# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod twtxt.net running yarnd 0.15.1@7fd3daed 2023-11-26T10:40:12+10:00 go1.21.4 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = bender # url = https://twtxt.net/user/bender/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://twtxt.net/user/bender/avatar#7ntgcfn3nojvevq7mcnbkqizvvolrg4kihsitszohdr5unk6rjqa # description = Proud stakeholder on the Irrelevant Robotic Corporation (IRC), LLC. Bite my shiny metal ass! # # following = ## 2022-12-01T01:49:24Z (#rgv7q3a) @ you should get the time zone automatically. The next screen is royally, and utterly, confusing. My two pence. 2022-12-01T01:55:38Z (#v55m6bq) @ you wrote _“discussing ideas openly and transparently on their merits should not get you banned”_. That **is not** what is happening. It is baseless misinformation with the intent to harm, confuse, and create chaos. It is subversion. It is ignoramus behaviour. 2022-12-01T02:12:43Z The slight horizontal scrolling whilst on mobile is pretty annoying. 2022-12-01T02:22:58Z (#tbewtta) @ football, yes. The US beat Iran 1-0, eliminating them, and staying in the run. 2022-12-01T14:43:26Z (#v55m6bq) @ and people, just people spreading things they believe to be right, but aren't. "Brainwashed" people. Idiots, and the like. People with their own backward, erroneous, beliefs (white race is superior, jewish genocide didn't happen, and the like). Moderation (and yes, that includes banning), and what Twitter is disassembling now, is required. 2022-12-01T15:54:29Z (#v55m6bq) @ good, and comprehensive reply, thank you!

> I don’t know what the answer is, but we can’t be naive and think that just by “debating” we are going to stop people from spreading bad ideas.

Indeed! It comes to mind the popular saying, "How do you deal with nazis? — You punch them in the face." 2022-12-01T18:30:46Z (#v55m6bq) @, you wrote *"I still believe that debating is the most peaceful way to deal with disagreement"*. At which point do you stop debating? If you were debating with Nazi Germany, at which point you stop, and take action? Don't be naïve. You can't reason—and, thus, nor debate—with most people believing, and spreading, misinformation. As @ wrote, I don't know the answer. Now endlessly "debating", and otherwise doing nothing, ain't. 2022-12-01T20:47:58Z (#x7oliha) @ yes, it is.

While on your site, the banner that top about some blog, is covering the site logo, and controls (login, etc.), on mobile. 2022-12-01T20:59:25Z (#zf2p6fq) @ "the National Review is an American conservative editorial magazine, focusing on news and commentary pieces on political, social, and cultural affairs." — Going to leave this here, without further comments. 2022-12-01T21:34:25Z (#zf2p6fq) @ 

> Why have not told the truth since the beginning ??

Because the truth wasn't known. 2022-12-02T00:22:19Z (#l35uzvq) > (by the way Jesus is born end of September beginning of October)

Jesus was never born. It is a myth. 2022-12-02T03:03:25Z (#z5tu5sa) @ does he runs on dirt? If not, and runs on cemented/tiled floor, he needs some nail trimming pronto! 😬

Cute, though. 🥰 2022-12-02T19:29:46Z (#phd6wba) @ center the label, and leave “2 new posts ♻️” (of course, different icon). 2022-12-04T14:10:03Z (#tz55aqa) Did you buy credits? Remember you get limited ones for free. 2022-12-04T22:24:13Z (#n4ozcya) @ did something break? 😅 2022-12-04T22:27:12Z I have been mentioned before, in more than one occasion, yet:

![Zero mentions](https://twtxt.net/media/d7WDgfFxPojXuXS5ymVhtL.png) 2022-12-04T22:41:18Z (#phd6wba) @ I don’t see a reason for the “click here”. Specially when more and more people are in mobile today (tapping, not clicking). Instinctively people will click, or tap. Perhaps replacing “Click here to refresh” with “Refresh now” would be a better UX. 2022-12-05T15:02:46Z (#5k77faq) I see you are, so far, failing. 😂 2022-12-05T15:07:03Z (#qhipmmq) @ .emit eht lla siht ekil etirw ot desu icniVaD odranoeL ,seY 2022-12-05T22:03:32Z (#cwde46q) @iolfree she never did. She simply crossposted from Mastodon, or elsewhere. Never, ever, participated on a twt conversation. 2022-12-05T22:24:25Z (#fg6xlkq) @ they do have access to the web server logs. 2022-12-05T23:39:45Z (#65sar6q) @ who is the one having problems? 😂 2022-12-05T23:41:00Z (#o645kaq) @ thank you. Let’s see how it goes. I am just trying to make the other issue come afloat. 2022-12-06T15:09:07Z @ wishing you a quick, and permanent, recovery! 🙏🏻❤️🌹 2022-12-06T16:03:48Z (#fg6xlkq) And—for all we know—it was the OP first, and last post. Yet, here we are. 🤣 2022-12-06T16:31:49Z (#fg6xlkq) @ but why? What about "This is my first, rather experimental, post." is so enticing, that "quite a few folks" have to immediately follow feeds? 🤯 2022-12-06T16:53:07Z @ OK. Lets see if I can prove something with this. 2022-12-06T20:05:18Z (#fwjfieq) @

> I don’t want to see AI-generated text anymore, that ship has sailed.

Oh boy, you are in for a rude awakening! This is just getting started. 😬 2022-12-07T00:43:15Z (#zn5ej3q) @ oh boy, yes. Anyway, yup. Right. 😂 2022-12-07T19:39:03Z (#cpwvyxq) @ mkws.in (and others) is available for $12. 2022-12-07T20:19:39Z (#cpwvyxq) @ I know, I am pointing out you can get a cheaper domain! 2022-12-07T21:37:50Z (#cpwvyxq) @ if you have monies, of course! 2022-12-08T14:44:51Z (#chrwmaq) @ you are lucky you can get off easy with just "give me $10"! In the US $10 does nothing. You need to give, at least, $50. 😂 2022-12-10T01:14:24Z (#23g67pq) @ what are you referring to? Context, like content, is king. 😊 2022-12-10T14:52:27Z (#verezuq) @ the solution, of course, is to have many servers, each with less users. Anything that grows too big is bound to either have problems, or become too expensive to maintain, or both. So, servers need to be architected to be light weight, and relatively simple to operate. 2022-12-10T16:57:43Z (#verezuq) @ right, how Mastodon does it, because how it is architected, is problematic. I don’t think ActivityPub was meant, and made, to scale to the thousand/millions of followers either. 2022-12-10T18:34:15Z (#aybkk4q) @ not torture! That's the Australian way to toughen children spirit, and encourage strength of mind. 😂 I, for one, welcome our Australian overlords (and overladies)! 2022-12-11T18:45:10Z (#kdyv56q) @ most gift children want here are hard to find. So, the earlier you hunt for them, the better chances you have to find them. That, and the thought of “let’s get it over with”, makes people buy them earlier. 😂 2022-12-15T01:58:19Z (#lzhpceq) @ that's utterly, and absolutely, and irremediably bonkers. And **I love it**! 2022-12-16T12:46:40Z (#xe67zvq) @ I just learned that GoToSocial [got a grant](https://gts.superseriousbusiness.org/@gotosocial/statuses/01GGF7154RG405DC77BY4J24BJ) from NLNet. Maybe instead off applying for Salty, apply for Yarn? 2022-12-16T15:46:26Z (#uuqfnyq) @ lucky you that can escape doing business with Amazon. Around 70% of my shoppings (wants and needs) goes to Amazon. 2022-12-16T16:23:15Z (#fxjn2na) @ meanwhile here I am, wishing temperatures would drop, at least, to 15ºC. It is a lovely click, and I super envy your snow! Let me be exhausted, please! 😅 2022-12-16T16:28:38Z (#q7jniva) @ I used to manage an organisation within Google for Domains (now Google Workspace). DKIM and SPF records were added automatically to the domains, the issue you are describing never was for me. You can always delete the synthetic records that Google creates, and add everything manually. 2022-12-16T17:20:05Z (#jupoztq) @ which static generator are you using on your Axodys blog? I like the templates you are using! 2022-12-17T03:14:43Z (#jupoztq) @ the Fediverse is the winner on this one. It has truly become rich with lots of people moving in—mostly to Mastodon, but to other places too. Even governments are setting up instances. 2022-12-17T06:21:21Z (#sn2xlpq) @ I wasn’t clear, sorry. I was referring to Axodys’ twt, and the Twitter debacle in general. It was the spawning pods mention that drove my comment, because it reminded me of what’s happening right now.

