# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod twtxt.net running yarnd 0.15.1@7fd3daed 2023-11-26T10:40:12+10:00 go1.21.4 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = bml # url = https://twtxt.net/user/bml/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://twtxt.net/user/bml/avatar # description = interested in *nix, linux, *BSD, open source, low power computing, poetry and literature. and gardening too. # # following = ## 2021-01-17T15:49:01Z hi. 2021-01-17T15:59:53Z i write 
it is 
the only way 
i can 
reach you.
― Sanober Khan 2021-01-17T16:21:19Z Reminder: Biden is a war criminal. 2021-02-14T09:40:51Z i originally started out using freeBSD years ago. then over the years eventually linux took over for me. first it was slackware, then redhat, mandrake, debian, ubuntu, arch etc etc etc. but recently i've been back on OpenBSD... and not having to deal with systemd is really quite nice. :P 2021-02-14T09:51:33Z @ (#) ah! this looks really interesting! thank you for this! downloading the iso now and going to check it out. can i run this on bare metal, 32bit cpu? i have this old 32bit netbook that i want to try and revive too. 2021-02-14T13:30:29Z @ (#) been testing out uLinux that past hour or so, and it's pretty neat! i never never booted into a *nix prompt so fast, less than a half a second. amazing! :) 2021-02-15T05:51:42Z i used to use taskwarrior before, and i've tried other command line task apps out there but lately i don't really use them anymore. lately, i've been just making comments in my shell prompt by using the "#" sign, and tagging it, like so:
> $> #<2do. https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2do.> get milk

i have it set where everything is saved in my history logs too, so i can just grep for tags later:

> $> grep "#2do" bash*.log
1613367486 /home/na 123133 #<2do. https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2do.> get milk

and it's all dated, and good enough for me. 

anyway... 2021-02-15T06:08:53Z beeing playing around with mindmaps and mindmap apps lately ex. freeplane. it's all really neat. but was also thinking about the desktop within in my window manager, and thinking about being able to arrange all my folders and file icons there into a sort of mindmap mode. the file/folder icons on the desktop and even in file manager can already bearranged in a sort of mindmap. what's missing are features like linking, the visual arrows connecting files/folders to one another... just... 2021-02-15T06:25:55Z @ (#) yes it's been great. no need to install something, or launch it too. and i'm already in the shell prompt most of the time anyway. i also jot down other notes, all organized with different tags too. 

hmm... this gives me an idea! maybe i'll start # tag, and have it auto post from the prompt? :) 2021-02-15T06:27:24Z (#) javascript gives me severe allergies :P 2021-02-15T06:28:30Z @ (#) yes it's been great. no need to install something, or launch it too. and i'm already in the shell prompt most of the time anyway. i also jot down other notes, all organized with different tags too. 

hmm... this gives me an idea! maybe i'll start a # tag, and have it auto post from the prompt? :) 2021-02-15T06:56:45Z (#) @ i recently installed OpenBSD on an old lenovo netbook and so far everything seems to be working good including power management/suspend. it's day 2 now of this install though...

i think you are correct. overall OpenBSD's hardware support for desktops and servers are good but for laptops in general it's kind of... although thinkpads and lenovo laptops seem to have better support within OpenBSD.

i'm really excited about FreeBSD's upcoming release 13.0. i think i'll definitely switch to that for my main daily computing. 2021-02-15T07:14:36Z interesting RFC dated April 1st, 1998: Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0):

> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2324

looking at the date this was published, i think the authors originally meant this as an apil's fool joke/prank. 

funny because now we have IOTs and this is somewhat a reality today :P 2021-02-15T07:33:05Z (#) @ @ this kind of reminds me of those lisp machines from back in the 50s or 60s? except being lisp it'll be golang machine? this would be a neat project :) 2021-02-15T11:48:26Z @anth @ (#) they have more of these april fool's papers? i'm going to have to look for some more. ha 418 error... oh no, now i got that song in my head, earwom now... i'm a little teapot~ lol 2021-02-16T16:10:26Z (#<4qoykfa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4qoykfa>) @ nice pictures! looks like a wonderful place to hike. i see the village at the base of the mountain, really nice. :) 2021-02-16T16:10:55Z (#<3lzz2ea https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3lzz2ea>) @ i'm downloading this now... uhoh! lol! 2021-02-17T14:52:46Z there's this is script that i needed to run but it wouldn't let me.

looking at the script, it actually checks the current local time and will just exit if a certain time condition is not met. not sure why it's set up this way, but i needed to run it at the moment. so i ran the script this way:

> $> TZ=UTC-10 ./somescript.sh

and it ran! and it felt a little bit like time travel :P 2021-02-17T15:04:29Z (#) @ @ those alphasmart devices are great for writing, the focused no distraction writing. i have two of them actually, the alphasmart neo2 and the dana wireless. i really love the dana wireless because the screen is bigger and runs the handspring/palm os on it. 2021-02-17T15:07:48Z @ (#<36pctnq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=36pctnq>) thanks for the link. interesting!

i'm also prefix the TZ=UTC-* when i launch the signal app or some other chat app, especially if i'm chatting with someone on the other side of world, to match the same time zone they are in. 2021-02-17T15:08:34Z @ (#) looks great! congratulation on your release! 2021-02-17T15:09:28Z @ (#) yes, just noticed the cisco logo on their page. i always get openDNS and openNIC mixed up. 2021-02-17T15:20:37Z @unknown (#) thank you this. lol, there's an RFC for Hypertext Jeopardy Protocol (HTJP/1.0) 2021-02-18T07:40:33Z @ (very) ooh very nice! what are you planning on doing with your rpi3? any special projects planned? i have a rpi3 running as a mail right now and it's chugging along just fine. these little things are really powerful! and happy birthday! 2021-02-18T07:47:50Z been really satisfied with this dbdeployer tool, really handy --> https://www.dbdeployer.com/

> DBdeployer is a tool that deploys MySQL database servers easily. This is a port of MySQL-Sandbox, originally written in Perl, and re-designed from the ground up in Go. See the features comparison for more detail.

this tool allows me to run mysql/mariadb without having to install it my personal computer as service. and with this i can pretty much run any version of mysql/mariadb too.

wondering now if there's a similar tool for postgres. 2021-02-18T18:13:44Z @ @ (#) for the rpi3, i recently re-installed it with Ubuntu 18 LTS and it seems to be running great, headleass. 

but, there doesn't seem to be much difference between the Raspian/Raspberry OS vs Ubuntu, both pretty much look the same to me. 

it also runs a private internal IRC services too, and this setup has been running has been running since December 2017 nonstop, so far so good! haven't had the sdcard go bad or corrupt or anything yet... knock on wood. :) 2021-02-18T18:15:40Z @ (#) yes definitely, the battery life is amazing and uses just regular batteries too. if i could get ssh to work on it, that would be great too, but i don't think it's possible though. 2021-02-18T23:41:53Z @ @ (#) this tutorial on the matrix-synapse, looks like it uses a ppa? i'm looking at the different distros (focal, bionic buster, etc) and each of them only offer i386 and amd64 binaries, but nothing for arm or rpi?
for example:
> https://packages.matrix.org/debian/dists/focal/main/

i could be wrong, but it looks like you might have to compile it yourself? but it looks doable! 2021-02-20T18:19:00Z interesting, saw this on lobster... it's scheme in a grid/spreadsheet. and compiles alright too. 


> https://siag.nu/siag/

sort of related, lisp in a web browser:

> https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/

this one i'm having troubles installing, just keeps crashing. but this one looks neat too. 2021-02-23T03:12:05Z looks interesting! @

systemE: A lightweight systemd replacement written in Emacs lisp:
> https://github.com/grandfoobah/systemE 2021-02-26T12:31:57Z that's great! how soon will the rpi arrive? :) 2021-02-26T12:33:23Z this is pretty neat (h/t: HN): 

> https://justine.lol/redbean/index.html

> redbean makes it possible to share web applications that run offline as a single-file αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε zip archive which contains your assets. All you need to do is download the redbean.com program below, change the filename to .zip, add your content in a zip tool like Windows 10 or InfoZIP, and change the extension back to .com.

> redbean can serve 1 million+ gzip encoded responses per second on a cheap personal computer. 2021-02-26T13:59:46Z ah you got your rpi! what are some issues running Synapse on the rpi? memory requirements, not enough memory? 

running a mail server should be no problem on the rpi, this is actually what i do now. the same rpi also runs an irc server too and works great. i'm remember the earlier days of the internet running a high volume e-mail server on a pentium pro and pentium 133 box with less ram than the rpi... the rpi definitely has more and enough horse power. 

i also have a couple of those rpi zero Ws... i might move one of mail server to one of these, maybe. 2021-02-26T14:31:44Z i'm just running postfix from the packages available with the ubuntu/debian. simple, nothing fancy. i used to run exim before but i really like postfix now. 

i also run another e-mail server that's just completely internal and private. the e-mails stay inside this private network and the server is only accessible via vpn or ssh tunneling. this has been a great set up/solution for a circle of family & friends. i want to do a write up of this someday.

yes, security. as they say "security is a process"? but aside from spam, i think e-mail is a little bit more secure... 2021-02-26T14:35:25Z oh, if you're going to run a public e-mail server off of your network, there are 2 things needs you need to prepare for. the first, need reverse dns on the ip address of the e-mail server. and the second thing, port 25 needs to be unblocked. i know that most ISPs block port 25 by default. 2021-02-26T14:43:03Z this delta chat app client is pretty neat, been testing it out recently. it's a chat app similar to signal/whatsapp etc but it uses e-mail services instead.

where this gets interesting for me is that this chat app can be set up to use an internal private e-mail servers too.

