# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod twtxt.net running yarnd 0.15.1@7fd3daed 2023-11-26T10:40:12+10:00 go1.21.4 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = tamer # url = https://twtxt.net/user/tamer/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://twtxt.net/user/tamer/avatar#jsq3zp52xoofytshbh4ieinfvzni6y6l2kqgrluctvgu2jv6a5wa # description = sailor, pirate, anarchist, hobby coder golang # # following = 27 ## # follow = charleshughsmith-blogspot-com-feeds-posts-default https://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default # follow = darch https://twtxt.net/user/darch/twtxt.txt # follow = eaplmx https://twtxt.net/user/eaplmx/twtxt.txt # follow = fastidious https://arrakis.netbros.com/user/fastidious/twtxt.txt # follow = golang_news https://feeds.twtxt.net/golang_news/twtxt.txt # follow = help https://twtxt.net/user/help/twtxt.txt/twtxt.txt # follow = homer https://twtxt.net/user/homer/twtxt.txt # follow = indieweb https://twtxt.net/user/indieweb/twtxt.txt # follow = jlj https://twt.nfld.uk/user/jlj/twtxt.txt # follow = lohn https://tw.lohn.in/user/lohn/twtxt.txt # follow = lyse https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt # follow = mises-org-feed-blog-rss https://mises.org/feed/blog.rss # follow = movq https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # follow = news https://twtxt.net/user/news/twtxt.txt/twtxt.txt # follow = news@twtxt.net https://twtxt.net/user/news/twtxt.txt # follow = observer https://twtxt.net/user/observer/twtxt.txt # follow = prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt # follow = robotamer https://twtxt.net/user/robotamer/twtxt.txt # follow = stigatle https://twtxt.net/user/stigatle/twtxt.txt # follow = support https://twtxt.net/user/support/twtxt.txt/twtxt.txt # follow = tamer https://twtxt.net/user/tamer/twtxt.txt # follow = tamer@feeds.twtxt.net https://feeds.twtxt.net/tamer/twtxt.txt # follow = thefederalist-com-feed https://thefederalist.com/feed # follow = ullarah https://txt.quisquiliae.com/user/ullarah/twtxt.txt # follow = www-commondreams-org-rss-xml https://www.commondreams.org/rss.xml # follow = www-marktaliano-net-feed https://www.marktaliano.net/feed # follow = www-westernjournal-com-feed https://www.westernjournal.com/feed 2022-01-10T19:19:56Z @ 
[An imaginary conversation with Peter Schiff](https://tamer.pw/blog/2021/12/07/peter-schiff/) 2022-01-11T08:57:00Z (#mna5wlq) Read this @:
[Is There A Way To Prevent Psychopaths From Getting Into Positions Of Power?](https://alt-market.us/is-there-a-way-to-prevent-psychopaths-from-getting-into-positions-of-power/) 2022-01-11T09:02:36Z (#7i3pbma) @ I don't know what Tl;DR is but I deleted and reposted the twt. May have something to do with that. 2022-01-11T09:14:12Z (#7i3pbma) Politics in a democracy has honey pods, positions of influence. Over time this positions get field with narcissistic people. They support each other and take over. To stop the take over you need to create a system that allows only short terms. This will remove the honey pod effect. 2022-01-11T10:04:33Z (#rxexc5a) @ it's not about accountability / impunity.
It's about money flow, and disrupting investment in politicians.
Read it, it's worth it! 2022-01-11T10:39:22Z @ 
I am rediscovering twtxt. Do you have a roadmap somewhere?
Got quite a few suggestions such as.
I find the feed in timeline, and possibility to comment on feed items a great future.
Question, do feed items have a unique id on all pods. Meaning if I comment on a feed in your pod will this show up on all pods?
Why not that should be simple enough to do? 2022-01-11T11:12:32Z @ (#rbxl42a) 
okay, thanks this will keep me busy for a while :)

By the way in @ RSS feed items are showing up multiple times. 2022-01-11T11:24:11Z @ 
I wish I could import my RSS OPML file, and had a RSS timeline. This would replace my RSS feed reader immediately. 2022-01-11T11:57:53Z @ @ (#g4vehxa) 
how do you create the id/hash?