I believe that each community has its niche, so I agree with your assertion. 2022-12-18T05:00:15Z I heard Elizabeth Yarn was seeing with John Mastodon two days ago. I wonder what those two are up to. 2022-12-18T14:11:59Z (#ipmcbhq) @ you are, they tried but it wouldn’t work out. It was something set to fail from the start. 😂 2022-12-18T14:13:59Z (#ipmcbhq) @ it is reference to [this](https://boingboing.net/2022/12/18/mastodon-users-embrace-columnists-funny-error-about-a-fictitious-john-mastodon.html). 😊 2022-12-18T20:48:01Z (#bcshgcq) @ interesting enough, it doesn’t list Youtube (major), nor Tumblr (minor). Of course, twtxt isn’t on the list neither, but I doubt Melon Husk knows what it is. 2022-12-19T00:00:25Z (#kbiy7ta) @ see: https://mastodon.tonywebster.com/@tony/109537085935068143 2022-12-20T01:11:12Z (#7lereha) @ it doesn’t 404 for me. 2022-12-20T12:25:36Z (#6jqbdnq) @ well, https://pixelfed.social/users/win0err.atom 2022-12-20T19:28:46Z (#cp67gsq) @ I have always open them at the base, the point they attach to the tree. 2022-12-21T18:01:53Z (#oabhcpq) @ this is also being done by news networks, and some major companies. The Fedi is certainly experiencing a boom like no other. Mastodon is clearly the winner, but other Fedi servers are also getting noticed, and used, more. 2022-12-21T18:06:02Z (#w4il6na) @ wow, such a nice setup! Some say the Studio Display is overpriced, but once you have seeing one, and used it a little, you will find the price fitting. Congratulations! 2022-12-21T21:00:12Z (#yppfwgq) I knew that being a fucking cursing Aussie would one day come to bite you, @! 🤣 2022-12-21T21:11:07Z (#bukmc7q) @ no, they will still keep the open source free, and will continue the development of it. From your point of view, nothing, absolutely nothing has changed, and there are zero reasons for switching. 2022-12-21T22:37:45Z (#bukmc7q) @ oi, you mentioned the “F” (federation) word. Enough for @ not to even touch it. :-P 2022-12-22T00:56:41Z (#o5hr3nq) "Your money is not charity" but an investment in global security, President Zelenskyy tells the US Congress. "You can speed up our victory.” 2022-12-22T00:57:47Z (#o5hr3nq) "Christmas in Ukraine may be celebrated by candlelight because of lack of electricity, says President Zelenskyy." 2022-12-22T00:59:28Z (#o5hr3nq) "This struggle will determine in what world our children and grandchildren will live," says President Zelenskyy. 2022-12-22T01:00:41Z (#o5hr3nq) Zelensky: "Our two nations are allies in this battle, and next year will be a turning point. The point when Ukrainian courage and American resolve must guarantee the future of our common freedom, the freedom of people who stand for their values." 2022-12-22T01:03:52Z (#o5hr3nq) Front-line soldiers of Ukraine asked to him bring their battle flag to the US Congress, says President Zelenskyy. "Let this flag stay with you. This flag is a symbol of our victory." 2022-12-22T01:13:44Z (#5xlc2qa) @ it is over now, but it was a very good speech. When a transcription is ready, I will link it. 2022-12-22T02:16:43Z (#o5hr3nq) The entire transcript (with relevant annotations) is [now available](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/16/us/politics/transcript-zelensky-speech.html). 2022-12-22T13:06:31Z (#ou7x5jq) @ is baking! 😍 What is it? Gingerbread cookies? Share a pic of the results, no matter how they come out, please! 😊 2022-12-22T15:01:50Z (#ou7x5jq) @ duh! Didn’t occurred to me that it was gingerbread what he was baking. I am such a dummy. 2022-12-22T20:20:31Z (#dvrq7bq) @ I don’t see the OP ever interacting with anyone. I could also say “email was fun while it lasted. Thanks for all the good memories.” 😂😂😂 2022-12-22T22:52:44Z (#ou7x5jq) @ those look yummy, and I am bookmarking the recipe for trying it in the future. Thanks! 2022-12-23T02:23:24Z (#drcwcna) Maybe something like this: https://github.com/FiloSottile/passage 2022-12-23T17:34:54Z (#iwren5a) @ they are sci-fi movies, not real life. 😂 2022-12-25T05:03:33Z (#6nabnda) @ it is 00:03, 25 December. About to go to sleep. 😂 Merry Christmas! 2022-12-25T21:06:34Z (#mjf3zja) @ no, Bender is Bender, and Justamoment is just Justamoment. We are not the same entity. 2022-12-26T21:22:07Z (#6k2pwsq) @ that is an UX nightmare, specially on mobile. 2022-12-27T14:43:33Z (#kvq5ccq) @ enjoy it! (sooo jely here!). What model and brand is that desk? Is it stand up desk, that does lowers too? Asking because I am on the market for one. 😊 2022-12-28T19:39:00Z (#ys42b3a) @ LOL. Better is to replace the switch with a smart-home compliant one. 2022-12-28T19:45:16Z (#mdy36iq) @ they exist, but they are mostly blocked/de-federated. And when new ones pop, they are swiftly taken care of. 2022-12-28T22:37:33Z (#zfa54kq) @ no analytics here. 2022-12-29T18:20:21Z @ setting the "Start Page” to “Discover” does nothing. It is not working. 2022-12-30T17:17:04Z (#e25oz7q) @ @ has given outstanding replies, mine is much, much, sorter: I prefer 140-500 characters reads (many are fine, as long as each remain that short). Ain’t nobody got time to watch some guy with an annoying voice ramble! 😂 2022-12-31T00:49:19Z (#dyd3jrq) @ you didn’t buy into it, but your twt seems to be encouraging people to watch it. 😉 2023-01-02T18:41:15Z (#vuw6awq) @ it should be https://nrw.social/@cblte. 2023-01-04T22:05:57Z (#en4agmq) @ make sure to save the information on that “throwaway” email, as you will need it in the future. You could have created an outlook.com account, it is free.

I get it you are ranting, and complaining about the way Microsoft has mismanaged the game, but creating a random, used-for-the-game-only email is trivial. There was no need for your 1, 2, and 3 steps, if you, indeed, went through all of that. 🤣 2023-01-05T01:35:14Z (#xzi7m6q) @ it shows as `@darch@neotxt`. That’s wrong. 2023-01-07T12:49:18Z (#5czjhfq) @ run `yarnd -help` (or two dashes, I forgot). There is an option to set the fetch interval. 2023-01-10T12:47:15Z (#ob3tdza) @ what’s next, get rid of CSS? 😂 Do you de-badge your cars (remove all lettering from them)? Though one might engage in monologues, sometimes it is worth to know one isn’t talking to the void.

Are you paying for micro.blog? If so, why? 2023-01-10T12:51:03Z (#e4mx67q) @ LOL. 2023-01-10T23:50:57Z (#34ty2iq) @ I feel the same for software subscriptions. It was cute when there was one; now everyone wants you to subscribe to use their app. Slowly falling back to vanilla apps for everything. 2023-01-11T04:45:28Z (#34ty2iq) @ I use iOS and macOS. Both come with very good vanilla apps (calendar, mail, web browser, messaging, notes, etc.). 2023-01-11T12:24:18Z (#wc3s2na) @ is there a spec for it? If so, what do the spec says? What if someone wants to use `../img/avatar.png`, are you going to support it too? 2023-01-11T18:17:47Z (#pyl6vmq) @ what changed that made you join? 2023-01-11T18:21:26Z @ every service that you used to host, but Yarn, is pretty much gone (410). Are they really? 2023-01-11T18:44:03Z (#pyl6vmq) @ yes, what you describe has been around for ages on that site/platform. Metafilter is old! That was mostly behind my question. I used to have an account (probably still do), but I have not been around there in years. 2023-01-11T20:10:12Z (#mq6v6fq) @ start muting/blocking, my friend. 🤣 2023-01-11T20:58:22Z (#mq6v6fq) They are same accounts on completely different domains. 2023-01-11T20:59:33Z (#mq6v6fq) See:

# url = https://om.gay/text/twtxt.txt
# url = gemini://oh.mg/twtxt.txt
# url = gopher://oh.mg/0/twtxt.txt
``` 2023-01-11T21:04:21Z (#pq3g2oq) @ [this is the link](https://proxy.vulpes.one/gemini/gemini.circumlunar.space/~solderpunk/gemlog/orphans-of-netscape.gmi) for those of us not willing to torture ourselves with a regressed protocol. 😂 2023-01-12T00:13:36Z (#ltdrxza) @ saw the name with a gtk in it, and my neck hairs went up. Took a look at the website, and already became uninterested. Looked at the screenshots, and closed the browser right away, clearing cache, and cookies. 😂 2023-01-12T04:56:30Z (#ytyuqea) @ I didn’t have the patience to read it. It’s just too much. 2023-01-12T12:41:40Z (#ee6gadq) @ I will join the 12:00 UTC, just for giggles. Please, bring fun! 😜 2023-01-12T16:18:32Z (#svvpd3a) @ use:

curl wttr.in
``` 2023-01-12T16:19:28Z (#svvpd3a) Alternatively, use https://github.com/schachmat/wego/. 2023-01-12T17:31:09Z (#h27baza) @ are you going to deny Yarning to the seven dwarf members of the Zit family? 😂 2023-01-12T17:55:38Z (#rqxpl4a) @ now, quickly craft a Python script that will count the sheep! Lovely pic, mate. And lovely temps! 2023-01-13T12:53:57Z (#tx6rlqa) @ the Amritsar university sounds like a keeper! I see you will assist me to pick the ideal college. Isn’t it Amritsar? I am confused. Either way, I am interested only if you help me cheat on the entrance exams. Would that be possible? Many thanks in advance. 2023-01-13T15:27:09Z (#evjbp5a) @ there are many other mobile clients that you can use, while you wait for Ivory’s release (I am on the beta, and it is looking good!). I say, don’t procrastinate. Do it now! 2023-01-13T20:52:08Z (#crpf3oa) @ nah, @ likes hosts hopping, and/or account collecting. That’s about it. 😂 2023-01-13T20:54:01Z (#5gagcea) @ you need to write more like this. No errors, no emoji, no *stylised* words. Ah, yes, so much easier to read. Keep it up! 2023-01-13T21:48:51Z (#cnyr2iq) @, me? I am on a different level! I just bend things. You know, pipes, metal bars, the law (oops, did I say that out loud?!). 2023-01-14T14:19:34Z (#uehjnbq) @ but why?! Another version control to get used to, to learn. Git is so light, and so easy to setup. All you need is git, and SSH. 2023-01-14T14:22:42Z (#r6klnba) @ I run a “thoughts” blog. I have a script that open my preferred editor, allows me enter a micro post and, upon saving, commits and pushes it to git, which makes it live using a `post-receive` hook. 2023-01-14T14:26:58Z (#ee6gadq) I had the best intentions. Sadly my mind had other plans. Just waking up. 🙈 2023-01-14T21:49:00Z (#heyijtq) @ it doesn’t die per se—unless the host has hardware problems—but it might get corrupted, forcing a re-install. 2023-01-14T21:51:45Z (#qy3odxa) @ have you tried Caddy? Easier to configure than any other web server, Letsencrypt out of the box. It is awesome! 2023-01-15T05:30:28Z (#uehjnbq) @ while I am glad it works for him, and he was points that are very valid, it doesn’t mean it will work for me. I am fine with git. But good for him! 😂 2023-01-15T14:49:05Z (#xrkgfpa) @ well, Microsoft bought GitHub, not git. As for Gitea, there is always Gogs. 2023-01-15T18:10:33Z (#xrkgfpa) @ I don’t mean to insult, but git does what git was made to do, from get go. Because Microsoft bought a business that arguably added value to git I am not going to move to yet another tool. And I am not even a developer, but use git on a daily basics.

