fallback.

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