If you create that from let's say the link then the hash schools be the same and you could filter out duplicates. 2022-01-11T11:59:46Z @ (#g4vehxa) yes that could be another filter. 2022-01-11T12:20:13Z (#wxt7tzq) Feed are supposed to be public. The only thing that would be questionable to some people I guess is that your feed list would be public. I for one wouldn't care because what I follow does not mean endorsement. I follow stuff I don't agree with just to get both sides of a story. For example I follow the Atlantic as well as Lew Rockwell. So yes I would not care if that list was publicly available. 2022-01-11T12:38:27Z (#7ajvroq) @ 
Tried get 3 times get: **Your confirmation code is invalid or has expired.**
https://git.mills.io/user/activate?code=202201111233000180d0afbf43c4edbc2cb84b84cae59c77295768cd8f726f626f74616d6572 2022-01-11T12:39:48Z (#5cmoe2q) @ 
Awesome, can't wait. 2022-01-11T13:55:42Z (#5bfu4hq) @ yeah don't worry about it. I was contemplating doing something like it when I was running my own [Citadel](https://citadel.org/) server years ago. Concept is too slow for chat, and the tech is so advanced now a days, they can't compete with matrix and the like. 
Yarn by adding OPML import will soon be competing with (HN)[https://news.ycombinator.com/] a well. 2022-01-11T14:13:32Z (#qvbqmqa) @ 
Wonder what Jews and Moslems think about that. Technically they wouldn't be eating the pig. Currently they create bone from pig bones for teeth implants haven't hurt any Jew complaining that it isn't kosher, or Moslem that it isn't hellal. (Might have spelled that wrong) Lately people haven't been talking much about GMO. Probably because all the vaccinate are now GMO people. If they have taken the mRNA vaccines. 2022-01-11T14:16:11Z (#ah2chnq) @ I have already tried that. I have way too many, very boring job. I'll wait, thanks. 2022-01-11T14:33:34Z (#672n3pa) @ there are a lot of projects with similar aspirations. You need to get people to use it. The more people the better right. (You asked me to bring family and friends for a reason) So you are competing. 
If so the quotation becomes how to get the most functionally people would like and want, with the leased effort. That is what I an trying to help you with. 
Once you have the [HN](https://news.ycombinator.com/) functionally the next think I was going to suggest: 2022-01-11T14:37:32Z (#672n3pa) @ (#<47alxaq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=47alxaq>) let people add a folder with their markdown blog files and voila now you turn their static files in to viewable pages, with twt as comments, and all as you like decentralized. Minimum effort on your side, and user side maximum bang. 2022-01-11T14:40:59Z (#youxogq) @ it's too soon, too much work for Not-for-Profit organization get more mass first. 2022-01-11T14:48:44Z (#3wbhefq) @ that's all server side. You will need more capacity then that can provide for a pod. Imagine 10 pods with 50 users, and the pods using email without a database. Will be too slow. 2022-01-11T15:03:14Z (#672n3pa) I am already using the Bookmarklet.
Here is what I am thinking. 
A mobile up that saves twtxt, and later markdown files locally. 
Syncs them to Dropbox, ftp server, Syncthing, yandex disc, GMX disc, etc.
You already have a lot of pieces in place, but your mobile up depends on pods that's against your vision.
Then you add the markdown files to be pulled and displayed in the mobile up.
This moves all data to static folders and the files get collected by the mobile up. Pods are just search engines, feed collectors not user data collectors. 2022-01-11T15:28:38Z (#672n3pa) @ sorry about the spelling mistakes. English is my third language.
Also I didn't mean to question the vision as such.
Just ment a mobile up that pulls in files directly from the users follow list would line up better with the idea of decentralizing personal data. Since not everyone will be running a pod, but most everyone can have a public facing folder. Specially now with services like [Skynet](https://siasky.net/) coming online.
Sorry hope I didn't offend you too much. 2022-01-11T15:43:18Z (#5h6nshq) @ okay I am saying today's chat expectations are set quite high. With applications like matrix. They provide end to end encryption as well as voice and video chat. A simple email chat system can't compete with that and it would therefore not be worth the time to implement.
The simplest and most effective would be to encrypt data pgp style and add them to the twt.
Using email via the library would move more work and data in to the pod. Just my opinion. 2022-01-11T16:59:08Z @fastidious @ (#iwzloka) 
Yes you would pull it in like everyone pulls in RSS feeds.
Your own data you would sync to a public facing folder. You could use an FTP server, or use Dropbox, Yandex disc, GMX disc or even Syncthing. 2022-01-11T17:09:32Z @ (#iwzloka) Yes but it is much more complicated. Every user travels with all the data of its friends. And shares the data with users totally disconnected from the net. There are no public facing files or folders. It has also pods that share data.
