Yarn.social Online Meetup 25th May (See: #fcghsma for details)

Another thing that doesn’t work anymore after blocking network traffic from my Android phone: Some push notifications.

I run a Matrix server for our family. I use “FluffyChat” on my phone. Traffic from the phone to my Matrix server is allowed and chatting in FluffyChat works.

But I don’t get any notifications anymore on new messages.

So, what’s going on here? Does FluffyChat, which only really needs to talk to my own server, rely on some cloud service for notifications? Seriously? đŸ€” How does that work, does this cloud service see all my notifications or what?

Anyone around who did app development on Android? Can you shed some light on this?

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I will be deleting 14 inactive and unused accounts (for >3 years) on my Gitea instance git.mills.io at some point over the next few days. One of those accounts is yours @adi@twtxt.net – If you’d like to keep it, I suggest you sign-in 😅

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