# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod twtxt.net running yarnd 0.15.1@7fd3daed 2023-11-26T10:40:12+10:00 go1.21.4 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = adi # url = https://twtxt.net/user/adi/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://twtxt.net/user/adi/avatar # description = Freelance Developer, Indie Hacker, Maker of https://mkws.sh/ # # following = 83 ## # follow = Anthony_Sorace http://a.9srv.net/tw.txt # follow = Kevin https://oh.mg/twtxt.txt # follow = abucci@anthony.buc.ci https://anthony.buc.ci/user/abucci/twtxt.txt # follow = adi https://twtxt.net/user/adi/twtxt.txt # follow = alebcay https://twtxt.net/user/alebcay/twtxt.txt # follow = alexp https://twtxt.net/user/alexp/twtxt.txt # follow = alpacanist https://twtxt.net/user/alpacanist/twtxt.txt # follow = anthk http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw?a=gopher%3A//texto-plano.xyz/0/~anthk/twtxt.txt # 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follow = will https://twtxt.net/user/will/twtxt.txt # follow = xjix https://xj-ix.luxe/.well-known/twtxt/xjix.txt # follow = xuu https://txt.sour.is/user/xuu/twtxt.txt # follow = z3bra gopher://g.nixers.net/0/~z3bra/twtxt.txt # follow = ~duriny https://envs.net/~duriny/twtxt.txt 2020-11-28T06:22:13Z hello, world 2020-11-28T12:38:56Z @ (#) Thanks, glad to be here! Cool project! 2020-11-28T13:08:41Z I think the crowd here would also be interested in my static site generator https://mkws.sh/! 2020-11-28T16:50:32Z @ (#) Alcohol is not a problem, alcohol is a (chemical) solution. 2020-11-29T08:07:08Z (#<74ymzza https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74ymzza>) Thanks! Go ahead! It's also packaged in Void Linux https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/blob/7acd21b605b2c418011657cd49a89568e2b39bc4/srcpkgs/pp/template. 2020-11-29T08:56:04Z (#<74ymzza https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74ymzza>) @ (#<74ymzza https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74ymzza>) `pp(1)` compiles cleanly, `lts(5)` gives a `tcc: error: Unknown relocation type: 23` error. 2020-11-29T09:00:17Z (#<74ymzza https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74ymzza>) @ @ You can get away by not linking statically. 2020-11-29T23:33:17Z @ (#) How many people in total on this pod? 2020-11-30T20:26:53Z @ (#) Almost bed time for me! :P 2020-11-30T20:56:13Z @ (#) Romania. :) It's 23:00 here. 2020-11-30T21:40:20Z @ Who designed your https://jointwt.org/ landing page? 2020-11-30T22:09:42Z @ @ (#) I was thinking to exchange some development for some design on my static site generator's website https://mkws.sh/ and asking around, and tbh, I was thinking of migrating your website to my solution to see how it fits because it looks like a good candidate but I postponed it because I got a headache from clicking "View Source" and didn't know if it would be well received. Maybe I'm old school, but I still prefer semantic selectors in my CSS. 2020-12-01T11:16:09Z (#) I've been recently binge watching Fool Us https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fool+us. 2020-12-01T12:13:45Z (#) Yeah, I was captivated by it! :D 2020-12-02T07:40:32Z @ @ (#) I remember ordering McDonald's for the first time a few years ago. Doesn't taste so good... Not lovin' it. 2020-12-02T07:44:31Z @ (#) `git` is a monopoly! 2020-12-02T08:08:38Z @ @ (#) I'm talking about ordered McDonald's specifically, it gets soggy on the way. 2020-12-02T12:02:45Z @ I think optional self hosting and selling optional hosted services is the future of the web. https://sourcehut.org/ has a similiar business model. 2020-12-02T12:19:54Z (#<2yw2goq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2yw2goq>) Yeah, I understood that, that's why I wrote that. You "just need" to also acquire customers and sell. 😛 What's your target, technical people? 2020-12-02T12:48:41Z @ (#<2yw2goq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2yw2goq>) It's not easy to sell, especially to anyone and everyone. 2020-12-02T13:22:35Z @ (#<2yw2goq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2yw2goq>) Not that I'm great at sales. 😁 2020-12-02T14:11:54Z (#<2yw2goq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2yw2goq>) It's a reasonable price, but you got that right, people only recently started becoming "privacy aware", wouldn't be the first time I recommended people to switch to to "better" tech, but I personally, would probably host my own pod for nothing except the hosting costs. 2020-12-02T20:33:07Z @ I took a closer look at https://github.com/prologic/uLinux, pretty cool, although I prefer https://core.suckless.org/sbase/ to busybox but I guess sbase is imature? Is this https://github.com/prologic/ulinux.org what's on https://ulinux.org/? 2020-12-02T20:52:00Z @ (#<2yw2goq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2yw2goq>) World is not ideal! 😛 2020-12-02T20:56:16Z @ (#) What's wrong with the website? 2020-12-02T20:59:31Z @ (#) What's wrong with the website, sorry, I edited my twt, you said you need to fix it? 😛 2020-12-02T21:11:17Z @ (#) Is this the source code https://github.com/prologic/ulinux.org? 2020-12-02T21:19:04Z I'm crying a little bit inside, why would you use bootstrap to develop this? https://themes.gohugo.io/theme/hugo-researcher/ 😔 2020-12-02T21:30:25Z @ (#) So that's what's wrong with it. 😛 What kind of laziness? 😛 I might take a shot a writing it with `mkws(1)`. 😛 2020-12-02T21:39:40Z @ (#) The original is pretty clean https://ankitsultana.com/researcher/, what a bad port... 2020-12-02T21:45:57Z @ (#) So do I use this version https://github.com/prologic/ulinux.org? 2020-12-02T21:49:08Z @ (#) Cool! 2020-12-02T22:21:49Z @ @ (#) I don't think https://github.com/prologic/ulinux.org is complete, there are some menu items that don't have any pages like Documentation, Downloads, Packages, Ports? I think that's why there's a different version on http://ulinux.org/? 2020-12-02T22:28:00Z This is pretty cool for live reloading https://livejs.com/, no `npm`, just drop in the script. 2020-12-02T22:39:56Z @ (#) So I can just leave the links as they are? 2020-12-02T23:16:21Z @ (#) But then you moved to GitHub pages because you didn't want to sync the README. 😛 I guess you could just fetch it when generating. 2020-12-03T18:01:42Z @ Does `ulinux` have `wget(1)`? 2020-12-04T09:08:07Z @ Did some work on https://ulinux.org website, do you think something like this would work https://file.io/23ohDS3bExeH? 2020-12-04T09:14:06Z @ (#) https://file.io/Cgp54amxhwVy 2020-12-04T09:18:13Z @ (#) Click "Download File"? 2020-12-04T09:23:56Z @ (#) Didn't want to host it in git yet, haha, hence the file, but I will, take a look at `./bin/mkws` and `./index.upphtml`, what do you think? 2020-12-04T09:28:44Z @ (#) https://github.com/adriangrigore/myulinux.org 2020-12-04T09:33:12Z @ (#) So you're fine with fetching stuff via `wget(1)`? 2020-12-04T09:52:11Z @ (#) Yup! 2020-12-04T15:29:23Z @ Can you show me the static files under 'Documentation', 'Downloads' etc...? I'd prefer to remove the https://purecss.io/ dependency, do they depend on it? 2020-12-04T15:35:02Z Pretty cool tool https://github.com/client9/csstool ! 2020-12-04T20:40:53Z @ (#) Cool! I prefer keeping the look & feel but without Pure.css. 2020-12-04T20:43:17Z (#) @ Yup, also found these which are pretty cool https://www.w3.org/Tools/HTML-XML-utils/ . 2020-12-04T20:45:17Z (#) @ @ Also, this https://github.com/ericchiang/pup . 2020-12-05T03:17:43Z (#) @ (#) Was the ball the target? 2020-12-05T11:16:45Z (#) @ I would like to see OpenBSD on RISC-V and also an open GPU and then my preferred hardware and software stack would be complete. Add Plan9 as a bonus. 2020-12-05T23:43:07Z (#) @ I forgot to ask, which shot hit the tree, 1st, 2nd or 3rd? 2020-12-06T11:55:48Z @ What about that "About" link on the ulinux.org website? 2020-12-06T21:28:55Z (#<32awjha https://twtxt.net/search?tag=32awjha>) @ WDYM? 2020-12-07T09:13:25Z @ What about the RSS link and feed? 2020-12-07T09:15:07Z @ (#) Do I let them there or remove them? Also "Posts"? 2020-12-07T09:54:52Z @ (#) There's a "Documentation Downloads Packages Ports Posts About" menu at the top and a 'GitHub Packages Ports RSS ⇧︎' menu at the bottom. 2020-12-07T10:02:50Z @ (#) And RSS? That would be for Posts? 2020-12-07T12:52:26Z @ (#) We'll have to do some minor editing to the README. https://github.com/karlb/smu can't handle those `[X]`'s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prologic/ulinux/master/README.md. 2020-12-07T21:17:24Z @ (#) Not bad! 1k growth in a month also! 2020-12-07T21:59:42Z (#) I don't think it's 5000 uniques! 2020-12-08T10:30:55Z @ What do you think of this https://github.com/adriangrigore/myulinux.org? Look at https://github.com/adriangrigore/myulinux.org/blob/main/share/l.upphtml and https://github.com/adriangrigore/myulinux.org/blob/main/share/s.uppcss. 2020-12-08T11:10:01Z @ (#) Ah, not yet, still have some work to do! 2020-12-08T12:36:29Z @ @ (#) `box` is pretty cool, although personally, I'm not a big fan of containers. 2020-12-08T12:48:16Z @ Why can't I see your replies in this conversation? https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74ymzza 2020-12-08T14:06:09Z @ @ (#) Not a big fan of deploying inside a container, I think it may hide unresolved portability issues and leads to less robust code? Prefer to deploy to "bare metal"? 2020-12-08T14:20:45Z @ @ (#) I'm in a small and simple phase. Used to do NodeJs and PHP before, don't remember using containers for deployment either we weren't or I wasn't in charge of the deployment. 2020-12-08T17:40:52Z (#) @ @ I suck at design, I can do CSS and HTML just can't get good a looking design. 2020-12-08T17:53:35Z Good candidates for migration to https://mkws.sh. https://github.com/dbohdan/classless-css https://themes.gohugo.io/classless-hugo/. 2020-12-10T23:24:05Z Was using https://github.com/nbedos/termtosvg to create a replacement for the terminal image on this theme https://hugo-whisper.netlify.app/. I thought it would be a good idea to generate a `svg` close in size. Was stuck for a while on the geometry parameter of `termtosvg` until I realized I could just count the columns and lines in the picture. 🤠 2020-12-11T00:28:19Z @ (#) You're considering writing one if not? 😛 2020-12-11T00:54:04Z @ (#) Might give a hand also, I'll let you know if I have any good name suggestions. 2020-12-11T10:07:17Z @ (#) I'm using this https://github.com/martanne/vis. 2020-12-11T10:10:02Z @ (#) What language? 2020-12-11T10:19:46Z (#) @ Yup, using `ed` makes very much sense for you! 😛 2020-12-11T10:21:18Z @ @ (#) It's like having someone in your house named robber. :) 2020-12-11T11:13:40Z I think the web is falling back to it's normal state of treating pages like documents instead of apps. I'm saying falling back because I believe the "web app" movement was forced. 2020-12-11T11:19:43Z @ (#) By "web app" I ment SPA. 2020-12-11T11:30:30Z @ (#) I mean one that it's a single page and all rendering is done via JavaScript client side (doesn't refresh I guess). 2020-12-11T22:51:09Z @ (#) You wrote something 50 minutes ago, did you take a nap? 😛 2020-12-13T00:31:25Z @ (#) I'm tight on cash and would like to learn some Go, but don't have much experience with it. 😛 2020-12-13T21:55:50Z @ @ (#) But if I get a new device, how can I read my old messages? 2020-12-13T22:41:07Z @ @ @ (#) What inline reply box? 2020-12-13T23:21:18Z @ (#) Can't decrypt that. 😛 2020-12-13T23:32:10Z @ (#) Same, can't decrypt it. 2020-12-14T00:13:00Z @ (#<2fbqayq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2fbqayq>) I have some ideas.... 2020-12-18T21:35:44Z @ (#<623o7la https://twtxt.net/search?tag=623o7la>) File embedding looks pretty cool! 2020-12-18T23:39:00Z @ @ (#<623o7la https://twtxt.net/search?tag=623o7la>) Does this solve https://github.com/jointwt/twtxt/issues/30? 2020-12-21T21:06:54Z @ @ (#) Did you check it out @, I did, worked fine for me? 2020-12-22T20:28:57Z @ (#) Morning! 2020-12-23T22:33:12Z Resumed watching https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4532368/ these days. 2020-12-23T23:15:50Z @ (#) Its less superhero-ish and more funny. The main idea is that they form a crew of "failed" superheroes that do time traveling and "fix" or "break" history". Silly humor mostly. 2020-12-24T00:06:01Z @ (#) Where are you watching The Mandalorian? 2020-12-24T11:24:16Z (#) @ We don't have Disney+ in Romania yet, I have set it up via VPN at some point, I'd rather not pay now. "The 100" is pretty cool, I forgot where I left of tho. I would really really like to continue watching "Silicon Valley", can't afford paying for all the platforms now. 😞 How many are there Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO? Any other? 2020-12-24T11:35:26Z Just realized why the DC Legends season I'm watching doesn't click with me. It's magic and demons, not into that at this point. 2020-12-24T11:37:35Z I just remembered, I really enjoyed Altered Carbon! One of my favorite shows ever! 2020-12-24T14:45:47Z @ @ (#) You know how I would solve that? Do a complete server side rendered app and, depending on User-Agent probably (if requested via JavaScript) serve partials on some endpoints. 2020-12-26T12:24:51Z @ (#) How do you find it until now? 2020-12-26T12:36:54Z Movies I saw these days that I found to be good: Papillon, Lord of War, Shazam!, Hacksaw Ridge. 2020-12-26T12:37:59Z I would really like to continue watching The Blacklist but forgot where I left of. 2020-12-26T12:55:40Z @ Maybe you would like taking a look at https://mkws.sh/ for your newsletter. The website is not that great tho. 2020-12-27T11:10:32Z @ (#) Yeah, had the same experience last time I built a Lego. They're not easy to build. Had this model https://www.amazon.com/LEGO-BATMAN-MOVIE-Batmobile-Building/dp/B01J8PBBKA/ref=sr_1_40?dchild=1&keywords=batman+lego&qid=1609067297&sr=8-40. 2020-12-27T18:09:05Z @ (#) It's not an submission, it's more of a take look at it, if you think it's cool publish it, if not don't. I guess you understand better what content fits YOUR newsletter. 😉 2020-12-27T19:00:50Z @ @ (#) This is pretty cool, how were they parsed until now? 2020-12-28T11:51:17Z This looks very cool https://justine.lol/cosmopolitan/index.html. 2020-12-28T13:50:34Z @ (#) Ok, `pp` compiled with this doesn't work. 2020-12-28T23:51:46Z @ (#) Her `hello.com` works as advertised, same binary both on Linux and OpenBSD. 2020-12-29T14:27:58Z How's it going? 2020-12-29T15:42:31Z Noticed the similarities these days [INXS - Need You Tonight ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-rv2BQa2OU) and [Dua Lipa - Break My Heart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj2U6rhnucI). 2020-12-29T22:32:39Z @ (#) What? 2020-12-29T22:58:18Z @ @ (#) New one to replace this one? 2020-12-29T23:00:40Z @ @ @ (#) Where's the code? 2020-12-29T23:11:40Z @ (#) What kind of embarrassment? 😛 Are you thinking of replacing the current client? I think the current one is pretty good tbh, why replace it? Why a PWA? 2020-12-29T23:23:52Z Ah! I just use the web client for both! 2020-12-29T23:25:10Z @ (#) Can't you just pack the current web frontend in a chromium on mobile too? 2020-12-29T23:25:34Z @ (#) That's how good it is IMO. 2020-12-29T23:38:45Z @ (#) That's the idea, keep it like it is and distribute in the Play Store wrapped in a Chromium instance. I'm sure there's a way. 2020-12-29T23:41:07Z @ @ (#) Just have the Chrome browser open the https://twtxt.net/ url automatically. 2020-12-29T23:44:00Z @ (#) Not that hard to solve, don't think it requires a new client IMO. 2020-12-29T23:57:43Z @ (#) I guess each client is responsible for keeping up with new features? The web client being the reference implementation? 2020-12-30T00:26:07Z @ (#) Why change anything then? 😁 2020-12-30T00:55:53Z @ @ (#) Ah, I thought you yourself were settled on developing a single client (the web one) for the reasons mentioned here: https://twtxt.net/twt/mk3zkcq. I guess you would like to have somebody else rather than you develop a single client that you could develop and maintain. So again, what would happen with this client in that case? 2020-12-30T02:09:37Z @ @ (#) Depends on what you understand by running out “steam”. 2020-12-30T12:02:33Z @ @ (#<2agncrq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2agncrq>) I don't think the point of marketing is selling things you don't really need, I believe the point of marketing is selling things. There are lots of things you don't really need that you still buy because of various reasons. You don't really need a video game, but it's fun so you buy it because of that reason. 2020-12-30T12:35:28Z @ (#<2agncrq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2agncrq>) There's nothing inherently "bad" about that. 2020-12-30T12:36:05Z @ @ (#<2agncrq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2agncrq>) As long as it's not in excess. 2020-12-31T12:56:25Z The state with some desperate people, If one desperate person can't solve a problem the answer is always "get more desperate people". 2020-12-31T15:49:33Z @ (#) Happy New Year! 🥳 2021-01-01T12:03:10Z "Morning!" 2021-01-01T12:15:15Z @ (#) Happy New Year! 🎉 We already shared ones last night tho! 2021-01-01T13:14:24Z @ (#) This one may be more appropriate. Happy New Year 🥂! 2021-01-02T14:42:08Z @ (#) Happy New Year to you too! 🍺 🍺 🍺 2021-01-03T13:11:58Z @ @ (#) I can't wear watches, I have small wrists. 2021-01-04T23:20:30Z @ (#) True! 2021-01-05T00:20:17Z (#) @ Only thing I actively use is Google. It's been a year since my last Netflix subscription. 2021-01-05T01:34:37Z @ @ (#) Rewash? 2021-01-05T11:29:41Z @ @ (#) I also read the same article. Very much agreed. It's weird that "done" when it comes to software is the exception and not the rule. 2021-01-05T11:32:55Z (#) @ @ Just keep the scope focused and refrain from adding features. 2021-01-05T11:36:01Z @ @ @ (#) This is possible when developing for UNIX because of its philosophy, normally when you're not sure if something is in scope you would just create another program that interacts with the initial one, see `dwm` and `dmenu` for instance. 2021-01-05T13:57:00Z @ @ @ (#) But you don't necessarly have to apply the patches. 2021-01-05T14:00:43Z @ @ @ @ (#) I switched to `cwm` tho. 2021-01-05T14:06:06Z @ @ (#) I don't necessarily believe the bar is out of scope, believe it's a "soft" programmer decision there. If you prefer something even more stripped down you can take a look at https://github.com/wmutils. 2021-01-05T17:07:11Z @ @ (#) I'm wondering it that's really work. I'm starting to fall under the impression that *almost* all work is forced work in one way or another. 2021-01-05T17:41:53Z @ @ (#) I was under the impression that's dictatorship. 😛 2021-01-05T18:34:47Z @ @ (#) The Romanian Constitution explicitly forbids forced labor, but that's up to interpretation. 2021-01-05T18:38:24Z @ @ @ (#) I interpret that as me forcing myself to go to work! 😄 2021-01-05T23:25:17Z Restarted watching [The Blacklist](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2741602/). It was another show I couldn't remember where I left of. 2021-01-06T09:32:20Z @ (#<23rcyra https://twtxt.net/search?tag=23rcyra>) Yeah, this is the 2nd time for me. I'm surprised by how many things I forgot. 2021-01-06T23:54:11Z @ @ (#) Morning! 2021-01-08T21:59:46Z @ (#) I run https://adi.tilde.institute/. It's pretty cool, admins are friendly, answer package requests. 2021-01-08T22:35:18Z @ (#) Yup, it's a pretty good quality free OpenBSD shell. https://tilde.institute/ 2021-01-08T22:40:30Z @ (#<7cqglyq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7cqglyq>) 😜 I'll surely change it when I'll get the chance. 2021-01-08T22:47:31Z @ (#) What distro? 2021-01-08T22:55:16Z Watched [The Napoleonic Wars ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91OmO2YMiDM) these days, and other history documentaries. 2021-01-08T22:57:38Z Considering rewatching [Edge of tomorrow](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1631867/?ref_=vp_vi_tt) now. 2021-01-08T22:59:59Z @ (#) [Void Linux](https://voidlinux.org/) is my favorite *GNU* distro. 2021-01-08T23:07:55Z @ (#) Never used CRUX, looks cool! 2021-01-08T23:21:35Z @ (#) What *other* movie? 2021-01-08T23:21:52Z @ (#) Did you play with OpenBSD ever? 2021-01-08T23:31:36Z @ (#) There's a high change you'll fall in ❤️ with it if you install it. 2021-01-08T23:39:10Z @ (#) **Simple,** no bloat, "less" but powerful features. 2021-01-09T00:01:35Z @ (#) "Consider using Alpine for a more feature rich system or any other “heavier” / “full featured” distro." 👅 I guess it's a more "feature rich" system compared to ulinux. I run X on OpenBSD and `cwm` as a simple, clean desktop. I also use their webserver https://man.openbsd.org/httpd.8. 2021-01-09T21:20:39Z @ (#) Cool song! 2021-01-10T19:36:35Z What's up people? 2021-01-11T00:18:57Z @ (#<5dogfsq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5dogfsq>) Congratz! TabFS is pretty cool as a technical implementation, not sure if I'd use it tho. 2021-01-11T00:50:38Z @ (#<34qplea https://twtxt.net/search?tag=34qplea>) You break it you fix it! 2021-01-11T12:45:42Z @ (#<5dogfsq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5dogfsq>) I can't imagine any security issue at this point, not that I'm an expert in security, I just don't want to script my tabs and I usually have few tabs open enough not to warrant scripting. 2021-01-11T12:51:50Z @ (#) I think I was born for work from home. As a side note the recent COVID-19 pandemic reminded me of this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GL9JoH4Sws. 2021-01-11T12:54:05Z @ (#<5dogfsq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5dogfsq>) I agree, it's very neat technically and very Plan9-ish, I *personally* don't think I'd mount my tabs like that, but I might change my mind. 2021-01-11T13:52:15Z Also, been listening and watching the video of Gwen Stefani's new song [Let Me Reintroduce Myself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZvkyfwD8mI). 2021-01-11T13:57:53Z @ (#) Do you go into a music shop and buy some CD-s or how? That's a little bit weird, I just Shazam songs mostly or search YouTube for new music. 2021-01-11T14:02:58Z I think [Dua Lipa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUVcZfQe-Kw) is really cool. 2021-01-11T14:12:04Z @ @ (#) Oh, iTunes? 😀 2021-01-11T14:19:41Z (#) @ @ Don't mind @, he's a bot! 😛 2021-01-11T14:22:28Z @ (#) That's what all bots say! 😝 2021-01-11T14:25:59Z @ (#) I remember encountering an Eliza for the first time, fooled me a little bit at first! 2021-01-11T14:34:59Z @ (#<34qplea https://twtxt.net/search?tag=34qplea>) Good thing I didn't say "You break it you buy it". 😛 2021-01-11T14:42:15Z @ Why do conversation tags link to https://twtxt.net/search?tag= instead of https://twtxt.net/conv/ ? 2021-01-11T14:50:50Z @ (#<52smrra https://twtxt.net/search?tag=52smrra>) I'm asking because I usually find the search view to be incomplete not holding the full conversation when it would make sense that it would. See https://twtxt.net/search?tag=34qplea vs https://twtxt.net/conv/34qplea. 2021-01-11T15:01:00Z @ (#) Tuck? 😕 2021-01-11T15:04:58Z @ (#<52smrra https://twtxt.net/search?tag=52smrra>) Makes more sense to me to link to the Conversation view. 2021-01-11T15:08:33Z @ (#<52smrra https://twtxt.net/search?tag=52smrra>) Silly me, I thought the Conversation button and the hashtag were the same thing, yeah leave it like so. 2021-01-11T16:00:41Z @ (#) G’night! 2021-01-11T18:00:46Z @ How's SF? 2021-01-11T20:01:52Z @ @ (#) How many pageviews/month do you have on https://console.substack.com/? 2021-01-12T00:27:29Z @ (#) It's just a reply, don't think a lot of people saw it 😝 and that guy is great with links! 2021-01-12T00:37:32Z @ (#) It's 2:35 AM here, I usually wake up around 2 PM, we overlap a lot. Told you I was born to work from home. 😁 2021-01-12T01:33:07Z @ (#) I'm currently located in Bucharest, Romania, also lockdown here, might be over end of summer. I personally enjoy the city, others say it sucks. 2021-01-12T01:38:48Z @ @ (#) What tech is hot there at this time in terms of stacks? 2021-01-12T06:01:12Z @ (#) I ment some people don't think Bucharest is a nice city to live in, I personally enjoy it. Why oh why do I have a problem with React, "everybody" seems to be doing it. I guess at some point I stopped trying to keep up with the latest and greatest in JavaScript land and haven't abandoned the idea of progressive enhancement. Am I insane? Go fits me pretty well from what I see. 2021-01-12T06:02:24Z @ @ (#) Pretty cool and in a short amount of time? How much time since you launched? 2021-01-12T15:20:58Z @ (#<3tg52ja https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3tg52ja>) Yeah, we've been blessed with cheap high speed Internet, monthly rent cost is pretty accurate. (Romanian here) 2021-01-12T15:26:22Z @ (#<2p6oqyq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2p6oqyq>) Vigorously! 2021-01-12T16:40:42Z @ @ (#) Well, glad to meet you! 😊 2021-01-12T17:57:42Z Found this little a gem a while ago http://z3bra.org/pm/, a "simple (borderline stupid) pack manager". 2021-01-12T18:46:17Z I initially found the `sh` syntax disgusting, with time I came to enjoy it to be honest. 2021-01-12T19:02:16Z Also, I realized Rob Pike stopped tweeting, his last tweet is from 8th of May 2019, https://twitter.com/rob_pike. 2021-01-12T20:40:58Z (#<2nnst4a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2nnst4a>) @ Haha, why do you say that? Did it happen to you? 2021-01-12T21:32:19Z @ (#<2nnst4a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2nnst4a>) You have C, Go for that. Shell scripts are glue mostly. 2021-01-12T22:03:42Z @ (#<2nnst4a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2nnst4a>) What language/stack are you using now? 2021-01-12T22:07:57Z @ @ (#<2p6oqyq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2p6oqyq>) What about this https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/06/john-dillermand-denmark-launches-childrens-tv-show-man-giant-penis? 2021-01-13T00:37:08Z @ (#) Last project I worked was frameworkless, small libs, `virtual-dom`, `hyperscript`, kinda hard to switch back to frameworks. I feel however attracted to Go, has a kind of a "raw" feeling, don't have much experience with it tho. 2021-01-13T00:37:52Z @ @ (#) Also, I don't feel any attraction to Rust. 2021-01-13T00:40:05Z @ @ (#) And rather keep JavaScript on the frontend only as an *optional* layer. 2021-01-13T01:40:49Z @ (#) I prefer using a combination of https://github.com/hyperhype/hyperscript and https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom or something similar as I don't want to do any OOP. I define UI components as functions, `renderForm`, `renderWidget`, etc... 2021-01-13T02:40:53Z @ (#) Looks pretty cool! Really have to remember it! Starred! 2021-01-13T16:18:30Z "Morning!" 2021-01-13T17:20:09Z @ (#<2nnst4a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2nnst4a>) I don't believe in "shoulds" or "should nots", I believe "is to be preferred" *is to be preferred* 😜. Or "it's a good idea", or "is recommended". 2021-01-13T19:04:00Z New static site generator website https://mkws.sh/ ! 2021-01-13T19:24:53Z @ (#<5sbb27q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5sbb27q>) Did you drink all of it today? 2021-01-13T19:58:35Z @ (#<5sbb27q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5sbb27q>) I feel you man! 2021-01-13T23:22:47Z @ (#) I was considering that also. 2021-01-14T01:03:01Z @ (#) I believe I'll add a "Templates" section to the main Docs page, have a summary there and link to `pp`. 2021-01-14T23:53:29Z @ (#) Not sure about the others, but I personally was aware it! 😛 2021-01-15T00:26:36Z @ (#) Mine display properly. 2021-01-15T01:03:02Z @ (#) ![Android Screenshot](https://twtxt.net/media/6ebVambGhSjnEzSFedRj8A) 2021-01-15T03:13:44Z @ (#) In order: Upwork, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Warframe, Reddit, Three dots?, Bluetooth, NFC, Vibrate?, Wi-Fi, GSM Signal, Battery. 2021-01-15T03:16:17Z @sj 2021-01-15T03:18:34Z @ Is that "Ethical Ads" banner on https://console.substack.com/ and "Ethical Ads" ad or some kind of sponsorship? 2021-01-15T03:43:53Z @ (#) If you kindnap me and hold me hostage here on https://twtxt.net/, how would I tell the rest of the world? 2021-01-15T03:59:09Z @ (#) Still have some people on Facebook, I don't post there, just use the chat. I give Twitter another shot but it's not for me. I wonder why? I wonder why Facebook and Twitter didn't resonate with me. Maybe because it's a popularity contest? Maybe because it's an image thing? 2021-01-15T04:00:36Z (#) Don't have a Mac to compile on. Would really like, can I rent or get a free preferably Mac vm? 2021-01-15T04:06:36Z (#) @ This guy created a repository https://github.com/rvalente/homebrew-mkws. 😛 I have no idea how Homebrew works. 2021-01-15T04:40:16Z (#) Hello @! 2021-01-15T05:28:08Z @ (#) How about an app to remind you to go to the toilet? 2021-01-15T07:28:34Z @ (#) Doesn't you body tell you when it feels tired? 😜 2021-01-15T07:58:12Z @ (#) What kind of _thinking_? 2021-01-15T09:18:44Z @ (#) The thread is long. tl;dr? 2021-01-15T09:31:56Z (#) @ @ Is there ANY democratic country? 2021-01-15T19:03:47Z @ (#) Mine is also having difficulties. 2021-01-15T19:17:04Z @ (#)
> It took me quite long to wrap my head around on how to use this properly (maybe I was just too tired).

No sure if problem is my explanation or UNIX thingy. The content is pretty dense.

> What does the “upp” in “upp{html,xml,css,…}” stand for? “pp” references the preprocessor, but the “u”?

upp = unpreprocessed. Makes sense? 😁

> Btw, the “man” directory in the File Hierarchy section misses the “`” in the tree.