Use encryption, and it's very data heavy on the user app. it is meant as an offline up to be shared over WiFi or Bluetooth. 2022-01-11T19:39:40Z (#kmno7oq) Thanks for sharing!
We have Matrix now, but still I think that is a bummer. 2022-01-11T20:19:51Z (#fixh24a) This will be perfect for twtxt. 2022-01-11T20:55:16Z (#grjwxia) @ 
There are people calling for a Nuremberg trial, and I agree. 2022-01-11T20:59:46Z (#xksovya) @ 
The FED will have to print money just to pay the interest rate on the money the U.S. government owes if it raises interest rates high enough to fight inflation, which in turn will create more inflation. 2022-01-11T21:12:27Z (#sa5gtva) @ 
Government protecting people from government LOL. 2022-01-11T21:24:24Z (#yspvvha) @ 
Another climate change propaganda piece. Climate change is normal.Matter a fact climate has been changing since day one.
We may be accelerating something but I don't see a disaster created by human any where in side.
Here is prove, the sea level just a few hundred years ago. Troy used to be a port city, just like Ephesus.
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/jEqf9GTvxe7646D5t7GEsL.png) 2022-01-11T21:45:18Z (#u3hbuua) @ 
It’s pretty sad when the communists are condemning and criticizing the U.S. government for hypocrisy when it comes to human-rights abuses and civil liberties. It’s even sadder when they are right, especially in the case of Julian Assange. 2022-01-11T21:52:41Z (#kdmn4bq) Can't believe you guys are even thinking, never mind chatting about how to properly greed on the net. 2022-01-11T21:56:09Z (#fixh24a) You said something similar before.
What's wrong with a distributed system such as IPFS or Sia in your opinion? 2022-01-11T21:59:01Z (#xksovya) Yeah, pretty simple but too complex for the FED. 2022-01-11T22:01:53Z It's that time again, getting late so good night everybody. I had fun here today. Nice meeting you all. 2022-01-12T08:38:00Z (#fixh24a) I still don't get your critic. How safe and private does it have to be anyway. I think it is safer and more private then let's say Dropbox isn't it. 
It would be plenty safe and private to store your twt on it wouldn't it. Nobody says you should save your Bitcoin private key on it. So what's your point? 2022-01-12T09:01:59Z (#xksovya) Although your statement @xuu is correct, I still disagree. If you don't have debt deflation is not a problem. However running an economy on credit always hurts the poor and the middle class, it actually enslaves them to the creditors. A deflationary economy encourages saving. 2022-01-12T13:06:46Z (#g26ectq) @ @ Not necessarily there are now a couple of libs that are pure go.
[No cgo sqlite driver](https://gitlab.com/cznic/sqlite) 2022-01-12T13:16:44Z (#g26ectq) Here is another solution
https://github.com/cvilsmeier/sqinn-go 2022-01-12T20:26:50Z @ (#45lcr2a) interesting! 
Can I have more info please.
Thanx 2022-01-12T20:53:46Z @ (#45lcr2a) Never mind found it. 2022-01-13T06:02:48Z @ (#vjgx7fq) A system that doesn't continuously get battle tested will not improve. This is how we innovate, and evolve. 2022-01-13T09:44:51Z twtxt critic: Unfortunately the original values seam to have been eroded. Yarn is turning twtxt in to a cheap copy of Mastodon without the benefit of the [Fediverse](https://fediverse.party). What happened to everybody hosting their own twt files in a public facing folder? 
I was hoping development would have gone in the direction to help people to publish to a personnel held public facing folder via FTP, Dropbox, Sia Skynet, IPFS etc. And servers would just be search engines, and proxies etc.
I appreciate the hard work that has gone in to the Yarn.social however ... 2022-01-13T10:30:39Z You need to first red pill, orange pill will come naturally there after!

