# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod twtxt.net running yarnd 0.0.0@HEAD go1.22.2 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = kgtolbs # url = https://twtxt.net/user/kgtolbs/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://twtxt.net/user/kgtolbs/avatar#ww2zsxrr3ojzkj24imppec7vhxtj4zegqv3eh7aukbbrj5vrg73a # description = kgtolbs # # following = 3 # # link = KG to LBs https://kg2lbs.com/ # # follow = kgtolbs https://twtxt.net/user/kgtolbs/twtxt.txt # follow = news https://twtxt.net/user/news/twtxt.txt # follow = support https://twtxt.net/user/support/twtxt.txt 2022-11-02T17:54:58Z The metric system is used more frequently nowadays to measure things like length, width, height, and weight. In the past, the imperial system was used in the United States. This meant that people were more familiar with measurements like feet, inches, miles, and pounds. Nowadays, people are more familiar with the metric system and use it for most things. However, there are still some people that use the imperial system for certain things. This blog post will focus on [how to convert kilograms to pounds](https://https://kg2lbs.com/).