Nice catch!

> A little bit more complex example would certainly also help

https://mkws.sh/mkws/HOWTO might add this page up again. 2021-01-15T19:20:33Z @ (#) I wonder if I can get one those also. 😛 2021-01-15T19:21:40Z @ (#) This is nice. 2021-01-15T19:22:31Z @ (#) Is this in response to Signal having problems? 😛 2021-01-15T19:36:08Z (#) @ @ I'm an animal! 😜 2021-01-15T19:43:36Z @ @ (#) I'm new to Signal also, haha, how does Session compare to Signal? 2021-01-15T19:49:19Z @ @gugod (#) What does it say? 2021-01-15T21:40:57Z I'm so not a big fan on how almost everything depends on GitHub. You can't get on https://jamstack.org/ if you don't have a GitHub repo. 😔 2021-01-15T21:42:44Z @ @ (#<7tl43vq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7tl43vq>) I'm still waiting for Plan9 on the dekstop assuming I'm immortal. 2021-01-15T22:36:51Z (#<5fmqnhq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5fmqnhq>) @ You can't get a project on https://jamstack.org/ because it's very tied up wtih GitHub. 2021-01-15T22:44:47Z @ @ (#<5fmqnhq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5fmqnhq>) What I ment to say, at least now I believe that if you'd like to have your ssg on https://jamstack.org a GitHub account is mandatory. I may be wrong. 2021-01-16T19:54:12Z @ (#) A sponsor for my project, a banner just like yours. 2021-01-16T20:50:52Z @ @ (#) I updated the website btw https://mkws.sh/ 2021-01-17T00:02:44Z @ (#) Best intent is no intent! 2021-01-17T03:49:03Z @ (#) Enjoy! Kinda late but pic? What brand? 2021-01-17T17:30:51Z (#) @ @ Snow in Bucharest also! 2021-01-17T17:57:13Z @ (#) I'm subscribed to Console via e-mail but I prefer finding out about new issues here. 2021-01-17T17:59:06Z @ (#) Do I contact him directly via e-mail? 2021-01-17T19:02:48Z @ (#<75myq4q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=75myq4q>) I never dreamt an otter. 2021-01-17T19:35:21Z @ @ (#) Sent him an email to the address on https://www.ericholscher.com/. 2021-01-17T19:51:20Z @ (#) Not much it only snowed mostly, maybe 2-3 cm but not everywhere. 2021-01-18T00:33:52Z Updated the docs page on https://mkws.sh/docs.html ! 2021-01-18T05:51:45Z I believe `git` is overkill for most software projects. It was developed specifically for the Linux kernel which had 27.8 million lines of code at the start of 2020. https://www.linux.com/news/linux-in-2020-27-8-million-lines-of-code-in-the-kernel-1-3-million-in-systemd/ 2021-01-18T08:00:17Z @ (#) I'm "trying" to do as little as possible! 😁 Less everything! Less code, less abstractions, less files, less dependencies, less "techs". Minimal stuff required to solve duplication basically and minimal stuff to get a site up. 2021-01-18T08:00:57Z @ @ (#) I believe uLinux is cool, but tbh I’m not a big fan of busybox, it’s a little bit weird how they bundled everything in one executable, but I understand it’s the only viable option. 2021-01-18T08:06:23Z @ @ (#) I understand how it works, but I *personally* perceive it as a little bit weird. 2021-01-18T08:19:31Z @ (#) I'm used to `git`, used it a lot, but the options, OMG 😲! 2021-01-18T08:29:35Z (#) @ Because all of the other implementations GNU, BSD, https://core.suckless.org/sbase/ implement them as single binaries and because that's how most UNIX programs are implemented. The philosophy says "Make each program do one thing well", that's **one program** that does all things. 2021-01-18T08:45:16Z @ @ (#) Yellow is pretty nice, is it PHP or? 2021-01-18T08:53:00Z @ (#) https://datenstrom.se/yellow/ 2021-01-18T08:54:02Z @ @ (#) Yeah, it's PHP https://github.com/datenstrom/yellow. 2021-01-18T09:00:13Z @ @ (#) I believe he was asking of any PHP tool to integrate with yellow. 2021-01-18T09:15:58Z > A sort of hybrid between Windows Notepad, a monolithic-kernel operating system, and the International Space Station.

I never used Emacs. 2021-01-18T09:23:09Z @ (#) https://twtxt.net/twt/upwaqqa 2021-01-18T11:26:21Z @ @ (#) If you favor things like Yellow, maybe my static site generator would also fit your tastes: https://mkws.sh/. Just so you're aware it's there. 😁 2021-01-18T11:33:32Z > From the early 2010's I have been VJing and exploring improvising visuals to live music events ranging from jazz, psychedelic hardrock, raves, noise and whatnot.
In 2019 I discovered live coding and have been teaching myself and others at workshops how to make visuals with code ever since.

@ look at what @ is into 2021-01-18T12:01:10Z @ @ (#) Ah, I wasn't suggesting redoing in any way, that would be a bad idea, your site is cool, I just sent the link just so you're aware it exists. Can't go more old-school than shell scripts. 😛 Good job on the notes page! 2021-01-18T12:04:29Z @ What does "Problems are Solved by Method" mean? 2021-01-18T15:10:01Z (#) @ @ @ Yeah, that's because he linked his CMS-es Edit page, the normal page visitors see is http://www.darch.dk/notes/. 2021-01-19T01:42:16Z (#) What do you mean? 2021-01-19T08:59:02Z @ (#) What complicated things do we *need to keep simple*? 2021-01-20T14:42:43Z @ (#) Link? 2021-01-23T04:32:00Z Do any of you have any idea on how to run `thttpd` on the command line? 2021-01-23T04:42:37Z @ (#<6zkw64q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6zkw64q>) Ok, I remembered, I always forget to change the port `thttpd -D -p 9000 -l /dev/stdout`. 2021-01-23T06:47:46Z @ Can you come on IRC for a second? 2021-01-23T07:49:06Z @ (#) I have some questions regarding shell scripting! 2021-01-23T08:21:17Z @ I would like to write a CGI version of `pp` and nobody is a big fan on parsing QUERY_STRING in shell scripts so I believe it's a good idea so have a `pp` parse the QUERY_STRING and send those variable to the underlying `sh` instance in the global scope. One security measure along chrooting is disallowing overwriting of already present `ENV` variables. Any other idea? 2021-01-23T08:29:09Z @ (#) Take a look at `pp` first and at its source code https://mkws.sh/pp.html. It basically creates a shell script and invokes via `exec(3)`. 2021-01-23T08:52:31Z @ @ (#) Ah, `thttpd` I believe for now. 2021-01-23T12:45:28Z For `mkws` I'm considering dropping version control completely as it's so small and I believe it's a good idea to send the message that you don't necessary need version control, but it's a good idea to be present on GitHub. What do you think? 2021-01-23T12:54:47Z Ha! I just noticed the changing messages on the main textbox! 2021-01-23T16:49:54Z (#) @ @ My name is Adrian, short form is Adi. 😁 2021-01-23T16:50:55Z (#) @ @ What did you think "vain" means? adi is also pretty UNIX-y. 😁 2021-01-23T16:54:47Z @ (#) Haha, why? Why embrassed? 2021-01-23T20:20:33Z What do guys think of https://www.manyver.se/? 2021-01-24T06:11:53Z (#) @ @ I don't want to give up VCS in general I'm just considering doing for this project because of its size. Anybody can create a mirror. 2021-01-24T08:11:36Z @ (#) It's just me playing around. 2021-01-24T08:24:17Z (#) @ @ @ @ Thanks for answers! Great feedback! 2021-01-24T08:54:39Z @ I understand the protocol doesn't allow it but do you agree that it's possible to create a private twtxt instance if all users are on the same pod? 2021-01-25T06:44:06Z (#) I'd say Ubuntu Desktop kinda bloated also, I personally run either Void Linux or OpenBSD but there is some tinkering there. On OpenBSD I run `cwm` as a window manager which can be customized to look pretty cool. Both Void Linux and OpenBSD can run GNOME. I used `dwm` and `spectrwm` also for a while. I had some problems with packages on Void Linux, not impossible to solve but if I you'd like more packages probably I'd go with Arch but there's some tinkering there also. For less tinkering, I'd probably go with Manjaro. 2021-01-25T18:49:42Z @ (#) I sincerely thought "genius" when I read the joke! 2021-01-26T06:37:40Z @ @ (#<6vbrz6q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6vbrz6q>) How does it feel? 2021-01-26T07:06:40Z @ (#) https://github.com/jointwt/twtxt/issues/342 englishyou is actually an alt account of mine. 😛 2021-01-26T11:31:45Z (#) I would prefer to manage a Romanian pod! 😁 2021-01-26T17:32:47Z @ @ @ (#) A penny saved is a a penny saved, a penny earned is a penny earned. 😛 2021-01-27T09:19:01Z @ (#) I never got a chance to use https://github.com/rollcat/judo, would really like to. 2021-01-27T11:26:04Z (#) @ Basically, yes! I believe it's cool. 2021-01-27T20:23:34Z Been watching some Lady Gaga recently, she's quite a character! Very creative! Awesome work! 2021-01-28T07:19:56Z To me twt.social also sounds more serious than yarn.social which sounds more playful. 2021-01-28T07:58:05Z @ (#) I'm more worried about Twitter™️ than Twtitter™️. 😛 2021-01-28T08:23:53Z @ (#) I'm joking.... I never worry. 😁 2021-01-28T14:15:50Z Been watching this performance since yesterday, wow, I'm impressed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D4vjndnB0w 2021-01-28T23:01:09Z (#) @ @ @ Windows Terminal is pretty good. 2021-01-29T09:42:31Z @ @ (#) Yeah, good quality content on https://www.baty.net/, tbh I believe the "blog" feature on https://twtxt.net/, while nice, is out of scope? 2021-01-29T10:26:39Z @ @ (#) I understand we misinterpreted the twt, agree it's a good idea to twt his new blog posts but my opinion about the blog feature still stands. 2021-01-29T10:27:23Z @ @ @ (#) I have some doubts about the messaging feature myself also. 2021-01-29T11:58:09Z @ (#) For now me and @ agree that the blog feature is out of scope, that's the current issue. We're not sure about the DM system. 2021-01-29T12:25:19Z @ @ (#) I'd drop the blog feature tbh. 2021-01-29T13:01:42Z @ @ @ (#) I *personally* would remove them because exactly that reason, it's not twtxt and less code is better I believe even if it's just 6%. I agree that maybe for some there's utility in that but @ said it well:

> For me the scope of the twtxt-ecosytem is a way to make publish post and have discussions in the open. There are plenty of DM/IM and blog services/system out there, and it should be up to each person to chose which of these they want to use instead of having another inbox to keep an eye on. 2021-01-29T13:05:21Z @ @ @ @ (#) Here, I'm referring to the blog feature in @'s twt. I'm still not sure about the DM system, I'd leave it for now. 2021-01-29T13:17:56Z @ @ (#) I personally, being also a techie would remove the code also. 2021-01-29T16:23:15Z Where's that picoblog that @ keeps mentioning? 2021-01-29T18:28:57Z @ (#<7mly4ea https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7mly4ea>) Really, developing without the gorilla, banana and the entire jungle is faster? 😁 2021-01-30T11:51:59Z @ I wouldn't call abstract reasoning "thinking", "thinking" by definition takes effort, reasoning is effortless. 2021-01-30T13:48:42Z @ @ (#) Maybe you would prefer taking a look at my static site generator also http://mkws.sh/. 😛 2021-01-30T19:26:40Z (#) @ @ @ I dream of a WWW with less to no searching if possible. 2021-01-31T12:28:18Z Guys can I get another opinion on the docs page https://mkws.sh/docs.html? 2021-01-31T13:03:07Z @ (#) Nice page! 2021-01-31T21:16:08Z Do you agree that being "for" or "against" something is different than "agreeing" or "disagreeing" with that thing? 2021-02-01T08:39:50Z (#) I believe being "against" something is an aggressively conflictual situation while disagreeing with something is not necessarily conflictual and if conflictual not an aggressive one. Being "against" something is a form of war while disagreeing opens a way to debate. 2021-02-01T08:47:57Z Anyway, morning people! 2021-02-01T09:04:21Z @ (#) People confuse being "for" or "against" with "agreeing" or "disagreeing" which is literally a recipe for disaster. 2021-02-01T09:39:55Z @ I was wondering wouldn't renting pods on twt.social break decentralization? I believe it's a good idea to have a warning or something saying that for true decentralization self hosting is the way. 2021-02-01T09:49:38Z @ (#) But wouldn't a lot of pods be centralized on twt.social, wouldn't the owner of twt.social have power over all the pods hosted there? 2021-02-01T10:11:45Z @ (#) But isn't the hosting the central part? The domain? I don't disagree with offering a service for renting pods but it's centralized, not that that's necessarily a problem as long as the person renting the pod is aware of the fact. The owner of the twt.social domain could disable the pod not only in theory but in practice also. 2021-02-01T10:52:43Z @ (#) Ah, I'm not worried about anything I'm just wondering if twtxt.net is truly decentralized or not. 2021-02-01T11:41:57Z @ @ @ (#) But the fact that anybody can run their own pod is a feature of decentralization. 2021-02-01T19:41:08Z @ @ (#) Ah yeah, I'm aware of that, I definitely agree with it! 2021-02-02T16:46:10Z Very nice video, Lady Gaga - 911 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58hoktsqk_Q 2021-02-02T17:45:57Z @ @ @hecanjog (#) Technically, yes! They're stored in an mbox file https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbox/ 2021-02-03T11:22:25Z @ (#) Link? 2021-02-05T11:14:31Z @ @ (#) Thanks! Yes, shell script fits the bill pretty well. One if its core strengths are working with the filesystem and working with plain text. Web sites are just files from the file system served by a web server, what better tool to work with the file system then shell. Also HTML is text, again good tool for the job. I understand its structured and a parser is better for complicated stuff but for simple stuff shell script is enough. Fits the worse is better philosophy pretty well also.

I tend to see `pp` as scriptable plain text. 2021-02-05T12:38:35Z @ @ @ (#) Do you have your site online anywhere? 2021-02-05T14:51:12Z @ (#) You can see in mkws.sh/mkws/README how I solved the meta, title, description problem. You could also write a small frontmatter parser for a more "dynamic" solution. How are you rendering your Markdown? Yeah, probaby I can give you some tips if you publish your script. 2021-02-05T16:56:08Z @ (#) How do you feel writing about your HTML without quoting your attributes? 2021-02-05T20:55:15Z @ (#) How did you find out about `mkws`?


`pp -d` outputs

`echo "

and `pp` outputs


So when using double quotes the output is unpredictable. 2021-02-06T10:35:20Z @ (#) What was the suckless one, any idea? 2021-02-06T11:06:45Z @ (#) Not a big fan of mixing C code and HTML. I belive PHP kinda nailed it when it comes to websites, nesting dynamic code with HTML, it's an inspiration for `pp`. 2021-02-06T13:14:53Z (#) Did you see my solution for the meta in http://mkws.sh/mkws/README? 2021-02-06T13:37:27Z @ (#) Looks like the code is not there, I'll have to incorporate it somehow. Here's a link http://mkws.sh/HOWTO. 2021-02-06T13:49:51Z @ (#) If it works for you. 😛 2021-02-06T19:59:20Z (#) @ @ Do you believe it's a good idea to just download the bundled files (main script, statically compiled binaries and templates) and customize everything in place? 2021-02-07T09:37:47Z (#) The alternative is what Hugo does, a single binary and having the static site as "source code" which Hugo compiles, but I believe the idea of customizing the main mkws script is really nice, I'm replacing config files with just scripting your generator, updating may be a problem but there's not much to update there anyway. 2021-02-07T10:20:45Z @ (#) Yeah, I'm under the impression that we're automating maybe too much in programming and maybe too early when some little manual work could easily do the job with less complexity. 2021-02-07T10:33:40Z @ @ (#) I'm considering writing some bundles with existing classless CSS frameworks like https://newcss.net/ or https://simplecss.org/ that you can just download and start building. Also considering building an `mkblog` equivalent altought not sure about the naming. 2021-02-07T12:31:54Z @ (#) Yeah, exactly! 2021-02-07T12:35:27Z @ @ (#) I'm also considering running `pp` via CGI and building a simple dynamic cms but there are some security issues there I have to solve. 2021-02-07T12:47:57Z @ @ (#) UI would be similar to this https://datenstrom.se/yellow/demo. 2021-02-07T13:02:01Z @ @ (#) I would really like to develop a simple https server I can bundle with that, but for now https://acme.com/software/thttpd/ can also be used. 2021-02-08T11:40:26Z @ What's your opinion on the http://mkws.sh/ website? 2021-02-08T13:05:28Z @ (#) Yeah, I'll have to add the HowTos there at some point. 2021-02-08T13:06:35Z @ (#) Yeah, my idea is building modern looking websites with old, battle tested tech. 2021-02-08T14:27:29Z @ How did you learn about https://twtxt.net/, I believed you discovered `mkws` via this website. 2021-02-08T18:45:53Z @ (#) How about when people complain they're being criticized? 2021-02-08T23:32:44Z @ (#) Haha, not exactly chance, interests and opinions are similar. 😊 2021-02-08T23:45:17Z @ (#) I wonder how I could promote it better, and, if possible, monetize it. 2021-02-09T00:00:24Z @ You can check out some other stuff I made https://adi.tilde.institute/. It's a good idea to update that website also. 2021-02-09T00:13:58Z @ (#) Thanks for spreading the word! I applied for http://ethicalads.io/ but got not reply yet, I contacted https://www.ericholscher.com/ directly, but he stopped answering when I asked how long it would take to get approval, if. 2021-02-09T00:17:10Z @ @ (#) I'm taking a breaking from promoting it, but it would be great to be accepted http://ethicalads.io/ so I can focus on promoting. 2021-02-09T00:40:13Z @ @ (#) I have this https://www.buymeacoffee.com/adriangrigore, it was on the website for while, maybe it's a good idea to put it again, however I have a low amount amount of traffic on the website. If you believe `mkws` is cool or any other of my code, you can throw something there. Spreading the word would also be great! 2021-02-09T02:35:54Z @ @ @ (#) Thanks for the pizzas @!!! 🍕🍕🍕🎉 2021-02-09T03:06:05Z @ (#) Yeah, also built with `mkws`, not pleased with the design tho, I'll keep it as close as possible to plain text as an homage to UNIX and tilde.institute which are an awesome group. I _personally_ believe all tiny scripts there are at least decent, I believe the linters are nice and the log analytics scripts are nice although, both of them may be rewritten in C even tho `awk` fits so well for the log analytics. And `default.css` is nice. I've incorporated the linters in my `mkws` build process. 2021-02-09T07:32:00Z (#<7cjkkua https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7cjkkua>) @ @ @ I personally disagree with the concept of "like" exactly because of the endorphin effect, I don't vote for instance, although many people do, on the basis of liking or disliking but on the basis on arguments, proof. I believe the term "agree" or "upvote" is more appropriate. I agree with just twt-ing a reply rather than adding "likes". 2021-02-09T13:53:36Z (#) 
> I’ve played around with various web frameworks and tools, and like you I imagine, really just got sick of all the bloat and unnecessary complexity.

Exactly! 2021-02-09T15:20:12Z Ah, regarding Facebook, I believe it's a "like" market. 2021-02-09T16:41:01Z What are your opinions of the branding of https://mkws.sh/? 2021-02-09T16:48:09Z @ (#<3em44na https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3em44na>) The logo I made myself, it's a shell prompt and a set of HTML tags. 2021-02-09T16:52:48Z @ (#) I believe in progressive enhancement, I believe it's a good idea for some websites to be HTML interfaces to CLI tools. For instance I would like to create an HTML interface for the log analytics tools on adi.tilde.institute, `cl`, `cbl`, `fl`, using `pp`. 2021-02-09T17:24:01Z @ @ (#) Also a webmail client using https://github.com/leahneukirchen/mblaze and `pp`. I believe this is a sane way to build dynamic websites, parsing GET and POST variables in CGI is still a problem tho. I personally prefer interpreted languages for developing websites due to no compile time and in place debugging. 2021-02-09T21:55:54Z @ (#<3em44na https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3em44na>) I have some testimonials but I'd rather not "ruin" the homepage with them. 2021-02-09T22:23:28Z (#) @ I'm not satisfied about the way GET and POST input is parsed, my idea is to preparse the GET/POST input in a special `CGI` `pp` and dump the variables in the global scope of the `execve(3)` sh. The security issue lays in overwriting any other variable already present in the global scope. 2021-02-09T22:24:17Z @ @ (#) Here's an example of parsing GET/POST variables in a CGI https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3919755/how-to-parse-query-string-from-a-bash-cgi-script, now that's not a great piece of code. 2021-02-10T06:30:32Z (#) @ I believe a `chroot` is enough? `thttpd` supports chroot. 2021-02-10T07:18:14Z @ (#) I'm not familiar with how Linux namespaces work. 2021-02-10T20:46:30Z @ @ (#) What post? 2021-02-11T18:11:10Z Btw, since I started with `mkws` I started Googling less and less. Less abstractions. 2021-02-11T19:19:58Z @ (#) Lots of time gained! 2021-02-11T22:08:12Z @ (#) Very good! 2021-02-12T07:46:12Z @ (#) What's nice is that you can memorize them if they're less. 2021-02-12T10:54:20Z Ok, enabled donations, please let me know your opinions https://mkws.sh/docs.html ! 💻😋 2021-02-12T10:55:52Z @ (#) Yeah, removed it! 2021-02-12T11:03:07Z @ (#) Thanks! I linked to https://twtxt.net/ for questions! 2021-02-12T11:20:19Z @ @ (#) What's your opinion on buying computer parts? 😀 2021-02-12T13:13:52Z @ (#) Cool song! 2021-02-12T14:19:28Z @ (#<77evbmq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=77evbmq>) Good night! 2021-02-12T18:25:50Z Speaking of "never done in software" I believe `mkws` is done. I also believe chasing progress is a trap, that's why people believe software is "never done". 2021-02-12T18:45:56Z @ (#) Agree! 2021-02-13T08:25:40Z (#) @ Good read: https://poolp.org/posts/2019-09-14/setting-up-a-mail-server-with-opensmtpd-dovecot-and-rspamd/ 2021-02-13T18:48:21Z Interesting shell https://github.com/NeowayLabs/nash 2021-02-13T19:48:27Z @ (#) Thanks for the recommendation! Looks good but French puts me off a little bit, although it might make it more interesting. 2021-02-13T23:05:01Z @ (#) It's at least a good learning exercise. 2021-02-14T07:43:32Z (#) @ Not necessarily JavaScript, but "more serious" programing languages. 2021-02-14T13:13:54Z @ (#) Was aware of the tutorial, might step through it at some point. Thx! 2021-02-14T13:58:20Z @ (#) I personally would contribute to https://git.suckless.org/sbase/. 2021-02-15T08:48:48Z (#) @ @ 👏 Good read! I believe you expressed my feelings exactly! 2021-02-15T08:50:29Z (#) @ @ @ https://lobste.rs/s/l40c33/write_html_not_javascript 2021-02-15T09:51:12Z (#) @ My opinion is that installing `Node.Js` and a JavaScript framework to develop a simple static site is incredibly weird. 2021-02-15T16:28:54Z (#) @ @ I guess a better idea would be to just convert the `twtxt` file to `Markdown` via an `awk` script and then run the whole output through `smu`? 2021-02-15T17:00:43Z @ (#) Ah, I understand, I would probably convert the whole `twxt` to `Markdown` in one go via `awk` if possible and rerun through another `awk` to add wrapper `div`s but probably those would be better represented as `li`s so no need for the wrapping part. 2021-02-15T21:36:33Z hello, test! 2021-02-15T21:36:52Z @ (#<74feyva https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74feyva>) Weird, I got an "You've been blocked" screen a few seconds ago! 2021-02-15T21:39:17Z @ @ (#) https://pastebin.com/UtGXjG9k. You have the date in the "$1" variable. `tail -r` is BSD specific, you could use `tac` or `awk` also I believe for reversing the lines. 2021-02-15T21:42:36Z (#<74feyva https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74feyva>) @ Pasting this in the post form? https://pastebin.com/UtGXjG9k. Btw! It converts `twtxt` to `Markdown`. 2021-02-15T21:45:24Z (#) @ @ Just run `./twtmd < ./twtxt.txt | smu > t.html` 2021-02-15T21:48:10Z @ (#<74feyva https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74feyva>) Nope! Did it now, doesn't work. 2021-02-16T10:13:05Z Morning! 2021-02-16T10:30:12Z (#) @ You can run `date` inside `awk` http://onetipperday.sterding.com/2015/08/use-getline-to-capture-system-command.html 2021-02-16T12:52:27Z (#<4zpji7q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4zpji7q>) @ @golang_news Will it allow `twtd` to be `go get`-able? 2021-02-16T18:04:44Z (#) @ Can effortlessness be more or less? 😛 2021-02-16T18:11:20Z (#) @ @ Awesome design on https://thewismit.com/, regarding Mastodon, not a big fan. 2021-02-16T18:20:45Z @ (#) How are you still using `sudo`, did you `pkg_add` it? Or? 2021-02-17T08:11:31Z @ (#) It wasn't a technical question, it was philosophical regarding effortlessness. By definition an action is effortless no more no less. 2021-02-17T08:12:26Z @lobste_rs (#) I toyed with `sam` a little, would really like to use it a little bit more at some point. 2021-02-17T08:15:58Z (#) @ @ Agree with _latest_ N. 2021-02-17T08:18:36Z This really caught my eye https://www.ekioh.com/flow-browser/, new browser engine, don't have a Raspberry PI to try. 2021-02-17T08:24:04Z (#) This recently caught my eye. https://www.ekioh.com/flow-browser/ 2021-02-17T08:53:55Z @ @ (#) As for real pagination a combination of `head` and `tail` I guess? 2021-02-17T09:32:22Z (#<3l6v6ea https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3l6v6ea>) @ You might be interested in my log tools https://adi.tilde.institute/cbl/. 2021-02-17T10:26:38Z @ (#<3l6v6ea https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3l6v6ea>) The way I run them is `grep 16/Feb/2021 /var/www/logs/mkws.shaccess.log | grep -vf /home/adi/share/bots | flvu | wc -l` where `/home/adi/share/bots` is a list of bot user agents. 2021-02-17T12:17:57Z @movq (#) Their team is pretty small, I don't believe it's impossible. 2021-02-17T12:24:07Z @ @movq (#) I would write one in C. 2021-02-17T19:47:23Z Added some affiliate recommended books to https://mkws.sh/docs.html, what's your opinion? 2021-02-17T20:55:57Z (#) @ I didn't say it's easy. 2021-02-17T22:22:15Z @ (#) I also believe courage is not running away from "hard" stuff, also I believe, once understood, "hard" stuff is not "hard" anymore. 2021-02-17T22:23:47Z (#) @ I agree the web doesn't suck but I do have a problem with SPAs hogging my computer. 2021-02-17T22:25:06Z (#) @ Interesting, good to be aware of that. 2021-02-17T22:30:17Z @ @ (#) Maybe I can remove the tracked images and replace them with untracked ones. 2021-02-17T22:48:22Z (#) @ I don't! 2021-02-17T23:17:18Z @ (#) I use GMail, and visit Facebook sometimes, not a big fan of the experience. 2021-02-17T23:19:14Z (#) @ @ Ok, I *rarely* use SPAs and not a fan of the experience. 2021-02-17T23:21:18Z (#) The reason I rarely use 2-3-4 SPAs is because they hog my computer. I put 2 more there just in case I forgot any. I don't believe buying better hardware that still hogs is an option. 2021-02-17T23:22:40Z (#) From my experience SPAs hog on any computer! 2021-02-17T23:25:31Z @ (#) I would prefer good hardware, but not for SPAs. 2021-02-17T23:28:28Z @ (#) But it *seems*, all **do**! 2021-02-17T23:30:02Z @ @ (#) I blame your definition of capitalism for that! SPAs are a forced tech. Abstractions just don't fit. It's fighting windmills! 2021-02-17T23:35:35Z (#) @ (#) 2021-02-17T23:35:45Z @ @ (#) Hence "never done" software, we're constatly plugging holes while in the boat! It's never done, the boat is sinking and constantly getting new holes. People call that "advancing". 2021-02-17T23:36:56Z @ @ (#) Problems are not solved by force, it's called **soft**ware! 2021-02-18T00:16:35Z > should not eat resources like a sieve.