[There’s (still) A Ghost On The Monetary Throne – Alhambra Investments](https://alhambrapartners.com/2022/01/12/theres-still-a-ghost-on-the-monetary-throne/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=theres-still-a-ghost-on-the-monetary-throne) 2022-01-13T10:36:54Z (#xnmwvqa) I said making it easy to publish! Users should of course just use their front end app. However the back and is the developers choice. The back end could have easily published to the users Dropbox etc. Front end users would just connect the backend to the app. People can do that, and/or it should at leased be an option. 2022-01-13T10:57:46Z (#xnmwvqa) @ thanks for the offer, however what I am saying here is pretty simple. Users should not have to run a pod, just to own and have control over their data. Having to trust a pod as a user (Like your old man) who can't run their own, just turned yarn in to a copy of mastodon. The "original" aim of twtxt was different. That all I am saying "mate". 2022-01-13T11:16:10Z (#xnmwvqa) A front end like the Android app, should give the user a choice to save their data to where ever they want. Simple that was twtxt initial promise. Own your data was the pitch! 2022-01-13T11:25:25Z (#xnmwvqa) @ in response to: https://twtxt.net/search?tag=fkjb7qa

No disrespect, and as I said earlier I appreciate the hard work! With that said you are welcome to code what ever you like as you obviously do. I am just pointing out, and that is my critic that the original twtxt promise has been derailed. The promise has been broken, which I find very unfortunate. 2022-01-13T13:18:58Z @ (#adqvb2a) he, he you guys are funny. The real misinformation is coming from Bill Gates, big pharma, Soros. haven't watched the podcast, don't have enough internet here. But it is nice to see you guys finally questioning the status quo. 2022-01-13T13:27:40Z @ @ (#zstasaa) can't watch. not enough internet. But I have been doing that for the last seven years or so.
![](https://twtxt.net/media/QyygAU8KC9UpGQyqQzhiWL.png) 2022-01-13T14:09:47Z (#adqvb2a) You are not alone:

["We Failed": Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing Official COVID Narratives Without Questioning Them | ZeroHedge](https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/we-failed-danish-newspaper-apologizes-publishing-official-covid-19-narratives-without) 2022-01-13T14:55:52Z (#rwnngea) 👌 2022-01-13T15:14:43Z (#xnmwvqa) @ I agree a 100%, specially the last sentence. I have not given up on the promise, and I am trying to remind the community that's all. Yarn.Social is a plus not an obstacle, and I hope it stays that way. I hope we get further along at the original promise, where the servers are just proxies, search engines, and dns like services in case you like to move to a new location. Thank you for your input. 2022-01-13T15:39:47Z (#rwnngea) I an not jabbed, with the do called Covid vaccine. I am against GMO, and surely don't want to be modified my self with an mRNA shut. These are not vaccines in the traditional sense. They even had to modify the vaccine dictionary meaning to call it vaccine. Whether you enforce a passport, or deny Healy care it is all against my rights. The so called vaccines don't work, everybody can get sick and transmit regardless of status. 2022-01-13T16:10:24Z @ @ (#rwnngea) That right, your suggestions, make me feel like a Jew in Nazi Germany. So think again! 2022-01-13T16:30:04Z (#rwnngea) @ well same here, but before you advocate for totalitarian measures, you and every body should get their facts straight. That's only possible if you read both sides of the story. Here is a suggestion:
[Why mRNA vaccines are a very bad idea – Rights and Freedoms](https://rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com/2022/01/13/why-mrna-vaccines-are-a-very-bad-idea/) 2022-01-13T16:55:45Z @ @ (#rwnngea) 
![](https://twtxt.net/media/4t2vRJoXQmw7CPmwnaB3Nj.png) 2022-01-13T17:16:44Z @ (#ae3jf7q) interesting dilemma. A more flexible/global solution may be to implement a filter system. No easy solution here. The age/email old spam problem. 2022-01-13T17:50:10Z @ (#rwnngea) you are free to have your opinion, and nobody can force you to educate your self on the subject which is quite complicated, as you mentioned. I respect all that. But if anybody advocates for a totalitarian solution, not respecting my informed choice then that is a violation of my rights, do you agree with that statement? Because if not than we have a real problem. 2022-01-13T18:09:54Z @ @ (#rwnngea) How about we put a big as yellow star on our chest, which says unvaccinated in the center. Will that satisfy you guys? 2022-01-13T18:25:50Z @ (#rwnngea) I will take a vaccine, real vaccine with "life" virus. After it has been tested the way vaccines needed to be tested and approved by the FTC. Non such vaccine exists, and furthermore no one is working on one. Because they have a different agenda. You are trusting the same governments, and experts who said Saddam has weapons of mass ..., then after millions of deaths, they said sorry, and then we found out they lied to us. Own your eyes! 2022-01-13T18:37:46Z @ (#rwnngea) 
The article says __The Nuremberg Code requires that human participants in experiments give informed consent and was adopted as part of the 1949 Geneva Conventions__ .
