# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod twtxt.net running yarnd 0.15.1@7fd3daed 2023-11-26T10:40:12+10:00 go1.21.4 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = vgn # url = https://twtxt.net/user/vgn/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://twtxt.net/user/vgn/avatar # description = Retired I.T. nerd – RV Life – vegan – atheist – aspirational writer, musician, genealogist # # following = 6 ## # follow = antonio https://twtxt.net/user/antonio/twtxt.txt # follow = dooven https://twtxt.net/user/dooven/twtxt.txt # follow = ionores https://twtxt.net/user/ionores/twtxt.txt # follow = lukem https://twtxt.net/user/lukem/twtxt.txt # follow = off_grid_living https://twtxt.net/user/off_grid_living/twtxt.txt # follow = prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt 2020-09-19T04:42:16Z so I am here :) 2020-09-19T12:43:15Z @ (#) Hey there. I have questions. lol - for starters, what's with the random hashtags? Some form of UUID? 2020-09-20T04:07:14Z @ (#) gotcha, cool 2020-09-20T04:07:33Z @ @ (#) wow, 130! Very nice. 2020-09-20T04:13:27Z @ Question - what is the benefit (if any) of installing this on my Mac vs just using the web interface? 2020-09-20T04:26:08Z @ @ (#) also, what do I win? :) 2020-09-20T15:02:30Z (#) @ Got it. So no reason to run it on any server that isn't always on (e.g., hosted). Yeah, I'm good w/ the browser, even for mobile. I have no group or community to justify running a separate pod on my own. Is there a list of existing pods anywhere? Or is it pretty much just this one? 2020-09-20T15:13:21Z @ (#) nice! I used to run Mint on my Lenovo - my current daily driver is a MacBook Air, but I am getting an error when trying to upload a photo :( - any ideas @ ? 2020-09-20T15:24:18Z (#) woo-hoo! 🤩 🤔 2020-09-20T16:08:41Z (#<2tjspma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2tjspma>) @ @slashdot @ For the full 1Gbps mmwave, yeah - seems like a poor cost-to-benefit scenario. However, in certain scenarios it could work - mass transit stations, arenas, stadiums, etc. Main benefit is connections per tower. From my reading, a *lot* of the benefit is network and traffic congestion handling. So mainly it helps where towers get too busy, or if you are in a rural setting. Right now this means only T-mobile. More info: [The 5G lie: The network of the future is slow](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/09/08/5g-speed/) 2020-09-20T16:12:00Z (#<2tjspma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2tjspma>) @ @ On the other hand, I recently got over 100mbps download speeds in northern California in a small town (4G LTE on Verizon) - and *these* speeds off my AT&T wireless router/hotspot (don't remember the location):

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/RMtRDDoTWFk95dy4fRE9MN) 2020-09-22T00:23:07Z (#<2tjspma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2tjspma>) @ @ I am so sorry for your loss :/ 2020-09-22T00:25:15Z (#) @ ![](https://twtxt.net/media/i8b7D2PdacHEWUN8VW72xf) there we go!

@ may have been my poor connection, not sure. Working now! 2020-10-20T23:27:47Z (#) I pronounce this as 'tootizens' in my head lol