Drew DeVault would say you only need git, patch, and email. 😂 2023-01-15T18:21:34Z (#zbfaaea) It is spam. 2023-01-15T19:11:16Z (#xrkgfpa) @ I didn’t paid attention that autocorrect had done its marvellous job. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 2023-01-16T14:52:13Z (#q6rwseq) “Coffee, black!” — Captain Janeway, “Star Trek Voyager” 😊 2023-01-16T15:17:53Z (#mxxu5lq) @ “Star Trek Voyager” was the first Star Trek I ever saw, right after I emigrated to the US. I have watched it many times, due to watch again. My second was “Star Trek Deep Space Nine”. Love them both! 2023-01-16T17:50:41Z (#mkvgxha) @ it is not just the last link, it is *the only* link 😂. The way I see it, markdown isn’t supported there. It should. 2023-01-17T00:27:22Z (#gy7olva) @ yup. I would sweared it was once supported, but I might be mistaking. 2023-01-18T12:09:29Z (#feqgkqa) @ the Yarn running at twtxt.net has horizontal scrolling issues on mobile (Safari, Chrome). It has other issues too, but the one @ refers to has been around since you took over CSS. 2023-01-18T13:11:52Z (#feqgkqa) @ test it on your own mobile device, whatever that might happen to be. It has to be at twtxt.net. There are also tools that allows you to emulate. 2023-01-18T15:52:59Z (#io5hatq) @ is it deployed at twtxt.net? If so, then it is still broken. I am just replying based on what @ reported. I don’t run Yarn. 2023-01-18T18:03:16Z (#feqgkqa) @ is right. The slight horizontal scrolling occurs where there is a `textarea`. 2023-01-18T18:04:30Z (#feqgkqa) I can’t test the horizontal scrolling on neotxt.dk because I don’t have a test account to try it. To see if it is there, one most be logged in. 2023-01-18T18:19:17Z (#feqgkqa) @ that’s the point we are trying to make: the issue is here on twtxt.net. While logged out, I don’t see the problem (same as in your pod). While logged in, on portions where there is no `textarea` the problem isn’t present either. It is while logged in, on pages where you can enter text on a `textarea`, that the problem arises. 2023-01-18T18:30:16Z (#ozqphna) @ it seems settled that it doesn’t show on Android browsers. It is an issue on iOS. Mind tossing me a test account (delete after my test), to see if it is an issue on twtxt.net only, or something generalised? 2023-01-18T19:30:18Z @, the “Settings” screen has issues as well. I can screenshot it and twtxt about it, but it is easier to see. Click on “Settings” and see the alignment of the three blue buttons, and width in comparison with the rest of the page. This on both, desktop, and mobile. 2023-01-18T20:14:49Z (#y463i3a) @ on “Timeline”, inspect any of the `
` tags. Their computed width is 834px. Now go to “Settings”, and inspect any `
`. Their computed width is 802px.

The way I see it, this is what causing this specific problem (the commented out padding):

.tabs .tab {
 order: 99;
 width: 100%;
 display: none;
 /* padding: 1rem; */

Anyway, I am not a frontend designer. 2023-01-18T20:39:56Z (#y463i3a) @



 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/YbiAZnyFbXBB2jSqzVC9y4.png) 2023-01-18T20:42:06Z (#y463i3a) The `.tabs .tab` classes are applied to a `
` on “Settings". That padding is pushing the `
` tabs. What do you use for content creation, Microsoft Windows? 2023-01-18T20:50:39Z (#y463i3a) @ where did I mention scrolling on this yarn? 2023-01-18T21:29:50Z (#ynd4qxq) @ he means she is doing something right. 2023-01-18T22:36:25Z (#2dt2hza) @ there are little oddities, all observed while using the desktop. On Safari, the yarns count is floating down below “Yarn”, or on the side of it. I will post a screenie. 2023-01-18T22:45:38Z (#2dt2hza) @ finally, someone sees it! And a legally blind person, of all! 🙈 2023-01-19T00:51:41Z (#34vhhgq) Wishing I could do something for you two, @ and @. If talking helps, I am here mates. There are ups and downs in my life too, but I do my best to step on the downs, to reach the ups. 2023-01-19T00:52:13Z (#uuvs7vq) I mean, bending ain’t fun. Am I right? 😅 2023-01-19T02:05:17Z (#uuvs7vq) I am sure joining this weekend video call! Let’s talk, and laugh. Life’s too short for downers. 😊 2023-01-19T18:31:06Z (#nl4kh7q) @ I bet my right hand (I am lefty) it is poisonous, yes. 2023-01-20T02:15:10Z (#eqcmvja) @ 1Password for the win. Will probably migrate the iCloud Keychain in the future. 2023-01-20T02:19:36Z (#nl4kh7q) @ gulp! I just lost my right hand. 😂

> “ As they are non-venomous, when they catch their prey, they suffocate it by constricting it and then swallow it whole. Carpet pythons mostly feed after dark, and eat smaller animals such as rats, possums and birds.” 2023-01-20T02:23:31Z (#2iqfvla) @ so, you keep a separate app for OTPs? 1Password provides that out of the box. 2023-01-20T12:23:45Z (#2iqfvla) @ maybe, yes, but sure is convenient to have your OTP autofill seamlessly. 😅 2023-01-20T12:25:03Z (#mfyoqpa) @ wanting to add that this is for Saturday, not Friday, right? 2023-01-21T17:36:51Z A story in three acts. Here comes the first two.

**Act One**

 ![A fence before painting](https://twtxt.net/media/NfSDa7eZa3baExyqWPq23e.png) 

**Act Two**

 ![A fence after first coat](https://twtxt.net/media/ftnmgNbYYADiH9PZTPZqxV.png) 

Act Three is still to come. 2023-01-21T17:40:15Z (#fzu257a) @ it is fixed in your pod, yes. Good job! 2023-01-21T23:40:49Z (#ij7ebua) @ thank you! I hope the third round was smoothly too. Just got another 5 gallons of paint, will finish it next weekend. I also bought cheaper paint for the old side fence too. Next is to prep an exercise room on the lanai for the kid. Got the epoxy paint today too, to paint the floor. Fun! :-D 2023-01-21T23:42:12Z (#ij7ebua) @ hehehe, I had to make haste because rain was menacing. The new wood absorbed the paint like a sponge, hopefully next coat fixes the little imperfections. 2023-01-22T02:25:08Z (#gzqhooa) @ I would certainly limit the amount of links one can have. If you were to ask me for a number I would say four links, maximum. 2023-01-22T03:02:47Z (#7odmkmq) @ LOL. I am truly surprised someone still uses Keybase. 😅 2023-01-22T18:59:25Z (#dlbntsa) I believe this is a huge misunderstanding, probably driven by the fact that @ first language isn’t English. I don’t see any correlation between his replies to yours, @. So I, too, am lost. 2023-01-22T19:02:52Z (#dlbntsa) I wanted to add that—at least for me—it is hard to follow long twtxts, especially because I come here on mobile. I see twtxt as microblogging, and adjust my attention span accordingly. 😂🙈 2023-01-22T19:06:41Z (#ccj6pha) @ I have no idea on what it means. 2023-01-22T19:11:50Z (#sl7ojtq) @ as I said on another twtxt, you and I both. 😩 2023-01-23T14:00:07Z (#uru3v2a) [This is the systemd file](https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/src/branch/main/deployment/systemd/yarnd.service) @'s is referring, in case you want to use it, @. 2023-01-23T17:33:21Z (#im45t7a) @ where are you seeking to call home? My application for US citizenship took a little over a year. 2023-01-23T17:34:42Z (#im45t7a) Ah, the UK, I see. All this time I figured you were Brit. It’s now I realise you were (are) originally a Canuck! :-) 2023-01-23T19:11:25Z (#im45t7a) @ I once heard the UK immigration process was hellishly long. You have proved it now. In the States, once you get a Permanent Residence, you wait five years, and can apply for naturalisation. I understand, though, that getting into the country legally, and obtaining that Permanent Residence to start with, can be quite hard. 2023-01-23T19:12:39Z (#fh2laiq) @ that looks quite nice! I wouldn’t even get close, and I dabbled some calligraphy in the very far past. 2023-01-24T00:03:29Z (#gaapgna) It is because Australian bigotry, I figure, for what I have read. It seems AC/DC means “having a bisexual orientation” for Australians. And that, of course, is taboo. 2023-01-24T00:06:02Z (#ya7ww2a) @ but he is @! From where did the one you used on this mention came from? 2023-01-24T00:44:08Z (#m5pkk4q) @ 😂😂😂 now I get it! Sorry, it has been one of “those” Mondays. 😅🙈 2023-01-24T00:47:44Z (#53uohla) @ it doesn’t seem to exist. Well, the feed is not found. 2023-01-24T02:09:02Z It sure feels good muting. I mean, I can’t deal with three Kevin. So muted them all. Ah, bliss! 2023-01-24T02:22:33Z (#3io32oa) @ I never did, but I heavily use “Discovery”, and I would see it often. Now is gone. 😇 2023-01-24T02:24:14Z (#qkrp2fq) @ are you sure? I go to the actual feed page, tap the twtxt feed (https://feeds.twtxt.net/ob/twtxt.txt) and get, well, you will see. 2023-01-24T02:40:19Z (#qkrp2fq) @ but it is not? I mean, repeat my steps yourself. 😅 2023-01-24T02:57:08Z (#53uohla) @ @, tap the link on this twt (https://twtxt.net/external?uri=https%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.twtxt.net%2Fob%2Ftwtxt.txt&nick=ob). On the profile page, tap the twtxt. See. 2023-01-24T03:00:08Z (#px76m3q) @ it will probably get worse before it gets better. But I mean, who uses CNET?! 😂 2023-01-26T01:55:50Z (#yaw7nba) @ screw Bender! 😂😂😂 On a non-joking note, I kind of felt sad seeing almost all of your services down. You had something good going on, in a very small piece of hardware! 2023-01-26T20:19:56Z (#y4bsmja) @ it looks like an outlier now. 2023-01-26T23:26:19Z What’s the German word that encapsulates “the feeling of unhappiness with current management”? 2023-01-26T23:27:22Z (#wy7hpca) Hoping @ can help, maybe… 2023-01-27T00:09:51Z (#zsrlf7q) @ [this one](https://m.slashdot.org/story/408310) is even better, and no threats from lawyers, or bars, were received. 😊 2023-01-27T18:13:21Z (#o4rjuoa) @ I found 12 and 13 to be absolutely stunning. Like, I freaking envy not to be there to see it with my own eyes. Because I have the almost-certain feeling that photos do not make justice to what you saw. 2023-01-27T20:22:18Z (#vyjlb3q) @ who not just simply:

pg_dump -F t DB_NAME > /backups/DB_NAME
``` 2023-01-27T20:23:57Z (#vyjlb3q) Of course, using timestamps or something similar in names, and using *find*, or similar, to keep the backups under control. 2023-01-27T20:25:00Z (#4clsuoa) @ create a rule that sends them straight to trash. Welcome to inbox zero! :-D 2023-01-28T01:23:37Z (#vyjlb3q) Same, @, hope she gets well soon! 2023-01-28T01:51:07Z (#4jk6bba) I think OP is trying to understand how twtxt works. There is a language barrier, but I think that’s what he is asking. 2023-01-28T02:21:01Z The whole truth, nothing but the truth… 😂

 ![Image mocking Floridians, who bundle up with a 60°F temperature, while people up north play with water on similar weather](https://twtxt.net/media/mdFxB9K9ZoTBj48yvhUM2B.png) 2023-01-28T04:03:27Z (#4iumzeq) @ SkyNet! The T-1000s are coming! 😂 2023-01-29T14:45:32Z @ I am not seeing some of my previous interactions. This one is an example: https://twtxt.net/conv/svvpd3a 2023-01-29T15:04:07Z (#ns5tmsq) I think the cache is busted… again! “Caching is hard™️!” 😂😂😂 2023-01-29T18:21:49Z (#ns5tmsq) @ touché! 😂 2023-01-29T19:14:20Z (#qijuytq) @ why not to use the app they (WireGuard) provide? What’s the advantage of this one? 2023-01-29T21:57:12Z (#raoifdq) @ no, my reply(ies) have gone missing. 2023-01-29T22:19:49Z (#raoifdq) Yes, but no. This didn’t happen before, it will drive me nuts. That search sucks, by the way. I know, I am being gentle. 😂 2023-01-29T23:31:39Z (#ahfv4xq) @ I don’t know of the top of my head right now. But rather than a search I would like to see the conversation—in this specific case is very, very recent. 2023-01-30T00:07:59Z (#ahfv4xq) I am having dejavú. That’s the reason I and xuu ran pods with the huge cache. 2023-01-30T00:28:23Z (#ahfv4xq) @ this reply made me go looking: https://twtxt.net/twt/hiefgtq. That fact he didn’t see my reply made me rise my eyebrow. That’s the only reason he replied as he did, he didn’t see my reply, nor any other. See the problem? 2023-01-30T00:53:33Z (#keakjsq) @ yes. It is US only, for now. 2023-01-30T02:11:05Z (#ahfv4xq) It seems we need a true database that will be used to render the web client, and no simply an ephemeral cache. 2023-01-30T19:30:12Z (#x7b3vsa) @ how about not a “click to load”, but if I get into a conversation, the related twt are fetched on demand, without interaction? 2023-01-30T21:04:07Z (#bfoni5a) @ flawed is the right word, no harsh at all. Good reading, and thanks for supporting the possibility of convincing @ to switch to a database! :-D :-P 2023-01-30T21:08:35Z (#si4pzcq) @ lovely trek, and a long one indeed! Quite a bit to see on those photos. You got goats fighting, a picture perfect in the middle of nowhere (frame and all), a church, seemingly vast parches of land, snow, ice, a castle, a village, greenery, etc., etc., etc. Wow, it fees as if you walked through different seasons too! Well done, mate, well done. 2023-01-31T11:37:17Z (#5oje4nq) @ how come you addressed eldersnake like this? Did you hit reply? 2023-01-31T12:05:19Z (#5oje4nq) @ ooooh! I see! I didn’t know you were using the mobile app, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked. I though there was a problem on the web interface (JS, or something related). By using the “old” addressing style, it simply randomises amongst the many similarly named, but different TLDs followings you have, right? 2023-01-31T14:38:47Z (#uyobzda) @ they are saving the username, just in case. If twtxt.net becomes popular, they could sell them for some coins (virtual coins, that is). 😂 2023-01-31T15:54:08Z (#jmxqaua) @ what have you done?! Oh noooo! 😅 2023-02-01T02:02:09Z (#hhsmcea) @ please give us a heads up if you are linking to Twitter. On mobile I have no way to know, and I am trying my best to avoid that hellhole. 2023-02-01T02:49:52Z (#47ahtla) @ I am the wrong one to chime on this, as I don’t use them. The only reason I am replying here is because I find they take too much space, and are distracting as well. 

I think your approach is better than current. Add some padding to the left (when filters are visible), and tone down that fly in/out that will make me dizzy, and you got yourself a winner! 2023-02-01T11:59:22Z (#eevyspa) @ I don’t need the conditional. A simple [verbal warning](https://twitter.com)(Twitter) suffices. 2023-02-01T12:35:10Z (#hhsmcea) @ fitting indeed! 😂 2023-02-01T20:21:25Z (#m3awvjq) @ yeah, you mess it up, or something. Ultimately, I blame @. Yes, let’s do that. :-D 2023-02-01T22:29:02Z (#eevyspa) @ it is. I could opt for not following any link, but that would hamper interaction, and camaraderie. Out of politeness, I would like to know if a link I can’t see goes to Twitter, so that I can avoid it. 2023-02-01T22:32:09Z (#eevyspa) Nothing to be done by you. I asked the OP. 😊 2023-02-01T22:40:09Z (#4fjnmhq) @ right now the safest bet, if you want to use the very many, and very nice mobile apps, is Mastodon. That’s bound to change, though. 2023-02-01T22:44:03Z (#qm3awvjq) @ another headless twt? 2023-02-01T22:56:18Z (#4fjnmhq) @ “if you want to use the very many, and very nice mobile apps …” 2023-02-01T23:07:26Z (#vkmvp7a) @ is that the app based on Nostr? 2023-02-01T23:19:58Z (#vkmvp7a) @ add me! :-)

``` 2023-02-02T12:53:56Z (#cac2cxq) @ you have got the whole Zit family. I bet @ is so jealous! Maybe he will get the Bogan family on his pod. That would be so swell! :-) 2023-02-02T13:54:20Z I am still trying it, but I have to say—so far—nostr is a royal, and absolute, mess. As expected crypto bros everywhere, but also porn, all scams you can imagine, and more. 2023-02-02T15:57:35Z (#hq7z3va) I bet I can find uses for it, but do I really want to? Say, I setup my own closed relay, and share it with family and friends. It all comes down to the quality of the client then. 2023-02-02T18:47:20Z (#oqfcuiq) @ I found it, but also found it to be lame, and uninteresting. I am not going to get rid of my private/public keys, and probably will not uninstall the app quite yet, but unless something changes radically I don’t see me using it much, if at all. 2023-02-02T22:14:43Z (#oqfcuiq) And just like that, my affair with nostr is over. :-D 2023-02-03T02:57:13Z (#hc2vrba) @ anybody can run a relay. I briefly ran one today. There are hundreds out there. 2023-02-03T12:51:55Z (#cuflflq) @ I hear you. As always, hope for the best, but prepare for the worse. I am thousands of kilometres away, yet it is also always in the back of my mind. 2023-02-03T13:22:06Z (#4zy46aq) @ it will be nice to be able to read in what context Weizenbaum wrote that. It comes from an article he wrote, "Social and Political Impact of the Long-term History of computing”, which I haven’t been able to find without selling my soul. I understand you are a scholar; could you “lend” us the article? PDF is fine. :-) 2023-02-03T14:42:46Z (#anlhsfa) @ this [was requested](https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/issues/560) in the past, but has not being implemented. 2023-02-03T14:59:35Z (#4zy46aq) @ I got it. Thank you very much for sharing! 2023-02-03T20:03:03Z (#rs62afa) @ picture, or didn’t happen. :-P 2023-02-03T20:04:03Z (#v66tnyq) @ you and I, namesake, you and I! :-D 2023-02-03T23:10:08Z (#er65o2a) @ I tried Iris, yes. Is OK. I proved to myself that Nostr will not work with just my own relay. Even if the latency is 1ms, all the clients will crawl to a stop with only my relay. It seems it is meant to use many relays, which I don’t like.

I also don’t have—nor want, not even free—any cryptocurrency, so that portion of the protocol is of no use, nor interest to me. Have fun, though! :-) 2023-02-03T23:23:34Z (#hysqlbq) @ the rules, as they were planning it, were truly bad. I pay premium for 4K, and multiple devices. It is none of their business where those devices might be, as long as I pay the premium to play on them. Anything else is completely stupid, irrational, and I will not bear with it if, or when, it gets instituted. 2023-02-04T00:02:30Z (#anlhsfa) @ I don’t care, as long as it is possible to upload a file (PDF in this instance, but why to stop there?) that can be linked in similar ways as images. 2023-02-04T04:36:46Z (#exnd2xa) @ only one client. I was stumped myself, so I tried another relay to make sure. Same result. 

I also came across Nick Fuentes, and other extreme right wingers. Not my kind of crowd. 2023-02-04T04:57:05Z (#hab24la) @ “it’s not built on the Bitcoin blockchain per se, but most implementations of Nostr support Bitcoin payments over Bitcoin’s Lightning Network.” — [Non-scholarly source](https://protos.com/what-is-nostr-and-why-do-bitcoiners-love-it/). 2023-02-04T05:13:23Z (#2rkvp7q) @ a web client I used reported 1ms. 2023-02-04T05:18:28Z (#2rkvp7q) @ it is supposed to be fine, but it takes eons for clients to show you text you have posted. 2023-02-04T13:59:04Z (#bfbchba) Yeah, you know what? Just take it from me, and stop hurting your head with it: keep away from that shit. At least for now. It is absolutely worthless. 2023-02-04T17:57:07Z (#kthy2ya) @ you wrote;

> “The Fediverse fractured, mostly because some percentage of users, had to find a way to silence those offensive to them, for the entirety of their instance”

It is called moderation. Often people can get away by blocking individuals. In extreme cases entire instances must be blocked.

I also don’t understand the sanitation you are referring to. You don’t interact with what you don’t like, or agree with. You won’t find nazis in my timelines, or fanatic religiosity. Everyone creates their own space.

If “this place” were to become one day unsuitable for me, I would move on. Not the first, not the last. I always ask myself first, though, “is it me?” Sometimes it is me, and I learn, and I try hard to change.

