# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod twtxt.net running yarnd 0.15.1@7fd3daed 2023-11-26T10:40:12+10:00 go1.21.4 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = deebs # url = https://twtxt.net/user/deebs/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://twtxt.net/user/deebs/avatar # description = # # following = 19 ## # follow = adi https://twtxt.net/user/adi/twtxt.txt # follow = alexp https://twtxt.net/user/alexp/twtxt.txt # follow = carsten https://yarnd.orbsmart.synology.me/user/carsten/twtxt.txt # follow = carsten@yarn.zn80.net https://yarn.zn80.net/user/carsten/twtxt.txt # follow = chelseyc90 https://twtxt.net/user/chelseyc90/twtxt.txt # follow = darch https://twtxt.net/user/darch/twtxt.txt # follow = deebs https://twtxt.net/user/deebs/twtxt.txt # follow = eldersnake https://twtxt.net/user/eldersnake/twtxt.txt # follow = fastidious https://arrakis.netbros.com/user/fastidious/twtxt.txt # follow = jlj https://twt.nfld.uk/user/jlj/twtxt.txt # follow = korynunn https://twtxt.net/user/korynunn/twtxt.txt # follow = lyse https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt # follow = markwylde https://twtxt.net/user/markwylde/twtxt.txt # follow = mckinley https://twtxt.net/user/mckinley/twtxt.txt # follow = off_grid_living https://twtxt.net/user/off_grid_living/twtxt.txt # follow = prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt # follow = quark https://ferengi.one/twtxt.txt # follow = ullarah https://txt.quisquiliae.com/user/ullarah/twtxt.txt # follow = will https://twtxt.net/user/will/twtxt.txt 2020-09-30T12:53:51Z yeee 2020-09-30T12:55:43Z ![](https://twtxt.net/media/SroxzxyGZzxpW9B37VV6Ko) 2020-09-30T13:00:13Z @ (#) balter xpa ftw 2021-09-16T21:47:39Z I'm back 2021-09-23T05:29:10Z could hear a loud mosquito flying around my head in my house... never seen one this size. $1 coin for size.
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/qm4TqtjuHeRyeGCXXMT4MN) 2021-09-23T06:00:40Z (#) @ 你不好嗎哈哈 2021-09-25T21:59:53Z (#) @ very cool 2021-11-17T07:19:20Z (#qiesgiq) @ Brandenburg Gate 2021-11-18T06:26:36Z (#rxp32lq) @ drinks, I drink. 2021-11-19T03:36:47Z @ I don't have UI/UX skills but I was thinking the "+ Follow" hyperlink on a users profile could better standout dressed up as a button, like the blue Post button. 2021-11-19T07:26:11Z (#oe4juqq) @ that theme looks really nice! 2021-11-19T07:40:28Z Finally got around to upgrading my Mikrotik router to a first class citizen. Ripped out the other devices and have the network running solely off it.

Also switched from blocking DNS queries at the border to masquerading the traffic to the adguard raspberry pi to eliminate DNS retries. 2021-11-19T07:44:30Z (#iwjzioa) @
> “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” ~ Edward Snowden

oof that's a good one 2021-11-19T12:19:48Z After upgrading to macOS Monterey, Little Snitch started reporting connection attempts to new domains, which led me to this: https://developer.apple.com/support/prepare-your-network-for-icloud-private-relay 😬
@ @ 2021-11-22T00:46:06Z (#dhx5ccq) @ after reading further into it, it's probably a good default tbh. I'll be disabling it however. 2021-11-22T02:03:52Z Created a [yarnsocial issue](https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/issues/561) for an idea I had regarding expired posts. 2021-11-22T04:06:47Z (#b2b3omq) @ that looks nice and clean 2021-11-23T01:55:32Z (#7ftshpq) Yeah that "Note to Self" feature is very handy. 2021-11-23T01:57:27Z @ what do you use as an internal CA at home? 2021-11-23T02:01:24Z (#yvd76ea) Just noticed the follow buttons on the [feeds page](https://twtxt.net/feeds) are clashing. 2021-11-23T02:24:56Z (#t3hj6bq) @ looks like routerOS has a CA 🤔 2021-12-01T04:34:37Z [FBI document shows what data can be obtained from encrypted messaging apps](https://therecord.media/fbi-document-shows-what-data-can-be-obtained-from-encrypted-messaging-apps/)

Interesting 🍿 2021-12-01T13:18:51Z wow user profiles look really clean now 👌 2021-12-01T13:28:09Z (#xbn6g5q) Speaking of Signal, just went through the settings menu and I see a payments section now... Send and receive MobileCoin 🤨 2021-12-02T07:03:47Z (#vlaa5xa) @ ooo I had not thought of checking for a stripped down fork 🤔 2021-12-02T07:10:38Z @ just a thought, having forks load inline on your current page but indented, so you don't have to keep going multiple pages deep into forks and get lost where you started. I guess like how Discourse forum software handles replies, if you're familiar with that. 2022-02-08T13:11:25Z Any recommendations for VPN providers? 2022-02-08T13:52:49Z A [stateless password manager](https://github.com/lesspass/lesspass), interesting concept. 2022-02-08T13:58:57Z (#px7hsvq) cloudflare [made one](https://github.com/cloudflare/gokey) in Go. 2022-02-09T00:25:24Z (#prnfq6a) Cheers @ 2022-02-09T00:46:10Z (#px7hsvq) @ good point, it is feature lacking. I think it will be handy for the use cases @ has pointed out.

Add the computed password to your current manager for BAU features whilst having the ability to compute the password anywhere, for those use case credentials. 2022-02-09T01:28:32Z (#px7hsvq) @ to keep things simple, perhaps an auto-fill browser extension which automatically uses the URL FQDN as a realm (to remove manual realm input each time) and securely stores the master password so theres no user input. 2022-02-10T01:07:23Z (#wilgbuq) @ that hedgedoc is really cool. 2022-02-15T09:40:49Z (#z34ojaq) Nicest macbook I've had (M1 air). 2022-02-15T09:49:00Z (#apwn5mq) @ nah I was referring to the [hedgedoc](https://hedgedoc.envs.net/) on the [link](https://envs.net/) you posted in https://twtxt.net/twt/wilgbuq

@ have you seen that hedgedoc? we collaborate on markdown files a fair bit. 2022-02-15T09:59:56Z (#uvkkgaa) I think you're right, their image looks almost identical.

![image](https://hackmd.io/images/home/IndexPic_1-1.svg) 2022-02-15T10:28:16Z (#uvkkgaa) yikes 2022-02-16T12:14:35Z (#fg6oyda) :cringe: 2022-03-19T14:15:42Z This looks promising - https://lapce.dev

vim inspired and "lightning-fast". still in its early days.