> https://delta.chat/en/
> Delta Chat is like Telegram or Whatsapp but without the tracking or central control. Delta Chat does not need your phone number. Check out our privacy statement. 2021-02-26T14:53:16Z onionshare is pretty cool. but i can't get it to work recently. i think tor's killer feature should be its hidden services. it's great to be able to quickly set up a server and have its services instantly available to the public. or can use keys to have it only available to those who have the keys. this would be great for a small group of people organizing, or a smallish group of people in a book club or maybe an intentional community's intranet, or anyone that needs some kind of web services. 2021-02-26T15:01:44Z yes that's a really good thing about delta chat, the app is available for the different platforms... android, ios, macos, linux, windows. and also if i remember correctly, there's also a cli terminal client too? i think i saw that in the github repo. need to play with that soon too ;) 2021-02-26T15:16:51Z really excited about delta chat! i might set up a dedicated vps instance for this some time in the future. 2021-02-27T04:31:18Z haraka is pretty neat, was surprised it's being developed in node.js! 2021-02-28T19:10:51Z Fun read via lobster:

> How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project (1996): https://www.foo.be/docs/tpj/issues/vol1_2/tpj0102-0001.html 2021-03-01T21:36:32Z "The small web is beautiful": 
> https://benhoyt.com/writings/the-small-web-is-beautiful/ 2021-03-02T01:37:00Z it looks like you use a static site generator to generate your blog(s)? curious which one do you use or recommend? so many of them out there now! jeklly and hugo... don't which one is good... there's even one written in bash too. 2021-03-02T01:39:09Z oops, i spoke too soon! i see you're the maker of mkw.sh! 

it looks really minimalistic, is what i like! i'm going to check this one out :) 2021-03-02T01:51:44Z for some reason i've been a real big youtube addict lately. wow, big big addict. so many great channels out there. this is one of my favorites recently, kimi:
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCip2Wb2oWTMVvCaVPherr3Q/videos

it's like a gardening farming cooking vlog... if you've seen that movie little forest, it has that sort similar feel to it... the quietness. 

what are some of your favorite youtube channels? 2021-03-04T21:41:57Z (#) thank you guys for suggestion! LOL i am now subscribed to all of these channels. uhoh! :P 

off the bat, the primitive technology channel looks pretty interesting! 2021-03-04T21:46:55Z this is pretty neat (via lobster or hn):

 "Solar Protocol is a web platform hosted across a network of small solar-powered servers set up in different locations around the world"

> http://solarprotocol.net/index.html

kind of related to this, from Low Tech Magazine, and parts of their website is running off of solar power too:

> https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/

> https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/power.html 2021-03-04T23:42:21Z (#) i think i finally figured out how to use mkws! it's inspiring me to start a blog now! been some years since i've updated it. i used to just e-mail myself the blog posts which got filtered into a seperate e-mail mbx folder and then a shell script would parse that mbx folder to an html version of each mail.

some of documentation need to be updated a little bit. the Install part:
> wget -O - https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.8.tgz | tar -xzvf -

but the lastest version is 4.0.9!

anyway pretty cool! 2021-03-04T23:44:01Z (#) ah! curious! is there anyway to combine mkws and lmt and pp into one single file? maybe the shell script could "contain" the binaries inside and then run those binaries when needed? just wondering. 2021-03-04T23:54:46Z (#) thank you guys for suggestions! LOL i am now subscribed to all of these channels. uhoh! :P 

off the bat, the primitive technology channel looks pretty interesting! 2021-03-05T01:17:13Z @ (#) i went to re-edit that (to add an "s" to suggestion) and it looks like it repeated instead of being edited? 2021-03-05T01:22:05Z (#) @ @xjix love the old laptops, they all had real keyboards! i had a zenith supersport 286 and i did a lot of writing on that beast :) 

that's one thing about the laptops nowadays, they all come with the chiclet style keys and it's really unpleasant to type on, at least for me. 2021-03-05T01:33:30Z @ (#) it already looks like spring over where you are at... there's still a lot of snow on the ground here. what happened to that one log? it looks all chewed up? did lightening strike it? all those other logs, i'd use them to grow mushrooms like shiitake or lion's mane. 2021-03-05T01:35:59Z @ @ (#) weird, i thought i had followed @ the other day... definitely following now. 