@ said it better than me. You don’t have the facts at hand, and your reply rose eyebrows, and least at my end. 2023-02-05T02:45:32Z (#k5dgh7q) @ add mute by language. 😊 2023-02-05T02:57:06Z (#k5dgh7q) @ pattern based filtering can get quite expensive, no? If not, then it would be nice to have, of course. And, as I wrote before, language. 2023-02-05T04:27:06Z (#5vsj2sq) @ check your junk location. It might be there. 2023-02-05T04:30:18Z (#5vsj2sq) @ hmm, in that case SMTP might not be configured correctly. 2023-02-05T06:05:42Z This is awesome! (in bed, but having a hard time falling asleep tonight). 😅 2023-02-05T06:06:23Z Hmm, maybe isn’t working right. 2023-02-05T06:07:11Z Now trying the fork on this one. 2023-02-05T06:09:17Z Remember I reply, normally, from “Discovery”. 2023-02-05T06:12:40Z Yikes! 2023-02-05T06:13:14Z (#lvakgca) @ Ugh, JS always come to mess things up. 2023-02-05T06:22:34Z Let’s see now. This is a fork off https://twtxt.net/twt/iuxyejq, picked from “Discovery”. 2023-02-05T06:24:23Z Reply isn’t showing the handle of the person being replied to. 2023-02-05T06:25:21Z I just hit reply to the “Which I think I fixed 🤔” twt. 2023-02-05T06:25:53Z It isn’t. 😩 2023-02-05T06:29:17Z Go to “Discovery”, and tap reply to anything. 2023-02-05T06:33:38Z Brand new twt. 2023-02-05T06:33:53Z Reply from timeline. 2023-02-05T06:34:16Z (#tqsk56q) Reply from Discover. 2023-02-05T06:35:13Z Reply from Timeline. 2023-02-05T06:35:35Z Nope. 😩 2023-02-05T06:39:56Z Reply to “I’m starting to feel quite …” I am 100% on mobile. 2023-02-05T06:42:05Z (#fmhylya) @ it is not that. It is some JavaScript issue. 2023-02-05T06:42:45Z (#fmhylya) @ I have to hit reply twice to see your handle pop. 2023-02-05T06:43:36Z (#fmhylya) @ rats, I have got to sleep now. Almost 02:00. 2023-02-05T06:44:24Z (#fmhylya) @ sounds good! 2023-02-05T13:51:31Z So, I found a few oddities while on mobile.

* From “Timeline”, I need to tap reply twice to have it fill the user’s handle being replied to.
* From “Mentions”, “Discovery”, and inside Yarns, I need to almost spam it, to have it fill the user’s handle being replied to.

That doesn’t happen while on the desktop. 2023-02-05T13:52:10Z (#hs7sjba) Tagging @, so this doesn’t fall through the cracks. :-D 2023-02-05T13:54:34Z (#hs7sjba) I am replying here while in “/conv”, on mobile now. 2023-02-05T13:55:34Z I am replying again, just taping reply once. Once course, since I am replying to myself I don’t see my handle. For this one I tapped once on reply. 2023-02-05T13:56:15Z (#sntvrfa) Yup, even when replying to myself I need to spam “Reply”. 2023-02-05T14:00:12Z (#hs7sjba) So, to sum it up, Yarn reply interaction has issues while on mobile (I forgot to mention same applies to “**Fork**” while on mobile). I might follow Lyse’s (@) advise, and "just don't use it on your telephone, you social addict!” :-D 2023-02-05T21:20:39Z (#sntvrfa) @ it happens, JavaScript sucks, but it is also so good! :-) 2023-02-05T23:46:48Z (#hs7sjba) @ yup, all good. Just replying here for closure. 2023-02-06T00:09:59Z (#d5tbgsa) (#d5tbgsa) @ funny enough, that one on cache is wrong, as the cache doesn’t have the right one. Bottomline #yggk2lq doesn’t really exist. 😬 2023-02-06T00:27:13Z (#d5tbgsa) ¡Ay, Dios mío! This isn’t good. What’s happening now with forks? 2023-02-06T01:27:56Z (#3pmt4qq) @ forking this. As a test. 2023-02-06T01:28:23Z (#ydeis6a) Hmm. 2023-02-06T01:28:56Z (#zxnsdzq) @ you and I. 😩 2023-02-06T01:41:40Z (#juix2cq) (#juix2cq) @ you did? I did it again too! 2023-02-06T01:44:33Z (#64z4k5q) (#64z4k5q) This is crazy. Totally crazy (this is an edit). 2023-02-06T01:51:47Z (#vzg6t2q) @ I can show it to you tomorrow. On jenny, threads and forks look beautiful. 2023-02-06T01:53:19Z (#kjqnuba) @ I am forking this one again. 😂 2023-02-06T12:11:09Z (#ijmet5a) @ LOL. It is not the same! It’s the previous Sue Zit cousin’s cousin, twice removed, on her mother side. People of the Hills! Proud Zit! :-D 2023-02-06T12:12:42Z (#dd4mngq) Another test. Disregard. 2023-02-06T12:13:59Z (#a6g4xia) Bananas! Yup. 2023-02-06T12:14:57Z (#xcuegtq) @ well, yes, forks rule over spoons! Chopsticks are the best, though. 2023-02-06T13:03:04Z (#vzg6t2q) @ this is how it looks:

 ![Yarn and fork visualisation](https://twtxt.net/media/n6QYe5vZciVeJL3EtmJNgZ.png) 2023-02-06T15:28:45Z (#bdw2xxa) @ for me, meeting can wait. 😂 2023-02-06T16:58:36Z (#ne4z52q) @ ahhh, the mighty powerful Australian jinx! 🤣🤣🤣 2023-02-06T23:46:35Z (#z7elfta) @ it isn’t a font for a console/terminal. It is a reading font, hence hyperlegible. :-D 2023-02-07T13:11:55Z (#ahfv4xq) @ check your Grafanas, and stuff! 😂 2023-02-07T13:42:27Z (#ahfv4xq) @ it was a bad joke, sorry. Who else did you shared the credentials with? Was the password a simple one to guess? I didn’t do it—just want to go on records. :-) 2023-02-07T13:53:42Z (#udmmvha) @ doubtful it is coming from the AppStore. It also discovered an issue that should be fixed (parsing issue, or render issue?). 2023-02-07T14:05:07Z (#udmmvha) @ right, it isn’t blank, as you saw. I don’t see it as a failure. After all, it is an apptest account, right? :-) 2023-02-07T19:47:03Z (#hxedo2a) @ you are lucky! In my city they do not replace them, even if they are the ones who damage it. If the lid is broken, they will send a guy to replace the lid, or mend the hinges, or patch the actual bin. It has to be irreparable for them to replace it. 2023-02-07T20:00:05Z (#nu765fq) @ you mean, without the hash showing? Of course it is! :-) 2023-02-07T20:05:32Z (#ifrrj6q) @ we need to do something about the inline code blocks, and code blocks themselves. Their font is too big, they look a bit grotesque. @, what do you say? Can you do a bit of massaging to their styles? 2023-02-07T20:42:16Z (#qlh77ja) @ I read this, somehow, as “I boot into a whole entire OS to use **your preferred shell goes here**. For everything else, I boot into another whole entire OS.” :-D But hey, it’s all about having fun, am I right? 2023-02-07T23:51:16Z (#efkbdpa) @ sadly—I think it was @ the one who said it not long ago—it is bad resource planning. Still, that title is quite right. 2023-02-07T23:54:25Z (#efkbdpa) [This is xuu’s twt](https://twtxt.net/twt/cxcff3q). I dug it up before the cache, with its permanent Alzheimer, forgets about it. 2023-02-08T02:29:16Z (#mgdz3wq) @ LOL. The Shiz feed! 2023-02-08T12:37:45Z (#5mfd7zq) @ "Magic Wand was approved as part of Unicode 13.0 in 2020 and added to Emoji 13.0 in 2020.” If your Android hasn’t gotten an update containing it, then yup, you won’t see it. 2023-02-09T02:03:37Z (#pv26a5q) @ 昼寝はいつも良い考えです。あなたはきれいにさわやかに目を覚ますでしょう。 2023-02-09T11:39:22Z (#zscppoa) @ hhhmmm, what happened here @? 2023-02-09T20:05:22Z (#wcueuna) @ if everything that’s old will be new again, then XMPP shall see their resurgence again, like it is the year 2000. 😂 2023-02-09T20:07:00Z (#25njvma) @ looks like ice on the windshield, not broken. Am I correct? 2023-02-10T23:38:25Z (#vyjlb3q) @ congratulations! Woot! That was some perseverance there! :-) 2023-02-10T23:39:32Z (#pye3a4q) Awesome Samuel Con has joined! @ now Yarn will sure be a success! 2023-02-11T19:20:14Z (#qn2pcqq) @ there is already some telemetry in it. You can query a pod to find a few stats about it. Granted, it is passive, not “dialling out”. 2023-02-12T00:01:39Z (#oyvxhoa) @ I will play devil’s advocate. The telemetry being proposed for the go tool chain is opt-out. I think opt-out is better that being “based on honour”. It is also meant to “see, and fix broken shit” 😜😂

Also, I bet most running Yarn do not even know about it. 😬😂 2023-02-12T18:51:34Z (#bzubzqq) @ sunset was good! I will send one of mine, once our long Winter week is over. 😂 2023-02-12T20:37:07Z (#qwxfdta) @ Nanook has to have to cleanest teeth I have ever seeing in a dog. It is also a handsome one! 2023-02-12T23:22:49Z (#4ayfxjq) @ it is a Husky. 2023-02-12T23:28:26Z (#4ayfxjq) I know this because I searched his raw twtxt.txt, and found it there. If only we had a decent search! 😩 2023-02-13T13:37:28Z (#v4rlsma) @ yes, Yarn does some caching that is pretty ephemeral. If you are gone long enough, nothing will show under your profile. As far as the web interface is concerned, you will not exist. Same for everything else. Granted, you still can check your—and others—text file (if you are into that kind of thing), but Yarn will not show it to you in a browsable manner (like this twt). 2023-02-13T13:44:09Z (#v4rlsma) So, the “Timeline” you are using on your website, that links here, isn’t a good idea. 2023-02-14T12:13:42Z (#2l5clma) @ is it a Linux distribution based on Gentoo. I am not sure with C(11) means but, truly, I don’t need to know. :-) 2023-02-14T14:24:21Z (#gz5euha) Say what you want, I speak for myself. People way much, much, much smarter than me are working on this. Not one, but many. AI will have its use—which it will increase—and it will get better. It is barely on its infancy.

About perceived impossibilities, we are very good at achieving things that previously seemed impossible. 2023-02-14T14:56:39Z (#gzerdja) @ everything is on its infancy, relatively speaking. I mean, your 1940s example is merely 82 years old. What is that? Nothing.