It's impossible, desire for progress is instatiable like any desire, it's an **ideal**, by definition **not real**. 2021-02-18T01:07:09Z (#<7we6ajq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7we6ajq>) What I was actually saying is that it's impossible for a SPA not to eat resources like a sieve because of the stack behind it. 2021-02-18T01:08:30Z (#<7we6ajq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7we6ajq>) @ @ He may! 2021-02-18T01:13:15Z @ @xjix (#) By capitalism I ment "forced" work. 2021-02-18T01:23:57Z (#) @ Yeah, I derailed! 2021-02-18T01:25:01Z @ Thanks man, I feel grateful! 2021-02-18T01:32:58Z @ What's your opinion on the book afiliate links? I believe they fit the docs page quite well. 2021-02-18T01:41:16Z @ (#) Might remove the supplied images and replace them with no tracking ones. Also, have some minor work to do on the layout. 2021-02-18T01:51:55Z @ (#) What's your opinion? 2021-02-18T02:04:36Z @ (#) Regarding the blocking? Do you believe your filter might be too aggressive? 2021-02-18T02:10:34Z @ (#) @ @ @movq @ and anybody else can you recommend other books? 2021-02-18T02:14:06Z @ (#) Not familiar with it. I don't visit many sites with ads I guess. 2021-02-18T08:32:07Z @ @ @ @movq @ (#) Recommended books on 2021-02-18T08:34:21Z @ @ @ @movq @ (#) https://mkws.sh/docs.html 2021-02-18T09:20:27Z @ @ @ @movq @ (#) Any "must read" HTML CSS books? 2021-02-18T21:51:47Z @ @ @ @ (#) Not sure if it fits the https://mkws.sh website theme. It's not exactly security focused but rather building focused. 2021-02-19T09:21:35Z Morning! ☕ 2021-02-19T10:04:47Z My development script for `https://mkws.sh`:


export DEV=1
export PACK=0

trap "exit" INT TERM
trap "kill 0" EXIT

https &

find . -type f -name '*.upp*' | entr ./bin/mkws https://mkws.sh
``` 2021-02-19T10:12:14Z @ (#) `https` is a simple https server in `go`, and `entr` is http://eradman.com/entrproject/, couple that with https://livejs.com/ that gives me a live reload environment. 2021-02-19T10:16:28Z @ (#) `https.go` http://ix.io/2PWA, maybe you can give me some tips on that. 2021-02-19T10:27:08Z @ (#) I host my development script in a `../bin/d` file. 2021-02-19T16:29:58Z @movq (#) I get my reading from lobste.rs exclusively as of lately I observe. 2021-02-19T17:50:03Z @ @ (#) Solved! 2021-02-19T19:56:03Z Patience is indeed a virtue! 2021-02-19T22:18:43Z (#) @ Why are _we_ trying to save the Internet? 2021-02-19T22:23:49Z @ (#) I don't believe the web needs saving either. 2021-02-19T22:24:47Z @ @ (#) I see identity as everyone running their own private hardware server at home, not going to happen in my lifetime if ever. 2021-02-19T22:53:40Z @ Can you give me a tldr; on that law? Sorry, been busy these days to follow the conversation. 2021-02-20T08:44:50Z (#) @ You don't necessarily have to keep up and read everything! I don't have it in my feed reader, I just visit the site. I had the some problem with with readers, now I get my news just by opening 2-3 sites. 2021-02-20T08:48:39Z @ (#) Ok, that's weird! Cash for linking? Like traffic wasn't enough? 2021-02-20T09:06:43Z @ (#) It's particularly nice how I have the HTTP logs in common log format and the `mkws` build log in the same view. 2021-02-20T12:00:19Z @ (#<2gx3vlq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2gx3vlq>) https://github.com/intuit/judo? What's wrong with it? 2021-02-20T12:10:09Z @ (#<2gx3vlq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2gx3vlq>) This `judo` https://github.com/rollcat/judo 2021-02-20T13:48:27Z @ (#<2gx3vlq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2gx3vlq>) What kind of state? 2021-02-20T19:47:38Z @ Regarding your article, I don't actively encourage modifying the `mkws` scripts, but it is the recommended way of customizing it. 2021-02-21T09:50:28Z @ How are you generating the RSS feed on https://www.andrewjvpowell.com/, I believe I also had some code for generating Atom feeds? 2021-02-21T10:25:03Z @ (#<3sj7hkq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3sj7hkq>) https://lobste.rs/s/o8yhzs/pp_sh_preprocessor#c_tpezcw 2021-02-21T16:51:34Z @ What was that IP where you had those virtual machines again? It would be cool if I could test something on a Linux machine. My Linux machine is low on resources. 2021-02-21T18:30:53Z @ (#) Nvm, solved on my `tilde.institute` shell. 2021-02-21T19:01:01Z @ @ (#) Didn't work there also, spinning up a VPS on [Vultr](https://www.vultr.com/?ref=8802791-6G). (referral link). 2021-02-21T20:23:21Z @ @ (#) Works fine here, I’m adding `mkws` to https://develop.cafe/. 2021-02-23T07:36:45Z (#) @ What's the original link, can't see the start of the conversation? 2021-02-23T08:19:37Z @ @ (#) Exactly what was missing! 2021-02-23T09:23:46Z Ok, improved the fonts on the https://mkws.sh/ main svg, fonts could be smaller, not easy to fix tho. 2021-02-23T11:12:09Z @ (#) Although they don't really need to be smaller. 2021-02-23T20:43:10Z @ @ (#) I used CVS for a while for `mkws`, it's not horrible, I dropped off any kind of versioning system as of recently. 2021-02-23T20:47:00Z @ @ @ (#) I plan to write a "dumb" versioning system at some point working with just a text file as a repository with a list of patches. 2021-02-23T22:01:50Z @ @ (#) Yeah, I call that consciously ignoring best practices. It's healthy as opposed to unconsciously ignoring them, when you just don't understand why it's a good idea to follow them or are unaware of them. 2021-02-24T08:38:50Z (#) @ I believe RCS is pretty cool and has a nice interface. My idea is to create something really close to it that can also version directories. Expand it just a little bit. 2021-02-24T08:40:29Z (#) Regarding OpenBSD and Git, there's http://gameoftrees.org/. 2021-02-24T09:22:59Z (#) @ @ Regarding bloated websites, I observed I usually just close the tab on first glance when I see one. My solution is to just not visit bloated websites. That's why I don't run an ad blocker. I just close bloated websites. 2021-02-24T09:35:38Z @ I don't believe your site looks like a 90s horror show! 😛 2021-02-24T09:39:25Z I have do something on https://adi.tilde.institute. Some nostalgic design to fit the https://tilde.institute theme. This theme is nice, might adopt it https://christine.website/ although I prefer a custom one. 2021-02-24T09:43:37Z I wonder how to incorporate tips and tricks or howtos into https://mkws.sh/, wonder if it's a good idea to add a small blog where I could ocassionaly publish them. 2021-02-24T09:45:01Z Also wondering if the `*.upphtml` extension as `unpreprocessed` makes sense grammatically speaking (I'm not a native English speaker). 2021-02-24T14:08:10Z @ Do you have https://www.andrewjvpowell.com/ under version control? 2021-02-24T14:57:51Z @ (#) How are we being _forced_ to think? 😛 2021-02-24T15:36:14Z @ I really have to pack `mkws` for `ulinux`! 2021-02-24T21:00:41Z (#) @ I did some reasoning that's right but you didn't answer my question, how are you forcing me to think? 2021-02-24T21:12:57Z @ (#) Got the joke, did I misunderstand?

>… and participating in open conversations. that’s ok! since what we’re building forces you to think anyway,

How are we forced to think? 2021-02-24T21:15:01Z @ @ (#) I'm just speaking my mind. 2021-02-24T21:15:33Z @ (#) Yes, we agree, might have been a good idea not to. 2021-02-24T22:19:30Z @ (#) Not necessarily about the word more about the idea, there's no psychological consensus on the act of thinking (as in making an effort to think) and pretty sure you can't force someone to do that. Also, as you may have noticed I don't believe in hard "shoulds" or "shouldn'ts", but more on "it would be better to", "it would be a good idea to", "it's preferable to", this way, things are more relaxed. 2021-02-24T22:25:47Z @ (#) If you touch that stove you will get burned, if you prefer not getting burned, might be a good idea not to touch, if you prefer getting burned, go ahead and touch it. What do you prefer? 2021-02-24T22:30:30Z @ (#) Force who? The hospital personnel? To do what? 2021-02-24T22:33:35Z @ (#) At that point it would have been better to just get up and move him away from the stove if that's what you ment. 2021-02-24T22:37:37Z @ @ (#) Scream! Shout! "Move away!" "Don't touch the stove!". 2021-02-24T22:40:10Z @ @ (#) It's one thing to be afraid of being burned and another thing to understand that you will get burned. 2021-02-25T01:00:29Z @ (#) I understand what you mean by force in context. I believe answering with "Just sent a reply" to people complaining about not having Likes is enough. 2021-02-25T01:03:33Z @ @ (#) May be a good idea to have that in a future FAQ. 2021-02-25T01:04:29Z @ @ (#) Bad idea to force people to argue. 2021-02-25T01:05:48Z @ @ @ (#) Bad idea, in general, to force them to anything tbh. 2021-02-25T09:05:03Z @ (#) Don't search! 2021-02-25T09:07:14Z @ (#) Agree! <--- Speaking of "Likes" 2021-02-25T09:10:16Z @ (#) People! 2021-02-25T09:13:59Z @ @ (#) The idea is that people will pop up in your view and you'll get the a chance to review their twts and decide whether to follow or not. Decide if they're a "fit" naturally. 2021-02-25T11:00:30Z https://develop.cafe/category/website-generators.html 2021-02-25T13:40:57Z @ Nice logo on your pod! 2021-02-25T15:05:59Z @ (#) I agree man, it's getting to me also, my patience is stretched to the max. And we still have almost an year to go at least in Romania. 2021-02-25T18:00:45Z @ What was that `docker` command to run `ulinux`? 2021-02-25T18:16:18Z @ (#) Do you really _need_ to? 2021-02-25T18:34:35Z @ (#) What site? 2021-02-25T19:41:19Z @ @ (#) Nice hobby! 2021-02-25T20:47:36Z @ @ (#) Ah, awesome HTML, agree! 2021-02-25T21:05:51Z @ (#<5hixuoq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5hixuoq>) Commissioned? What do you mean? Spoke with a designer? Hmmm... What kind of transition? What themes? I agree, the current one is super cool! 2021-02-25T21:08:37Z I'm watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fBhad-_zN8 and I find it weird that nobody is wearing masks, haha! 2021-02-25T21:59:39Z @ (#) Exactly! 2021-02-26T09:16:30Z @ (#) Have no idea, I probably would play around with some select boxes or text inputs and server side validation? 2021-02-26T09:18:29Z (#) @ Yeah, unlikely you'll do them! 😛 2021-02-26T09:19:02Z @ (#<2aehrqq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2aehrqq>) Interesting... 2021-02-26T18:35:35Z @ @ (#) Why "$@"? Support for spaces? 2021-02-26T18:43:21Z @ @ @ (#) `pp` version:


${t:=$(basename "$PWD")}


for img in ??.jpg
``` 2021-02-26T21:16:25Z @ @ (#) Well I guess Facebook is/was a way to keep in touch with friends? and to show off your life, your public image mostly? Instagram same? 2021-02-26T21:27:22Z @ @ (#) Tbh I didn't ever questioned the "utility" of "yarn.social" 😛, it just fits me as a concept and people here share the same interests and values. 2021-02-26T23:43:28Z https://github.com/tomnomnom/anew

> A tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates 2021-02-27T08:20:37Z (#) @ I believe `*$` is more appropriate? 2021-02-27T08:31:38Z (#) @ Just skill man! 2021-02-27T09:42:50Z (#) @ I use https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/ btw. 2021-02-27T10:13:38Z (#) @ I'd rather not have the Haskell dependency, but the tool is very good. 2021-02-27T11:42:14Z @ I see you have 



I'm not sure, but for me this works



Isn't this enough? 2021-02-27T11:48:32Z @ (#) What about `initial-scale`? Tbh, I'd rather not reset the zoom. 2021-02-27T11:50:37Z @ @ (#) 

> The initial-scale property controls the zoom level when the page is first loaded.

I'd rather not reset the initial zoom level? Do mobile browsers have weird initial zoom levels? 2021-02-27T12:09:17Z @ How can I make `docker run -i -t prologic/ulinux` persistent? 2021-02-27T12:10:47Z @ (#) So in your case resetting the zoom level would be a bad idea. 2021-02-27T16:17:37Z @ (#) Chickenshit Minimalism resonated with me, seen a few examples that included bootstrap for minimalist sites: https://themes.gohugo.io/theme/minimal-bootstrap-hugo-theme/. 2021-02-27T16:23:33Z @ What do you do at your day job? 2021-02-27T16:26:17Z (#<754vgwa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=754vgwa>) @ @ I wonder why I find `qemu` more convenient. 2021-02-27T17:46:07Z (#<754vgwa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=754vgwa>) @ (#<754vgwa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=754vgwa>) @ Don't you have something like this already configured for `ulinux`? 2021-02-27T18:39:02Z @ Did you work at Bell Labs, did I read correctly? 2021-02-27T19:21:36Z @ (#<754vgwa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=754vgwa>) A persistent `ulinux` vm. 2021-02-27T19:37:26Z @ (#<754vgwa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=754vgwa>) Had no idea containers weren't persistent. 2021-02-27T19:58:23Z @ (#<754vgwa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=754vgwa>) By persistent I mean storing files inside the container. 2021-02-27T20:25:19Z @ (#<754vgwa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=754vgwa>)

> A container built from an OCI image might behave the same as an OS using the same underlying root file system they do not operate the same at all

Uhmm... 2021-02-28T16:52:57Z Ok, I'm adding a blog to https://mkws.sh/ for news and tips, stay tuned. 2021-02-28T19:10:18Z @ (#) There https://mkws.sh/blog.html. 2021-02-28T20:49:45Z @ (#) I still have to add some tips on rendering `Markdown`, @ wrote about that here https://www.thelinuxrain.org/articles/mkws-static-site-generation-with-the-shell and how to get a development server going and live reload. 2021-02-28T20:52:12Z @ @ @ (#) And maybe some other stuff I have laying around in my `~/src` and `~/bin` directories. 2021-02-28T20:53:55Z @ @ @ (#) Took me only a day to implement that blog. 2021-02-28T21:06:38Z @ @ @ (#) And working on it was pretty satisfying as opposed to configuring a Wordpress. 2021-02-28T21:24:11Z @ (#) I usually seen the opposite. Women are more interested in longevity and happy that studies show that they live more than men. 2021-02-28T21:35:43Z (#) @ @ You might use these somewhere `pe.c` https://clbin.com/X1GkA (percent encode) and `pd.c` https://clbin.com/8Ewrn (percent decode) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.1. I'll have to publish them somewhere sometime. 2021-03-01T13:54:38Z @ You didn't answer, if you have your zoom level set to 50% by default on your iPhone, resetting it would not be a good idea, right? 2021-03-01T14:42:11Z (#<2t2pflq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2t2pflq>) @ @ Cool site indeed, might be interested in my static site generator http://mkws.sh/. There was a twtxt integration floating around, I'll post it if you're interested. 2021-03-01T17:22:37Z This is how I store my blog posts:

$ ls -1
2021-02-28 15:34:42 Welcome
2021-02-28 15:35:21 How to add a navigation menu
2021-02-28 15:35:39 How to add custom titles
``` 2021-03-01T20:53:55Z (#) @ @ @ @ @ Thanks for the invite but I'll have to skip, I prefer text these days, I'll comment on your documents if it's the case. 2021-03-02T12:59:54Z (#) @ Thanks! @ Yeah, please check it out, let me know if you have any questions. 2021-03-02T13:00:21Z @ Did you check those url encoding utilities? 2021-03-02T13:31:19Z @ (#) I sometimes watch https://www.youtube.com/user/marquesbrownlee, https://www.youtube.com/user/LinusTechTips, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeeFfhMcJa1kjtfZAGskOCA, https://www.youtube.com/user/Techquickie. 2021-03-02T17:52:50Z @ @ (#) Nvm, I missed your answer, they're good for generating links. 2021-03-02T18:11:51Z (#) @ 



News and a collection of tips and tricks for mkws

find p -mindepth 1 | sort -r | while read -r f
test "${f##*.}" == "html" && continue;
t=$(echo "${f##*/}" | cut -c21-)

  1. $t



I have yet to come up with a solution for the `description` `meta` but I might formulate the first paragraph to be a good description, I'd rather not use any front matter.`` 2021-03-02T18:19:56Z (#) @ @ I get the `updated` field with `lmt` https://mkws.sh/lts.html wherever it's a good idea to have. (sitemap, atom feed) 2021-03-02T20:26:18Z (#) @ @ Video plays well, played little Duke Nukem myself at a class mate's house. I got a computer "later". 2021-03-02T20:27:34Z (#) @ @ @ How about https://www.webmproject.org/ a file format? 2021-03-02T20:46:32Z @ @ (#) It's Duke Nukem 3D. 2021-03-02T20:49:15Z > Covid: Japan asks China to stop anal tests on its citizens


Wasn't aware this was a thing. 2021-03-02T21:01:45Z @ (#) Yeah, read that also and believed it's pretty interesting. That format is a little bit weird tho. 2021-03-02T21:22:07Z @ @ (#) What suffering? 2021-03-02T21:26:16Z (#) @ Sounds good! How can I get one? 😄 2021-03-02T21:32:27Z @ (#) Makes sense, probably because of the of male inclination for tech also, men are a lot more seen as explorers, risk takers (<-- one of the reasons I believe they live less 😛) 2021-03-03T07:52:27Z @ (#) Not bad! Is that the same CSS framework? 2021-03-03T08:12:39Z @ (#) But you can parse either the filename or the file itself to get titles for instance without a `meta` file and maybe use my first paragraph as `description` suggestion? 2021-03-03T09:08:44Z @ (#) I'm not that good at writing so not sure if good or bad idea, not sure if the first paragraph would fit as a description and also read "normally" within the text. 2021-03-03T09:30:19Z @ (#) 

> I hope to convert it over to something like mkws.sh

And what's preventing you? 2021-03-03T09:33:44Z @ @ (#) I guess the _correct_ name is `mkws` the site's name is mkws.sh. 2021-03-03T09:41:29Z @ @ (#) You could use https://forestry.io/ as a frontend. I personally don't believe I would do it but it fits a blog well. 2021-03-03T09:44:00Z @ (#) What's the format of the articles? `Markdown`? 2021-03-03T09:50:04Z @ @ (#) I wonder how `mkws` would handle 217 articles. 😀 2021-03-03T10:00:51Z @ (#) Yeah, that `awk` script is a thing of beauty. 😁 2021-03-03T10:37:07Z Btw, you can `shellcheck` your `pp` templates via `pp -d docs.upphtml | shellcheck -s sh -`. 2021-03-03T10:48:10Z @ @ (#) Take a look at https://imagemagick.org/script/command-line-processing.php for image processing. 2021-03-03T11:44:58Z The recommended way to distribute dependencies with your `mkws` websites is to bundle them as static binaries so you don't have to run any package manager on the server side either. So, if your website uses `smu`, distribute a statically compiled `smu` in your website's `./bin` directory. The recommended way of doing this is to do a `make install PREFIX=/path/to/mkws/website/root`. Make sure the `-static` flag is set. That way you will also get the `man` pages installed in the `./share/man` directory. 2021-03-03T17:30:53Z I'm getting lots of `404 page not found`, what's the deal? 2021-03-03T22:33:28Z (#) @ (#) @ Check this out ^ Of course you can install the dependencies on the server also but it's not always viable as there is no `package.json` or `requirements.txt` or something similar. 2021-03-04T01:51:22Z @ (#) Nice! 2021-03-04T01:58:19Z (#) @ Depends on what you understand by Suckless. 2021-03-04T02:23:13Z @ @ @ (#) 

> I hope to see more pods

What's preventing you from getting more pods? 2021-03-04T02:26:57Z (#) @ Guess you could use something like this to self host https://projects-raspberry.com/call-text-using-raspberry-pi-gsm-module/ 2021-03-04T02:35:28Z (#) @ @ I might spin up a pod at some point, I have a lot of work to do tho, I don't want to manage a pod now, I would like to buy a domain at some point, I would like maybe to manage a Romanian pod but for now it's convenient I agree. 2021-03-04T02:43:24Z @ (#) But it's kinda silly given how most phones support web browsing. Why would you post via SMS? Is it faster? Maybe... 2021-03-04T09:58:49Z (#) @ @ Haha, well, just hacking around I guess. 2021-03-04T10:05:55Z For compiling `mkws`'s binaries on OpenBSD and Linux I run a set of commands via `ssh`, create a binary archive, pipe it to `uuencode` on the remote server and pipe it back to `uudecode` locally. Great use case for `uuencode` and `uudecode` pair. 2021-03-04T10:19:37Z Nice theme https://github.com/guneysus/gohugo-hacker ! 2021-03-04T11:28:35Z (#) @ @ That Ubuntu colorscheme is really nice, however I'm going to use https://github.com/egoist/hack for https://adi.tilde.institute. 2021-03-04T13:07:48Z Ok, migrating http://adi.tilde.institute/ to https://github.com/egoist/hack, it starting to look great. 2021-03-04T22:17:49Z @ (#) Because I'm outputting it as "plain text". 

ssh -T "$1" << EOF | uudecode
>&2 printf "Packing for %s\\n" "\$(uname)"
trap "rm -rf $tmp" EXIT INT HUP TERM
cd "$tmp"
f=mkws-"\$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"@"$(echo "$5"| tr _ .)".tgz
tar -czf - ws.sh|uuencode "\$f"
>&2 printf "Writing %s\\n" "\$f"
``` 2021-03-05T01:08:06Z (#) @ I don't believe it's possible. `4.0.9` is identical to `4.0.8`. It's a bug. 2021-03-05T01:18:35Z (#) @ Also check out:

tar -czf - ws.sh|uuencode "\$f"
>&2 printf "Writing %s\\n" "\$f"

`>&2 printf "Writing %s\\n" "\$f"` goes to `stderr` and doesn't interfere with `uuencode` which is getting it's input from `stdout`. 2021-03-05T01:25:22Z (#) @ @ Regarding the blog, maybe you can read this conv https://twtxt.net/conv/cqzsjsq. 2021-03-05T01:27:15Z (#) @ @ @ Can @ see my replies, if not please ping him? 2021-03-05T01:34:17Z (#) @ @ Can't edit, `uudecode` not `uuencode`, this one:

ssh -T "$1" << EOF | uudecode
``` 2021-03-05T01:43:20Z (#) @ It is possible to have all files in a single `sh` file via https://man.openbsd.org/shar. I'll have to explore this. 2021-03-05T01:47:25Z (#) @ @ It's possible but not pretty, explore it yourself also. 😁 2021-03-05T01:49:53Z (#) @ @ Also let us know the address of your blog. 2021-03-05T01:54:47Z (#) @ @ Thanks for explaining! 😁 Regarding binaries in shell not sure about distributing something like this: https://clbin.com/Z7pvr. 2021-03-05T02:16:34Z (#) @ @

> but it’d be cool to have just one file static linked executable that does it all.

Maybe yes, maybe no. It would complicate some stuff, like customization, you would have to add config files, `all` is a broad scope. My idea was to distribute a full tree to and from which you can add/extract stuff to your preference. Read this also https://twtxt.net/conv/hvygjbq. There are also other static site generators who deliver a single static executable, `hugo`, `zola`, [`saait`](https://git.codemadness.org/saait/file/README.html). 2021-03-05T02:17:38Z (#) @ @ @ In my case, a single static executable would combine `pp` and `lmt` I guess? 2021-03-05T02:29:22Z (#) @ @ My idea was to use the `mkws` script for customization. `pp`, `lmt` and `mkws` could be combined in a single shell file via `shar` but that would give a complicated main `mkws` script I guess or combine them all in a single static binary but that would mean being unable to customize the `mkws` script. Anyway, give it a spin and let me know how it works. 2021-03-05T02:35:06Z (#) @ @ @ Anyway, here's another idea, I have a `./bin/d` script for development:


export DEV=1

https &

find . -type f -name 'mkws' -o -name '*.upp*' | entr ./bin/mkws https://mkws.sh

`https` is https://clbin.com/tIIMk, `entr` is http://eradman.com/entrproject/. 2021-03-05T02:38:42Z (#) @ @ @ My `./share/l.upphtml` file is https://clbin.com/phoub, where `l.js` is https://livejs.com/. This gives me a live reload env. 2021-03-05T02:46:23Z (#) @ @ @ Point is some people would say add `Markdown` capabilities to the main binary, or add a web server, or add live reload to the main binary. I kept it as simple as possible, I don't believe I really have to combine everything in a single executable, a tree is not bad. 2021-03-05T02:53:49Z (#) @ @ Not sure if in the main package, might add a `tools`, `plugins` or `extensions` section to the website. Also, you can check out some stuff from here also https://adi.tilde.institute/, `linters` and `cl`, `cbl` and `fl` which are CLI log "analytics" tools: unique, visits, referers etc. Might rewrite them in C not sure, but `awk` fits the bill pretty well. Some tinkering required for now. 2021-03-05T03:00:10Z (#) @ How would that work? What would I embed? 2021-03-05T03:11:28Z (#) @ That would be great! Point is, I believe `sh` is a good fit as a templating language, it was built for massaging text, that's what templating languages mostly do. 2021-03-05T03:21:04Z (#) @ It's not great towards bad at editing HTML, but editing HTML is the exception, most of the times it's just text. 2021-03-05T03:33:08Z @ @ (#) Simplicity 2021-03-05T03:42:25Z @ "adi" is not available on http://sdf.org/, I have https://adi.tilde.institute/ and http://rw.rs/~adi/. 2021-03-05T04:01:02Z I wonder what OS http://tilde.club/ is running. 2021-03-05T05:15:03Z @ (#) http://rw.rs/ is kinda slow for me over SSH. 2021-03-05T05:19:04Z @ (#) tilde.institute is pretty cool, admins install packages on demand or do system configurations. It's pretty unrestrictive. 2021-03-05T05:20:11Z @ (#) 404 😛 2021-03-05T05:23:17Z (#) @ @ tilde.institute runs OpenBSD other tildes run Linux, not sure if there are any other BSD ones, have no idea what tilde.club runs but they're homepage is awesome. https://tildeverse.org/ 2021-03-05T05:28:15Z (#) @ Aaaah, busybox style, but then we'd have symlinks, @ @. 2021-03-05T05:32:16Z (#) @ @ @ @ So either have `pp`, `lmt`, `mkws` symlinks linking to one `mkws` main binary, or call one `mkws` main binary with the arguments `mkws pp`, `mkws lmt`, `mkws main?`. Or just build a single binary with arguments like "everybody" does it. 2021-03-05T05:33:25Z (#) @ @ @ @ Is distributing a tree such a bad idea? 2021-03-05T05:35:39Z (#) @ @ @ @ But if I build a single binary it would hold `pp` and `lmt`. I really refuse to build another static site generator that has a webserver inside. 2021-03-05T05:37:52Z (#) @ He just has to run this command `wget -O - https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.8.tgz | tar -xzvf -`. 2021-03-05T05:39:06Z (#) @ @ @ And then people will ask for `Markdown` support in that single binary, and live reload, and a webserver. There's Hugo for that. Maybe Hugo is better. 2021-03-05T05:42:01Z (#) @ @ @ @ What's your opinion @ on the issue? 2021-03-05T05:44:15Z (#) @ I refuse to install "apps" that I have to access "locally" via a web browser. 2021-03-05T05:48:35Z (#) @ @ @ I refuse to build an `entr` in my static site generator for instance, `entr` does its job very well. Also another `thttpd` or some other webserver or some weird websocket JavaScript live reload mechanism or another markdown processor when we have `smu`, `cmark`, `lowdown`, **all of these with a lengthy set of switches and knobs on a single binary.** 2021-03-05T05:53:13Z (#) @ @ @ @ You may say I'm not distributing single static binaries, but that's exactly what I'm doing! 😛 2021-03-05T05:59:30Z (#) @ @ @ Going to leave the tree, I understand how a single binary is The Holy Grail, I don't believe it's harder to use because the binaries are split. You run a single command `mkws`, the rest are dependencies. You don't run those manually and you can script them in your templates. Makes sense to call `pp $anotherfile` than `singlebinary render $anotherfile` I guess. 2021-03-05T06:02:04Z (#) @ @ @ @ The idea of having split binaries is that you can call them in your templates. @ What characters? What kind of escaping? 2021-03-05T06:09:05Z (#) @ @ @ @ @ Take `share/sitemap.uppxml`:


for f in *.html
$1/$(basename "$f")$(lmt -f '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' "$f" | cut -d' ' -f1)1.0


`lmt` is scripted in there, also in `./share/l.upphtml`. You can script `lmt` also in your Atom Feed. `pp` is called all over the place. 2021-03-05T06:30:49Z (#) @ `sed 's/"/'\''/g'` I guess for double quotes. 2021-03-05T06:31:46Z (#) @ @ 

> After that, I tried to use a program bundled with someone else's shell script site generator to make my own, but I couldn't get around one of the absurd limitations of the original generator. I eventually conceded that I would have to drastically change the formatting of my website and continued working, and I very quickly ran into either a bug that I couldn't fix because I don't know C, or (more likely) an even more absurd limitation that I don't care to conform to.

Is this `pp` ? 😛 Did you get `pp: Buffer overflow`? 😛 2021-03-05T06:42:26Z @ (#) **If** and when you're willing to take another look, maybe we could do it together? 😃 2021-03-05T07:08:26Z @ (#) I run my 'local' commands over SSH also? I remember researching this, also did some research now, seems that you can only do this with bash https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22107610/shell-script-run-function-from-script-over-ssh or something like this I guess with temp files? https://serverfault.com/questions/649359/executing-local-function-code-on-a-remote-server/686082?
f() {


. ./t
ssh -T adi@REMOTE << EOF
$(cat t)
``` 2021-03-05T07:29:52Z (#) @ Do you have your sources somewhere? I understand you'd rather not escape manually and still write "normal" html, with unescaped double quotes and special characters ? Can't you just run a few `sed`s on those html files and maybe create some temp files and pass those files to `./share/l.upphtml` in the `mkws` main script? 2021-03-05T07:55:31Z (#) @ (#) Is this a valid function definition? Are we allowed to define the body on the same line?

$ cat foo
foo() { printf "Hello World" }
$ sh foo
foo[1]: syntax error: ```{' unmatched

$ cat foo
foo() {
printf "Hello World"
$ /bin/sh -c "$(cat foo); foo"

Works well.

/bin/sh -c '$(cat foo); foo'


 I guess is how newlines are processed inside double quotes as opposed to single quotes.``` 2021-03-05T08:06:22Z (#) @ @ No, it's not a newline issue. 2021-03-05T08:32:20Z When calling `$ /bin/sh -c "$(cat foo); foo"`, the `$(cat foo)` part is evaluated in the outer `sh` process, so the actual argument your `sh` invocation is getting is:
$ /bin/sh -c "foo() {
 printf "Hello World"
}; foo"
You have the function definition there and the call which works.
When calling `$ /bin/sh -c '$(cat foo); foo'`, the `$(cat foo)` part is evaluated in your `sh` process, so what's actually happening is `$(cat foo)` is trying to interpret the first "command" from the `foo` file, `foo()` which is obviously `not found`. 2021-03-05T08:37:24Z @ (#) Have no idea what it does to the rest of the file, on my system when having a correct command on the first line there, it just executes it and outputs the rest of the file as it is. Then it goes to the `foo` function call which is also not found because again there's no `foo` command anywhere, because the function definition wasn't parsed correctly earlier as preferred. 2021-03-05T08:39:26Z @ (#) I'm going to sleep. 2021-03-05T14:10:47Z @ (#) Just woke up ☕ but it's 4 PM. 😀 2021-03-05T14:22:46Z @ (#) Pretty cool, but maybe Plan9 does it better? 2021-03-05T14:37:01Z If you benefited from any of my work remember to [Buy my a computer part](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/adriangrigore)💻, I've got my eyes on a [Pinebook Pro](https://www.pine64.org/pinebook-pro/)! 😛 2021-03-05T14:47:28Z @ (#) Awesome! Thanks! 😎 2021-03-05T14:57:32Z @ (#) Happy you're happy! 😄 2021-03-05T16:48:00Z @anth (#) Nice choice of emojis! 😁 2021-03-05T16:48:34Z Guys, how do you use emojis here, I copy&paste them from https://emojipedia.org/, is there a better way? 2021-03-05T17:45:52Z (#) @anth I ment the `swallow` effect. There's no need for text-mode graphics. 2021-03-05T17:47:12Z (#) @anth How did you figure out it's Linux and not BSD? 2021-03-06T12:37:52Z (#) @ Let me know how it goes. 2021-03-06T12:40:45Z (#) @anth What browser are you using on Plan 9? 2021-03-06T12:45:59Z Ah, Windows has a built in emoji picker under `Win+;`. 2021-03-06T13:00:58Z (#) @ @anth Never used Plan 9 @? Feels like another planet. 😛 Give it a go. 2021-03-06T17:07:09Z (#) @ @ Poor "monkeys" 😁 2021-03-07T04:50:35Z (#) @ @ All my laptops broke down, this is a borrowed laptop and I rather not change OS. I usually work via `ssh`. https://mkws.sh is an OpenBSD VPS hosted by http://openbsd.amsterdam/, I do most of my work there. I run another small Void Linux VPS. I'm not that hardcore. 😁 2021-03-07T05:35:18Z (#) @anth Haha! Awesome answer! 2021-03-07T08:15:48Z (#) @ @ @ Void Linux is my favorite linux. 2021-03-07T08:28:11Z (#) @ I mostly run Windows Terminal and Chrome. 2021-03-07T08:36:33Z (#) @ Also, I believe Windows Subsystem for Linux is great. 😛 2021-03-07T11:23:55Z (#) @ I migrated to Void from Arch. 2021-03-07T12:25:35Z (#) @ What kind of laziness? 2021-03-07T12:43:41Z @ (#) 

> is sometimes a PITA, that I’d like to get rid of it

Why get rid of it? 2021-03-07T12:52:46Z @ You have custom init system in `ulinux`, right? 2021-03-07T13:07:22Z @ (#) 

> I want to understand

And what's preventing you? 2021-03-07T13:25:39Z @ (#) What effort does understanding take? What kind of laziness? What kind of thinking? 2021-03-07T15:30:28Z @ @ (#) What's there to migrate? If you would prefer to? 2021-03-07T17:37:33Z @ (#) No goal at all. 😁Please post some jams then! 😛 2021-03-07T19:19:52Z (#) @ 😁 However you prefer. 2021-03-07T19:33:19Z (#) @ Depends on what you understand by laziness. 😁 2021-03-07T20:07:14Z (#) @ @

> I hope I can rework it to allow for that kind of fancy stuff.