The vaccines have not been tested properly, and approved, so they are not proven safe. What do you call that? 2022-01-13T19:08:32Z (#xnmwvqa) @ well, it’s a little different as @ pointed out. 2022-01-13T19:24:24Z (#rwnngea) @ appreciate you taking the time to respond to me. Let's leave the mask aside they are not really the issue here.
Early on the argument was children, which are essentially at no risk of dying of Covid are killing their grandparents. What you are saying is very similar but since we know. These shuts do not prevent you from contracting the virus,, you will be transmitting the virus wether you got the shot or not. So what exactly is your profound point? That's right you will according to WHO, and the CDC have a milder experience, and are less likely to die. 2022-01-13T20:30:58Z (#xnmwvqa) I have been accused of not being nice enough before, look like a character flow of mine. I think there are two sides to keep in mind. A coder who is heavily invested in his project. And me trying to be helpful. Obviously if I didn't care I would have just walked away. But what I see here is a profoundly talented coder, who got lost in details. I am trying to give an outside view, from 20.000 feet above ground if you will. I am no enforcement agent, just trying to help. 2022-01-13T20:35:41Z (#ep52c3a) Awesome, I wonder why WE can't never get enough of those sunsets, sunrises or nature at a whole. Today I saw some octopus pictures, just so moving. 2022-01-13T21:32:03Z (#3p6zb7a) @ The U.S. is now taking the cold war to China. The military industrial complex has been missing the Soviet Union for way too long. They on purpose created an adversary worthy, how else could they justify ever increasing financial support for the military. 
Australia by the way will be the new Germany, where most missiles and weapons, and atom bombs will be placed.
Welcome to the new world, cold war order. 2022-01-23T13:12:26Z @ (#cb3akeq) mastodon for books. I like, thanks. 2022-01-23T14:07:06Z Inflation
![](https://twtxt.net/media/FkPLuBV7E2zbtcZGnGovki.png) 2022-01-23T14:15:05Z @ (#k5cl2xq) 
I think this should be called **twtxt-url** yarn is a great contribution, however standards should be twtxt based. Otherwise people will think you are trying to take over with yarn. Just my humble opinion. 2022-01-23T14:33:31Z In politics, whenever I hear the word “unity,” to paraphrase the famous words of a German politico of the 1930’s, “I reach for my revolver.” For almost always, “unity” is a scam, a call to abandon principle and follow the leader into some form of tyranny or sell- out. … genuine unity is only viable in a context of shared values and premises. Unity is only proper within a framework of Justice. Anything else is a hoax, a scam, and an implicit call for the betrayal of principle.

____Murray N. Rothbard__ 2022-01-24T13:15:57Z [Bitcoin “Cult”](https://tamer.pw/blog/2022/01/24/bitcoin-cult/) 2022-01-24T17:34:32Z @ (#nnn7vra) 
I agree only with one thing he says, and that is that he doesn't understand the mechanics.
I am not a fan of tether, since it is provided by a company I don't trust. But basically it is USD digitized/backed. People convert USD to tether to by Bitcoin. Inflation happens when you print money. Bitcoin has a cap of max 21 million coins. Fiat money has no cap. 2022-01-24T18:11:28Z (#nnn7vra) @ 
I don't see a problem, maybe you can enlighten me.
However I see a problem with the Fiat dollar supply.
[Here is the M1 money supply chart](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL) 2022-01-24T18:14:54Z (#nnn7vra) ![](https://twtxt.net/media/ka5EykJjFVZd9X6UNSevhJ.png) 2022-01-24T18:33:03Z @ (#nnn7vra) I know following is a bit of work but I promise it's worth it.

I have written a short but fun blog post about [intrinsic value](https://tamer.pw/blog/2021/12/07/peter-schiff/). 
After that I would like to propose you read this post from just today by [Activist Post](https://www.activistpost.com/2022/01/money-printing-is-destroying-americas-dollar.html) 2022-01-24T19:34:33Z (#su7rjfa) @ I know you think you are being nice. But there is nothing more hurtful then being ignored. I am for education, education meaning reading all sides of an argument before judging. If we can't converse we can't learn from each other, which creates an ever widening divide leading to hate and ignorance. 2022-01-24T20:58:21Z @ (#su7rjfa) Your words don't match with your attitude. We are not conversing, you are telling me to put complex ideas in to a tweet, or to shut up. You are saying you know me based on a couple of previous tweets, where others have accused me of being a Trumpster, but in reality I am not even a republican. In any case that should not even be a topic since the subject is Bitcoin and economy, not politics. 