i also noticed some features don't work on here with javascript disabled on the web interface. 2021-03-05T01:43:27Z @ @ (#) i really did follow you other day too, maybe check the logs?. i wonder what happened. anyway, i can now see your replies :) 2021-03-05T01:49:24Z @ (#) it seems possible to embed a binary in shell? i never done this before, but reading this now:

"How to embed a binary file in a bash shell script"

> https://www.xmodulo.com/embed-binary-file-bash-script.html

and it looks like a binary exeuctable can also be embed and also run too? 2021-03-05T01:51:46Z @ @ (#) with the javascript turned off, when i hit the reply button, it doesn't include the @ and hash tag, it's just blank. 

for awhile i had it turned off and just hit the reply and just replied, but it all had no references to anything. i think that's why some people got confused at my replies? :) 2021-03-05T02:03:45Z @ @ (#) yes, it doesn't look pretty :) but it'd be cool to have just one file static linked executable that does it all. 2021-03-05T02:05:27Z @ (#) i have javascript enabled for twtxt now. it's all good now :) 2021-03-05T02:10:36Z @ (#) my blog? yes, i'll let you know when i start it again! currently it's been offline, for awhile now. but, i'm itching to get back into it again, maybe use github for blogging? or maybe sdf? http://bml.sdf.org/ ... maybe a tech/programming/gardening blog? :P 2021-03-05T02:18:29Z @ (#) i've been using firefox as my webbrowser and there's an addon/plugin called NoScript Security Suite. and by default javascript is (mostly) turned off unless i manually enable it for a particular site. 

> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noscript/

this plugin is really great if one is running old hardware old cpu desktops like i am :) 2021-03-05T02:22:06Z @ @ (#) yes, somehow if pp and lst and mkw.sh could all be combined into one? anyway, it's no big deal, just a thought :) 2021-03-05T02:27:42Z @ (#) i don't know much about ham radio, but is'nt packet radio a possibility? but then one needs to get a radio license for that too anyway. 2021-03-05T02:48:59Z @ @ (#) you want to include a (tiny) webserver with mkws? this sounds like a good idea... i noticed a lot of apps include their own webservers now too, like fossil scm.

entr is pretty cool! it's works really well never had any issues with it. i use it to monitor some changes in some files and it launches a script to process those files. i see entr is at version 4.8 now, i better upgrade mine soon! 2021-03-05T03:22:41Z @ another lisp machine implementation: https://github.com/jart/sectorlisp

we need a golang machine implementation! :P 2021-03-05T03:32:44Z @ (#) i really haven't spent much time with golang, but there's something really attractive about golang that i can't quite explain now. 2021-03-05T05:03:39Z @ (#) great slide deck. yes, definitely there's that simplicity going on... like just installing it is really simple, straightforward. just download it and just go! ah, the slide deck is by Brad Fitzpatrick, and he's been working on PerKeep... been interested in this, wanting to test this out someday. have you played with this? in general, how do you organize things Info/articles/bookmarks etc... do you have knowledge base system? 2021-03-05T05:06:42Z @ (#) https://rw.rs/ looks really cool, can't get anymore more minimalistic than that lol. i've heard about the tildeverse before, how is over there? i think i might join up with rw.rs, just looking at the frontpage of site, i love it! 2021-03-05T05:15:46Z @ (#) yes, for general for personal learning, experience, general, notes and note taking, wikis and organizing etc. i was just wondering if you using anything to keep a personal knowledge base system... just curious.

i've been trying to organize all the stuff i have saved in bookmarks, notes, doc txt files, articles clippings and book quotes etc. right now it's just all over the place for me. been looking at the Zettelkasten system lately, it seems to be all the rage right now on the internet!

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zettelkasten 2021-03-05T05:17:08Z @ @ (#) looks like rw.rs doesn't have an ssl certificate for their site, no https just http. 2021-03-05T05:49:07Z @ (#) same here my working natural memory has been pretty good but i've noticed as i get older my recall isn't as good as it used to be, also i keep forgetting things more and more :P i'm not sure what i'm after... but i've been looking at some of these note taking apps lately that use the Zettelkasten system. 

> https://obsidian.md/

Obsidian is pretty neat but when i import over 10K notes, the app just crawls freezes... i don't have enough horse power on my computer. i think it's an electron app too. ... 2021-03-05T05:54:00Z @ @ @ (#) personally i think it's fine... the tree is fine too. i was thinking more about how other people would use it, and just mentioned having a single binary would be nice, it would be easier to use and adopt too. 2021-03-05T05:57:31Z @ (#) this also an interesting app, it's more of a webapp kind of thing that uses Zettelkasten, written in haskell:

"Neuron Zettelkasten"

> https://neuron.zettel.page/ 2021-03-05T06:00:50Z @ (#) you don't have read up about it... lol... this is just something i've been interested in lately, how to manage personal information/data.