And what's preventing you? 😋 2021-03-07T20:12:18Z (#) @ @ @ Succesfully compiled `asciiworld` on OpenBSD. Playing around. 😛 2021-03-07T20:19:57Z (#) @ @ @ 

geoip_city_database = "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat"
geoip_city_database_v6 = "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCityv6.dat"

Aren't these "old", "deprecated" GeoIP databases? Isn't the new format in `.mmdb`? I don't believe I have those databases on OpenBSD. 2021-03-07T20:23:15Z Silly joke:

> Project Manager: Why do you look so tired?
> Programmer: Because I work. 2021-03-07T20:41:51Z @ (#) From the examples above I still don't get why do you have to use `yaml` as opposed to just writing a `sh` script and run it via https://github.com/rollcat/judo for example. 2021-03-07T21:03:57Z @ (#) But where is the state in your examples and how do you store state? 2021-03-07T21:14:40Z @ (#) So why https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prologic/shops/master/examples/resolvconf.yml and not https://clbin.com/vSfnO? 2021-03-07T21:16:05Z @ @ (#) The final `]` is extra

 if [ -n "${NS1}" ] && ! grep -q "nameserver ${NS1}" "${RESOLVCONF}" ]; then
``` 2021-03-07T23:25:14Z @ (#) I'm considering using `shar` somehow, I'm half asleep, we'll talk tomorrow. 2021-03-08T10:11:23Z @ (#) I ment running them via `judo`, not `ssh`, but if man if `yaml` is your thing, just do `yaml`. 2021-03-08T10:12:34Z I just woke up! ☕ 2021-03-08T10:35:40Z An alias I use very often

alias cdtemp='cd $(mktemp -d)'

whenever I'm playing around with something. 2021-03-08T10:54:39Z (#<5nof4iq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5nof4iq>) @ Yeah, but I prefer an empty directory. 😋 2021-03-08T10:58:05Z @ (#) To me it still looks like it could be written like a single `sh` script, what am I missing? 2021-03-08T11:10:56Z @ (#) Might just be a thing of preference? 2021-03-08T11:12:08Z @ (#<5nof4iq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5nof4iq>) `cdtemp` is shorter and I **don't have to name things**. 😋 2021-03-08T11:18:36Z @ (#<5nof4iq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5nof4iq>) Agree, good names was considering them. `cdtemp` is closer in naming to `mktemp` 2021-03-08T11:38:56Z @ (#) Ok, I assume it's simplification of Chef/Puppet/Ansible? 2021-03-08T13:30:41Z @ (#) Yes I agree `shops` is an orchestrator for a custom language you defined in `yaml` which runs `sh` functions, and `judo` is an orchestrator for plain `sh` scripts. 2021-03-09T08:50:04Z (#) @ What's this? 2021-03-09T08:57:16Z God it feels good not having to run `npm install` in `mkws!` 2021-03-09T10:07:06Z @ (#) Also having to debug obscure bugs in `npm` dependecies. 2021-03-09T17:47:28Z @ How's the website going? 😛 2021-03-09T17:51:14Z I can't remember why and how I set the default format for https://mkws.sh/lts.html.

Fri Sep 4 17:53:46 EEST 2020 README
``` 2021-03-09T18:16:50Z (#) @ I didn't realize, it just seemed like HN to me, now that you mention it, looks cool! 😁 You have a problem with the HN presentation? 2021-03-09T18:54:27Z @ (#) Haha, well maybe it's a bad fit for you then. 😀 2021-03-09T19:04:01Z @ @ (#) I'm surprised tho https://mckinley.cc/, looks like a very good candidate. 2021-03-09T19:14:31Z @ (#) @ Doesn't have all the documents in his root directory, he has a custom layout, my blog posts are stored in a separate `p` directory, about quotes, maybe you can `sed` files. You really don't have to use `mkws` but I'm just saying that it's not impossible. 2021-03-09T19:21:20Z @ @ (#) I'm very attracted to retro! 2021-03-09T19:46:08Z @ (#) Yeah, that's the whole point, it's very basic. You don't _configure_ it, you _program_ it. Edit the main `mkws` script to your preference, this is how I generate my blog:

for p in "$srcdir"/p/*
 test "${p##*.}" == "html" && continue
 echo "Making p/$(echo "${p##*/}" | cut -c21-).html"
 pp "$sharedir"/l.upphtml "$p" "$1" > "p/$(echo "${p##*/}" | cut -c21-).html"

Do some loops there. Here's how @ does it https://www.andrewjvpowell.com/pastebin/1612574353/. It doesn't have to be great, just make it work. 2021-03-09T19:57:38Z @ (#) No, I probably would `sed` the quoted documents to unquoted ones and process those using temp files. Again, if your current setup works don't change it especially not for that sake of change.

> But the end result would be even more of a complicated mess of a shell script than the one I have now.

Depends on what you understand by "mess" and "complicated". 😁 2021-03-09T20:01:15Z @ @ (#) `mkws` is very tolerant to "mess". 2021-03-09T20:08:31Z @ (#) However you prefer. 2021-03-09T20:09:32Z @ (#) 

No need to apologize.

> Depends on what you understand by “mess” and “complicated”

It’s 55 lines long and I’m having trouble understanding it as I read through it, less than a week after it was written.

> Depends on what you understand by “mess” and “complicated”

It’s 55 lines long and I’m having trouble understanding it as I read through it, less than a week after it was written. 2021-03-09T20:27:52Z @ (#) 

> I really appreciate your help but as I said in my blog post, I just need to make my own generator in a real programming language if I want it to be exactly right for my website.

I personally don't believe you need help and I don't believe you need to make your own generator, but if you personally decide it's a good idea go for it. 2021-03-10T09:47:07Z (#) @anth Nice! As far as I remember GSoC rewards some tasks or issues related to the project. What tasks are there? 2021-03-10T23:24:17Z (#) @ @ Yeah, me neither. 2021-03-11T08:58:00Z Morning! ☕ 2021-03-11T13:40:51Z (#) @ I'm craving some 🍕 tbh. Going to get some soon. 2021-03-11T20:21:19Z (#) @ @ @ ☹Ruined the game, nice game idea tho. 😋 2021-03-12T10:52:37Z Morning! ☕ 2021-03-12T12:36:07Z @ (#) On the 15th I'll be able to set a vaccination date for myself. 2021-03-12T13:08:31Z @ (#) I'm ordinary. But I'll only be able to set a date. 2021-03-14T08:20:02Z @ (#)

From https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/

> To receive access to download the GeoLite2 databases or query the GeoLite2 web services at **no charge**, sign up for a GeoLite2 account.

Geo*lite* is the free version now. 2021-03-14T08:21:56Z @ @ (#) I'm looking at what and how OpenBSD packages. 2021-03-14T08:51:56Z @ @ (#) This is the package that has the databases but I can't figure out how it gets the files https://github.com/openbsd/ports/tree/22f59096e42f4bf9e6cd51073119c7653eaf83b9/net/libmaxminddb. 2021-03-14T08:58:12Z @ @ (#) 

$ ls -1 /var/db/GeoIP/
``` 2021-03-14T09:01:07Z @ @ (#) https://twitter.com/adi3v/status/1371023337774850056 2021-03-14T09:05:57Z @ (#) Shady legally speaking? 2021-03-14T09:15:27Z @ @ (#) Lol, why not just create an account yourself and download the databases, I guess you have to read about the distribution policy. 2021-03-14T09:16:52Z @ @ (#) Yeah, problem is distribution, are you allowed or not to distribute the databases. Would be dumb if MaxMind would want everybody to create an account instead of just software makers/distributors to download the databases for distribution. 2021-03-14T14:43:02Z @ (#) 

> “You shall cease use of and destroy any old versions of the Services within thirty (30) days following the release of the updated GeoLite2 Databases.”

I interpret this as "you have to keep your database updated", not as distribution restriction. 2021-03-14T14:45:46Z @ @ (#) I'm pretty sure it's "free as in beer", and not "free as in speech" because they require you to keep the database updated? 2021-03-14T14:46:51Z @ @ (#) You could simply not distribute the db files with `asciiworld` and have it in your README that thy're required. 2021-03-14T20:52:09Z (#) @ @ I'm not a lawyer. 2021-03-14T20:52:34Z (#) @ @ @ But I guess you can send them a message and ask. 2021-03-15T11:29:08Z @ @ (#) https://bearblog.dev/ is pretty cool! 2021-03-15T11:30:54Z @ @ (#) I personally would send them a message. 😋 2021-03-15T11:35:32Z @ @ @ (#) https://twitter.com/fcambus/status/1371392533780172803 2021-03-15T11:39:53Z @ @ @ (#) Maybe you could use the https://db-ip.com/db/lite.php databases in `asciiworld` 😉. 2021-03-15T11:46:34Z @ @ @ (#) It's nice that it's also available in CVS format but it has less info https://db-ip.com/db/download/ip-to-country-lite 2021-03-15T11:55:31Z @ @ @ (#) Yeah, I agree I'm awesome 😋, [fcambus](https://twitter.com/fcambus/) also is. I also agree it's good to be aware of other GeoIP databases than the MaxMind ones, first time I heard about https://db-ip.com/. 2021-03-15T12:03:49Z https://twitter.com/adi3v/status/1371430481510739969 😋 2021-03-15T20:50:30Z @ @ Read this also https://twitter.com/fcambus/status/1371545497803034627. 2021-03-18T11:19:41Z (#) @ @ Great XKCD for the "moment" @! 😊 2021-03-18T11:25:01Z (#) @ @ @ https://thebestmotherfucking.website/

But still, that

> gorgeous lock

😁 2021-03-18T12:00:06Z Morning! ☕ 2021-03-18T15:28:25Z @ (#<7cegtda https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7cegtda>) What OS are you running that rpi? 2021-03-18T18:28:08Z @ (#<2qlnvya https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2qlnvya>) Why is what? 2021-03-18T18:48:36Z @ (#) I was talking about the line in the page's content. 😁 2021-03-18T18:49:16Z @ (#<2qlnvya https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2qlnvya>) Depends on what you understand by death. I have to study the Plan 9 display system better. 2021-03-19T13:21:08Z (#) Morning! 😃 2021-03-21T11:04:13Z Morning! ☕ 2021-03-21T11:20:58Z @ (#) Haha! 😁 2021-03-22T14:27:35Z @ (#) What hope? 2021-03-24T09:14:31Z Morning! ☕ 2021-03-26T10:46:29Z https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXBHCQYxwr0 Morning! 🤩 2021-03-26T14:34:33Z @ (#) There's no place for `--color=always` on `grep` imo. I was considering building a generic syntax highlighter for the CLI with various lexers, for `ls`, `diff`, `grep`, `find`, etc... 2021-03-26T15:29:37Z @ (#) I disagree with _should_ or _shouldn't_. 2021-03-26T15:31:30Z (#) @ @ 

> Doing the coloring in a second step using a second program feels like a hack to me as well.

I don't believe it's hack a all, but true to the unix philosophy of a program that does just the highlighting for other programs.

> (Maybe we just shouldn’t be passing flat plain text, but structured objects …)

Just whip out a parser, it's not that hard, just saying. 😋 2021-03-26T15:33:42Z @ For some reason, I can't read private messages, I can only see the first line. Also, I don't see the notifications on my laptop, but only on my mobile phone. 2021-03-26T15:40:09Z @ @ (#) ![](https://twtxt.net/media/75MVbUVyLHVGZ3TK3yn9cK) 2021-03-26T16:03:03Z (#) @

> But grep knows best which parts of the output should be colored.

I would go with a _good enough_ coloring.

> `grep ... | colorize | less`


> That would potentially expose the same problem.

It's only a problem for _you_ I guess, it seems they agree on that solution with advantages and disadvantages listed in the comments? Yeah, maybe go with another pager? 2021-03-26T16:06:47Z Forgot to add a link to [`smu`](https://github.com/Gottox/smu) here https://mkws.sh/p/How%20to%20render%20%60Markdown%60.html. 2021-03-26T23:49:11Z @ Can you ask your question here, I can't read DMs? 2021-03-27T08:47:48Z I was never on the Justin Bieber hate train but not a fan either but this is a cool song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ0yjYUFKAE 2021-03-27T11:01:24Z @ (#) What kind of flawed? Depends on what you understand by "mistake"? 2021-03-27T17:16:14Z (#) @ His voice is borderline unfit for the song but still sounds good, the other two guys are nice I agree. 2021-03-28T08:46:53Z @

This is how I render the blog

$ ls -1 p
2021-02-28 15:34:42 Welcome
2021-02-28 15:35:21 How to add a navigation menu
2021-02-28 15:35:39 How to add custom titles
2021-03-09 19:45:23 How to render ```Markdown`
How to add a navigation menu.html
How to add custom titles.html
How to render `Markdown`.html
``` 2021-03-28T08:47:20Z @ @ (#) 

cat bin/mkws
for p in "$srcdir"/p/*
 test "${p##*.}" == "html" && continue
 echo "Making p/$(echo "${p##*/}" | cut -c21-).html"
 pp "$sharedir"/l.upphtml "$p" "$1" > "p/$(echo "${p##*/}" | cut -c21-).html"

``` 2021-03-28T08:48:14Z @ @ (#) 

$ cat blog.upphtml


News and a collection of tips and tricks for mkws

find p -mindepth 1 | sort -r | while read -r f
test "${f##*.}" == "html" && continue;
t=$(echo "${f##*/}" | cut -c21-)

  1. $t


``` 2021-03-28T08:54:35Z @ @ (#) 

cat share/f.upp

cat bin/mkws
echo "Making feed"
pp "$sharedir"/f.upp "$1" > f
``` 2021-03-28T08:56:23Z @ @ (#) Might be a good blog post in itself. 😁 2021-03-28T08:58:12Z @ @ (#) `pe` is `pe.c` https://clbin.com/X1GkA, an utility for percent encoding strings. 2021-03-28T09:05:21Z @ (#) But that peach suit... So cool!!!! 😎 2021-03-28T09:10:16Z @ @ (#) Ah, and

$ cat share/l.upphtml

if test "${1%/*}" == "./p"

cmark "$1" | \
sed "s/\


pp "$1"

``` 2021-03-28T09:23:57Z @ @ (#) You could delete the `if`s there and just render the `Markdown` if all you're building is a blog. 2021-03-28T09:48:29Z @ (#) There are no expectations when you're honest. Expectations and honesty don't mix. 2021-03-28T12:47:36Z @ (#) 😉 2021-03-28T13:08:18Z I recently went to a strip club with a friend, we had no cash in our pockets. She was kinda friends with the DJ. We landed there, she chatted with the DJ a little bit, the DJ left and we were left there with the girls and 2 customers. We got some dances, a short lap dance, and the bartender served us topless "on the house". 😁 2021-03-28T13:09:53Z @ (#) Imagine that, going to a strip club with no cash in your pocket and having the dancers pay for your drinks. 😁 2021-03-28T14:29:08Z @ (#) I'm not saying anything about "the nipple". 😋 2021-03-28T15:25:51Z @ (#<5mmxcbq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5mmxcbq>) Your reasoning is that if Zeus would create mistresses he would create _too many_ people? 2021-03-28T19:30:33Z @ (#<5mmxcbq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5mmxcbq>) If I were to create mistresses 👩‍❤️‍👩 🥰 they would be neither for nor against me. 😋 2021-03-29T00:38:05Z (#) @ Please post your website :p 2021-03-29T09:02:21Z @ (#) I'm not that old either, I've been using Linux one way or another for some 20 years, but only started learning UNIX as properly as I can for about 5-6 years. 2021-03-29T09:10:57Z @ (#) I agree with most of what you said.

> And mobs pushing to put others down or “cancel” them based on something they once online said eons ago is a bad path

As long as the "bad" opinion has changed in the meantime, I see no reason to "cancel" them.

> Most of this smells of software corporates wanting to get rid of a very outspoken opponent and some SJWs jumping on for the ride.

Why get rid of him? 2021-03-29T09:14:27Z (#) @ @ @ 0 as a goal _seems_ kinda silly. 2021-03-29T09:22:57Z (#) @ @ @ @ Depends on what you understand by "frustrating". 😋 2021-03-29T09:24:41Z (#) @ @ @ @ I personally have broken the restrictions and actually went to parties a few times, I don't feel bad about it. I'm not encouraging anyone to do that due to health and legal implications. 2021-03-29T09:57:06Z @ (#)

> Let’s try to reduce it as much as we can.

That's a better "goal". We still have, very rare, true, cases of bubonic plague tbh.

> And why do you go to parties?

Guess lockdown got me a little bit and I went out a few times. 2021-03-29T09:58:14Z @ @ (#) For instance I have a friend who's going through a breakup this period. If breakups were bad outside the pandemic, they're way worse now that you can't go out. 2021-03-29T10:01:27Z @ @ (#) 

> IMHO going to parties during a lockdown is reckless and selfish.

Depends on a number of factors. I would have said that myself at the start of the pandemic.

> For instance I have a friend who’s going through a breakup this period. If breakups were bad outside the pandemic, they’re way worse now that you can’t go out.

She can't go out with friends, she's just at home feeling abandoned. I'm visiting her but I'm just a friend. 2021-03-29T10:05:29Z @ (#) There are some _rare_ cases. 2021-03-29T10:06:14Z @ (#)

> We have things like video and telephone or voip for this though …

Does it help with her feeling abandoned? 2021-03-29T10:08:04Z @ @ (#) I recently been through a breakup myself, but I'm sleeping at my parents. 2021-03-29T10:11:32Z @ (#) How would you solve her problem? 2021-03-29T10:13:00Z @ (#) 

> Yeah I get it 🤗 Breakups are hard. But we were talking about breaking lockdown to go to a party?

It's not an easy situation. I understand how it might sound bad and I understand why and how it might *be* bad. 2021-03-29T10:21:00Z @ (#) Well that's her solution, it's a legally and health wise risky solution. Me sleeping at my parents is not great for my general well being either, but that's the current situation. 2021-03-29T10:23:50Z @ (#) No need to feel sorry. 2021-03-29T20:39:03Z @ @ (#) I then _hope_ to become at least prime minister, seems like I have a shot. 😋 2021-03-29T23:51:14Z @ When will DMs be fixed! :p 2021-03-30T11:48:54Z @ (#) Thanks! When is the deploy? 😋 2021-03-30T12:05:45Z @ (#) Thanks, working fine! 2021-04-01T08:58:42Z > My dick is stuck in my fly

https://explosm.net/comics/5834/?fbclid=IwAR1O9xeZgasj_o5zbzEHybxLkuiCzSKnES2q6WR-ogZ9szYwTw94cjg4-8A 2021-04-02T12:48:45Z @ @ @ (#) What hope? 2021-04-02T18:48:24Z (#) @ @ @ I haven't expressed my preferrered application structure yet. 2021-04-03T12:19:28Z (#) @ @maya What suffering? 2021-04-05T15:23:41Z Ok, took a few days off from work. 2021-04-05T21:50:06Z (#) @ @ Also, if you feel satisfied with my work, please consider donating here https://www.buymeacoffee.com/adriangrigore 😊 2021-04-06T10:11:31Z @ Recently called `mkws`

> refreshingly lightweight

I agree. 😊 2021-04-06T12:29:13Z I'm writing a blog post on how to set up a development environment with `mkws`. 2021-04-08T19:09:24Z (#<7rhdpna https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7rhdpna>) @ This is an awesome `tmux` alternative. 2021-04-08T23:27:28Z (#<7rhdpna https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7rhdpna>) @ @ Yup, check the comment as well https://github.com/deadpixi/mtm 2021-04-09T09:14:02Z (#<7rhdpna https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7rhdpna>) @ @ @ I believe I seen `twin` before, screenshots anywhere? 2021-04-09T09:21:15Z (#<7rhdpna https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7rhdpna>) @ @ @ @ Yeah, just gave `mtm` a shot, pretty cool! 2021-04-09T10:53:05Z @ @ @ (#<7rhdpna https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7rhdpna>) Looks cool, not something I would use tho, `mtm` fits me better. This is pretty cool also https://github.com/martanne/abduco. 2021-04-14T17:46:03Z @ (#<6pqnlua https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6pqnlua>) I'm neither for nor against so no 2021-04-15T09:25:55Z @ (#) Wonder where the youth are going to move next, assuming your parents are not young. twtxt/yarn @😋 2021-04-16T07:44:52Z @ @ (#) What desires? 2021-04-16T07:52:00Z This sounds very good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG2PgVl0Nlc 2021-04-16T08:18:42Z (#) @ What wants for greed of power? Why would you want to lose them? 2021-04-19T08:32:00Z (#) @ @ I'm 1000 something on the waiting list. Missed an appointment and made another one. 2021-05-06T12:16:01Z Got my first shot two days ago. Next one is on the 24th. Been hanging out outside lately. Prolonging my break I guess. 2021-05-09T04:26:47Z @ (#<3g32vzq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3g32vzq>) What hope? Didn't get any side effects from the shot, however I really don't feel like working, I'm going out mostly these days. 2021-05-21T10:31:04Z (#) @ Yeah, I don't have backups for everything, but still, it's enough. 2021-05-21T10:31:50Z @ (#) I’ve been going out a lot these days, guess a vacation. I don’t feel like working, but I guess right now I’ll have to start again. 2021-07-13T09:31:18Z Ok, got the site back up at least https://www.mkws.sh/. The long delay wasn't caused by technical difficulties but by me feeling tired. 2021-07-13T09:37:02Z I have some backups on http://mega.nz/ but at least now, they _seem_ impossible to recover. 2021-07-13T09:39:34Z @ (#) Been doing pretty well, took a vacation, made some new friends, went partying, yesterday was in the mood for working and decided to get the site back up at least. I still have to rebuild the server but at least the site is up. 2021-07-13T09:41:05Z @ @ (#) I see you haven't rebranded yet, what happened with that? 2021-07-13T09:45:30Z @ @ (#) That's me holding the beer and the cigarette! ![@adi and people](https://twtxt.net/media/rx5FvmPRT8rQGeKZCZN9hf) 2021-07-13T09:54:13Z @ (#) I feel everything is complicated and clunky on the WWW as of some years. 2021-07-13T13:00:27Z @ @ (#) Wasn't a big fan of the yarn.social rebranding if you remember, I preferred the twtxt.net one. 😛 Also, some rent money would be great 300-400 euros/month, I'm still sleeping at my parent's place, but there's no physical space to work. I'd rather not take a full time job. What do you think? Maybe if both of you chipped in, or/and some other people also, it would be great. 2021-07-13T13:02:52Z Ok, I'm finally recovering my files! 2021-07-14T13:20:23Z (#) @ Hey, glad to be here again! 2021-07-14T13:21:15Z (#) @ @ @ @ At least 300-400 euros per month for rent would be nice. 2021-07-14T13:41:33Z Ok, got all the data back on the server. Have to put a lot of stuff back in place. I had backups for `/home/adi` but not for `/`. 2021-07-14T13:49:59Z @ (#) Config files. 2021-07-14T13:51:48Z @ @ (#) Those I have to redo by hand. 2021-07-14T14:12:02Z (#) @ @ I believe this is a good step towards self hosting: https://thehelm.com/ 2021-07-15T09:18:31Z (#) @ @ I have https://www.buymeacoffee.com/adriangrigore 2021-07-15T09:32:16Z @ (#) Exactly! Build and ship an actual physical device! 2021-07-15T09:33:15Z @ (#) However you prefer. 2021-07-17T11:05:59Z @ (#) Why would an update to OpenSSL make you download the entire distro? 2021-07-17T11:08:08Z @ @ (#) Nvm! 2021-07-20T12:27:41Z @ Where are the sources located now? 2021-07-20T12:36:34Z @ @ (#) Nvm, found them. 2021-07-26T14:44:13Z hello, world 2021-08-10T02:18:47Z Ok, did some housekeeping on https://mkws.sh/, not actually visible. 2021-08-10T22:27:46Z @ (#) No good, no evil 2021-08-17T12:59:52Z Hey guys, a 3 computer parts (15$) donation https://www.buymeacoffee.com/adriangrigore/ would be great so I could pay my https://tinykvm.com/ invoice. I use that VPS to automate Linux builds of https://mkws.sh/. 2021-08-17T13:38:27Z @ (#) Awesome! Thanks a lot man! 🤗 2021-08-17T13:53:15Z @ @ (#) Great timing also, as I felt a little bit demotivated given that lobste.rs downvoted one my posts as spam. 😔 2021-08-17T14:15:43Z Oh, and speaking of self hosting git repos, this is pretty cool https://www.codemadness.org/stagit.html. 2021-08-17T14:32:12Z Also, installed this https://spadilify.netlify.app, still have to fiddle with it tho. 2021-08-17T14:46:29Z Saw you guys speaking of https://www.flatpress.org/, that's one direction I'm going with `mkws`, but with a built-in webserver. 2021-08-17T15:20:59Z (#) @ @ That's one direction I'm taking [`mkws`](https://mkws.sh) in but I'm bundling a simple web server also. 2021-08-17T16:02:30Z Also guys, did you see the https://frame.work modular laptop? 2021-08-17T18:06:40Z @ (#) No sure why, Apple never caught on me, maybe I'll give it another go at some point. 2021-08-17T18:10:04Z Also, I'm moving to https://ko-fi.com/ because of the 0% fee. 2021-08-17T20:03:04Z @ (#) This _forced_ thing.... Not sure if _forced_ and _understanding_ can coexist in the same sentence. 2021-08-17T20:48:53Z Exactly what I was looking for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBM1FIPSe1s, 1 hour of Aya Nakamura - Djadja. 2021-08-17T23:13:40Z @ What's this warning?

