# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod twtxt.net running yarnd 0.15.1@7fd3daed 2023-11-26T10:40:12+10:00 go1.21.4 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = retronav # url = https://twtxt.net/user/retronav/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://twtxt.net/user/retronav/avatar#ticlcfxtfl575yciedvqnfuyeflwey4oejpsz75evy2mbfy2jp4q # description = When the seagulls follow the trawler, its because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. # # following = 11 ## # follow = home_datacenter https://twtxt.net/user/home_datacenter/twtxt.txt # follow = jlj https://twt.nfld.uk/user/jlj/twtxt.txt # follow = mutefall https://twtxt.net/user/mutefall/twtxt.txt # follow = news https://twtxt.net/user/news/twtxt.txt # follow = off_grid_living https://twtxt.net/user/off_grid_living/twtxt.txt # follow = prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt # follow = retronav https://twtxt.net/user/retronav/twtxt.txt # follow = saltyim https://twtxt.net/user/saltyim/twtxt.txt # follow = stigatle https://yarn.stigatle.no/user/stigatle/twtxt.txt # follow = support https://twtxt.net/user/support/twtxt.txt # follow = ~duriny https://duriny.envs.net/twtxt.txt 2022-03-18T08:42:36Z (#ptmpzfq) @ Hello! Nice to see a community thriving here! 2022-03-18T11:08:06Z (#ptmpzfq) @ Thank you! It's a pleasure to be here 😁 2022-03-18T17:34:00Z Some interesting things cooking on this side! 2022-03-19T06:58:44Z Adding Webmentions to my website! It's fun! https://webmention.io 2022-03-19T17:21:36Z Okay, now I'm seeing the real power of Yarn.social: decentralization. Quite satisfying to see conversations among people using entirely different instances! 2022-03-19T17:48:01Z @ I never realized the tweets here had microformats classes! Time for some webmention stuff πŸ˜‰ 2022-03-20T04:35:26Z (#4g6qewq) @ Great opportunity for me to [POSSE](https://indieweb.org/POSSE) my stuff! 2022-03-20T04:42:38Z (#5chf2va) Looking good so far, I'll wait till they get LSP ready 2022-03-20T04:44:55Z @ Where and how do you host all of your stuff? I'd like to have some tips just in case I decide to do something similar πŸ™‚ 2022-03-20T12:24:27Z (#u4omuyq) Read some of the previous tweets, now that's some stuff πŸ”₯ 2022-03-22T10:31:56Z (#tk67bya) @ I am a jack of all trades, let's see if we can get something decent done! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜… 2022-03-23T12:42:23Z (#3mb5mua) @ Indie tech best tech πŸ˜… 2022-03-23T12:47:20Z (#25ho4sa) @ is this configured by a webook? or is it you typing these 2022-03-25T18:00:48Z (#cgektka) @ I think so πŸ€”, it's easy enough but users would need to be careful with the keys, you won't want someone else to keep your house's keys πŸ˜… 2022-03-25T18:05:21Z (#plpc47a) @ Rightly said by the random guy! 2022-03-26T07:36:25Z Folks, how should I proceed in choosing a name for a project of mine? "Glass badger" just doesn't cut it! Any suggestions are appreciated 2022-03-27T14:34:37Z (#gospeqa) I chose [Ixora](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ixora)! Flower names are beautiful, I'm gonna use more of them for my next projects! 🌸 2022-03-30T17:51:09Z (#q3vu6jq) @ Sorry big man, been busy since a couple of days, can't find time to work on the TUI πŸ™β€¨# # # 2022-03-31T03:45:42Z Found this gem of an article: https://georgefrancis.dev/writing/texture-generative-snacks/
Time to make some generative art! 2022-04-01T16:40:10Z (#7trk2nq) Oops James, you missed on some nice Internet points! /s
Just kidding, I can already see a few salty people coming for you πŸ˜‚ 2022-04-04T06:15:09Z (#3pqsloa) @ I agree, we're ruining our planet Earth rather than preserving/saving it with this passing fad. All of that has to stop.
Oh, how I wish I would curse all of these web3-retards online publicly πŸ˜” 2022-04-04T08:35:23Z POSSE to twtxt.net seems doable πŸ‘€, need to try that one out # # 2022-04-05T05:31:57Z (#awuglxq) @ I'm thinking of POSSE'ing to twtxt, as same with Mastodon and Twitter as well. I have a structure for me in place where I can write "notes", the only thing that remains is how am I going to syndicate it to those three. 2022-04-06T17:51:53Z I think Gemini is a breath of fresh air. These people who develop web standards won't stop at all πŸ˜‚β€¨Guess it's actually a pain to write a browser from scratch 2022-04-07T05:58:20Z (#wkwboeq) @ Probably https://obsidian.md/ is right up your alley. You'd still need to find a way to publish your stuff, should you do it, or else it works well locally. 2022-04-07T06:05:39Z (#2ipurca) Yes, I'm in full agreement. However, I see myself getting sick of all the new things coming up as "web standards", probably that looks like building on a weak foundation to me, so obviously gemini looks like a far better option to me for content in text. Not sure how multimedia would work with Gemini though. 2022-04-08T10:56:09Z (#2ipurca) @ As @ suggested, ASCII images is probably what we're looking for πŸ˜‰β€¨But simply having links with alt text to any hosted image might work if it's too complex/ looks meaningless in ASCII.
For videos, documents, the same thing can be applied, except you cannot really ASCII-fy them. 2022-04-08T10:57:36Z (#tusmt6a) @ No way that's real πŸ˜‚, I'd take in more time solving the captcha than completing the original work in the first place 2022-04-19T06:40:13Z (#pkcp2fq) @ that scum needs to leave humanity 2022-04-20T13:41:01Z (#pkcp2fq) @ I wish we could πŸ˜… 2022-04-27T17:38:30Z (#vqofyyq) πŸ™Œ 2022-04-27T17:40:08Z (#5fhtvwa) @ 
> A group of TikTok- and Instagram-famous physicians 

Whelp, you know it already, using something trendy for more publicity. Think its time to bin NFTs and cryptocurrencies already if it isn't going to help with environment. 2023-02-18T15:26:29Z Been a long time since I posted on twtxt. Hope y'all doing fine! 2023-02-19T05:26:59Z (#4pjoh7q) @ All this IndieWeb stuff is very interesting, I've been trying to get some of the things implemented (Micropub, Webmentions). Also had a short stint with Activitypub but it went over my head. 2023-02-19T17:47:51Z (#b2hbv2q) @ Nice! 2023-02-25T18:18:52Z (#yw7aouq) @ I also happened to write a CLI in Rust not too long ago. It'll definitely help get a taste of the language. Once you get in the mindset, things work out much faster. 2023-02-28T06:19:27Z (#yw7aouq) @ This will be very useful in the future. Thanks for sharing!