The fact is, we don’t know what we don’t know. The argument is not giving up. It is a way to say “I am not knowledgable enough—not will ever be—to speak on that matter." 2023-02-14T17:50:30Z (#h5nlkkq) @ they can be had, if you use your fork right. :-) 2023-02-14T17:55:45Z (#kxt2sua) @ very nice click! Which lens is that? Using tripod, or not? 2023-02-14T21:40:53Z (#p5wwiva) @ 😍😍😍. I have got to visit, check out your Pleroma, and see if my credentials are still valid. That will be the ultimate test! 😊🙈 2023-02-16T00:07:47Z (#v3ncp5q) @ there are many themes for vim. You just need to pick, and customise the one you like. But no, twtxt doesn’t have a specific vim colour scheme for you to use. You will have to make your own. 2023-02-19T02:27:48Z (#sjbulva) @ not here. We are always watching, always watching you! 😂 2023-02-19T15:04:03Z (#b2hbv2q) @ very, very nice! Very well done! Now, that wasn’t too difficult, was it? 😂 2023-02-19T15:04:53Z (#b2hbv2q) @ what’s next? What’s the roadmap to full back and forth? Don’t lose momentum now! 😊 2023-02-19T15:20:38Z (#4k57gwa) @ looks good! The last part is needed for the first part to make sense. Following ActivityPub actors require receiving, at least, notes/posts from them. Granted, likes and re-blogs aren’t necessary, but posts themselves are. 2023-02-19T20:37:21Z (#zjuy6kq) @ trying to add someone on an ActivityPub server (Mastodon in this case) places the follow as “requested”, and since there is no way to approve on Yarn, it remains in limbo. 2023-02-19T22:51:34Z (#zjuy6kq) @ right, it doesn’t, so it seems a bug. Also, if I update profile in Yarn, it doesn’t update it for AP. 2023-02-19T22:57:05Z (#5cbqssq) @ what do you mean? Is it something I need to do, or are you saying that is a missing part on the implementation? 2023-02-20T13:06:09Z (#4u6tosq) I don’t have a test Mastodon server. I am assuming you are after being able to peek at logs in one, otherwise you could just create an account on any existing one (if no logs access is required).