 WARN[0000] error loading pod settings: open data/settings.yaml: no such file or directory 2021-08-18T00:44:04Z I was almost asleep and a solution to a problem hit me. I got up, but I forgot both the solution and the problem. 2021-08-18T00:56:04Z (#) @ Sort of... ❤🔫 2021-08-18T00:59:25Z @ (#) And just remembered both! 2021-08-18T01:43:03Z @ (#) Premium membership 2021-08-18T01:48:42Z (#) @ Ah, something related to backups. Directory renaming and such, nothing extraordinary. 2021-08-18T01:49:42Z @ (#) For those accepting donations, having features like shorter nicknames. 2021-08-18T02:11:07Z (#) @ Good reads https://drewdevault.com/2020/11/20/A-few-ways-to-make-money-in-FOSS.html and https://drewdevault.com/2021/03/03/To-make-money-in-FOSS-build-a-business.html 2021-08-18T02:29:26Z @ (#) Awesome, thanks! ❤🤗 Tbh, I bought https://adi.onl/ with @'s donation which I'll use to host my yarn instance and play around with it (I'm skinning it to fit the website's theme https://github.com/nodejh/hugo-theme-mini), I'll actually renew my Linux VPS with this donation. 😎 2021-08-18T02:31:27Z (#) @ Yup, it's called satisfaction, or happiness I guess. 😊 2021-08-18T02:36:08Z (#) @ @ Actual skin preview https://nodejh.com/hugo-theme-mini/. I'll ask questions for now. I just finished setting up a local dev environment so we wouldn't have any weird behaviour. Got myself a better computer in the meantime, compile time is still pretty slow tho. 2021-08-18T02:37:25Z @ @ @ (#) https://git.mills.io/adi/yarn 2021-08-18T02:38:34Z Oh, I solved my location issues in the meantime, so I don't need rent money anymore, but thanks guys for chipping in. 2021-08-18T02:52:17Z @ (#) Yeah, my sister moved to her husband's parent's house, my parents moved to my sister's place and I ended up alone here where my parents are still paying a small rent tho. 2021-08-18T13:19:42Z (#) @ Ok, this is a little bit closer to my vision ![Custom Yarn](https://twtxt.net/media/uvwzeJCXjpJtCWGSE76ANX) 2021-08-18T16:32:22Z First version of https://adi.onl/. 2021-08-18T19:26:18Z Ok, paid my RAM Host invoice https://smallpdf.com/result#r=903b52d8edc3137a96a98a0946ac2ef1&t=share-document, thx @, @! 😛 2021-08-19T08:12:30Z @ Did you see this https://twtxt.net/twt/wvqcfaq ? 2021-08-19T09:01:04Z @ @ (#) Agree, it's a good idea to add some polish to it. I'll take into account the `
` suggestion. 2021-08-19T18:12:06Z @ @ (#) I also recommend https://poolp.org/posts/2019-09-14/setting-up-a-mail-server-with-opensmtpd-dovecot-and-rspamd/ when it comes to hosting your own mail server. 2021-08-19T19:07:55Z @ @ @ (#) I'm also removing DMs and Blogs at least on my instance. 😛 2021-08-20T11:50:18Z (#) @ Your version has a retro 90s look to it. @ Not even IMO. 2021-08-20T16:10:04Z @ (#) Not really tbh. I can't remember how much time it took me to follow the instructions but I don't remember it feeling like "too much work". It's only a blog post after all. 2021-08-21T08:01:12Z (#) @ @ Not sure how simple implementing a plugin system would be. @ it was a compliment, it's not online yet as I have only the basic look sorted out. It's not done yet. 2021-08-21T10:17:05Z @ Why are using spaces for indenting in templates? Is that a recommendation for Go templates, coincidence or preference? 2021-08-21T10:26:00Z @ (#) Throth? 😋 2021-08-21T10:27:44Z @ @ (#) So is it a Go recommendation or personal preference? 2021-08-21T10:51:48Z @ (#) Does it work on `.html` files? 2021-08-21T10:52:45Z @ @ (#) 

 $ go fmt base.html
 no required module provides package base.html; to add it:
 go get base.html 2021-08-21T11:05:00Z @ @ (#) Or maybe this https://github.com/yosssi/gohtml? 2021-08-21T11:25:01Z @ @ (#) Neah, wrong tool, I thought it was a CLI formatting tool. 2021-08-21T17:48:39Z @ (#) Why would you want things to be better? 2021-08-21T19:41:02Z @ Are @ and @ "feeds"? 2021-08-21T19:53:59Z @ @ @ @ (#) Answered my own question. 2021-08-22T11:22:43Z @ @ (#) My problem with the Pinephone is that I believe I would spend most of my time hacking on it and it being in an unfunctional state rather than a functional one/ People would get angry they couldn't reach me, I probably to. I would probably install the most functional operating system on it at that point and "leave it like that", but I wouldn't be satisfied for various reasons, probably considering restarting hacking on it and buying a "functional" phone, considering to switch back to the Pinephone when the stuff... 2021-08-22T11:24:54Z @ @ @ (#) ... I hack on is "stable" (years away probably). Also, don't get me started on https://sr.ht/~mil/Sxmo/. Writing your own shell scripts to send/and receive calls? SMS? I would feel very misunderstood. 2021-08-22T11:26:52Z @ @ @ (#) I believe me constantly hacking at stuff is one of the reasons I broke up with my last girlfriend. In the above scenario, she would just use the phone like most people do, I would hack on it. 2021-08-22T11:34:18Z @ @ @ (#) If I were to buy a phone now, I'd get a decent functional one, probably a low/medium range https://www.android.com/one/. 2021-08-22T11:40:41Z @ @ @ (#) But the Pinephone is an itch tbh. 2021-08-22T12:06:36Z (#) @ Shortcircuit is one of [Linus Sebastian](https://www.youtube.com/user/LinusTechTips)'s channels. 2021-08-22T19:31:46Z Ha! https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28267863 My thoughts exactly, being a guy who has worked with web frameworks a lot! 2021-08-22T22:25:59Z @ I remembered you linked at some point to a library similar to https://github.com/turbolinks/turbolinks, do you remember which one? 2021-08-22T23:51:53Z Does anybody know or is https://eklausmeier.goip.de/? He wrote about [`mkws`](https://mkws.sh) https://eklausmeier.goip.de/blog/2021/03-07-lesser-known-static-site-generators/ 2021-08-23T10:25:21Z @ (#) You would be building an IRC client. 😛 2021-08-23T12:11:39Z @ (#) But not quite IRC as @ put it, that would be a problem. 2021-08-23T20:03:09Z @ Still alive? 2021-08-23T20:35:55Z @ @ (#) See last thing he wrote https://andrewjvpowell.com/twts/, I'm sending him an email. 😁 2021-08-23T20:46:44Z While in the process of moving stuff from https://adi.tilde.institute/ to https://adi.onl/, fixed a bug in my linters, specifically the final newline linter `lfn` which incorrectly gave `Missing final newline` warning for empty files. 2021-08-24T00:13:24Z (#) @ @ @ What's that homebrew tw.txt/yarn pod you're writing? Is that another server than `yarnd`? 2021-08-24T14:23:09Z @ @ (#) I'm pretty sure there's an API for that. 2021-08-24T15:18:40Z (#) @ @ @ Just examined your source code, pretty cool, will have to dig in tho. Used https://www.marmaladefoo.com/pages/geminaut to get there. Maybe you might consider taking a look at my static site generator https://mkws.sh/ 2021-08-24T15:29:52Z @ (#) Depends on what understand by "hate". 2021-08-24T15:30:53Z @ (#) Next phone will be ... ? 2021-08-24T16:04:33Z Had no idea this was Miley Cyrus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ir1qkPXPVM 2021-08-24T17:26:00Z (#) @ 

> I don’t know of a good smartphone that I would like to use. Right now, I just need something that can issue phone calls.

So agree with that, as I said, if I were to buy a new phone right I'd probably go with a low-mid range https://www.android.com/one/ 2021-08-24T17:58:11Z @ @ (#) But https://frame.work is getting if not already is the "would buy" zone. 2021-08-24T19:02:54Z @ (#) URLs might change? https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/data-dictionary/object-model/user 2021-08-24T20:41:40Z I wonder if a tasteful in terms of customization of homepage MySpace would catch on. I believe it would. 2021-08-24T21:03:25Z Started watching this guy during meals https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvl3U27MPQRGj6PXGSLYdEA 2021-08-24T22:18:06Z Ok, published `.profile` and `.shrc` at https://adi.onl/.*.html. 2021-08-25T12:18:23Z @ (#) Would be nice to have them still around. I believe the execution is pretty good. 2021-08-25T12:20:58Z @ @ (#) I actually suggested converting the current client to a PWA via content negociation. 2021-08-25T12:22:09Z @ @ @ (#) But please, don't rush, let me sink my teeth in it for a while. I'm doing some HTML/CSS clean-up right now on my instance. 2021-08-25T12:23:00Z @ @ @ (#) I'll experiment converting it to a PWA afterwards with the same codebase. 2021-08-25T14:23:19Z @ @ You would negociate on sending the full page with layout or sending a partial depending on a flag/header? 2021-08-25T18:03:29Z @ @ @ (#) 
> platform seppuku

certainly overstatement, no hope. 😛 2021-08-25T23:19:08Z (#) @ @ So you prefer a rewrite? 2021-08-26T00:07:02Z @ @ (#) I'll have to investigate that myself. 😛 2021-08-26T03:54:35Z @ (#) Depends on what your understand by "cool". 2021-08-26T18:40:03Z @ @ (#) How? 2021-08-26T22:14:45Z I don't suppose anybody is running a macOS VPS? 2021-08-26T22:56:21Z @ (#<7h2n6fq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7h2n6fq>) I would like to automate building a macOS version for `mkws` in the near future. There are cheaper alternatives https://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/comment/3122390/#Comment_3122390, I was wondering if anybody was already running one for access. 😋 2021-08-26T23:05:22Z @ (#<7h2n6fq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7h2n6fq>) I was away for a while, I'm back.

> I hope you’re doing well

What would prevent me from doing well? 😋 2021-08-26T23:56:58Z @ @ @ 

> Hope it was a nice walk.

What would prevent him from having nice walk? 😋 2021-08-26T23:57:55Z (#<7h2n6fq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7h2n6fq>) @ Really? I can run some scripts on macOS machine via GitHub? 2021-08-27T11:09:32Z @ (#<7h2n6fq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7h2n6fq>) Rather avoid GitHub. 2021-08-27T11:37:00Z @ @ (#<7h2n6fq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7h2n6fq>) Much easier and simpler for me to just `ssh` in a box, run some scripts and download the archive. 2021-08-27T11:38:16Z @ @ (#<7h2n6fq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7h2n6fq>) This is my "build" script right now https://mkws.sh/bin/mkws 2021-08-27T14:38:40Z @ Maybe we could develop a way to link to a specific twt, problem is that once the caching mechanism goes in, the links disappear too. 2021-08-27T15:28:29Z @ and @everybody Speaking of "compact" https://mkws.sh/, updated the website. 2021-08-27T15:29:02Z @ (#) Hmmm... so how can I go back and get the link to a previous conversation? 2021-08-27T15:40:34Z @ (#) I don't have a permalink, how could I get it manually? 2021-08-27T15:50:08Z @ @ (#) It would be nice it I could link to

> `pp` is genius

by @

over here https://mkws.sh/. 2021-08-27T18:18:23Z @ @ (#) Thanks! :D 2021-08-29T13:57:40Z (#) @ @ Blockchain, AI, Cloud, other? 2021-08-29T14:47:15Z (#) @ @ Cute idea! 2021-08-29T14:48:42Z @ I'm adding a link on https://mkws.sh/ in a Sponsors section, where do you prefer it points? 2021-08-29T14:49:40Z @ @ (#) For @ I'm linking to his website, @ same I guess? 2021-08-29T14:50:55Z @ @ @ @ (#) @ Do you prefer https://nfld.uk/ or https://ctrl-c.club/~jlj/? 2021-08-29T15:06:00Z @ @ @ @ (#) Do you guys prefer nicknames or real names in the Sponsors section? 2021-08-29T16:09:59Z (#) @ @ I got the joke! 😎😋 2021-08-29T16:10:47Z @ (#) Are you fine if I link to https://www.prologic.blog/? 2021-08-29T17:58:41Z (#) @ @ 

>hoping to solve the puzzle today

And what's preventing you? 2021-08-29T18:23:04Z (#) @ @ Headache material. 2021-08-29T18:54:44Z (#) @ @ 

> Nicely put, @, I actually didn’t make it through

Me neither! 2021-08-29T18:56:08Z (#) @ @ @ I understanding his reasoning, it's cool in someway but a huge headache to implement and follow. 2021-08-29T18:57:00Z (#) @ @ @ I mean, it's a headache to just read about it, consider working on it. 2021-08-29T19:23:12Z One of my problems with self hosting is the lack o visual consistency between pieces of software. Maybe it would be a good idea to develop some sort of "skinning" standard. 2021-08-29T20:27:12Z @ @ (#) http://www.webbloatscore.com?url=https://mkws.sh/ 0.112 😎 2021-08-29T20:31:08Z @ @ (#) Well, it's not a web _site_, it's an _app_. 2021-08-29T21:11:33Z @ @ (#) Depends on what you understand by "wrong". 😋 2021-08-29T22:04:59Z @ (#) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8.3_filename 2021-08-30T11:29:15Z @ (#) Hi @, welcome back, let me just wake up properly. 😴 2021-08-30T11:37:42Z (#<6ac7glq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6ac7glq>) It's a good idea to have a new xcd picturing someone thinking/writing about standards and having that comic pop-up in his head. 

_Always_ 2021-08-30T11:45:48Z @ (#) Which email did you eventually see? 2021-08-30T11:46:19Z @ @ (#) The one on https://andrewjvpowell.com/ or the other one? 2021-08-30T15:14:30Z @ @ (#) No, which email **I** sent did you get the chance to read? 2021-08-30T15:14:58Z @ @ (#) The emails I sent from my personal email address. 2021-08-30T15:17:54Z @ (#) I understood how your site's hosting works a while ago. 😎😛 2021-08-30T16:49:38Z @ (#) Don't they have a warning system tho so you wouldn't experience downtime? 2021-08-30T21:07:57Z @ @ (#) Also take a look at https://tinykvm.com/ for hosting, a small, simple, static site. 2021-08-30T21:39:41Z @ Removing DMs would definitely remove any trust/privacy issues between users and pods owners because users wouldn't need to trust the pod owner regarding their privacy. That's how trust works, trustworthy people/tech don't need to be trusted. 2021-08-31T00:23:09Z @ @ @ (#) Are you considering launching it commercially? 2021-08-31T01:25:36Z (#) @ @

> Oh wow! 😳 Like just straight up deleted?! 🤔 That’s a bit harsh no? 😂

My opinion exactly, no archive for a few months I guess? 2021-08-31T03:30:25Z @ (#) https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/ is wow content wise, design wise and tech wise. 2021-08-31T03:36:06Z (#) @ Done! 2021-08-31T03:41:53Z @ I'll quote a piece of your https://www.thelinuxrain.org/articles/mkws-static-site-generation-with-the-shell article on the [What people are saying](https://mkws.sh) section. I'll guess I'll use https://twtxt.net/user/eldersnake/avatar this avatar? 2021-08-31T04:51:09Z Nop, not using GitHub Actions. 2021-08-31T05:59:31Z (#<4y7bgma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y7bgma>) @ @ ...for compiling for macOS. I believe is great to self host but one the problems is that GitHub is so tied up in a lot of stuff, like https://jamstack.org/ or https://opencollective.com/. Is there an IndieWeb equivalent to GitHub ⭐s? 2021-08-31T06:17:09Z @ @ @ (#<4y7bgma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y7bgma>) https://www.scaleway.com/en/pricing/#apple-silicon, looks pretty cheap. 2021-08-31T06:17:31Z @ @ @ (#<4y7bgma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y7bgma>) And it fits my use case pretty well. 2021-08-31T06:44:14Z (#<4y7bgma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y7bgma>) @ @ I was actually talking something like stars for an url or a web site? Sounds Indieweb-ish. 2021-08-31T07:57:01Z (#<4y7bgma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y7bgma>) @ https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/ -ish I guess. Just notify an url another url has liked/starred it? 2021-08-31T08:21:55Z @ (#) 

1. That's illegal, right?
2. It would be nice to have VPS I can automatically `ssh` into build the binaries there, and copy them back on the https://mkws.sh server. That's how I build the Linux version.

Here is my current build script: https://mkws.sh/bin/mkws 2021-08-31T08:29:26Z @ @ (#) (Here are some other goodies I have:
https://mkws.sh/bin/precommit - inspired by `git` `pre-commit` hook, run linters, validators, and `shellcheck` in this script
 https://mkws.sh/bin/dv - run _dev_ environment: monitor files, start development web server, live reload offered by 
 https://livejs.com/, scripts also recompiles/restarts web server, nice to have when playing with headers
 https://mkws.sh/bin/d - wrapper for above script, runs it via `doas` because I have to access TSL certs
 https://mkws.sh/bin/up - deployment script) 2021-08-31T08:35:05Z @ @ (#<4y7bgma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y7bgma>) I have to implement lots of # stuff myself, I don't believe webmentions are implemented in any way in yarn? @ 2021-08-31T08:38:21Z @ @ @ (#<4y7bgma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y7bgma>) @, I see you're using Hugo, might wanna give my static site generator https://mkws.sh a shot if you prefer. 🔨😎😋 2021-08-31T08:40:18Z @ @ @ (#<4y7bgma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y7bgma>) 

> As a network guy, Bash is my main language

Ha! Although we prefer POSIX. 2021-08-31T08:48:10Z @ @ @ (#<4y7bgma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y7bgma>) (You can also see the sources of the pages by just s/html/upphtml/ in the file name, e.g. https://mkws.sh/index.html: https://mkws.sh/index.upphtml, https://mkws.sh/blog.html: https://mkws.sh/blog.upphtml), also https://mkws.sh/share/l.upphtml) 2021-08-31T10:52:47Z This is the webserver for `mkws` https://mkws.sh/https/https.go, @ let me know your opinion. Could this be made simpler? 2021-08-31T15:45:25Z (#) @ @ 

> I saw your project yesterday. I can’t express how happy I am to have a decent shell SSG. You are now truly one of my heroes.

Straight to the _What people are saying_ section. Neah, heroes save people, you don't need saving. 🤗🤝. Now please go build something 🛠🔧⚙⚒🔩🤔🏹 2021-08-31T15:45:56Z @ (#) Both you guys please be aware of https://shelcheck.net/! 2021-08-31T15:50:07Z Working on implementing https://framagit.org/hucste/tools/-/blob/master/OpenBSD/slowcgi/sbw.cgi, also `C` version https://si3t.ch/Logiciel-libre/Code/sbwcgi.html. Works great on my test server! 2021-08-31T16:26:04Z (#) @ Yes! I used it my `precommit` script as you saw. 2021-08-31T19:27:00Z Guys, what are you running on your servers? 2021-08-31T19:48:27Z I believe I'm going to rewrite this from scratch https://si3t.ch/Logiciel-libre/Code/sbwcgi.html also, separate custom `404` and `caching` into separate binaries. 2021-08-31T20:03:46Z @ Hmmm... Seems there already is a Indieweb standard for Likes? 2021-08-31T20:08:09Z Yeah, fixed my websites for IndieAuth login and Webmentions, they didn't `Accept-Encoding` `gzip`. 2021-08-31T20:11:54Z But those IndieWeb websites, oof, not easy to follow and read. 2021-08-31T20:15:57Z Very happy some other problems appeared, I was tired of doing `HTML` and `CSS`. 2021-08-31T20:25:49Z (#) @ @ _wrong_ from what point of view? Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not picking sides, just reading your opinions. 2021-08-31T21:30:10Z @ @ (#<4y7bgma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y7bgma>) 

> Yup! I made some tests. It’s really generally simpler and easier to use. Congratulations!

Thanks! What kind of tests? 2021-08-31T21:35:31Z @ @ (#) Sure!!! Go ahead, happy to answer!! 👂 2021-08-31T21:48:44Z @ (#) For now I'm not using version control at all, stuff is very simple and small. You can address me directly. 😁 2021-08-31T21:50:19Z @ @ (#) I'll have to put a list of all the versions I guess at some point or something like that. 2021-08-31T21:57:11Z @ (#) 
> There is an out of the box way to # to create posts pages based in a list of Markdown files in a directory? And generate a list of those posts?

Not right now, you could look here for inspiration https://mkws.sh/blog.upphtml

The `p` directory is basically:

 |adi@huike ~/s/m/p ls -1
 2021-02-28 15:34:42 Welcome
 2021-02-28 15:35:21 How to add a navigation menu
 2021-02-28 15:35:39 How to add custom titles
 2021-03-09 19:45:23 How to render `Markdown`

`/bin/mkws` is https://mkws.sh/bin/mkws 2021-08-31T22:13:29Z > There is an out of the box way to # to create posts pages based in a list of Markdown files in a directory? And generate a list of those posts?

And here https://mkws.sh/share/f.upp, and here https://mkws.sh/share/sitemap.uppxml 2021-08-31T22:19:05Z @ (#<6rv4dzq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6rv4dzq>) 
> Almost every thing I think to do I’ll have to mod # mkws.sh file. Is there the expected behavior or am I imagine things?

Not necessarly _expected_ but **recommended** skips writing config files, do your config in code, and don't restrict your self to `/bin/mkws`, script the whole thing. There's not much to upgrade in `/bin/mkws`, if any. I believe any config I'll ever add is `Markdown` front matter, some variant of it. 2021-08-31T22:27:23Z @ (#) 

> I learned a lot of Hugo looking as other’s solutions. Do you have some other theme option for #?

For now I have all the source files also on https://mkws.sh/ and https://adi.onl (s/html/upphtml/g in urls, e.g. https://mkws.sh/index.html https://mkws.sh/index.upphtml, https://mkws.sh/docs.upphtml) maybe @ could also give you his sources, he was also very satisfied, the other weren't so brave. 😛

I recommend distributing the sources of the website, you can hide sensitive information in environment variables. 2021-08-31T22:32:41Z @ @ @ (#) 

> Any thing about internationalization? Make # runs in multiple languages and generate multilanguage content?

Didn't get to that yet! It's not that hard! You could use the https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/ utilities. I, personally, would/will write a CLI version of https://man.openbsd.org/catgets 2021-08-31T22:46:55Z @ @ @ (#) 

> A common practice in SSG is to separate the code/content/siteready. As I understand now, # puts almost everything in the root dir. There is a way to separate those things?

You could do, assuming `mkws` is in your `$PATH`, do something like:

 MKWSTHEMEDIR=/path/to/share/dir mkws https://example.com /path/to/src/dir

It would get you the output in the current directory tho.

You could also just output elsewhere from `bin/mkws`.

I however recommend publishing the sources also, keeping sensitive info in ENV vars. 2021-08-31T22:58:13Z @ @ @ (#) Thanks for the questions @! Looking forward to continuing the conversation, but I'm out for tonight as I'm beat! 🛌😴 2021-08-31T23:02:13Z @ @ @ (#) Before I go, I have some other stuff you could look at at https://mkws.sh/bin/dv, _dev_ script, starts a simple webserver https://mkws.sh/https/https.go, uses https://livejs.com/ for live reloading and https://eradman.com/entrproject/ for file monitoring. 2021-08-31T23:04:54Z @ @ @ (#) Linting https://mkws.sh/bin/precommit, deploy script https://mkws.sh/bin/up. 2021-08-31T23:06:44Z @ @ @ (#) Stuff has some comments and may be a little broken (from the unpublished stuff I showed you) because I added selectively serving `.gz`, `.br`, uncompressed files tonight so it's a good idea to fix some scripts. 2021-09-01T11:40:39Z Morning! Reading @'s blog post over ☕, it starts well!. 2021-09-01T11:43:58Z @ @ (#<6yzlnba https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6yzlnba>) I'm also in it! 😁 2021-09-01T11:49:00Z @ @ (#<6yzlnba https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6yzlnba>) Yup, that's exactly the problem, treating documents as "apps". _Forcefully_ treating documents as "apps" I may even say. 2021-09-01T11:54:37Z That @ was my feed, I rather post as myself, buy can't delete that user. 2021-09-01T12:18:07Z Good writing @! 2021-09-01T15:47:16Z @ (#) hello, @!👋 2021-09-01T16:32:21Z @ @ (#) @ 2021-09-01T19:57:56Z @ (#<5n76dia https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5n76dia>) Good comment here https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/pfwkaw/documents_programs/hb7x3x3/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 2021-09-01T20:12:19Z @ (#<5n76dia https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5n76dia>) 😁 2021-09-01T20:13:22Z @ @ (#<5n76dia https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5n76dia>) It was good content! 2021-09-01T20:41:06Z (#) @ @ Delete it? 😛 Is that a bug or feature? 2021-09-01T20:43:54Z @ @ @ (#) @ is following @ but not me. ☹ 2021-09-01T20:53:04Z @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ (#) @ was frontpage on Hacker News and Lobsters. 2021-09-01T21:03:18Z @ (#) https://lobste.rs/s/poxwde/documents_are_not_programs, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28378789 2021-09-01T21:06:35Z @ (#) I didn't say you were 1st, highest was 3rd I believe. 2021-09-01T21:11:24Z @ (#) https://mckinley.cc/blog/20210831.html

> I've recently become active again on twtxt.net, the platform that puts the "social" in "anti-social social media".

It's not antisocial to be clear. Maybe it would be better put as "anti social media social media". 😁 2021-09-01T21:11:59Z @ @ (#) Yeah, article was good! 😁 2021-09-01T21:25:14Z @ (#) 😁, glad you're having fun, just saw https://nfld.uk/, looking cool! 😎

> Now I need some content. ;-)

Wouldn't worry about that, I constantly get content ideas for both of my sites while not actively looking for them.

> Built with mkws.sh

Could you update this link so it would say just 

> Built with mkws

I would say `mkws` is the name of the program and [mkws.sh](https://mkws.sh) is the name of the web site? 2021-09-01T21:46:10Z @ (#) 

> Twtxt’s original spec is like taking a 140 character long string of text, loading it into a cannon, and shooting it off into space.

That would be "antisocial" as I wrote it and what you ment by "anti-social".

Yeah, `twxt` and https://twtxt.net/ kinda overlap. I would say yarn would be "anti social media social media", as joke, truth is I personally am neither anti nor pro anything. 2021-09-01T21:52:35Z @anth @ @ (#) That CSS `text-shadow` looks pretty cool! 2021-09-01T21:54:03Z @ @ @ @anth (#) @ As you prefer/feel/have time. 😋 2021-09-01T21:56:59Z I'm going to host a `yarn` instance at `https://c.mkws.sh` for community purposes but I have to work on yarn's `HTML` output as I believe it could be better and skin it accordingly. 2021-09-01T21:59:36Z @ (#) I don't believe so, is that I read "anti-social social media" as "anti social media social media" because https://twtxt.net/ is not "antisocial"/"anti-social" but `twtxt` would be as you put. 2021-09-01T22:03:57Z @ (#) Less tags I believe, more semantic, less `div`s, less `span`s more semantic elements like `figure`s, `figcaption`s for instance. 2021-09-01T22:07:32Z @ (#) Yup, got it, 2nd "social". 😁 2021-09-01T22:11:31Z @ (#) Yeah, but maybe we could put those on semantic elements as much as possible? 2021-09-01T22:12:01Z @ @ (#) While still keeping the microformats? 2021-09-01T22:12:57Z (#) @ @ 

> I think you want the version before I added mf2 support? 🤔 Shall I just make that a configuration option?

Neah, I'd rather have microformats by default. 2021-09-01T22:14:31Z (#) @ @ But maybe I could work with the `HTML` before them and bake microformats in more semantically while keeping stuff simple? Did the `HTML` get more complex with the addition of mf2? Did you add tags without affecting functionality there? 2021-09-01T22:15:34Z (#) @ The classes are required and the structure but not the tags. 2021-09-01T22:17:58Z (#) @ That would be the general idea! 2021-09-01T22:21:42Z @ (#) For instance you could render a username and avatar semantically speaking as.


2021-09-01T22:31:26Z @ (#) Yeah, but hold on, I overdosed on `HTML` and `CSS`. A break would be nice. 2021-09-02T00:02:34Z So I do have to add `initial-scale=1` to the default layout https://css-tricks.com/probably-use-initial-scale1/ 2021-09-02T00:07:47Z I got Reddit Premium for submitting your article @, was that you? 2021-09-02T00:22:54Z @ (#) Thanks! Also https://twtxt.net/twt/62afapa 😋 2021-09-02T00:26:25Z 😋 > 😛 2021-09-02T00:45:32Z @ (#<7glhbxa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7glhbxa>) What's _teddit_? 2021-09-02T00:51:52Z I'm also considering also removing `` but @ has something to say about it https://mckinley.cc/blog/20210824.html 😋 2021-09-02T00:57:13Z Also, am considering using the site's directory name as the default name so you could just type `bin/mkws` instead of `bin/mkws https://example.com`, assuming you have the source files in an `example.com` directory. 2021-09-02T00:59:13Z @ (#<7glhbxa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7glhbxa>) Theme could be better. 2021-09-02T01:12:39Z @ (#<7glhbxa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7glhbxa>) Not bad, any way to configure subreddits for the front page? 2021-09-02T01:14:40Z @ (#<7glhbxa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7glhbxa>) It's not necessarly about teddit not being more modern, it's more about the proportions I guess and spacing? 2021-09-02T01:22:04Z @ (#<7glhbxa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7glhbxa>) Would the use of cookies for that be considered "tracking"? I don't believe so. 2021-09-02T01:24:40Z @ I have to get one of those "designed to last" links. 2021-09-02T01:31:56Z > Stand Against Hatred

These words are so hypocritical, how can you understand something you're against of? Neither for nor against. What hatred? Why escape hatred? I'm not your enemy, I'm not *against* you. 2021-09-02T01:32:37Z @ (#<7glhbxa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7glhbxa>) You could store subreddits in cookies. 2021-09-02T01:37:48Z @ (#<7glhbxa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7glhbxa>)

> Hey, thank you for sharing my blog post around. I’m glad you liked it.

I neither like it nor dislike it, I agree with your opinion that `HTML` and `CSS` aren't fit for developing apps. Also, I had a link in there. 😋 2021-09-02T01:39:50Z I still have to add a couple of testimonials to https://mkws.sh. Believe I'll trim @'s. 2021-09-02T01:52:33Z @ (#) You can take a look here for some `mkws` related stuff https://twtxt.net/search?tag=c6kechq @ I believe I answered all your questions in a single thread, I was beat 😴 last night and felt excited you were asking me questions. Thread per question would have been great. 2021-09-02T01:56:17Z Btw guys, you can pipe the list of files being generated to anything you prefer by doing:

 $ bin/mkws https://example.com | cut -d' ' -f2

Who needs plugins, right? 😎 2021-09-02T11:03:20Z Morning! ☕ 2021-09-02T14:00:16Z @ @ (#) Glad you're doing that, how does it feel, how is it working for you, any issues @ 2021-09-02T15:04:38Z @ @ (#) Symlink `bash` to `sh`. 2021-09-02T15:07:24Z @ @ (#) I really have to package `dv`, `live.js`, `https.go` nicely some day. 2021-09-02T15:10:15Z @ @ (#) There are ways to parse frontmatter in POSIX `sh` but if you prefer `bash`, assuming you're not breaking anything, symlink `/bin/bash` to `/bin/sh`. If not, build your own `pp` https://mkws.sh/pp/pp.c 2021-09-02T15:16:57Z > Hope to be in site list soon too.

100% sure you'll be on the list if you get your site up. Thanks for playing with `mkws`! 😁

> I’m very proud to be there. 

It's cool, no need to be proud! 😉 2021-09-02T16:07:39Z @ @ (#) 

> I recompiled. Better don’t put bash where they made for dash. It’s running like a charm now.
About the frontmatter, the problem is the arrays.

No arrays in POSIX sh, I remember reading somewhere about parsing frontmatter with POSIX sh, don't remember where tho. 2021-09-02T16:08:23Z (#<3mxwffa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3mxwffa>) @ @ Yeah, @ was front page on Hacker News and Lobsters. 2021-09-02T19:43:54Z @ (#) Thanks for the mention! 2021-09-02T20:50:53Z @ https://mkws.sh is pretty [designed to last](https://jeffhuang.com/designed_to_last/ ), have to solve fonts and images. 2021-09-02T22:12:49Z @ @ @ (#) Yeah, `live.js` is pretty cool. 2021-09-02T23:01:15Z https://mkws.sh/ @ @ There, worked a little bit on the links. Thanks for using `mkws` and thanks for contributing! 🙏🙇‍♂️ Next up are the sponsor links. 2021-09-03T02:28:06Z @ (#) And closed! 😶 2021-09-03T02:49:58Z @ (#) 

> haven't posted any new articles on there since February of this year, and hope to change that soon. 

Would be nice if, don't make a goal out of it, I myself had about 2-3 months of https://mkws.sh being down, started with https://openbsd.amsterdam server crashing and losing all my data. (had backups).

Also these 2-3 months drank like I never did in my life (had fun). Man, had some nights and mornings and days. Great summer! 2021-09-03T06:20:59Z @ (#)

> PDF has many shortcomings. But in its cold, immutable fixity, it stands in opposition to the mercenary, dynamic web of rubbish.

This is some great writing! 2021-09-03T06:25:49Z I sent an email to https://lukesmith.xyz about `mkws`. Let's see if he has something to say. 😁 2021-09-03T06:26:08Z @ (#) Great Monero button @ btw! 2021-09-03T06:57:43Z @ (#) > Lab6 is the best, I hope a new issue comes out soon.

What would prevent them with coming out with a new issue?

> I’ve had ideas for a couple other buttons, but they haven’t turned out quite right.

What other buttons? 2021-09-03T06:58:47Z I just found out about this:

> file1 -nt file2
> True if file1 exists and is newer than file2.
> file1 -ot file2
> True if file1 exists and is older than file2.


