# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod twtxt.net running yarnd 0.15.1@7fd3daed 2023-11-26T10:40:12+10:00 go1.21.4 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = cvshumake # url = https://twtxt.net/user/cvshumake/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://twtxt.net/user/cvshumake/avatar # description = DBA # # following = 4 ## # follow = cvshumake https://twtxt.net/user/cvshumake/twtxt.txt # follow = kshumake https://twtxt.net/user/kshumake/twtxt.txt # follow = kt84 https://twtxt.net/user/kt84/twtxt.txt # follow = prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt 2020-09-28T16:02:58Z @ closing FB made it hard to talk at you 2020-10-05T15:15:58Z Golang subreddit is problematic. What's the place golang people are congregating? 2020-10-08T16:51:38Z Got my go daemon updated, but lost my absolute imports from code rot and skill decay and somewhere introduced a bug contrary to the original design's entire intent. But I got it updated and deployed, so I've got that going for me. 2020-10-08T16:53:30Z @ (#<4xrqitq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4xrqitq>) reporting yourself? that's good end-to-end testing, there
now to mechanical turk it to scale :D 2020-11-30T02:31:59Z the go sub posted about this https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/k3cmzl/twtxt_is_a_selfhosted_twitterlike_decentralised 2021-01-05T15:30:55Z Katie been watching Bluey with kids and now we're talking about visiting Australia. Their front yard was called "goals." 2021-01-05T15:31:46Z Also I'm not sure how to see a timeline or responses or replies, etc. Still learning this interface 2021-01-05T17:21:28Z @ (#) @ ^^^ 
(did i just figure tagging out?) 2021-01-07T00:18:39Z I hear some news is happening today 2021-01-07T17:29:20Z @ (#) they're way, way into the deep end of extremist propaganda and think their numbers are higher than they are. they've been duped into believing the election was stolen (evidence shows that, despite attempts to steal it, democrat votes overwhelmed the suppressions) and their nation's government is under threat. So, they're being told their way of life is under attack. 
They weren't taken very seriously, much like *POTUS. 2021-01-07T17:37:34Z I want to pi-hole my home network. Thinking a raspberry zero on wifi is Good Enough despite the latency gains of the wifi jump. Lets me avoid buying a switch. Anyone have data on latency introductions from (dns over) wifi vs ethernet? 2021-01-13T00:33:45Z [This honest representation of the kids back seat made my day](https://twtxt.net/blog/cvshumake/2021/01/13/this-honest-representation-of-the-kids-back-seat-made-my-day) 2021-01-15T21:12:36Z pi-hole up and running :D
todo: learn about DHCP, use dns-over-https, expand raspberrypi responsibilities to route all traffic through it and have it use a vpn, ensure I can switch what endpoint I'm using from my phone. 2021-01-15T21:26:57Z @ (#) my read on reed-solomon erasure encoding is its the generalized implementation of raid 5, that replication factor is about the data stored's complete replica count ignoring any capabilities of recovery through FEC. If you're trusting your FEC, then you'll be happy with replica-counts of 1. HA, of course, is dependent on use case. CAP teaches us to sacrifice Availability, but you can make very HA systems and keep C & P.
Block size? I assume that's about compression's effectiveness - you'll get better compression with more data. 2021-01-15T21:29:32Z @ (#) this is to say, FEC & data duplication solve different problems. Disaster Recovery is possible with data duplication, but a bug in your FEC code and no duplication will prevent it. Use case matters because is your def of HA going to be 99.99% or 99.999%? The first can be single-instance mysql. The second, a cluster. More, and you start stepping into things like TiDB or Spanner. 2021-01-16T00:51:06Z @ (#) :D don't have an account 2021-01-20T21:10:24Z (#<3wfr7ba https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3wfr7ba>) @ means the same thing over here, and Hi! good seeing you! :D 2021-01-27T23:54:08Z So many best parts of Bluey. I love all the neighbors just rolling with it.
The whole show follows the rule of improv: "yes, and..." 2021-02-19T03:21:22Z (#) the one we need is the one that resolves sticky communications issues between arbitrary deployment technology choices with completely skew practices. 
that is to say, take beanshells for the worst example, you suddenly need: 0) declarations to point to arbitrary executables that give 0/1 responses 1) endpoint to check the live deployment status 2) endpoint to flush current configs to disk 3) audits all config changes 4) endpoints to load configs from a spot on disk or from the expected config file 5) source control history of config values and changes, like a ChainMap 2021-02-19T03:23:32Z (#) and then has the ability to cobble together informative outputs in order to aid that sticky communication issue problem. eventually, the process is so complicated that you're better to just make a whole new deployment to change a single config value and, frankly, that becomes the safest, most repeatable, most understood method and easiest to assign to the owning dev team. I think it's a big reason for K8's growth: avoid the communication issues. 2021-02-19T17:25:16Z @ (#) Makes me wonder what you’re referring to with Configuration. Is this a live flag that splits application’s code paths? Is this a plumbing piece that teaches a proxy how to reach the backend? Is this a declaration of dev/stg/prod? What’s the scope? 2022-03-04T23:37:52Z sup.