I check logs (I am really having a hard time finding useful logs on Mastodon), and all I can see is:
method=GET path=/@bender@twtxt.net format=html controller=HomeController action=index status=200 duration=248.79 view=158.94 db=84.15
Which is not much. 2023-02-20T13:09:41Z (#4u6tosq) Also:
path=/users/david/inbox format=json controller=ActivityPub::InboxesController action=create status=401 duration=75.44 view=1.17 db=1.83 key=https://twtxt.net/user/bender/
``` 2023-02-20T13:12:49Z (#4u6tosq) Perhaps check https://docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/follow_requests/, to start? I know my follow requests from Mastodon are ending up on pending. 2023-02-20T22:50:43Z (#3b5qtnq) @ that board is a tiny one! Equivalent to Raspberry Zero, right? What are you planning to use it for? I ordered three Lenovos ThinkCentre M910Q tiny desktop computers a week ago, and I can’t wait till I put my hands on them. Going to dabble with a microk8s cluster. 2023-02-21T15:10:00Z (#2p5jzrq) @ I say, revamp the whole login to be like micro.blog does it. Enter email, you receive a link to login. Drop a cookie. Rinse and repeat. 2023-02-22T01:16:50Z (#3ah5h3a) @ I am extremely curious. What is “tharbon”? 😅 2023-02-22T15:29:02Z (#3ah5h3a) @ 😂. I think combining words would be a logical streamlining of the language. That’s why German is so streamlined (those long words that encapsulate an idea, or a sentence). I propose “thaton" to be used instead of “that on”!

Oh, and Google says it is "tio plu”, but don’t quote it (chat bots can be wrong). 2023-02-22T21:57:45Z (#xaeygjq) @ to add to this, careful with ActivityPub and domains. Once you have an ActivityPub running, you will need to save its keys, because other instances you have federated with will expect them not to change. I am not fully sure of the details, but I have heard you might be disallowed from using the same domain again, if such keys were to change, because it will break federation. 2023-02-22T22:48:30Z (#4dprv3q) @ that’s pretty cool! First time I see it up close, and not like a moon floating from afar. 2023-02-23T11:35:16Z (#nuu7dxa) @ now, that’s progress! I logged on Pleroma without any issue. Very, very well done! 🥳🎉 2023-02-23T20:41:08Z (#wmw35xa) @ before your twt can “show up” on the Fediverse, your account needs to be discoverable. It isn’t. Searching for `@stigatle@yarn.stigatle.no`, or `stigatle@yarn.stigatle.no` renders no results. After your account shows up, and someone can follow you, then anything you type here will be seeing by your follower. 2023-02-23T20:51:51Z (#wmw35xa) @ I am not sure what are the steps on Yarn for that. I will have to ping @, so that he can chime in. I am searching for your handle on my Mastodon server. 2023-02-23T20:53:44Z (#wmw35xa) @ you might need open profile. Do that, and let me know. 2023-02-23T20:56:36Z (#wmw35xa) @ I can’t still browse to your profile. I get a login screen. 2023-02-23T21:00:37Z (#wmw35xa) @ yes, that was it. Now if you twt anything I should be able to see it on Mastodon. 2023-02-23T21:02:30Z (#o4jkd4a) @, yup.

![TWT on Mastodon](https://twtxt.net/media/cveJCbxnz5zj8RoZ48N9VJ.png) 2023-02-23T21:04:46Z (#o4jkd4a) @ no problem. Now if @ would stop being lazy, and finish it! 😂 As you can see, it still shows requested, when I actually followed you, and it also doesn’t allow replies from Mastodon to be seeing by you. 2023-02-24T00:52:24Z (#k4ykyaq) @ they didn’t hear you, the mention is wrong. 2023-02-24T19:21:59Z (#nofcg5q) @ no distributed moderation (as in designating others to moderate), only the administrator has the power to disable/delete users, and/or disallow feeds. No built in twt deletion/hiding methods that I know of. 2023-02-25T01:20:35Z This was in 2022. Maybe by now consumption is higher?
 ![White House excerpt on crypto mining electricity consumption](https://twtxt.net/media/kc597rjxuUQHbVXgtagcWQ.png) 2023-02-26T02:20:10Z (#6kmegzq) @ ignore. Also delete the user. Trust me. 2023-02-27T00:09:30Z (#h3qrupq) @ Что именно нужно или чего нужно? 2023-02-27T20:51:28Z (#llt3esq) @ we don’t need to go that far. I bet I will never see a Tanzanian in their own land. Or just around here, for that matter. 😂

Here we are talking and worrying about other civilisations, when we don’t even know our own. 2023-02-27T23:03:55Z (#s6wx52a) @ welcome, His Majesty’s subject! 🇬🇧 2023-03-01T20:34:27Z (#3nq6dla) @ I don’t understand what you are trying to say. Visa and Mastercard have decided to place their crypto dabbling on hold. Who wanted to rely on Visa and Mastercard, which also "missed the whole point of crypto, to begin with”? You lost me there. 2023-03-01T21:14:48Z (#3nq6dla) @ ah, I understand it now. Thanks. 2023-03-03T13:17:28Z (#xvurpta) @ it solves not crashing Yarn. The bigger it is, the more memory/CPU it will consume. 2023-03-04T22:23:28Z (#wirccaq) @ a good boomerang thrower will never have its boomerang returned. It will always hit the prey. 🪃😵 2023-03-04T22:32:21Z (#wirccaq) @ the ones @ referred to are specifically made not to return, by the way. 2023-03-06T11:35:30Z (#rs62afa) @ what do you mean? I haven’t replied. What happened here? 😂 2023-03-06T12:20:59Z (#rs62afa) @ he must have edited it, or something. As you can see, the connection from this one is broken. 2023-03-06T13:18:55Z (#rs62afa) @ you know what I think about “the cache”. No comments. 😬😂 2023-03-06T16:45:55Z (#jyejv3a) @ I don’t think so, no. 2023-03-07T00:58:19Z (#dheuu5q) @ see https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Illudium%20Phosdex 2023-03-07T01:00:52Z (#4buqm5q) @ delete user without reply. They are not seeking for anything, it is spam masquerade as an innocent request. Unless purged, the spam will remain. That’s what they want. 2023-03-07T01:35:01Z (#yy2couq) @ pick me, pick me! 😂 In seriousness, it depends how busy the site is. It might be worth, yes. 2023-03-07T02:18:35Z (#yy2couq) @ are you using Australian Aboriginal language now? Translate please! 😂😂😂 2023-03-07T18:28:41Z (#gnlcwzq) @ are you interested on running some advertising to your website here? For $1,400 we can run it on the main page, as a banner, or side adverts. I accept **only bank issued checks**, and we need to receive them first, before the advertisements go live. Let us know if interested. Thanks! 2023-03-07T22:50:33Z (#vuefica) @ yup, yup. Another. Reply in Indonesian, let’s see how it goes. :-D 2023-03-08T03:40:14Z (#uyjwuga) @ I don’t understand the hype. You are not the first one to highly recommend it. Since many did the same I rented it a month ago, or so. Couldn’t go beyond 20 minutes—and that was me trying my best to like it. I just couldn’t. 2023-03-08T12:42:41Z (#yy2couq) @ that I know of, it is not possible to remove twts right now without getting dirty on the filesystem/cache, right @? So, web based tools are lacking, even for administrators. 2023-03-08T13:34:05Z (#yy2couq) @ will that remove the twt from twtxt.txt? 2023-03-09T20:40:30Z (#xglhwgq) @ woah! What happened here? 2023-03-10T00:46:01Z (#omzn2jq) @ yes. De-federating is breaking federation with the specific instance, no interaction, a block. The instance being blocked has no saying, and can’t do anything about it. Well, it can change course, and correct issues, but other than that no much else. 2023-03-10T02:04:06Z (#x3s22ua) @ well, one can be fully controlled by a totalitarian government that’s considered adversarial. They are, allegedly, addressing security, not privacy concerns. 2023-03-16T12:26:27Z (#fesxt7q) @ I would say both, or neither. I am just uninterested, that’s as simple as it gets. Also, this reply of yours is completely disconnected on Mastodon. 2023-07-27T17:42:19Z (#72laiqa) The Tubes know almost everything: https://user-agents.net/string/go-http-client-2-0 2023-07-27T17:57:31Z (#4sbpj2q) @ the real question is, will it bend? 2023-07-27T17:57:50Z (#4sbpj2q) I can bend just about anything. I am Bender! 2023-07-28T11:34:55Z (#4sbpj2q) @ your website https://thecanine.ueuo.com doesn’t seem to exist within the US. It renders nothing. 2023-07-30T14:29:02Z (#xt5vyxq) @ the link is literally at the bottom of the first page. 2023-08-02T18:23:22Z (#3ldhjca) Nah, let’s not be lazy. 2023-08-02T18:27:23Z (#nrtxtpa) @ careful there, especially with that “whatever” 😂. There is no way you can run all that on a "10 milliCores of CPU + 64MB of Memory”. It will take more than that, and it will cost more than $0.50 USD per month. 2023-08-03T11:23:05Z (#lekpmia) @ true, indeed! All I can say is, don’t offer this at Mills. Your connectivity isn’t stable (I have come many, many times to find CloudFlare messages). You will have to rent space elsewhere, and then numbers will look differently. 2023-08-10T13:19:25Z (#r2n2n2q) While talking about mnemonics (and perhaps going off tangent a bit), does anyone knows of a tool to generate a mnemonic from a password, and vice-versa? 2023-08-11T13:32:36Z (#em3hj4q) @ that’s a truly sweet bike, mate! Congratulations! I got one similar many years ago, served me well for quite a bit. 2023-08-11T16:38:50Z (#ee63oea) @ it is not about remembering, it is about converting something like:



apple strawberry corn cat cow impertinence bloke bread stone hydrogen mountain

For example, and being able to use the words to “re-assemble” the password. 2023-08-11T16:40:29Z (#ee63oea) @ the document you list is too deep. Also behind a login. I have searched The Tubes, and found nothing. 2023-08-12T02:48:00Z (#o2itj5a) @ see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Series_of_tubes 😂 2023-08-14T15:03:09Z (#kcm3duq) @ it is not about being able to use longer passphrase or not. It is about the feasibility of it. Can a relatively complex string be converted to a mnemonic, and vice-versa, without collisions? 2023-08-14T15:05:16Z (#kcm3duq) I just saw that @ proved it possible with a short Python script. Lovely! 2023-08-14T15:09:17Z (#xuegdaa) @ it works perfectly, thank you! 2023-08-15T17:35:19Z (#izsda6q) @ I believe it is surprise. 2023-08-20T20:43:16Z (#ny4rsta) @ work messaging/interaction is different. They are talking about the rubbish that is Discord. Enterprise messaging is work. It is very important especially whilst working remote. While at work, I have customised notifications, and yes, I almost instantly reply to queries, whether on Teams, emails, or voice (unless, of course, otherwise engaged on something else, but I multitask quite well via chat).

Checking messages once a day, and replying hours later is completely unacceptable within my work environment. It also goes against my own work ethics. 2023-08-21T12:11:33Z (#recffwq) @ ain’t that the truth! Modus operandi also varies from person to person. I have co-workers that never interact on public channels, where the entire team is being pinged. I am the only one “saving face” for the entire team, by actively replying to queries, and actioning as needed. It is just the way I am, too. 2023-08-28T23:00:26Z (#ip32f3q) @ cool! I am @david:netbros.com. 2023-09-11T17:34:20Z (#kpvqbqq) @ going to the address you linked uses a `302` to send me to https://fit.eapl.me/sign_in.php. Why? It also says nothing about what it is. Finally, my phone does all that, and more, automatically; why would I come to the web to record anything? 2023-09-11T22:22:43Z (#amfpmda) @ It records a lot (I use iPhone). Yup, it integrates with many fitness devices (other than the normal walking, running, and biking), and there are plenty apps that can use that raw data. 2023-09-12T23:04:43Z (#l7cdjfa) @ it can be, if you chose to, yes. In my opinion, there is no other better mobile OS than iOS. (let the mobile OS war start! LOL) 2023-09-15T01:21:20Z (#obuj75q) @ Lyse broke it for the rest of us. 😂 2023-09-20T14:19:31Z (#hrsq6ma) @ pff, I say don’t bother. You change hosts/hostnames more often than people changes underwear. 🤣🤣🤣 2023-09-22T20:33:43Z (#lnpcn6q) @ you know OTP is baked into iOS Passwords, right? I just migrated from 1Password to it. 2023-09-23T02:39:30Z (#6fkuuvq) @ Caddy for the win, right?! 2023-09-27T12:21:12Z (#yh7x7lq) @ for a good recommendation we are going to need more information. For the laptop, what would its intended use be? Do you need to run Microsoft Windows? Does it needs WiFi? Destination (for power outlets)? For the phone, do you need it to be “smart”? Physical, or software SIM? Do you want it to work where you are going (destination is needed)?

Details are in the pudding. 2023-09-28T16:02:15Z (#yw6re3a) @ get a Nokia 6300 (https://www.nokia.com/phones/en_us/nokia-6300-4g?sku=16LIOW11A01). For $70 it is easy to buy one every 6 months, if it were to be really bad. :-) Heck, my wife’s SUV eats $70/week of petrol, so… one phone per month is just fine. LOL. 2023-09-28T16:12:34Z (#hltiaka) @@texto-plano.xyz milk, Pepsi, or whiskey? They will all quench my thirst. 2023-09-28T16:20:40Z (#yw6re3a) @ yes, she spends 2.5/hours a day commuting, and her old (2010) SUV now runs at 21mpg (around 34km per 3.8litres). In the US everything is quite far apart. 😩 2023-09-28T17:33:14Z (#yh7x7lq) @ there are plenty of under $400 laptops to chose from. Check Amazon, and filter “under $500”. Same applies to smartphones. Sadly, I don’t have a specific one to recommend because—and not trying to come across as a snob—I don’t “usually” buy cheap things. 😅 2023-09-29T01:45:34Z (#mq2noaq) @ what happens if you get stranded with a broken car in the middle of no where? Or if an emergency comes up where there is no landline? In the US landlines are disappearing, mobile phones have taken their place. 2023-09-29T12:53:21Z (#pcacqyq) @ a risk taker! Next you are telling us you often do bungee jumping! :-D Kidding, kidding. I know someone around here that does similarly; no mobile phones. He sure stands out like a sore thumb! 2023-10-01T23:46:55Z (#iajws5q) @ what’s your Fedi handle? 2023-10-05T14:07:34Z (#w6h2vuq) @ I am with you. Utterly stupid. I am fun at parties, I promise! I just don’t like puns. 2023-10-13T18:43:51Z (#h4cmpga) @ the picoblog has all broken images. 2023-11-03T18:29:52Z (#e74o3la) @ is that you? If so, could you tell me if the background is a real cow hide, or something artificial? 2023-12-13T00:04:14Z (#plyk3la) @ what's so good about the site? I went over (no ads, using uBlock), and all I saw was a poorly made, WordPress based, website. If you are willing to give some money to something like that, I am going to have to re-think my priorities. 😂 2023-12-18T18:54:35Z (#cb6ud2a) @ providing an indirect alternative link: https://nitter.net/ChrisJBakke/status/1736533308849443121 2023-12-18T20:09:22Z (#onnreea) @ lovely! I especially like the frosted leaves ones.