Great for optimizing `mkws`! 2021-09-03T06:59:38Z @ (#) Building times were getting long for me on https://mkws.sh 2021-09-03T07:03:53Z @ (#) Maybe he could use it instead of this monstrosity https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LukeSmithxyz/based.cooking/master/Makefile 2021-09-03T08:33:17Z @ (#) "Get Firefox" 😁..., Man I have a lot of writing content in my head!!! 2021-09-03T08:35:07Z @ @ (#) Probably when I'll get tired of coding and set-up a satisfying blogging solution I'll spend some time writing. My topics would include politics, philosophy, tech, social. 2021-09-03T08:46:17Z Me and @ are on https://meet.mills.io/call/Qc7CmXmKXBSD6BG3koX7o3... video chatting. 2021-09-03T10:12:50Z @ (#) Would be nice if other people would join next time. Not sure if it's a good hour for me tho. 2021-09-03T12:58:58Z Really good idea to install YouTube as an app, saves a tab and puts it in the taskbar. (Windows) 2021-09-03T16:23:13Z @ @ (#) Maybe we can all agree on an hour. 2021-09-03T18:09:33Z Ok guys, added 2 membership⭐🌟 tiers on https://www.buymeacoffee.com/adriangrigore ☕💻, please contribute🙏 if you feel satisfied😊 with my work and would like to see more! ❤🙇‍♂️ 2021-09-03T18:15:25Z @ @ (#) 

>Sorry to disappoint

No expectations, no disappoints, the person actually making the expectations is responsible for their feelings of disappointment, so no need to apologize. How to escape making expectations? Why escape? 2021-09-04T13:30:50Z @ @ @ @ (#<3mxwffa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3mxwffa>) Lobsters invite sent! 2021-09-04T13:36:27Z @

> Less hell, more shell! `mkws` is the missing piece between functionality and simplicity

Very nicely put!

Thanks for backing me up! 🙏🙇‍♂️ 2021-09-04T13:50:31Z (#<3mxwffa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3mxwffa>) @ @ @ @ What hypocrisy @? 2021-09-04T14:13:49Z @ (#) Yeah, the quote is great! Regarding the tattoo, where? 😛 2021-09-04T14:16:20Z (#) @ @ > you deserve it! I wish I could help more. But, well, things are really bad around here.

Depends on what you understand by deserve! No need to help more! Thanks! 2021-09-04T14:18:10Z (#<3mxwffa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3mxwffa>) @ @ @ @ Why afraid of asking questions @ No reason to! Not a good idea to judge somebody for not understanding something. 2021-09-04T14:28:04Z @ (#) It's a good idea to be polite, I agree, what I was saying that you're not responsible for what other people expectations. It's not a good idea to take responsibility because at some point you might take blame for something you're not guilty of, also could lead to emotional black mail. It's mentally sane! 2021-09-04T14:33:21Z @ (#) Sounds cool! Other elements? 2021-09-04T14:45:41Z @ (#) Grim Fandago is fucking awesome! Great characters, great story! Would replay! Also the Monkey Island series! 2021-09-04T14:53:05Z @ (#<2ufffga https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2ufffga>)
> I’m not sure if you noticed, but I linked that exact same article. I hope things will get better, but unfortunately I don’t see an end in sight.

Would be nice if things got better! I actually don't believe we have a proper democracy anywhere in the world right now. 2021-09-04T15:03:43Z I believe I answered everybody! 😁 2021-09-04T19:37:26Z Ok, registered # on irc.libera.chat:6697, anybody welcome to join! 2021-09-04T20:47:04Z (#) @ Welcome! 2021-09-04T23:29:55Z Are you running Synapse @? 2021-09-04T23:32:59Z I wonder why 

> doas /usr/local/bin/python3.8 -m synapse.app.homeserver -c /var/synapse/homeserver.yaml --generate-config --server-name=adi.onl --repor t-stats=no 

generates paths with the current directory in it. 2021-09-04T23:41:45Z @ (#) What's the gist? 2021-09-05T12:57:41Z (#) @ @ Ideas? 2021-09-05T14:30:54Z @ @ (#) Also, @? 2021-09-05T16:06:48Z (#) @ @ usage: homeserver.py [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--generate-config] [--generate-missing-configs] [-H SERVER_NAME]
 [--report-stats {yes,no}] [--config-directory DIRECTORY] [--data-directory DIRECTORY]
 [--open-private-ports] [-D] [--print-pidfile] [--manhole PORT] [-d SQLITE_DATABASE_PATH] [-n]

Guess I'll have to use those directory options. 2021-09-05T18:02:35Z I'm mentioned in lukesmith's GitHub https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/based.cooking/issues/444. 2021-09-05T18:18:55Z @ You're my top referer! 🥇 2021-09-05T18:21:27Z @ @ @ (#) That looks like a cool device! 2021-09-05T19:59:51Z @ (#) But you were front page on Hacker News and Lobsters. 2021-09-05T20:00:35Z @ @ (#) I'm just tempted to put everything in `/var/synapse`. 2021-09-06T12:19:44Z Guys, where can I get a list of bot User Agent Strings? 2021-09-06T14:11:12Z @ (#) There is this https://github.com/atmire/COUNTER-Robots but I'm not sure how complete the list is. 2021-09-06T19:38:15Z @ @ (#) You can at least catch the ones that don't. 2021-09-07T14:42:09Z Morning btw! ☕ 2021-09-07T15:31:29Z (#) @ @ Complete in the sense there are some well known bots that aren't there. Guess I could add them myself, it's a community project after all? 

> What are you trying to accomplish?

Filter my http logs. 2021-09-07T20:19:22Z Place where I go for drinks ![](https://twtxt.net/media/2XLQxwVPFUJenFdpH4MXXc) 2021-09-07T21:05:06Z ![](https://twtxt.net/media/8sQnwzioic6aG8RLdfBqfa) Friends 2021-09-07T21:06:31Z @ (#) Hello from Bucharest! 2021-09-07T21:09:21Z Video, DJ is a friend ![](https://twtxt.net/media/a49jckK8s47qAEciwqwpaK.webm) 2021-09-07T21:10:13Z @ (#<4zjryjq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4zjryjq>) Other Dj also friend, bartenders also friends. 2021-09-07T21:11:22Z Other friend ![](https://twtxt.net/media/F56ffKSPK6VTMBNujZApmQ) 2021-09-07T21:13:33Z @ (#) Ha ha! I keep explaining!!! 2021-09-07T21:18:57Z @ (#) Hand, phone and their movement. 2021-09-07T21:40:41Z Bartender that gets me drinks on the house ![](https://twtxt.net/media/Mbq9EQxeV8TcmGSNUGNfpn) 2021-09-08T10:57:16Z @ (#) Yup, I was! 2021-09-08T11:17:26Z @ (#) Remotely... yes.... 😁 2021-09-08T11:32:01Z Guys are children being forced to learn in your countries too in the first grades because they're "too small to understand"? 2021-09-08T11:47:57Z @ (#) Being made to do stuff, like reading. 2021-09-08T11:53:31Z @ (#) 

> but you can’t fundamentally force humans to do things

It's not a socially nice thing to do but people do force other people to do stuff and can. 2021-09-08T11:57:43Z @ (#) 

> I’m not sure that “force” is the right word here to be honest

Making another person do something he isn't willing to do or isn't willingly doing counts as force.

 > Education in general is a “institutionalization”

What do you mean by “institutionalization”? 2021-09-08T11:59:01Z @ @ (#) Pressure also counts as form of force. 2021-09-08T12:50:57Z @ (#) 

> This generally means the “education system” is mandated/mandatory, punishable by law if absent for > some percent of time in a year and is otherwise standardized to a point where the needs of individuals are ignored and children are brought up into a society of atomatoms.

Depends on what you understand by "needs".

Problem arises when mandatory is interpreted as forced. Meaning "if it's mandatory in the Constitution we have a right to force them". Do you understand how this might happen? 2021-09-08T16:42:29Z (#) @ I'm just doing analytics. 2021-09-08T16:48:24Z (#) @ @ With these https://adi.tilde.institute/fl 2021-09-11T12:12:00Z Another `mkws` user https://peguero.xyz/ 2021-09-12T01:44:26Z @ @ @ (#) I believe he was here before. 2021-09-12T02:50:18Z @ @ @ (#) How's Scuttlebutt? 2021-09-12T16:07:27Z Got a macOS instance on https://www.scaleway.com/en/ in preparation for macOS binaries. Kinda expensive tho. 2021-09-12T18:18:58Z Just got an invite for https://tildes.net/ 2021-09-12T22:19:34Z Don't forget to spread the word about `mkws` on your blogs or social media profiles! Thank you! 🤗 2021-09-12T22:40:27Z @ (#) I understand how it looks but it makes sense in the context. 😋 I remember the post! 2021-09-12T22:58:28Z I see @ is having fun, he added the phase of the moon to https://nfld.uk/ 🌙 🚀🌌 2021-09-12T23:06:47Z @ Did you see this https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk ? 2021-09-12T23:32:03Z [The Matrix Resurrections – Official Trailer 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ix7TUGVYIo) Wasn't aware this was even in the making, wasn't particularly impressed by the trailer but it has a huge title behind it so maybe "mysterious" trailer was enough? 2021-09-12T23:40:03Z (#) @ I really really have to go back to reading literature. 2021-09-12T23:55:29Z (#) @ "...But not as a goal in itself but as a consequence of understanding". (adi -https://twtxt.net/conv/t5j5hua ) 😛 2021-09-12T23:58:32Z @ @ (#) I'm pretty sure you saw the movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwPTIEWTYEI, I never read the books tho. 2021-09-13T00:30:52Z Got my phone fixed these days! Finally, a decent phone. 2021-09-13T00:31:38Z @ @ (#) Just saw a video that said Herbert was kinda satisfied with the movie. 2021-09-13T01:08:36Z @ (#) Posting right now, I was using the web version. 2021-09-13T01:15:17Z (#) @ Any chance of fixing the keyboard? 2021-09-13T01:20:38Z @ @ (#) What company? @ 2021-09-13T01:44:20Z @ @ (#) Soldering skills! That! 2021-09-13T01:45:43Z @ I'm pretty sure yes, but did you see my static site generator https://mkws.sh? 😁😎😛 2021-09-13T01:54:33Z Ok, I'm creating a LinkedIn account just to delete another account. 2021-09-13T01:59:08Z @ (#<7nz7j3a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7nz7j3a>) A Docker container would work good with the Linux version I guess. 2021-09-13T02:59:39Z (#) @ I can't proceed with a sign-up wizard because it's asking for a LinkedIn account. Now, the reason I'm continuing the wizard is that I can delete my account because I'm getting emails. 2021-09-13T03:03:36Z (#) @ @ I don't necessarily need the help, but If you're up for it go ahead. So I guess we're building a Docker container for `mkws`? Or? 2021-09-13T03:09:28Z @ I wonder if I'm required to have a Developer ID for a macOS version of `mkws`? 2021-09-13T03:10:36Z @ @ (#) Somewhere on https://git.mills.io/ I guess. 2021-09-13T03:11:06Z @ (#) Good idea to... 2021-09-13T03:17:44Z @ (#) But if I prefer distributing it as it's distributed now:

 wget -O - https://mkws.sh/mkws@4.0.12.tgz | tar -xzvf -

Simple binaries? 2021-09-13T03:25:31Z @ (#) Yup! 2021-09-13T04:06:36Z (#) @ Cool! Thanks! @ 2021-09-13T04:08:59Z @ @ @ (#) Neah, it doesn't run if you add an `index.upphtml` file, you'll have to set `MKWSTHEMEDIR` at some point. 2021-09-13T04:10:09Z @ (#) But regarding those native binaries? Ideas? 2021-09-13T04:32:55Z I got a macOS machine on https://flow.swiss/, it gives me 20 CHF https://flow.swiss/pricing#mac_bare_metal which give me about 3 days worth of machine time to set and test things up. 2021-09-13T04:33:22Z @ (#) Am I required to have a Developer ID? 2021-09-13T05:47:46Z @ (#) But https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:yR6MdWBlND8J:https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/120989+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ro 2021-09-13T06:25:16Z (#) @ Ok, script works great, all you have to do is unpack the default theme https://mkws.sh/themes/base/base@3.0.2.tgz in the current directory.

 wget -O - https://mkws.sh/themes/base/base@3.0.2.tgz | tar -xzvf -
 mv base/share .
 rm -r base

and run your script. 2021-09-13T07:02:05Z (#) @ 

> That trailer basically re-tells the story of the first movie

Why do you say that? 2021-09-13T18:25:19Z Morning! ☕ 2021-09-13T19:34:45Z (#) @ Actually woke up at 7 PM. 2021-09-13T20:11:54Z @ Can we talk on Signal a little bit? 2021-09-13T20:28:25Z @ (#) Don't have you as a contact anymore, check Yarn DM. 2021-09-13T23:15:14Z There @, macOS version:

 curl -o - https://mkws.sh/mkws-darwin@4.0.13.tgz | tar -xzvf -
 mv ws.sh example.com && cd example.com
 echo "hello, world" > index.upphtml
 bin/mkws https://example.com 2021-09-13T23:36:02Z Oh this sleep schedule, I feel sleepy but don't feel sleepy if you get me. 2021-09-13T23:56:05Z Thanks @ for testing `mkws` on macOS. 😁🤗 2021-09-14T00:44:56Z @ (#<25invba https://twtxt.net/search?tag=25invba>) Whenever you can! Thanks! Don't want to steal you from your baby! 😋🎈 2021-09-14T01:44:48Z @ (#<7wiagtq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7wiagtq>) Taken from? 2021-09-14T01:51:48Z You can see users coming from Lobsters and clicking the "READ THE FULL DOCS" button:

 $ ~ grep 14/Sep/2021 /var/www/logs/mkws.shaccess.log | flvr | sort -nrk 2
 "" 67
 "https://lobste.rs/s/8fzzmz/what_are_you_doing_this_week" 26
 "https://mkws.sh/" 22
 "https://mkws.sh/docs.html" 8
 "https://mkws.sh/pp.html" 4
 "https://lobste.rs/" 3
 "https://lobste.rs/comments" 1
 $ ~ grep 14/Sep/2021 /var/www/logs/mkws.shaccess.log | flvp
 /contact.html 1
 /lts.html 9
 /docs.html 25
 /pp/ 1
 /pp.html 10
 / 85 2021-09-14T01:57:58Z (#<7wiagtq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7wiagtq>) @ Welcome to programming! That's what I dealt with all my programming life. 2021-09-14T02:28:43Z Pretty cool things https://subreply.com/ and https://smol.pub/ ! 2021-09-14T02:35:06Z https://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/comment/3122390/#Comment_3122390 is no longer offering macOS VPS-es. Just sent them an email. 2021-09-14T03:38:08Z macOS includes vim in base? 2021-09-14T04:29:48Z (#) @ @ Me too!

 $ grep Aug/2021 /var/www/logs/mkws.shaccess.log | grep wp | wc -l
 126 2021-09-14T04:31:49Z @ (#) I highly recommend https://github.com/martanne/vis, I don't believe `vim` belongs in any base. 2021-09-14T04:40:14Z I switched to using the order for elements found in the HTML spec https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/ in my CSS files. When it comes to nesting, I just use the same order. Let's see how it works. 2021-09-14T04:43:26Z I would so like to continue working but literally falling asleep in front of the computer. It's 8 AM. 2021-09-14T15:28:11Z @ (#) What site? 2021-09-14T15:28:56Z Morning! ☕ 2021-09-14T16:28:51Z I believe the design of https://tildes.net/ is really good! 2021-09-14T16:39:10Z @ (#) Good night! 🌝 2021-09-14T19:10:49Z (#) @ Do you have an account? I believe I can send an invite. 2021-09-14T19:12:38Z (#) @ @ Neah, I can't, you can get an invite here https://www.reddit.com/r/tildes/comments/ozegku/official_invite_requests_round_17_leave_a_reply/ tho. 2021-09-14T19:36:08Z @ Maybe it's a good idea to test https://nfld.uk/ on a mobile device. 😉 2021-09-14T20:41:55Z @ (#) Not much to think about. Just make it narrower. 😋 2021-09-14T21:08:27Z @ @ (#) I wonder how he got the info! 🤔 2021-09-14T21:15:00Z (#) Ah, that 🐦 site! 💡 2021-09-14T22:03:46Z > The other day when I was walking through the woods, I saw a rabbit standing in front of a candle making shadows of people on a tree. 2021-09-14T22:28:59Z @ (#) Had no idea it was infamous. 2021-09-14T23:23:31Z (#<4y72sfq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y72sfq>) @ @ @ (#<4y72sfq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y72sfq>) Yup, I believe @ is quoting the same studies. 2021-09-14T23:28:14Z (#<4y72sfq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y72sfq>) @ @ @ @ Not sure how much Facebook's fault, as poster's are responsible for what they post. It's their fault for providing just an image of their lives (which may count as lying), only showing the positive sides and the content's consumer's are responsible for discerning what's true or false in the end. 2021-09-14T23:41:41Z @ @ @ @ (#<4y72sfq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4y72sfq>) The basis of friendship is honesty. Not sure how honest are people to each other on social networks. 2021-09-15T04:49:52Z @ (#) Ha, Windows shows a red bird, Android shows a blue one indeed. 2021-09-15T15:04:59Z (#) @ Ok, read this in evil genius voice. 2021-09-15T15:06:58Z Morning! 2021-09-15T15:29:23Z (#) @ @ Battling a greater "evil"! 2021-09-15T15:39:00Z Really good job at skinning https://tildegit.org/. 2021-09-15T16:36:24Z (#) @ Couldn't find the ☕ emoji on my phone. 2021-09-15T16:37:39Z @ @ (#)

> God-King

😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 2021-09-15T17:35:29Z @ or anybody Can you explain why "everybody" is doing React? 2021-09-15T19:33:48Z Ok, moved some stuff from https://adi.tilde.institute/ to https://adi.onl/projects.html. It's a good idea to clean up and update the docs on those projects. 2021-09-15T20:38:52Z @ Isn't that "**A** developer addicted to JavaScript"? 😛 2021-09-15T20:40:49Z @ (#) Morning! ☕ Happy Birthday I guess! 🎂🎉 Don't ask me how I found out. 2021-09-15T20:52:27Z @ (#) Of the component libraries, https://riot.js.org/ was pretty cool, however I migrated to https://github.com/hyperhype/hyperscript and https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom at some point. 2021-09-15T20:57:41Z (#) I'm looking here for that that LN could be https://www.abbreviations.com/LN, actually, it's from @. 2021-09-15T21:04:03Z Linus Tech Tips invested in https://frame.work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSxbc1IN9Gg 2021-09-15T21:06:05Z @ (#) https://frame.work

1. Doesn't ship to Romania yet
2. I prefer the ARM version 2021-09-15T21:17:21Z @ (#) They don't have an ARM version yet so I'm no rush. @ I had the ordinary [Pinebook](https://www.pine64.org/pinebook/), for running a couple OpenBSD terminals, it's great, you can also run a few chromium tabs, no JS intensive site tho. 2021-09-15T21:47:48Z @ @ (#) I wonder if it's fine for normal apps, not JS intesive apps? 2021-09-15T21:57:23Z @ (#<5i3df5a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5i3df5a>) No Electron, no spa. 2021-09-15T22:01:15Z @ @ (#) So Scuttlebutt client was running slowly even on that machine? How much RAM do you have? 2021-09-15T22:06:27Z @ (#<5i3df5a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5i3df5a>) Documents ≠ Programs! @, say something! 2021-09-15T22:41:47Z @ @ (#) How are you "solar" powering it? 2021-09-15T22:42:37Z @ @ @ (#) Yeah, photos? 2021-09-15T23:24:35Z @ (#) No 'www' http://andrewjvpowell.com/ doesn't work! 2021-09-15T23:28:15Z @ @ (#) I get something along:

> Temporarily Unavailable
> The website at andrewjvpowell.com is unreachable at the moment. Possible explanations:

> Your pagekite.py may need to be upgraded!
> The computer may have been turned off
> The computer may be disconnected from the Internet
> The PageKite program may not be running 2021-09-16T00:23:29Z @ (#) I'm redirected to http from https and getting those messages? 2021-09-16T00:24:31Z @ (#) Ok, works with https and www. 2021-09-16T20:46:59Z @ (#) Looks cool! 2021-09-16T21:13:23Z I'm getting 

> Error updating user

errors. 2021-09-16T21:27:45Z (#) @ "Bookmark Twt" 2021-09-16T21:30:59Z > I read Linux man pages before going to bed 2021-09-16T21:43:35Z @ How about a blog post https://www.andrewjvpowell.com/ about how you're running it. Photos and stuff. 2021-09-16T21:53:31Z Ok http://www.eviloverlord.com/ 2021-09-17T00:02:17Z [Harry Potter But With GUNS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=164SxG_6hLg) 2021-09-17T05:15:25Z @ https://tildes.net/~comp/yg1/what_programming_technical_projects_have_you_been_working_on#comment-6roh 2021-09-18T00:25:21Z (#) @ @ @ Who did the art on https://tildes.net? 2021-09-18T01:30:58Z @ @ @ (#) 👍 2021-09-18T02:22:58Z @ @ @ (#) Looks quality, reminds me of the old Reddit. 2021-09-18T02:40:54Z @ @ @ (#) 

> The project is managed by a self-hsoted Gita instance by over at
Good idea to fix that. 2021-09-18T16:03:53Z Morning! 2021-09-19T07:14:20Z @ @ (#) oldeldersnake 😋 2021-09-19T15:03:51Z (#) Changed design, not sure about it https://mkws.sh/ ! 2021-09-19T21:15:38Z (#) @ I validate on the CLI via https://validator.github.io/validator/, it's all automated. 2021-09-19T21:46:50Z (#) @ @ Ok, this fits my vision better https://mkws.sh/, sort of like a colored, _richer_ `man` page. 2021-09-19T21:53:52Z Today's coffee had and still has no taste. 2021-09-20T00:23:15Z @ (#) Where's the code? 2021-09-20T00:28:35Z @ (#) That's Chinese, right? 2021-09-20T00:39:34Z But, wow wow! 😳 Look what **I** accidently came across 😂

https://skins.webamp.org/ 2021-09-20T02:19:39Z (#) @ @ @slashdot Psychologically speaking you're the only one responsible for your anger feelings. 2021-09-20T02:41:13Z I remember this kind of routing looked great in every framework

 fn hello(name: &str, age: u8) -> String {
 format!("Hello, {} year old named {}!", age, name)

Never worked as advertised!

Taken from https://rocket.rs/ 2021-09-20T02:47:37Z (#) @slashdot @ @ @ 

> Psychologically speaking you’re the only one responsible for your anger feelings.

In the sense that Facebook has no responsibility for your feelings of anger as far as I understand. 2021-09-20T02:48:26Z @ (#) $$ Bill 2021-09-20T02:54:21Z @ (#) How did you do that? 2021-09-20T03:09:36Z @ (#) $ $ Bill 2021-09-20T03:29:25Z @ (#<2m6fb6q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2m6fb6q>) No idea! 😋😎 2021-09-20T03:35:43Z @ (#<2m6fb6q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2m6fb6q>) Go ahead! 😛 2021-09-20T05:08:07Z @ @ (#) Same thing with people getting offended! 2021-09-20T05:12:22Z @ I believe you're aware of this https://twtxt.tilde.institute/ 2021-09-20T05:21:14Z @ (#) No specific reason, it popped in my view. 🙂 2021-09-20T06:27:23Z @ (#) A few... 2021-09-20T06:28:44Z Crypto point

> McDonald's serves 62 million customers every day
> That is 718 sales every second.
> The Bitcoin network can process less than 5 transactions per second, while consuming almost as much energy as the entire nation of Argentina. It would take miners on the blockchain 144 days to process just 24 hours worth of sales from McDonald's.

https://tildes.net/~tech/yi0/crypto_rant_mcdonalds_serves_62_million_customers_every_day 2021-09-20T07:07:44Z Highly recommend https://github.com/oxalorg/sakura/, very few well written lines of code. I just customize it in place.

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oxalorg/sakura/master/css/sakura.css 2021-09-20T08:11:11Z @ @ (#) I never had a phone with no headphone jack. Why are people complaining about it? 2021-09-20T08:14:45Z @ @ @ @ (#<2m6fb6q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2m6fb6q>) Is that habit to check https://www.urbandictionary.com/ when naming things or did you just know `opoll` had some nasty connotations? 2021-09-20T09:03:38Z @ @ (#<2m6fb6q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2m6fb6q>) I don't believe it's a good idea to link the name to the tech? Maybe you could change the underlying tech, have a `gopoll` written in Rust? 😛 2021-09-20T09:04:46Z @ (#) I understand why but as a no headpone jack phone owner is that such a big issue? 2021-09-20T09:06:11Z (#) @ How do you write that correctly? 2021-09-20T09:07:00Z (#<2m6fb6q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2m6fb6q>) @ Yeah, Rust is not appealing to me either. 2021-09-20T10:30:57Z @ How about this for polls? https://tov.15318.de/ 2021-09-20T11:07:00Z (#) @ @ I made this https://tov.15318.de/cap/ZnNUHchZHw8KkNf1MuuLZA 2021-09-20T11:10:42Z @ (#) Yeah, that "ordering" stuff I guess. 2021-09-20T12:00:36Z Highly recommend watching [Linux users installing a web browser](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCRzng7LsQI) 🤣🤣🤣 2021-09-20T12:21:14Z (#) @ What might be an issue, is that it took me a while to get the joke. Guess I'm used to that. 🤣 2021-09-21T03:19:02Z @ (#) ![Morning](https://twtxt.net/media/vduWGw99bh49SDi6XyBzPQ) Morning! 2021-09-21T03:38:52Z Updated the web site again to make it more `man`-ish. https://mkws.sh/ 2021-09-21T03:54:44Z @ (#) Yup, pretty satisfied also! 2021-09-21T05:17:08Z @ (#) 

> Reddit is a terrible site, the people who use it are really terrible and are getting worse and worse!

🤣 2021-09-21T05:38:17Z @ (#) Are you a member of https://tildes.net/? 2021-09-21T05:39:11Z @ @ (#) To me, the new Reddit interface always looked like a spam site. 2021-09-21T05:47:48Z @ @ (#) Infinity app looks ok. 2021-09-21T05:59:42Z @ (#) I don't have invites yet, @ might have one, also you can get one here, that's how I got mine https://www.reddit.com/r/tildes/comments/ozegku/official_invite_requests_round_17_leave_a_reply/ 2021-09-21T10:16:37Z @ @ (#) Agree! 2021-09-21T10:17:24Z @ @ (#) I'm https://tildes.net/user/adi over there. 2021-09-21T10:29:14Z (#) @ Not interested in winning/losing, who wins/who loses. 2021-09-21T11:09:49Z @ (#<25qamca https://twtxt.net/search?tag=25qamca>) I read that Guardian piece last week, I'm not very much in touch witch crypto stuff so I don't have much of an opinion.

> Can’t help feeling that this and bookface is the sum total of some folks exposure to tech. Not a great look!

The gap in understanding between tech and non-tech people is a problem! This is a good watch on the subject, it doesn't apply only to RSS, it applies to any tech.


It's interesting how he calls them "normies". 2021-09-21T11:51:56Z @ Who would have thought `be` stands for "Brain extender". 2021-09-21T12:19:31Z (#) @ @ @ Favorite one is square pixels. 2021-09-21T12:32:46Z @ @ (#<25qamca https://twtxt.net/search?tag=25qamca>) Depends on what you understand by morals/ethics. 2021-09-21T12:33:25Z @ @ @ @ (#) Also beam. 2021-09-21T13:03:40Z (#<5hkorya https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5hkorya>) What's Bookface? 2021-09-21T13:05:25Z @ (#) Hehe, would be nice for you to team up! 😎 2021-09-21T13:05:56Z (#<5hkorya https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5hkorya>) @ Ah! 2021-09-21T13:11:33Z @ (#<5hkorya https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5hkorya>) I thought you were talking about this site https://www.bookface.com/ 😛 2021-09-21T13:54:13Z (#) @ 🤩! What website? Would be cool it's a good fit for you! Let me know how it goes! 2021-09-21T14:01:51Z Speaking of vision, my vision is everybody's "social profile" is his self hosted web site! Customized a la MySpace if the owner prefers so. 2021-09-21T14:07:55Z Still didn't manage to install synapse. 2021-09-21T14:11:44Z @ (#) That's for the microblogging part. 2021-09-21T14:12:29Z @ @ (#) Interesting, you'd have to integrate that with various actions. Like uploading a photo I guess? 2021-09-21T14:25:15Z @ (#) It takes a smart person to realize he's a dummy! 😁 You don't need help, you have a full support crew @ @ @ @ @, @ @ @ and others. 😎 2021-09-21T14:29:11Z (#) @ Well, Facebook updates your feed whenever you upload a new photo I guess, so if a website is your "social profile" might as well update your twtxt feed on various actions? 2021-09-21T14:31:59Z @ (#)@ and rest https://quotesondesign.com/phil-karlton/ 2021-09-21T14:34:19Z @ @ (#<376foda https://twtxt.net/search?tag=376foda>) He switched to solar powering his website, might be related! 🤣 On a serious note, he has an inbound connection limit from https://pagekite.net/ as far as I understood. 2021-09-21T14:39:19Z @ (#) @ posts photos to his website, he could automate posting an announcement to his twtxt feed whenever he adds new photos. 2021-09-21T15:35:55Z Just got an account on https://deskto.ps/ 2021-09-21T18:32:51Z @ (#) This! Simpler! Take a look at https://github.com/oxalorg/sakura/blob/master/css/sakura.css also. 2021-09-21T19:14:06Z @ (#) 

> MySpace-style😉

😉 2021-09-21T19:30:44Z Going to sleep! 🛌 Good night! 🌛 2021-09-22T02:39:10Z @ @ (#) Would be nice to have a simpler default skin! 2021-09-22T03:24:57Z @

> We have an IRC channel #.social on the LibraChat IRC network. You are welcome to come chat to us and hang out.

That's LiberaChat 2021-09-22T04:19:27Z @ (#) Welcome back! 2021-09-22T05:53:23Z (#) @ It's on my list! 2021-09-22T06:00:28Z @ (#) I believe you're faster! 😋 2021-09-22T06:15:23Z @ @ (#) There https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn.social/pulls/1 2021-09-22T06:30:57Z @ @ @ (#) Agree! 2021-09-22T08:03:20Z @ @ (#) Cool domain! 2021-09-22T12:27:01Z (#) @ @ Have to get me one of those! 2021-09-22T13:20:42Z Scuttlebutt uses blockchain? 2021-09-22T14:02:48Z Anybody a member of https://sdf.org? 2021-09-22T14:15:17Z I'm super fine having urls ending in `.html` on my static sites. 2021-09-22T14:17:03Z @ (#) Offering free UNIX shells since 1987. I was 2 years old! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SDF_Public_Access_Unix_System 2021-09-22T14:22:40Z @ @ (#) Donated! 😎 Got my adi@sdf.org account! 2021-09-22T15:19:51Z https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lists_of_lists 2021-09-22T15:28:16Z (#) @ @ Please!!!! 2021-09-22T16:50:14Z @ @ (#) Welcome back! Was wondering where you were.

> @ I’m still rewriting my site to # but it’s more complex than I thought.

