Yarn.social Online Meetup 25th May (See: #fcghsma for details)
In-reply-to » How To Efficiently Copy Files To Multiple Destinations: https://mckinley.cc/notes/20240508-copy-multiple-destinations.xhtml

@prologic I know, right? It’s a very elegant solution to the problem using standard command line utilities. It was too hard to find. I went through 3 or 4 Stack Exchange threads from my Web search before I found somebody linking to this answer. People were misunderstanding the question and suggesting all kinds of crazy methods including weird, proprietary, GUI Windows software.

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In-reply-to » Did GitHub Copilot really increase my productivity? Yuxuan Shui, the developer behind the X11 compositor picom (a fork of Compton) published a blog post detailing their experiences with using GitHub Copilot for a year. I had free access to GitHub Copilot for about a year, I used it, got used to it, and slowly started to take it for granted, until one day it was taken away. I had to re-adapt to a life without Copilot, but it also gave me a chance to look back at how I used Copilot, ... ⌘ Read more

Deeply questionable legality aside, do any of you use Copilot? Has it had any material impact on your programming work? Is its use allowed by your employer, or do you only use it for personal projects at home?

No never and I never will!

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In-reply-to » Did GitHub Copilot really increase my productivity? Yuxuan Shui, the developer behind the X11 compositor picom (a fork of Compton) published a blog post detailing their experiences with using GitHub Copilot for a year. I had free access to GitHub Copilot for about a year, I used it, got used to it, and slowly started to take it for granted, until one day it was taken away. I had to re-adapt to a life without Copilot, but it also gave me a chance to look back at how I used Copilot, ... ⌘ Read more


As an aside, my opinion on GitHub Copilot is clear – it’s quite possibly the largest case of copyright infringement in human history, and in its current incarnation it should not be allowed to continue to operate. As I wrote over a year ago:

I wrote about this three years ag! https://www.prologic.blog/2021/07/11/why-i-no.html

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In-reply-to » What's that thing called when everyone on a social media platform (hardly matters which one) all post the same sort of thing. It all sounds oh so wonderful, or all so dramatic, everyone claps and cheers and thumbs up or whatever. What's that thing called? There's a term for it hmmm 🧐

Follow-up question:

What do we call it when you get to engage in discussion over topics you find in these “filter bubbles” with a different viewpoint, only to be shot down, overridden, or met with other arguments that support the existing “filter bubble”’s state?

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In-reply-to » What's that thing called when everyone on a social media platform (hardly matters which one) all post the same sort of thing. It all sounds oh so wonderful, or all so dramatic, everyone claps and cheers and thumbs up or whatever. What's that thing called? There's a term for it hmmm 🧐

@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Bingo!

Consequently, users become separated from information that disagrees with their viewpoints, effectively isolating them in their own cultural or ideological bubbles, resulting in a limited and customized view of the world.

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What’s that thing called when everyone on a social media platform (hardly matters which one) all post the same sort of thing. It all sounds oh so wonderful, or all so dramatic, everyone claps and cheers and thumbs up or whatever. What’s that thing called? There’s a term for it hmmm 🧐

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