We are far from the subject. So unless we are both willing to look at each other's arguments on the topic we are not learning from each other, we are stuck.
Maybe next time you will be more genuine. 2022-01-24T22:29:04Z @ (#zcmmw3q) No I don't agree that complex ideas can be put in to tweets. "Shut up" was an exaggeration to make this point.
We are at this point not talking to each other in any genuine way. You taking "Shut up" literally, and elaborating on that is prove to this point. 
We are still way off from the subject at hand. If you want to go back to the thread and subject, I am fine having a genuine discussion about it. But this back and forth, is not productive, and nothing but a waste of time. 2022-01-25T08:06:47Z @ (#zcmmw3q) Okay I will try my best, hope you will keep an open mind.
Before we talk about bitcoin we need a reason. Because if everything is working then we don't need to change. Therefore I urge you to look at my first point if you haven't. And keys talk about that. I uploaded a chard from the FED. See post (#) 2022-01-25T11:55:31Z @ (#qxp2zeq) It is short like a tweet, as you like therefore every word has weight. 
The emphasis here you are jumping over is "Shared values and premises" and "Framework of Justice". 2022-01-25T12:11:58Z (#gl3wb3a) @ (#) This website belongs to the Federal Reserve Bank of the USA.
It is where it publishes Federal Reserve Economic Data.
M1 is all money the U.S. has in circulation minus savings, such as retirement accounts.
[M2](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WM2NS) includes those savings accounts in case you like to see that as well.
Basically it shows you how much money the government prints. 2022-01-25T18:14:50Z (#6cblsua) @ 
Your link shows only physical money paper and coins, most money today is digital in bank accounts, credit cards, PayPal, and also in bonds, stocks etc.
https://www.moneyfactory.gov/resources/productionannual.html 2022-01-25T18:25:56Z (#gl3wb3a) @ simple the FED is printing/creating digital money in masses. Until 2007 they created less then 1 trillion dollars since the FED was created, since then they have created an additional 19 trillion dollars. That is nearly 20 X. This will create inflation the dollars w have will be worth less and less. We are talking massive [inflation](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inflation.asp). 2022-01-26T18:50:22Z @ (#gl3wb3a) Governments and their appointed leaders are supposed to do the right think but they also fail sometimes on purpose, sometimes by chance, and sometimes out of mis calculation. The Romans did, The German Weimar republic did, the Ottoman empire did, more recently Argentina and Venezuela, Libya and Lebanon did. Currently Russia and Turkey's currencies are failing.
As long as we have to trust people to do the right thing this cycle will never end. 2022-01-26T19:04:58Z @ (#gl3wb3a) Think of money as a battery where you save your energy. People work by providing either physical or mental energy. In return they get paid in money which is like a battery. As they need energy from someone else in form of service or product they pay out of their money battery.
This money battery is not supposed to leak your energy. If it leaks a little most people can live with that, like you. However when it leaks a lot like in Venezuela where they have what is called hyperinflation then your money is worth less by the time you take your paycheck to the bank. 2022-01-26T19:10:45Z @ (#6cblsua) I was referring to all money, and no money in the bank are just numbers in a computer, they don't have paper money as backing.
There is a lot, 100 X more digital money then paper money. 2022-02-25T21:57:04Z The U.S. oligarchs such as the # critters are trying to cover up their Covid fiasco with # moves against #. NATO will self implode if they keep this up. Human kind at large has woken up to their games. Sooner or later the U.S. has to come to terms with the new bipolar world. Overreaction by NATO is just going to accelerate the process. 2022-05-25T09:48:19Z [IndieMark - IndieWeb](https://indieweb.org/IndieMark) 2022-09-25T08:11:04Z A decentralised microblogging client based on the specs of twtxt, used to handle your twtxt file.

[twx](https://github.com/tkanos/twx) 2023-02-16T20:25:33Z [Newsweek - It's Time for the Scientific Community to Admit **We Were Wrong About COVID** and **It Cost Lives**](https://www.newsweek.com/its-time-scientific-community-admit-we-were-wrong-about-coivd-it-cost-lives-opinion-1776630)