Kind of on a tangent, but slightly related... do German words like "Waldspaziergang" have a name? You know, the "all-encompassing words that mean a lot" kind of words. Do you know of any site that has a comprehensive list of them? I would love to use them as richly as I can on my communication at work! :-) 2023-12-19T12:40:24Z (#a6nrqza) Wow, @, as always you have gone above and beyond to provide plenty of information. Thank you so much! Compound nouns are amazing, and I wish more languages would adopt them. I know English has adopted some (like kindergarden, and wandernlust come to mind), but I want more!

I will sure stump co-workers with a few next year. I am going to handpick them, and use them for impact. LOL. Thanks again! 2023-12-21T02:33:45Z (#arvvywa) @ the entire thread that follows is quite interesting too. Thanks for sharing! 2024-01-11T13:43:18Z (#btepxea) Where did Adan Januzai went?! I go trying to see its twtxt file, and all I get is "Feed not found" 😂😂😂 2024-01-11T22:37:35Z (#a7va6aq) @ what would you consider the "correct way" to tackle the problem? 2024-01-27T22:42:16Z (#cqflpvq) @ that looks quite nice, fulfilling pretty much what you described as needs earlier. There is no need, for your use case, to learn HTML/CSS. 2024-01-30T00:40:05Z (#ankvkia) @ why? Twtxt users can’t like Apple products? Or maybe you are implying we are all dead beats? 😂

I will not be buying it… yet. Got other priorities to fulfill. 2024-02-06T13:49:38Z (#pn753ea) @ that’s some wishful thinking. 😅 Sadly, it ain’t. 2024-02-06T14:48:09Z (#pn753ea) @ I believe it. I don’t watch YT at all. Yet, it is extremely popular. It is the go to for my 78 years old father-in-law to learn how to repair all kind of things. Kids watch gamers in it, and instructive videos (science, tech, history, etc.). It has little, to no competition. 2024-02-06T16:05:35Z (#itszhoa) @ that site is behind a login. 2024-02-07T18:12:43Z (#5ww6svq) @ yeah, that threw me off. I am assuming ~2ms. It better be! :-D 2024-02-10T15:38:27Z (#me3ac2a) Kudos to LittleSnitch. I don’t have a Mac right now, but I still keep my license up to date with them. Worth every penny. 2024-02-12T19:40:19Z (#ankvkia) I have bought many first versions. I am forever thankful to those who do, because they pave the path for the rest of us. First version isn't a problem for me, it is the price entry point. Let me put it this way, if I want to keep my marriage healthy, I better don't buy it. I won't. LOL. 2024-02-12T19:41:37Z (#ihvwsua) @ same here. I will save RAM, storage, and CPU cycles for other things. :-D 2024-02-15T22:45:37Z (#wij4nza) @ booo boooo booooo! 😂 2024-02-16T03:32:44Z (#4xdp7oa) @ Discord… 🤮 2024-02-17T13:21:32Z (#g7eelyq) @ absolute rubbish. 2024-02-17T13:24:17Z (#s5wm2jq) @ let me know if Florida is a stopping point, I have some beer bills waiting to be spent! 😊 2024-02-18T20:38:17Z (#aajeezq) @ a few points:


1. Single point of failure: Relays, though decentralised, could be targeted for censorship or sabotage.
2. Message integrity: Messages are not inherently linked, raising concerns about spoofing and manipulation.
3. Data storage: Clients may need to download large amounts of data, especially historical messages, impacting performance.
4. Limited functionality: Currently focuses on text-based communication, lacking media sharing or advanced features.


1. Steep learning curve: It is still young and requires technical knowledge for setup and use.
2. Limited user base: Finding an active community and familiar faces can be challenging.
3. Unintuitive interfaces: Client applications may not be as user-friendly as established platforms.

Also, full of crypto bros, crypto bros wanna be, and, well, worthless crypto (mixed with some porn, nazi crap, etc.). But go ahead, go through the same phases I went (I even ran my own relay), and see it for yourself. :-) 2024-02-20T21:24:01Z I keep muting accounts here (twtxt.net), and they keep popping back on after some time. It is nuts. :-( 2024-02-21T03:00:07Z (#jq2xtea) @ I would say yes. Maybe caching related? 2024-02-21T17:42:00Z (#glemlpa) @ still, I fail to understand why a "privacy" app is asking for a phone number in the first place. 2024-02-21T17:44:43Z (#jq2xtea) It would be nice to be able to mute/block entire domains, at the user level. Say, I don't want to see any "cyberlandia.pt" related twtxts while peeking at "Discover" or anywhere else, then I simply add that domain to my "Block list". 2024-02-21T17:46:45Z (#e5dahfq) While talking about features, I am sure "Search" remains an unused feature mostly because of its lacklustre. 2024-02-29T18:38:00Z (#iee7bsq) @ completely agree. Also, love the ability Thunderbird used to have (don't know if still does, don't use it) to allow searching for message-id, which we could use to edit emails to fix threats. I used to do it in Mutt too. 2024-03-06T13:52:26Z (#nygq3nq) It is just an acronym that means little. You know, like most German Chocolate cakes: not German, not real chocolate. LOL. 2024-03-08T17:56:05Z (#ymrnh2q) @ it is just the past of wake. Duh. :-D 2024-03-08T17:59:22Z (#ymrnh2q) @ now, in a more serious tone, it is a US slang for "aware of, and actively attentive to, important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)". I will use this opportunity to note: I am woke. 2024-03-12T14:35:44Z (#ovkzvfa) @ it appears to me you will need to run it for 5 years (or more, I am just talking non-sense here, LOL) just to recover the cost of the device itself. Then you will have to spend a little on electricity too---I know it is a low consumption device, but still....

I sure hope you are not planning a retirement out of it. :-D 2024-03-12T15:31:05Z (#xbqymeq) @ because for the other side it doesn't need to make sense. There is lot of hate going around, and an utter lack of education. 2024-03-12T16:15:45Z (#qantj4a) @, in the US it's various factors. This is my believe, based on my own observations, and it might not be accurate.

- I think hate has been latent, but set free by the past (and current running for) president, and exacerbated by the people that have taken over the Republican party. Trump, a "populist" leader, has used (and continues to use) nationalist rhetoric and scapegoating tactics (and lies!) to gain support. This has lead to an increase in intolerance, and a decline in civility. It truly is nuts!
- Trump and his allies has made their followers distrust traditional institutions like media and government, and driven them to fringe sources for information, which are rife with misinformation and hate speech.
- Prices going up, because of current world economy, and reasons outside the power of single entities (governments can't fix everything). In other words, economic insecurity has made people susceptible to scapegoating and blaming others for their problems, fuelling prejudice and hate. 2024-03-12T16:28:02Z (#qantj4a) Also, social media. Yes, that's right! Social media creates echo chambers, where people are only exposed to information that confirms (and reinforces!) their existing beliefs. This leads to increased polarisation and hostility towards people who have different viewpoints. Social media algorithms can also prioritise inflammatory content (you know it!), making it seem more prevalent than it is. 2024-03-12T16:30:08Z (#qantj4a) Maybe increase the amount of text we can type on twtxts? I am running out of space! :-) 2024-03-13T12:28:20Z (#7tvi5wq) @ I prefer not forcing people to go elsewhere to read things that relate here, within a context that exist here (a "yarn"). I have the feeling less than half will go read what you wrote on your notes---that includes me. I might be wrong.

I truly shouldn't complain. I don't participate often enough to ask for anything. :-D Instead, I will adapt. 2024-03-13T12:33:14Z (#ovkzvfa) @mckinley, dear lord! With those odds I would never do it. Playing the lottery indeed. 2024-03-13T12:52:24Z (#xcuabvq) @ on 6, I believe it is just an internal toggle. You have the new Teams like it or not, just using the previous "skin". 2024-03-17T18:21:19Z (#k2lmo2a) @ how well does that works over the Internet, speed wise? 2024-03-19T15:41:05Z (#cvlovya) @ meh, in my opinion you don't buy into a Lexus because of it's superb craftsmanship, engine, and technologies, as engines have been pretty rock solid in other car manufacturers (Kias, Hundais, etc.) for decades now. There is no reason to pick a Lexus specifically over a Kia, both running with engines that burn fossil fuel, as a way of transportation.

LOL. :-D 2024-03-19T18:00:49Z (#lmyoo3q) @ you can't even block/mute them. For those, like me, that use the "Discover" to see what's up, that is a little bit problematic. I live with it, though. :-) 2024-03-20T12:08:08Z (#lmyoo3q) @ I don't know what the fix will be. Ideally, since it doesn't work for bidirectional communication, get rid of the Fediverse integration? Would that stop those posts from showing up? 2024-03-21T21:23:25Z (#hnjfvrq) It is an IPO. :-D I find more value in Reddit than Facebook. Granted, Meta is more than Facebook now a days. I am not buying any, but I wish them (Reddit Inc.), and their investors, well. 2024-03-22T11:34:32Z (#hnjfvrq) @ companies are people too. We should remember that. 2024-03-26T13:49:01Z (#i4fxela) @ yup, that is, sadly, what's happening. It is making the "discover" worthless for my (and @) use case. 2024-03-28T17:06:14Z (#dyqjn5a) @ which one would you call a legacy operating system? If referring to a previous Microsoft Windows OS, it will not be legacy for long. Granted, it might during our lifetime, but I tend to look (and often worry) a bit further. 2024-03-28T18:34:36Z (#pssl4pa) Break a leg! Below a proof that no start goes always smooth:

> : host route1.mx.cloudflare.net[] said: 550 5.1.1
> Address does not exist. 4mZ3ZDn1GNg0 (in reply to RCPT TO command) 2024-03-28T18:40:00Z (#pssl4pa) He will not see this, so it seems. That twt was pretty much a telegram, without sender address. LOL. 2024-03-28T19:10:54Z (#h7kagma) @ I haven't touched PHP for years. I am not about to dirty my hands now. It looks... decent. ;-) 2024-03-29T02:12:04Z (#rtt6tqq) @ oh dear! 😬😩 2024-04-01T11:40:17Z (#jfzitsa) @ I have it simpler than you, and @. I use Apple Music. :-) 2024-04-08T11:32:45Z (#d6xxntq) @ because it is gambling. Not everyone is into it. 2024-04-08T11:36:48Z (#ba3xbfa) @ something is amiss. We can't see the feedback you are referring about (nor you are telling what it was). That is, unless you are talking about a feedback received elsewhere, and simply referring to it here (but, again, not mentioning what it was). 2024-04-08T11:37:54Z (#rtt6tqq) So, all worked out fine at the end, I gather? 🥳 2024-04-08T11:40:08Z (#yfwrbxq) @ how about "borrow[ing] to invest and [trying to] increase their portfolio and wealth?" That's over leveraging! 2024-04-08T12:33:43Z (#ba3xbfa) @ ah, thanks! Yarn's cache strikes again! Haha! 2024-04-08T12:37:10Z (#hn4hnma) @ the link on the first twt (http://darch.dk/timeline/post/ba3xbfa) is terribly broken. Can't see it when clicked from within your "Timeline". It shows fine on Yarn. 2024-04-08T18:28:20Z (#d6xxntq) @ well, when you buy property you are obtaining something tangible, guaranteed. When you bet on the market (I am assuming that's what you meant by investing), you are not guaranteed. 2024-04-08T18:30:31Z (#cruqava) @ ouch! We all know the pain in the shin is at the level of hitting your coccyx, or balls. It hurts like hell! 2024-04-09T11:38:32Z (#reqcmca) @ can you be more specific? Arguably, borrowing to buy real estate might be worth it. Buying a successful, established, business might be worth it. Both are incoming producing assets. 2024-04-09T11:41:16Z (#d6xxntq) @ now you are trolling. LOL. Highest savings (or CDs) around here renders around 5%. No one is going to lend you money at that interest rate, or less, like, ever. 2024-04-09T15:54:09Z (#d6xxntq) @ Goldman Sachs, through Apple, is giving 4.4% on $100K (minimum). Four months rolling CDs in our bank are giving up to 5.10% on $50K, and up. Government treasure bills are around that, some a little less, some a little more. 2024-04-09T16:01:33Z (#d6xxntq) The kick is, if you want to borrow money, all interests are super high (10%+). You can't "borrow to invest " in a savings account. 2024-04-16T12:00:55Z (#l4pyb2a) @ let me give you my very personal advice, using the Queen's language: stay away from all cryptocurrency shit. 🤣 2024-04-16T13:30:25Z (#cjlg4da) @ if you are referring to Adobe (I had to go check Johan’s raw feed), I don’t think many other do digital signatures, and deal with fill-in forms. I have a Windows VDI at work for two exclusive purposes: Outlook, and Adobe Acrobat. LOL. 2024-04-16T13:31:11Z (#cjlg4da) For some reason I can't reply to the original twt (https://twtxt.net/twt/lwb53ba). Deleted? 2024-04-16T13:31:34Z Hmm... are replies broken? 2024-04-16T13:31:53Z (#tn4qffa) Testing 1... 2... 3... 2024-04-16T14:03:23Z (#o2wztra) @ Yarn's caching is the bane of an otherwise decent thing. Wish it was sqlite driven, or something like it. No caching, just "there". 🤣 2024-04-16T14:05:02Z (#l4pyb2a) From Libera's #crypto channel, "Cryptography theory and practice, not cryptocurrency (try ##altcoins -- or better yet, just don't)". Hahahahahaha! 2024-04-16T16:55:17Z (#4sjthna) @ I know it is often those who can't code the ones more vocal. As I endeavour to improve my overall behaviour, and approach to all things in life, please know that I am grateful for what you have done, and continue to do, on Yarn. 2024-04-17T19:00:47Z (#3j7ucpa) I think he might have a hard time knowing there is a reply, @. Then replying will become the next ordeal. Starting friction is strong on twtxt. That's where Yarn excelled. 2024-04-18T11:58:20Z (#3xp2dea) Sounds good. Yarn doesn't have mobile app right now, so having a clean, decent one, would help. I will leave the UI/UX design to the contractor, trusting his taste, and good judgement. :-)

I don't consider search that important. If it will be the same as it is on Yarn web now, then it isn't worth much, or at all. 2024-04-18T15:10:39Z (#63cqh3a) @ "by chance". LOL. 2024-04-19T21:03:07Z (#7due5na) Welcome to the hole! I have been on a down spiral fall since, hmm, let’s say 1970. 😂