Are you building it identical to what you have now on https://lohn.in/? 2021-09-22T16:51:22Z (#) @ Not validated at all? That's minimum 3$. Might become an arpa member at some point, for now I just donated 3$. 2021-09-22T16:53:35Z @ Did you see the new web site? https://mkws.sh/ 2021-09-22T17:19:58Z (#) @anth Yeah, I would have asked for validation, but eventually donated. 2021-09-22T17:22:37Z @ @anth (#) How did @anth see this conversation? 2021-09-22T17:27:53Z (#<6k3xloa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6k3xloa>) @ Where's the textarea? Looks good. I probably would remove the borders also. Retro looks cool but I would take a slightly more modern approach. Something like https://wiki.tilde.institute/, is that `water.css`? 2021-09-22T17:33:32Z (#<6k3xloa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6k3xloa>) @ Guess the blue looks retro. 2021-09-22T17:39:15Z @ (#<6k3xloa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6k3xloa>) I prefer the borderless version. You? 2021-09-22T17:40:15Z @ @ (#<6k3xloa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6k3xloa>) Would also fade out the conversation id. 2021-09-22T17:40:51Z @ @ (#<6k3xloa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6k3xloa>) And use this blue for the links https://wiki.tilde.institute/? 2021-09-22T17:49:56Z @ (#) 

> Yes! Very cool.


> Hope to be in showcase very soon

Would be nice! 2021-09-22T17:54:11Z @everybody I really have to fix the way contributors are shown! Also, I believe a simple https://www.paypal.com/donate/buttons would fit the site better rather than https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ or https://opencollective.com/. Are you more incentivized to donate on a button or a platform or doesn't matter that much? 2021-09-22T17:59:35Z @ (#<6k3xloa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6k3xloa>) But now that area has "more weight" than the rest of the buttons. 2021-09-22T18:11:32Z (#<6k3xloa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6k3xloa>) @ I still prefer it how it is right now on https://twtxt.net/, I wouldn't do anything fancy with it. 2021-09-22T18:17:54Z @ (#<6k3xloa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6k3xloa>) Yup, and the id faded out and small like it is now. You can call "Fork" "Reply in a new conversation" I guess, or something like that? 2021-09-22T18:23:29Z @ @ (#<6k3xloa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6k3xloa>) Also, I don't believe the current icon is well suited for "Fork"? I mean, it's a cross? 2021-09-22T18:31:09Z @ @ (#) I believe you can `curl` webmentions as for the Twitter integration, maybe take a look at https://brid.gy/ 2021-09-22T18:34:37Z (#) @ @ @ Also, take a look here https://github.com/dbohdan/structured-text-tools#xml-html 2021-09-22T19:28:30Z @ @ (#) Also did Basic, but on Sinclair (RIP) clone. 2021-09-22T19:32:43Z @ @anth @ (#) Have no idea how to start the finger daemon on OpenBSD. 2021-09-23T06:23:13Z Morning! 2021-09-23T06:41:49Z @ (#) I wouldn't! Personally, I currently use this https://adi.onl/fl.html 2021-09-23T07:08:18Z @ (#) Great photo! You're going to watch TV soon? 😋😎 2021-09-23T07:13:53Z @ What benefits, if any, did you see in using #`mkws` vs Hugo until now? 2021-09-23T07:15:56Z (#) @ 

> Did you actually have a look at the project?

Yup, didn't notice the `access.log` part.

> If I run my own analytics for my own sites like yarn.social would most people be okay with that?

I actually answered this question. 2021-09-23T07:30:42Z @anth is offering Plan 9 accounts at http://9srv.net/accounts.html @ I see! 2021-09-23T08:50:09Z [Framework laptop review](https://tild.es/yjc) 2021-09-23T09:01:26Z > TAKE THEIR PHONES AWAY AND GET ‘EM ON WINDOWS 98.

https://www.theverge.com/22684730/students-file-folder-directory-structure-education-gen-z 2021-09-23T09:02:44Z @ (#) Maybe the students are just trolling. 2021-09-23T09:54:28Z @ (#) I personally always believed searching to be inefficient in regards to anything not only computer stuff. Most efficient is to know where the damn thing is so you don't need to search. 2021-09-23T10:29:05Z (#) @ @ I believe you misunderstood

> I wouldn’t!

I wouldn't mind/have a problem! 😋

> But I don’t think doing this really provides enough insight of your site’s traffic IHMO.

What would be missing inside an `access.log`? 2021-09-23T11:33:22Z Just discovered Doja Cat, not a bad singer. 2021-09-23T12:29:17Z @ (#) IBM? which big tech company? 2021-09-23T13:15:38Z @ (#) Cool grandpa! 😎 2021-09-23T14:48:19Z Good simplification today! Good technically speaking, great satisfaction wise. 2021-09-23T15:09:28Z My `404.upphtml`: `

404 Not Found

` 2021-09-24T06:13:07Z Morning! ☕ 2021-09-24T11:49:56Z (#) @ @ Why is heredoc named heredoc? 2021-09-24T11:56:04Z @ eveything looks better and better 2021-09-24T12:15:46Z (#<5swxb7a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5swxb7a>) @ How are you doing that? 2021-09-24T12:21:06Z @z0noxz @ (#) Cool web site also! 2021-09-24T12:35:10Z @ @ (#<25d6gla https://twtxt.net/search?tag=25d6gla>) I would still call it twt. It's still plain text. ☺ 2021-09-24T12:59:14Z Simplifying... 2021-09-24T13:34:26Z @ @ (#) `mkws` is simpler than `zas` 😛 Reading the site now. 2021-09-24T13:43:14Z @ (#) I saw that it's Jekyll! 😋 Neah man, I'm just joking, just use whatever you prefer. 2021-09-24T13:45:15Z @ @ (#) No, no it's not Jekyll, man I have to take a look. You used Jekyll for https://dev.twtxt.net/ 2021-09-24T13:46:19Z @ (#) Ah, it's also `zas` on https://yarn.social? 2021-09-24T13:48:12Z @ (#) Matter of preference, I personally am not a big fan of of the hidden directory pattern. 2021-09-24T13:49:03Z @ @ (#) I also believe `mkws` is simpler than `zs`. 😋 2021-09-24T13:54:16Z @ @ (#) But to be honest, I believe https://yarn.social/ and https://dont-be-evil.com/ are both just an `index.html` web sites. 😋 2021-09-24T13:56:29Z (#) @ Also, https://nfld.uk/ could be generated only with `pp`? 2021-09-24T13:59:05Z @ @ (#) Regarding the content https://dont-be-evil.com/, wasn't aware of many of the stuff there, maybe it's a good idea to keep adding stuff. 2021-09-24T14:12:21Z @ @ (#)

> a one page markdown powered site

I personally would have just created an `index.html` page for both sites, no `Markdown`, no generation needed.

Something for me to consider. 2021-09-24T14:28:37Z @ @ @ (#) Ah, but https://yarn.social/ has more than one page. 2021-09-24T14:29:14Z @ (#) Good point! 2021-09-24T14:31:31Z @ @ (#) Ok, considering using `Markdown` files by default and document the use of templates for more complex stuff. 2021-09-24T14:46:02Z [Ok, use HTML to write web sites](https://world.hey.com/dhh/stimulus-3-turbo-7-hotwire-1-0-9d507133)! Brilliant! 2021-09-25T00:34:16Z @ (#) Impressive! 2021-09-25T00:36:30Z @ (#) Hello! 2021-09-25T07:31:09Z Morning! 😁 2021-09-25T07:39:58Z (#) @ Guess time to put https://dont-be-evil.com/ on the wall of fame. What made you change your mind?😋 I use https://github.com/commonmark/cmark, yup `smu` doesn't handle nested lists. 2021-09-25T07:41:12Z I feel excited about @'s design changes! 😁 2021-09-25T09:49:28Z @ @ (#) He's saying delete individual twts. He can't delete older twts except the newest one. 2021-09-25T09:59:02Z @ (#) 2021-09-25T10:00:27Z @ (#) I see a princess superhero cat with a stereo on a stage? 2021-09-25T10:00:59Z @ @ (#) Princes superhero cat = Wondercat? 2021-09-25T10:18:45Z I went to the store earlier and they offered me two new Tic Tacs to sample. They're actually really good. 2021-09-25T10:23:31Z 2-3 years ago, if you said "monorepo" I would have said "fuck no", now it's starting to make sense. 2021-09-25T10:36:22Z @ (#) 

> Also, not that it matters much, but it’s easy to bundle the whole site including mkws binaries altogether, making it extremely portable.

I'm aware of that, yup! 2021-09-25T11:11:37Z @ @ (#) I believe I can see the baby bird, can't see mama bird. 2021-09-25T12:40:24Z @ (#) I don't believe it's a good idea to make decisions based on _liking_ or _disliking_. 2021-09-25T12:46:11Z New contact e-mail address for https://mkws.sh is adi@sdf.org! 🙃🤓😎 2021-09-25T17:59:05Z @ (#<3c6h5iq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3c6h5iq>) Morning, I see @ created his website here https://vltra.plus/, so time to add it to the Wall of Fame. 😁😎 2021-09-25T18:01:52Z @ @ @ (#<3c6h5iq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3c6h5iq>) Also, I'm downloading mIRC, and looking to install a BNC. 2021-09-25T18:25:55Z @ @ @lazarus_vp (#) Wasn't sure that's the mama. 😋 2021-09-25T20:06:54Z @ @ @ (#<4mr3mvq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4mr3mvq>) You're on the Wall of Fame http://mkws.sh/ ! Thanks for using `mkws`! 😎 2021-09-25T20:32:36Z @ @ @ @ (#<4mr3mvq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4mr3mvq>) 

You could just do


in `share/l.upphtml`, `` section and remove all those ` style='text-align: center;'` from `p`s I believe.

Also, I recommend not quoting attributes at all and quoting with `'` in special cases (special characters in attribute value), but quoting all attributes with `'` works fine also.

https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#unquoted 2021-09-25T20:35:08Z @ @ @ @ (#<4mr3mvq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4mr3mvq>) There's also @ whose homework you copied I believe. 😋 2021-09-26T07:30:32Z Morning! ☕ 2021-09-26T07:48:00Z This is super cool https://peguero.xyz/music ! 2021-09-26T07:49:31Z @ (#) Beer? I didn't have beer in 3 weeks I believe. Had a non-alcoholic one 2 days ago. 2021-09-26T08:08:59Z (#) @ @ Why not [PinePhone](https://www.pine64.org/pinephone/)? 2021-09-26T08:35:56Z @ @ (#) The PinePhone? 2021-09-26T10:34:23Z @ (#<33ajpbq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=33ajpbq>) I'm considering building one in troff. 2021-09-26T10:48:46Z @ Good idea adding the last modified timestamp on https://nfld.uk/ 2021-09-26T10:54:19Z @ (#<6kmepaa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6kmepaa>) I posted to Lobsters https://lobste.rs/s/7ll0cf/we_are_now_solar_powered, better to remove it due to bandwidth issues, or? 2021-09-26T10:58:54Z @ (#<6kmepaa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6kmepaa>) Next up, hosting your website on your mobile phone! 😉 2021-09-26T11:20:34Z (#<6kmepaa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6kmepaa>) @ Ok, let's test your setup, it's already front page on https://lobste.rs/ 2021-09-26T11:25:50Z @ @ @ (#<6kmepaa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=6kmepaa>) I really doubt he'll be offended. 😋 2021-09-26T11:26:13Z @ Did you see this https://lobste.rs/s/rymxjk/big_problems_at_timezone_database ? 2021-09-26T12:36:52Z @ 

> There's something romantic about being in sunny Barcelona or rural Australia and using rare-earth materials to capture the energy generated by two hydrogen atoms merging in the sun's core to power a personal website that looks marginally better than Space Jam's homepage.

https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/pvrx84/we_are_now_solar_powered/hec6v3o/?context=3 2021-09-26T12:43:06Z @ @ (#) Also, front page Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/ ! 2021-09-26T13:13:28Z @ @ (#) 

> A webpage, hosted on a Raspberry Pie, still reachable after mentioned on HN #<4 https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4>. Quite impressive, why do we need CDN again?

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28660601 2021-09-26T13:36:41Z @ (#) How many page views? Do you have `access.log` enabled? 2021-09-26T14:56:42Z @ Are you hosting those design updates somewhere? 2021-09-26T15:39:58Z Last time I used a SBC to host a website it was a a [Rock64](https://pine64.com/product/rock64-2gb-single-board-computer) running OpenBSD. I highly recommend the [httpd](https://man.openbsd.org/httpd.8) [relayd](https://man.openbsd.org/relayd.8) pair. 2021-09-26T16:35:13Z @ (#) 😁 Do you have a link now? 2021-09-26T16:39:44Z @ (#) Ok, I'm patient for the PR. 2021-09-26T17:49:04Z Is @ related to @icandance? 😁 2021-09-26T18:36:29Z @ Web site certainly looks cool! 2021-09-26T19:23:12Z @ (#) Yeah, might be a privacy issue I remember I was also considering storing my downloads on a tmpfs but I actually always go back to that directory for some files. That's a "everything is allowed here" kinda of directory. 2021-09-26T19:35:51Z @ Why are you including `site.webmanifest` on your static web site's? Those are for PWAs. 2021-09-26T19:40:14Z [Congratulations, Mini, You Made the Stupidest Turn Signals Ever](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28661282), excellent title! 2021-09-26T21:11:18Z @ @ (#<2j2dlya https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2j2dlya>) Yeah, _main_ is probably the wrong branch to PR to. 2021-09-26T21:14:44Z Hi @! Welcome! 👋 2021-09-26T21:15:46Z @ @ (#) Ah, you're https://peguero.xyz/ I assume! Hey! 😋 2021-09-26T21:16:19Z @ @ (#<2j2dlya https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2j2dlya>) Just do it whenever he wakes up! 2021-09-26T21:20:58Z (#<2j2dlya https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2j2dlya>) @ @ @ Actually no, you could make a PR to uixi_redesign, but now that you have your own fork on https://git.mills.io, you don't necessarily have to PR, we can all play with your version. 2021-09-26T21:24:03Z @ @ @ (#) What shortcomings? 2021-09-26T21:55:08Z (#) @ @ @ You too @! 😋 2021-09-26T22:20:29Z (#) @ How? 2021-09-27T07:52:50Z Morning! 2021-09-27T07:56:17Z @ (#<3ka4i2q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3ka4i2q>) Too short of a time for bots.

 grep -i bot ... | wc -l 2021-09-27T08:08:48Z I was considering a [Pinebook Pro](https://www.pine64.org/pinebook-pro/) until I can afford a [Framework](https://frame.work/) and it's available in my country but:

> Due to global electronic components shortage , Pinebook Pro currently out of stock until further notice. 2021-09-27T08:20:32Z @ (#) This is just super cool! 2021-09-27T08:21:00Z @ (#) 

There's this one https://www.ebay.com/itm/265331147716?hash=item3dc6f803c4:g:-9AAAOSwRchhUIzH 2021-09-27T08:22:08Z @ (#) It's really a good idea for me a have laptop I can install OpenBSD as a main operating system. I'm running Windows 10, `ssh` and WSL, not optimal. Can't remove the Windows 10 install. 2021-09-27T08:41:38Z @ (#) It's my mother's laptop. I'd rather not mess with it. She still has stuff on it which she occasionally asks me to access. 2021-09-27T08:45:07Z @ @ (#) I have 2 X220T's and 1 X220 but getting "Fan error" on all 3 of them. One also has a damaged display. 2021-09-27T08:45:53Z @ @ (#) I'd rather not buy a new display but I could buy a new cooler if that fixes the issue. 2021-09-27T08:52:39Z @ @ (#) Was going to check out @'s yarn fork but wsl givig me:

 The operation could not be completed. A retry should be performed. 2021-09-27T09:03:49Z @ (#) It is! 2021-09-27T09:04:04Z @ @ @ (#) When running `wsl`. 2021-09-27T09:07:45Z @ (#) Other used ThinkPad would also be an option since the Pinebook is not available. 2021-09-27T09:10:12Z @ @ @ @ (#) `wsl` finally ran! 2021-09-27T09:29:26Z @ (#) Did you check this out? 2021-09-27T09:38:08Z @ (#) 

> BTW I’d be very interested in how you go with OpenBSD as a main operating system.

I'm very satisfied, stuff just works, (except the stuff that just doesn't like Bluetooth), everything is just simpler compared to any other operating system. I couldn't switch back to Linux or even macOS I believe. 2021-09-27T09:41:36Z @ (#) https://tilde.institute/ is giving away free OpenBSD shells, you can take it for a spin there first. 2021-09-27T09:42:44Z @ @ (#) There's also http://grex.org/ 2021-09-27T09:58:18Z @'s updates look really good, definitely a keeper but I'm getting 

 error executing template timeline: template: timeline:185:12: executing "twt" at : error calling eq: incompatible types for comparison 2021-09-27T10:00:24Z @ (#) I use cwm as a window manager. 2021-09-27T10:01:50Z @ (#) It's pretty well suited as a desktop. 2021-09-27T10:12:51Z @ Are these `_copy` files just backups? Generally speaking, it's not recommended to store backups in a `git` repository. That's one of the reasons for using a version control system, being able to revert changes. The software does backups for you. 2021-09-27T10:19:59Z @ (#) `dwm` is good also! 2021-09-27T11:50:11Z @ (#) Doubt it's related! 🙂 2021-09-27T12:07:57Z Listening to @'s (if I'm right) music on https://peguero.xyz/music. 2021-09-27T12:41:46Z @ Yup, this version is closer to my vision! 2021-09-27T12:44:52Z @ @ (#) Got the timeline working! Looks great! 😁 2021-09-27T12:55:27Z @ So what's not working? What's there to fix? 2021-09-27T12:59:09Z @ Again, looks amazing! 😁 2021-09-27T13:14:29Z @ @ (#) Is `pico.css` still used? 2021-09-27T13:23:11Z @ (#) You're saying it's not production ready, so what doesn't work? 2021-09-27T13:39:02Z @ My favorite Linux distribution is Void Linux because it doesn't use musl like Alpine does and also uses the GNU userland so it's a nice complement to my OpenBSD install. I believe the install process is friendlier than Arch afaik and also it's relatively blotless. 2021-09-27T14:01:11Z @ @ (#) GNU is bloated but lots of stuff depends on the userland hence my preference for Void when stuff doesn't run on OpenBSD. I believe you get the point. Void doesn't have systemd, the package manager is written from scratch so it's relatively bloatless but with a _bloated_ GNU userland. 2021-09-27T14:08:36Z (#) @ @ I was actually going to tackle those, but believe @ might be better suited for that. I can come with a HTML/CSS cleanup afterwards once you get it in a working state? What's your opinion? 2021-09-27T14:10:39Z @ Whos's/What's @? 2021-09-27T14:23:50Z (#) @ @

> This will be good for a chance 🤗

I don't understand. 2021-09-27T14:25:03Z @ @ (#) CRUX **is** on my radar. 2021-09-27T14:25:37Z @ @ (#) Ok, let me at it for a while. 2021-09-27T14:26:21Z @ (#) 

> yet not too bleeding edge.

Exactly, pretty stable 2021-09-27T14:39:52Z @ @ @ (#) Did you get it running? @'s fork? 2021-09-27T14:45:33Z @ @ (#) Haha! Go to sleep! Take a look tomorrow! 2021-09-27T15:35:21Z @ What Google Pixel did you say you got? 2021-09-27T16:06:23Z @ @ (#) I was going to ask how clean/stock is the Android? 2021-09-27T18:47:52Z It's a good idea to remove the `internal/static/css_copy` directory also. @ 2021-09-27T18:51:02Z @ This "edit a template, compile, run" flow kinda sucks. 😋 2021-09-27T20:35:16Z @ (#<67c5kvq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=67c5kvq>) You slept only 5 hours? 2021-09-27T21:52:18Z (#<5ddqiwa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5ddqiwa>) @ @ @ Yup! That's his blog post. Check out his web site's footer. I invited him here! 2021-09-28T01:38:52Z @everybody, allow me to toss in your direction a friendly vernacular phrase from my hometown of Suceava:

**Noapte buna.** 2021-09-28T01:57:11Z @ (#) Good night. 2021-09-28T02:47:45Z (#) Which reminds me, mkws.sh is about to expire on 10 Dec, renewal is $37.98, if anybody is willing to chip in 🎁 you can do so at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/adrianemilgrigore, or Revolut https://revolut.me/adrianh6s (skips fees completely), preferred. 2021-09-28T08:11:47Z @ is 2nd of Lobsters! Maan! The fun I'm having https://lobste.rs/s/jpca2y/allow_me_toss_your_direction_friendly 2021-09-28T08:15:45Z @ @lobste_rs @ (#) Man, self hosting your project on your personal/their own site, is great, you can customize every single aspect, only problem is cost compare to GitHub. 2021-09-28T08:16:00Z @ @ @lobste_rs @ (#) Cost in both time and money. 2021-09-28T08:35:12Z @ Look at these other web site that are also solar powered https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/we-are-now-solar-powered, https://vibrynt.com/blogs/news/we-are-now-solar-powered, https://artishook.com/blogs/news/we-are-now-solar-powered. 😋 2021-09-28T08:51:31Z Listening to some @'s music on https://peguero.xyz/music! 2021-09-28T08:52:16Z (#) @ Clones. 2021-09-28T08:53:09Z @ @ (#) [Specifically](https://ia601507.us.archive.org/3/items/1994-tony-humphries-wrks-98.7-kiss-fm-new-york-kiss-mastermix-dance-party_202109/%281994%29%20Tony%20Humphries%20-%20WRKS%2098.7%20KISS%20FM%2C%20New%20York%20-%20KISS%20Mastermix%20Dance%20Party.mp3?ignore=x.mp3) 2021-09-28T08:53:27Z @ @ (#) To get traffic to sell stuff. 2021-09-28T08:57:58Z @ (#<5spns2q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5spns2q>) Yeah, I'm actually just skinning now. We'll merge the skin before the new features. Going good. 2021-09-28T09:13:36Z @ Are you keen on having dark and light modes? 😋 2021-09-28T09:27:49Z @ (#) Do they 2021-09-28T09:47:14Z (#) @ @ Regarding the Visa, I guess that's Congratulations! stuff? I guess you're welcomed to the UK, that's what the VISA means! 😁 2021-09-28T09:54:21Z (#) For now, I'm playing with https://github.com/oxalorg/sakura/ but copying the design from @'s version, I feel more comfortable working with Sakura as it's smaller than water.css, less code, I'm actually just customizing in-place rather then overriding. Guess I'll add dark mode to Sakura then. 2021-09-28T10:06:07Z @ (#) It doesn't look very nice, I agree, but you can copy the styles. It use it as a foundation to customize. 2021-09-28T10:22:11Z @ (#) Sure, I'm out to lunch, will post when back at computer. 2021-09-28T10:43:27Z What's left from the domain renewal ![burger](https://twtxt.net/media/2Sr9iBmBWnbkvE5v5haHf7) @ 2021-09-28T11:33:57Z @ This is where I am, not that hard to customize to fit your design. https://prnt.sc/1txt02y My CSS file is 238 lines including Sakura. 2021-09-28T11:50:17Z I believe a mod changed my title on https://lobste.rs/s/jpca2y/google_facebook_i_am_facilitating_packet 2021-09-28T11:51:57Z @ (#) And it's #<1 https://twtxt.net/search?tag=1> now! 2021-09-28T13:29:04Z What registrar do you use/recommend? 2021-09-28T14:32:37Z @ (#) I'm on https://namecheap.com now. 2021-09-28T14:40:58Z @ (#) Looks pretty good! 2021-09-28T14:49:44Z @ @ (#) What's the Nail & Gear flag? Namecheap is cheaper than Hover afaik. What's the relation between HI and Hover? 2021-09-28T15:31:46Z @ @ (#<5spns2q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5spns2q>) Not sure if good idea. It's a good idea to clean it up. I'm doing that on my fork. 2021-09-28T17:09:17Z @ was really popular today! 2021-09-28T17:16:02Z (#) @ Remembering the riddles sucks! But at least you had something to remember. 😉 2021-09-28T17:20:52Z @ (#) Ok, that web site reminds me of https://youtu.be/YIALlhlyqO4, I knew them but only now made the association. You can definitely see it from the front AND the back on https://porkbun.com/ 2021-09-28T18:13:15Z @ @ (#) Also front page Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28681324 2021-09-28T18:15:14Z @ @ (#) Really good comment also https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28682266 2021-09-28T18:29:32Z (#<5spns2q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5spns2q>) @ Yup, merging your fork I guess, rather have a cleaned-up merge. 2021-09-28T18:40:17Z 71 views of the docs page, not bad

 $ clt /var/www/logs/mkws.shaccess.log | grep -vf /home/adi/share/misc/myips | cblh | flvp | sort -nrk 2
 / 363
 /docs.html 71
 /pp.html 8
 /lts.html 3 2021-09-28T18:45:22Z @ (#<5spns2q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5spns2q>) For now I'm porting as much as I can from your designs, cleaning up in the process, not waiting for the TODOs 2021-09-28T18:46:12Z @ @ (#<5spns2q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5spns2q>) I could actually do a commit soon for what you saw in my screenshot. Stuff is pretty clean there. 2021-09-28T18:50:28Z @ @ (#<5spns2q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5spns2q>) That's fine I guess, why would he do that tho? 2021-09-28T18:51:27Z @ (#<5spns2q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5spns2q>) 

> how do you post from it to here?

I don't understand the question 2021-09-28T18:56:39Z @ (#<5spns2q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5spns2q>) Ah, I don't! I'm on the https://twtxt.net/ interface now. 2021-09-28T19:11:41Z I'm preparing for bed. 💤 2021-09-28T20:09:14Z (#) @ @ What's your opinion in Rust? 2021-09-28T20:38:00Z I'm beginning to change my mind regarding monorepos. 2021-09-28T20:56:42Z This is amazing https://vintageapple.org/byte/ 2021-09-28T21:33:05Z @ (#<5spns2q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5spns2q>) Thanks! Me too! 2021-09-29T07:50:10Z @ (#<5xisaxq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5xisaxq>) Yeah, most of them sound great, also considering some of them are 30+ years old. 2021-09-29T07:54:13Z [Offline First](https://rxdb.info/offline-first.html) Looks cool on a first glance. 2021-09-29T07:55:37Z Also, morning! ☕ 2021-09-29T08:50:28Z For a while I was pretty sure fintech meant Finnish Tech. 2021-09-29T08:57:58Z > Over on Discord they want me to make a game about accounting


Game about accounting! Ouch! 2021-09-29T13:06:15Z @ (#) Yeah, finned creatures, sounds right! 2021-09-29T14:53:15Z @ (#) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28682266 2021-09-29T15:04:44Z @ (#) Guess you can use `mkws` for gemini also, right? 2021-09-29T15:14:48Z (#) @ 1st and 2nd comment describe server side tracking. 2021-09-29T15:47:44Z @ (#) What happened in 2007? 2021-09-29T16:19:44Z @ (#) That's the spirit! 😉 2021-09-29T17:06:29Z @ How about tossing a donation 🎁 in my direction! 😋 Revolut: https://revolut.me/adrianh6s, PayPal: https://paypal.me/adrianemilgrigore, BTC: bc1q47wu3npeug3vprff0ftz4gkhh52hfaxcpfavlh, XMR: 42pBhnc6qPyj8qLvbUvXPB7DQJQYpkQUG5U3VEBx4D8SQuDC9GV6KdcBqFCwcu4iuPJtiLsSTPXQeSCacogXi1N57jjc9L2 2021-09-29T18:04:56Z (#) @ @ Take a look at https://www.codemadness.org/stagit.html ? 2021-09-29T18:11:38Z @ (#) Got it! Thanks! 😎 2021-09-29T18:22:16Z @ (#) Agree! 2021-09-29T18:38:21Z First time I own cryptocurrency. 🙂 2021-09-29T19:00:17Z @ (#<4m23ecq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4m23ecq>) First time I saw the volatility everybody is speaking about. 2021-09-29T19:29:57Z @ What Gemini client are you using? 2021-09-29T19:56:22Z @ @ (#) Heh, I'm visiting gemini://peguero.xyz/music in [Lagrange](https://gmi.skyjake.fi/lagrange/) 2021-09-29T20:27:17Z (#) @ @ That gold, not my favorite color! 🙃😋 2021-09-29T21:24:19Z @ (#) Write a quick CGI script. 😋 2021-09-30T08:58:04Z @ (#<4m23ecq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4m23ecq>) [Exodus](https://www.exodus.com/) for now. 2021-09-30T10:53:24Z Ok, added **Valid HTML5** badge to https://mkws.sh/ 2021-09-30T12:47:48Z Sponsors sections looks better: https://mkws.sh/#s! Thanks guys! 2021-09-30T12:48:41Z (#) @ I also wonder who? 2021-09-30T13:17:57Z @ @ (#) Story deleted. 2021-09-30T13:50:59Z @ (#) Not really... 2021-09-30T14:06:03Z @ (#<7dcvbnq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7dcvbnq>) Looks cool! 2021-09-30T16:21:58Z @ (#) I at that screenshot, haven't worked since then, although not a big fan of `vanilla.css` because of that reset at the top, I'd rather reset in place. 2021-09-30T16:37:03Z @ (#) No PR. I just took Sakura end started chopping at it (didn't override styles, edited in-place) so it's almost custom. It gave me _some_ structure and _some_ proportions with which I could work. I believe I have to fix some minor stuff in `defaults.css` , like using `ex`s. 2021-09-30T16:43:06Z You can view https://mkws.sh/ sources by clicking on the transparent links at the top and bottom of pages! 2021-09-30T18:24:01Z @ (#) Looks cool! Is that custom CSS? 2021-09-30T18:31:16Z @ (#) lol, fastest dark mode ever! 2021-09-30T18:35:16Z @ @ (#) Nvm, I thought that CSS sets the dark theme for the whole web site. 2021-09-30T18:37:32Z @ @ (#) Ah, It doesn't but you can! That's super cool! 2021-09-30T19:06:06Z @ @ (#<43fkuba https://twtxt.net/search?tag=43fkuba>) Good question! 2021-09-30T22:15:06Z (#<4m23ecq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=4m23ecq>) @ @ It's not open source. I just grabbed a wallet. 2021-10-01T10:05:02Z Morning! ☕ 2021-10-01T15:19:42Z @ (#) Looks very cool! 2021-10-01T15:36:56Z @ @ (#) Good question! 2021-10-01T17:40:27Z https://porkbun.com/ is cheaper than https://www.namecheap.com/ ! 2021-10-01T21:20:52Z Finally realized where to put those HowTos, in the `README`! 💡 Dooh! 2021-10-01T21:52:01Z (#) @ Would be nice if. 2021-10-02T09:05:21Z Morning! 2021-10-02T09:48:08Z @ @ (#) I've been meaning to do that for years! At some point I was settling on plain text files, still believe it's the best option. 2021-10-02T11:38:11Z I prefer a 640px body width, what's your opinion https://prnt.sc/1uhgtgi? 2021-10-02T12:06:56Z @ (#<74kwziq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74kwziq>) True, depends in the screen size. 2021-10-02T12:16:16Z @ (#<74kwziq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74kwziq>) I slapped on Sakura and hacked around it. Just edited the styles, no overriding. ~200 loc 2021-10-02T13:04:45Z @ (#<74kwziq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74kwziq>) Reconstruction. 2021-10-02T14:45:43Z @ (#<74kwziq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=74kwziq>) Yup, I'm porting the theme to the curent version, we can add the new features later. 2021-10-02T15:10:53Z @ (#<32eqnlq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=32eqnlq>) _me_ ? 😛 2021-10-02T15:38:07Z @ (#<32eqnlq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=32eqnlq>) _m_ _e_ is 2 letters! 😋 2021-10-02T15:56:40Z Ok my vm is stuck or something, right when I felt like doing some work. 2021-10-02T15:58:54Z @ (#<5rcwosa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5rcwosa>) And fixed! 2021-10-02T16:00:10Z @ (#<5rcwosa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5rcwosa>) Now I don't feel like working anymore, what do I do? 😁 2021-10-02T17:12:09Z Ok, updated the docs, will publish soon. 2021-10-02T21:51:19Z So who's running `yarnd` on OpenBSD? 2021-10-02T21:51:53Z @ (#) I assume I have to put it under `relayd`? 2021-10-02T21:53:02Z @ some stuff I've been doing https://prnt.sc/1uhgtgi, ~200 loc CSS. 2021-10-02T23:52:52Z @ @ @ @ @ @ @ (#) Would be nice if, I'll check tomorrow. 2021-10-03T08:20:05Z @ @ (#) https://thehelm.com/ is this classified as spam? 2021-10-03T19:00:59Z @ (#) 

> 👉 “attention mortgage” 👈😂👌


Man I was so attracted to Slack and Discord as an interface until I realized how slow they are.

How much RAM do you have btw? 2021-10-03T19:10:06Z @ (#) Desktops/Laptops 2021-10-03T19:12:32Z @ Did you see this regarding self hosting email https://thehelm.com/? 2021-10-03T20:16:00Z @ (#) Does Slack/Discord run fine on your main? Also, how much RAM is the norm now for new laptops/computers? 2021-10-03T22:31:13Z How old are you @? 2021-10-04T08:02:32Z @ (#) That Snarf killed me initially. I still don't know what it does. 2021-10-04T20:54:50Z https://f.adi.onl/user/adi/ 😛 2021-10-04T20:55:35Z @ (#) Might be a good idea to migrate my twtxt.txt I guess. 2021-10-04T20:55:51Z @ (#) Do I just copy & paste? 2021-10-04T21:00:08Z @ (#) Both! 2021-10-04T21:17:34Z @ @ (#) This! "f" for "friends". 2021-10-04T21:47:37Z Why am I getting `error creating store" error="unexpected end of JSON input`? 2021-10-04T22:15:35Z (#) @ `meta.json` is empy. 2021-10-05T17:53:56Z What was that bot that says who follows who? 2021-10-05T17:57:13Z @ Did you see my static site generator? http://mkws.sh/ 😋😎 2021-10-05T17:57:44Z @ So what do you recommend regarding migration of data from one pod to another? 2021-10-05T18:02:31Z @ (#) Whenever you can. People are generally satisfied around here. 😁😊 2021-10-05T18:18:01Z I just found out https://porkbun.com/ doesn't support .onl domains. 2021-10-05T20:30:10Z Can somebody test my macOS binaries, I manually packed them https://mkws.sh/mkws-darwin@4.0.15.tgz? 2021-10-05T20:30:49Z I also updated the docs btw! https://mkws.sh/docs.html#howtocustomizemkws 2021-10-05T21:26:50Z @ (#) This is what we're working towards https://f.adi.onl/, suggestions welcome! 2021-10-05T23:20:52Z Ok, another 30$ 🎁 would be great ONLY if you're ABSOLUTELY FINE with parting with that amount, I don't really need it but would be great if. Money will go to the development of `mkws.` 🌐

https://revolut.me/adrianh6s (preferred)
bc1q47wu3npeug3vprff0ftz4gkhh52hfaxcpfavlh 2021-10-05T23:43:18Z @ (#) Not sure how to do the migration. Would just copying my twtxt.txt file work? 2021-10-05T23:47:56Z @ @ (#) Also, maybe we'll chat a little bit on IRC or Signal to complete the migration. 2021-10-05T23:50:50Z @slashdot @ (#) Would be nice if 🙃 2021-10-05T23:52:06Z Are you available on IRC now @? 2021-10-06T00:44:52Z Ok, everybody who hasn't done so, please follow adi@f.adi.onl 2021-10-08T10:11:40Z Morning! 2021-10-13T02:29:55Z I can't post from my adi@f.adi.onl pod. 2021-10-13T02:30:47Z (#lie3nqq) I believe it's running yarnsocial/yarn `master`. 2021-10-13T02:31:31Z (#lie3nqq) Yup! 2021-10-13T02:45:06Z (#lie3nqq) @ But this doesn't show the full feed https://f.adi.onl/user/adi/twtxt.txt 2021-10-13T02:45:26Z (#lie3nqq) @ Look at https://f.adi.onl/user/adi/ 2021-10-13T02:46:38Z @ (#lie3nqq) `data/feeds/adi` has all the twts 2021-10-13T14:04:48Z What's weird is that `curl https://f.adi.onl/user/adi/twtxt.txt` works fine. 2021-10-13T14:31:38Z @ This breaks it for me https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/commit/35241bc284282822d933aec552b441939c1e10e5 2022-01-23T18:24:46Z hello, world 2022-01-23T21:40:58Z Hi, all, stuff is good, I just renewed my hosting! 2022-01-23T22:48:56Z (#32gen5a) @ Hi! 2022-01-23T23:59:03Z (#32gen5a) @ `mkws` works great with `awk`! Maybe you could pipe to `awk` instead of using a temporary file? 2022-01-24T00:09:28Z (#wujce3q) Hey! I'm also catching up! 😊 2022-01-25T19:55:58Z Ok, back to my begging habits, how about some cigarette cash? 😁 2022-01-25T20:36:50Z New `mkws` user https://nemic.dev/! 2022-01-25T22:59:03Z (#7kuwtmq) @ Why PHP based and not `pp` based? 2022-01-25T23:02:57Z Fixed download links on https://mkws.sh/, apparently they were broken. 2022-01-26T00:07:36Z (#arfu2lq) @ `mkws` doesn't support `Markdown` out of the box, nor does it watch files. Everything is stored in non-hidden directories, is scriptable and highly customizable as opposed to `zs`. Doesn't have the concept of "plugins", you just write shell code anywhere you prefer. 2022-01-26T00:12:13Z (#arfu2lq) If you prefer `Markdown` or/and watching/live reloading, it takes a few minutes to set-up. 2022-01-26T00:29:16Z (#3cw3oda) @ Well regarding what `mkws` is, just imagine only your extension system. Everything is shell script. 2022-01-26T00:42:49Z (#3cw3oda) @ Well, regarding `mkws` is about the few conventions/features: layout file, sitemap generation, css file, cache file, and the shell based templating system. You don't actually _need_ `mkws` you could write all your website in shell script (@ is doing that I believe), but there some subjectively nice small, _optional_, features. Same with `zs` I guess. 2022-01-26T00:44:05Z (#3cw3oda) `mkws` is basically a small set of abstractions I believe are good for generating a static site, with a very powerful templating engine. 2022-01-26T01:00:40Z (#3cw3oda) @ I don't believe in "needs", but that's your preference. 😀 2022-01-26T01:17:26Z (#cosxrlq) @ To solve the problem forever, you prefer `zs` over `mkws` and there's no problem with that. 2022-01-26T01:29:48Z (#cosxrlq) @ I personally am not forcing you! 😁 2022-01-27T14:41:38Z (#uc65s2a) How about some cigarette cash, I'll take a look over your scripts in exchange! 😛 2022-01-27T14:49:18Z Please comment on my dotfiles https://adi.onl/.*.html 2022-01-27T15:13:38Z (#uc65s2a) @ Actually, here is a `pp` version of your `gen_feed.sh` script https://clbin.com/gA609, not sure about about `test -f "$f"` or `test -f "$b"` tho. 2022-01-27T15:17:48Z (#uc65s2a) https://clbin.com/o1gcB, run with `feed > rss.xml`. 2022-01-27T15:20:10Z (#uc65s2a) Is testing for *.html and *.html.old files existing really required? 2022-01-27T15:24:54Z (#uc65s2a) I'm pretty sure the `test -f "$f"` is redundant, how about `test -f "$b"`? https://clbin.com/NOJ2e 2022-01-27T15:33:28Z (#uc65s2a) Also, we'll have to fix these errors https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Fclbin.com%2FYDJvr 2022-01-27T15:59:58Z (#7kuwtmq) @ I understand your points, but this is very cheap https://tinykvm.com/, not trying to convince you of anything. 2022-01-27T16:06:22Z (#uc65s2a) @ Not sure about the namespaces either, I'd go with something like https://support.tibco.com/s/article/RSS-feed-file-example-with-minimal-xml-tags-which-can-be-used-in-Spotfire-to-setup-RSS-Feed 2022-01-27T17:38:27Z (#jshfuvq) @ Had my doubts also about `GOPATH`, never looked back once I set it to `$HOME`. 2022-01-28T04:29:38Z (#gsuwpwq) @ That's why I don't have a job. 😁 2022-01-28T04:32:22Z @ It's a good idea to integrate https://github.com/jlj77/bookclub/blob/master/grab_pads.sh in your `/bin/mkws` file and keep the feed file separate, something like `feed.upp` and call it from the main `/bin/mkws` file like `pp feed.upp > rss.xml`. 2022-01-28T04:33:19Z (#gsuwpwq) @ It's not easy for me to deal "diplomatically" with situations like these. 2022-01-28T04:34:13Z (#gsuwpwq) Tbh, that reply is on the border of mental ilness. 2022-01-28T04:38:25Z (#gsuwpwq) But hey, I don't have mortgage. 2022-01-28T04:42:22Z (#gsuwpwq) So they MITM all traffic then? Stupid SSH and GitHub. Anyway, just use `https` for GitHub. I personally also prefer SSH. 2022-01-28T04:43:21Z (#gsuwpwq) Why aren't they closing 443 also because they can't MITM https? 2022-01-28T06:43:27Z (#6vkohjq) @ Shouldn't you be working rather than wasting time here then, just a friendly advice! 😛 2022-01-28T08:23:12Z Released my `C` based percent encoder, useful for rendering links when using `mkws` https://adi.onl/pe.html ! 2022-01-28T08:45:07Z Also, updated some colors on my web site https://adi.onl/ ! 2022-01-28T08:55:32Z Also, I'm using Plan 9 `mk` to generate https://adi.onl, take a look here https://adi.onl/bin/mkfile ! 2022-01-30T10:50:20Z @ I released this https://adi.onl/pe.html btw, is for percent encoding stuff (like links). 2022-02-01T13:19:12Z Added https://nemic.dev to https://mkws.sh/! 2022-02-02T10:40:36Z (#eb42rca) @ Void is my favorite distro atm. 2022-02-02T18:56:43Z @ Here's a patch for your `share/rss.uppxml` file https://clbin.com/TSDJR ! 2022-02-02T19:00:47Z (#wckj5ca) Actually https://clbin.com/Iujga ! 2022-02-02T19:58:33Z (#wckj5ca) @ I saw the repo, I'll send some other patches soon! 2022-02-02T20:17:59Z @ @ Void is rolling release while CRUX is not btw! 2022-02-02T20:21:11Z (#ciwh64a) @ Don't forget my static site generator https://mkws.sh. 😛 2022-02-05T17:08:30Z I'm working on a web server. 2022-02-05T17:11:04Z (#3mtkrua) @ I switched to `cwm` from tiling window managers. 2022-02-06T13:34:06Z (#lb2k2aq) @ You just use the mouse! 😋 2022-02-06T13:34:52Z Been binging on https://www.youtube.com/c/Coffeezilla these days. 2022-02-06T15:02:22Z (#lxcqxmq) @ Crypto scams mostly, and other types of scams, but mostly crypto scams. 2022-02-06T15:04:29Z I can serve https://mkws.sh with my web server. 😁 2022-02-06T15:05:40Z (#rk66ajq) It's in C btw. 2022-02-07T15:13:43Z (#lb2k2aq) @ I believe `cwm` also has good keyboard shorcuts. 2022-02-08T12:34:21Z (#bgxbhga) @ Or [zs]( https://git.mills.io/prologic/zs) if you prefer. Where is it on https://envs.net? I don't see it. 2022-02-08T12:48:34Z (#bgxbhga) @ It seems I deleted my twt and the conversation doesn't make sense. I was saying that if you prefer a hopeless static site generator, check out my https://mkws.sh. Don't forget a donation if you believe it's cool! 😎 @<~duriny https://envs.net/~duriny/twtxt.txt> 2022-02-08T19:08:24Z Recommend me some tech YouTube channels! 2022-02-08T20:01:19Z (#ew32cja) @ Why get of rid him? Zucc is neither good nor evil, just a for profit company, if you care for "privacy", just don't use Zucc. 😁 I'm pretty sure however Zucc won't disappear from Europe. 2022-02-08T20:16:08Z (#e64rtea) @ Super cool channel, thanks, not what I would prefer watching right now but subscribed nonetheles! 2022-02-08T22:14:04Z Anybody has any idea who https://nemic.dev/ is? 2022-02-08T22:41:21Z (#ew32cja) @ My opinion is it's also a tactic. 2022-02-08T22:41:42Z (#ew32cja) I had fun writing "Zucc" so many times. 😁 2022-02-08T22:42:45Z @ How are you, long time no talk! 2022-02-08T22:47:12Z @ Care designing a simple pixel theme for `mkws`? Something super simple? Pick a font and some colors I guess? 2022-02-08T23:13:00Z (#b5wanxa) And _maybe_ some font sizes? 2022-02-09T12:47:31Z (#b5wanxa) @ What's the license on that font? 2022-02-09T12:51:10Z (#aa2dm2a) @<~duriny https://envs.net/~duriny/twtxt.txt> How can you tell? 2022-02-09T12:58:44Z (#bnyycxq) @ No expectations, no dissapointments. 😛 2022-02-09T13:11:42Z (#a2cndta) @ Wouln't get my hopes up to be honest!
@ Was that your responsability or the talent's for getting scared? 😁 2022-02-09T13:23:08Z (#uzdblpq) It's not a language issue. 2022-02-09T13:25:00Z (#uzdblpq) @ It's a good idea not to hope în general, and be realistic. 2022-02-09T13:33:11Z (#uzdblpq) @ I don't hope man! 2022-02-09T13:49:02Z (#gm7lsla) @ How are expectations realistic? By definition they are unrealistic! 2022-02-09T13:57:11Z (#gm7lsla) @ Honestly no! 😁 And honestly, I'm having lunch, will answer. 2022-02-09T14:43:09Z (#5e3xhga) It's a preference! 2022-02-09T15:34:29Z (#5e3xhga) @ Just an opinion! 2022-02-09T16:15:34Z (#5e3xhga) @ It's a very good idea to have preferences, no hopes there! 2022-02-09T17:56:22Z (#qkxmukq) @ Yeah lol-ed myself. 😁 2022-02-09T18:31:05Z (#b5wanxa) @ Yeah, fonts are cool, again wondering about the license! 2022-02-09T19:03:25Z (#4hmuxta) @ I read the miniml license, I understand I can use the font on a theme. 2022-02-09T19:05:39Z (#b5wanxa) @ Good resource, however I was asking for the license on a specific font @ thinks is a good idea to use in a theme. 2022-02-09T19:27:12Z (#oopaqya) @ Cool discovery! 😁 2022-02-09T19:35:19Z (#5e3xhga) @ It's still ok because they were just preferences. 2022-02-09T19:42:50Z (#xj7j7wq) @ "Defeat" only exists if you're interested in winning or losing or your have a "goal" in itself rather than **preference**, if you're not interested in winning or losing and **prefer** rather than **want**, there's no _defeat_. 2022-02-09T20:41:57Z (#xj7j7wq) @ 😁 2022-02-09T20:45:06Z (#q2db22a) @

> the whole world is against me

I would recommend some therapy for this. 😁 2022-02-09T21:47:59Z Here's a preview of some themes I'm adding to https://mkws.sh https://files.mills.io/download/plain.jfif, https://files.mills.io/download/mono.jfif ! 2022-02-09T22:10:46Z (#3bpnssa) @ Between the two? They are the same, except one uses monospaced fonts. 2022-02-09T22:22:51Z (#3bpnssa) @ They're just themes, everybody has preferences. @ uses a pixelated font. Monospaced fonts give a _hacker_ look to a web site: https://christine.website/ 2022-02-09T22:36:17Z (#3bpnssa) @ Hacker as in someone who _hacks_ (tinkers, writes) computer software. 2022-02-09T22:42:31Z (#phhl5bq) @ Really simple with just `pp` or https://mkws.sh, check it out https://mkws.sh/pp.html



2022-02-09T22:47:05Z (#3bpnssa) @ Depends on the person/community mostly. 2022-02-09T22:49:04Z (#3bpnssa) Also https://envs.net/! 😋 2022-02-09T22:50:17Z (#tamt5nq) @ Would be nice if anybody would use them. 2022-02-09T23:05:46Z (#tamt5nq) @ Did I ever hope? Yes, was it realistic? No! Am I hoping now? No! Did I ever make expectations? Yes, were they realistic? No!, So yes, I believe it's a bad idea to both hope or make expectations! 

How can you be let down if you don't hope or don't have expectations, things are how they are, you're being honest rather than delusional! Regarding ending in up in despair, I answered here https://twtxt.net/twt/quxxkoa 2022-02-09T23:17:41Z (#phhl5bq) @ How is that simpler?
But there:



2022-02-09T23:22:05Z (#wilgbuq) @ I wonder if it's a good idea to assume that punctuation marks at the end of the url are not part of the url, they're more commonly punctuation marks?

> Is this the correct url https://twtxt.net? 2022-02-09T23:26:27Z (#phhl5bq) @<~duriny https://envs.net/~duriny/twtxt.txt> But you're serving as CGI. 😁 2022-02-09T23:28:26Z (#phhl5bq) But! You could also run `pp` under CGI! 2022-02-09T23:38:32Z (#phhl5bq) @<~duriny https://envs.net/~duriny/twtxt.txt> No, `pp` as in http://mkws.sh/pp.html 2022-02-09T23:59:36Z (#tz5ls7a) @ Oh, sarcastic! 2022-02-10T00:07:36Z (#wilgbuq) @ Your opinion! 2022-02-10T00:10:26Z (#tamt5nq) You just live, that's all! Why desire anything? If you believe not desiring is unhealthy, ask a mental health proffesional for his opinion! 2022-02-10T00:11:02Z (#tamt5nq) Yes, I'm content! 2022-02-10T00:14:00Z (#a3uxbga) @<~duriny https://envs.net/~duriny/twtxt.txt> Either symlink or compile yourself. 2022-02-10T00:24:56Z (#wilgbuq) I personally would violate it in this case. 2022-02-10T00:27:16Z (#wilgbuq) I mean, what kind of url is https://mkws.sh? or https://mkws!. I would violate it only if the punctuation mark is the final caracter in the twt. 2022-02-10T00:32:12Z (#hacvlua) I personally believe NFTs as technical idea is a good one, if the items are really that valuable, I really don't believe so, but people are paying for them, so... 2022-02-10T00:35:32Z (#wilgbuq) @ I, most of the time follow and agree with the standards and understand their value but there are exceptions when I believe it's not the end of the world to violate them for various reasons, like in this case. But it's my opinion, I'm not trying to convince you. 2022-02-10T00:45:18Z (#wilgbuq) @ Sure man, no problem! 😁 2022-02-10T01:32:02Z (#apwn5mq) @ Wrong thread I believe, It's not a heredoc it's a [pp](https://mkws.sh/pp.html) script, correct thread here https://twtxt.net/conv/phhl5bq I believe, but thanks! 😁! 2022-02-10T01:41:59Z (#wilgbuq) @ But which standard do we respect, the URI one or English punctuation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_punctuation! 2022-02-10T01:47:28Z (#wilgbuq) @ Do you always link that? 2022-02-10T01:48:42Z (#wilgbuq) @ So you'd rather respect the URI standard rather than English punctuation? 2022-02-10T01:50:24Z (#wilgbuq) @ No it's not a "standard" but it does have rules. 2022-02-10T01:56:47Z (#wilgbuq) 

> Yarn surpasses Twitter in number of users, read all about in on https://slashdot.org/!


> Yarn surpasses Twitter in number of users, read all about in on https://slashdot.org/

Twitter treats the exclamation mark as punctuation btw https://twitter.com/adi_onl/status/1491582254593843200 2022-02-10T02:05:59Z (#egu2e3q) @ That's what I initially read also! What hedgehog? 😁 2022-02-10T02:09:15Z (#lqhffuq) @ Even Yarn links https://twtxt.net/twt/4cgtvoa? 2022-02-10T02:15:58Z (#lqhffuq) @ I see, like you did here https://twtxt.net/twt/4cgtvoa! 2022-02-10T02:20:28Z (#lqhffuq) Point is you do sometimes paste full urls and it's not a good idea to accuse everybody who does so of laziness, I say, lots of people paste full urls, it's not an abnormal behaviour and yes, I believe it's a good idea to allow ending a sentence with an url AND punctuation mark like English punctuation ALLOWS! 2022-02-10T02:21:30Z (#lqhffuq) @ Maybe if you weren't so lazy you would have deleted that exclamation mark from the address bar! 😎 2022-02-10T02:27:17Z (#lqhffuq) > Read it all on https://websitewithpathsendingin!.com/newsflash!! 😁

Like this? 2022-02-10T02:28:24Z (#lqhffuq) I wonder which _!_ is part of the URL and which _!_ is the punctuation mark? 😁 2022-02-10T02:33:03Z (#lqhffuq) @ I understand they're valid links, but they're VERY VERY RARE! 2022-02-10T02:36:15Z (#kbhtrwq) @ Genius! Lol! But then people might get confused, if not actually lied to 😁, they believe they click the `https://netbros.com/twt/kbhtrwq!` link but actually go to the `https://netbros.com/twt/kbhtrwq` page. 2022-02-10T02:43:46Z (#lx6pa3q) @ I personally don't interpret


as yelling more of as "trying to make a point". 2022-02-10T02:47:11Z (#lqhffuq) @ So you don't know of *any other example of an url ending with an !* that you have to personally craft one? 😁 2022-02-10T02:51:52Z (#lqhffuq) @ It's a nice web site, I agree. 😁 Can you give me 3 more examples of sites with urls ending in "!". I understand they're valid urls I'm just saying they're really rare. And to be honest, not that I really would want that change in Yarn, I can live with doing: 

Welcome to https://twtxt.net ! 😛 2022-02-10T02:53:34Z (#bjazhaa) @ Cool hedgedoc! 2022-02-10T02:55:49Z (#kbhtrwq) @ I understand why and how it works but you missed my point above! 😛 How is that _correctly_? 😁 To be fooled? To be tricked? Into believing you're clicking on something but clicking on something else actually? 😁 2022-02-10T03:05:22Z (#bjazhaa) @

> just took it from the tubes, because I heard @ likes them

 I never said I like them, I never said I disliked them either. 😁

> I am just trying to please, and be nice, that’s all!

And what's preventing you from pleasing and being nice? 😁

> (oh, I am truly liking ending sentences with ! now!)

Congratulations on writing proper English! 😁 2022-02-10T03:07:27Z (#lqhffuq) @ 

> some _very specific Advanced Google Searches

My point exactly! 2022-02-10T13:29:02Z Just woke up, slept almost 12 hours! 😁 2022-02-10T13:31:19Z (#54hqqpa) 10 actually! 2022-02-10T13:37:46Z (#phhl5bq) @ Thanks! Have fun with it if you get to use it! 2022-02-10T13:57:26Z (#5v2yoqa) @ Says who? 😁 2022-02-10T13:57:54Z (#5v2yoqa) Nvm man, let it go! 2022-02-11T12:38:45Z (#g677b2a) @ Yeah, it's going on the web site, thanks!

> He is very proud of all the users that use mkws 🤗

Not proud, but happy people enjoy it! 😁

> it will be perfect also for generating Gemini pages as it is small and handy and fast

Yeah, people have been using it to generate both kind of web sites, WWW and Gemini. 2022-02-11T12:54:11Z (#g677b2a) @ Link to the page? 2022-02-11T14:41:44Z (#g677b2a) @ Ok, you're on the web site, thanks! Also fixed @'s web site link. 2022-02-12T10:42:12Z (#mkup2ca) @ You sure fixed the problem by hoping things turn around! 2022-02-14T12:03:39Z (#g677b2a) @ It looks cute tho! 2022-02-15T21:21:10Z (#3ghnaia) @ You're dealing with UNIX guys with Go so _small_ is _better_. 2022-02-16T13:18:14Z (#fg6oyda) @ Ex-Metamate! 2022-02-20T11:49:22Z Nice new buttons! Who's responsabile? 2022-02-20T11:51:34Z (#2jmshbq) @ Looks like a chihuahua. 2022-02-20T12:21:57Z (#5o6o7kq) @ Good job! 2022-02-20T16:10:53Z (#cnzbvya) @ I believe projects like https://github.com/vuejs/petite-vue are the solution. 2022-02-20T16:12:18Z (#cnzbvya) @ 

> it is specifically optimized for "sprinkling" a small amount of interactions on an existing HTML page rendered by a server framework 2022-02-20T19:24:19Z The [Void Linux Advanced Installation](https://docs.voidlinux.org/installation/guides/chroot.html) guide translated to shell [https://envs.sh/ETr.bin](https://envs.sh/ETr.bin)! This for my installation of Void Linux, your partition data may vary. Just download and run if you run a https://tinykvm.com/ instance. 2022-02-20T21:37:29Z Also, this looks amazing, Lua in the browser [https://fengari.io/](https://fengari.io/)! 2022-02-20T23:29:04Z (#cnzbvya) @ If you're talking about the custom attributes and nesting code with `HTML`, I agree, but I agree with

> “sprinkling” a small amount of interactions on an existing HTML page rendered by a server framework 2022-02-21T00:12:14Z (#cnzbvya) @ Agree! 2022-02-21T00:14:27Z (#qdi37yq) @ Indeed! 2022-02-21T00:21:39Z (#cmjey7q) @ I'm insiting on this piece:

> it is specifically optimized for "sprinkling" a small amount of interactions on an existing HTML page rendered by a server framework

But I disagree with the custom attributes and stuff, I'd rather do my binding manually. 2022-02-21T00:25:03Z (#inpmima) @ You could script a web page with Lua, not sure how fast it, not quite as impractical as Linux in the browser. 2022-02-21T00:54:45Z (#inpmima) @ Yeah, that's super weird! 2022-02-21T00:55:38Z (#inpmima) Not sure if bad idea tho. 2022-02-21T03:00:20Z (#inpmima) @ How would you use `mkws` and `lua`? 2022-02-21T03:06:30Z (#inpmima) @ Makes sense! 2022-02-21T03:08:59Z (#inpmima) @ We're discussing `lua` as an alternative to `js` in the browser. 2022-02-21T03:11:24Z (#inpmima) @ I don't believe that's how you would use Lua in the browser with Fengari. 2022-02-21T03:16:45Z (#inpmima) @ Not sure how slow Fengari is. 2022-02-21T03:17:34Z (#inpmima) But probably, yeah, I'd just write JavaScript tho. 2022-02-21T03:25:57Z (#inpmima) @ Great analogy! 2022-02-21T03:40:03Z (#inpmima) @ I was being sarcastic. 2022-02-21T04:13:41Z (#inpmima) @ How am I responsible for how you feel? 2022-02-21T04:14:39Z (#jagk2sq) @ I wasn't trying! 2022-02-21T04:51:52Z (#hitzsxa) 😉 2022-02-21T05:08:58Z (#7eain3a) @ NetSurf is pretty cool, I agree! 2022-02-21T13:52:00Z (#djb7lbq) @ If you're into that kinds of stuff, you might enjoy my static site generator btw [https://mkws.sh](https://mkws.sh)! 2022-02-21T13:53:30Z How about some cigarettes @ or anybody else? 😁 2022-02-21T22:07:44Z (#at3pl6q) @ In case you missed this, but only if it's fine with you! 2022-02-22T02:44:10Z What's your opinion on Putin's "peacekeeping" troops in Ukraine's separatist regions he recognized as independent earlier? 2022-02-22T12:46:26Z (#at3pl6q) @ Thanks! We were just discussing that hopes are usually unrealistic and it's a good idea not to hope in general but @ and @ disagree. 2022-02-22T13:42:07Z (#at3pl6q) >We just have different world views that’s all

I disagree, I'm saying your worldview is unrealistic! 😛 2022-02-22T15:09:25Z (#at3pl6q) @ Assumptions! 2022-02-22T16:21:28Z (#hcu5ofq) @ Start of March in Romania! 2022-02-22T16:24:55Z (#djb7lbq) @ Heh, thanks! Have fun if you get to use it! People call using it as satisfying! 😁 I believe it's also more powerful as you have all the UNIX ecosystem behind it, tools that have been used for decades to output data as plain text as human friendly as possible, you just have to nest it with `HTML`. 2022-02-22T16:36:46Z (#djb7lbq) @ 

> without any esoteric bells and whistles


> now if i could take a course in css and html. i’m an old backend engineer who cannot draw stick figures :)

Here is a good starting CSS https://envs.sh/EpE.txt, this will give you a decent looking page. Or this if you prefer a Monospaced version https://envs.sh/EpQ.txt 2022-02-22T16:38:30Z (#djb7lbq) Preview for first CSS https://files.mills.io/download/plain.jfif, preview for second CSS https://files.mills.io/download/mono.jfif, few loc as you can see. 2022-02-22T16:39:39Z (#djb7lbq) Renders well on mobile also! 2022-02-22T17:41:56Z (#djb7lbq) @ I have https://adi.tilde.institute/, and a https://obenbsd.amsterdam vps and a https://tinykvm.com/ vps. 2022-02-22T18:18:06Z (#djb7lbq) @ What hardware? 2022-02-22T18:58:45Z (#qlkzmjq) @ That's good! 😁 2022-02-22T20:52:29Z (#djb7lbq) @ 

> The name stands for 'zen static' as well as it's my initials.

Rename it to `jm` please! 😛 2022-02-22T20:59:38Z (#djb7lbq) When it comes to `zs`, I disagree with the hidden directories `.pub`, `.zs`, especially considering that hidden directories in `UNIX` where a _mistake_. Looks clean, but it's not. Plan 9 doesn't have them.

It's like _hiding_ complexity, best is not to have complexity to hide. 2022-02-22T21:03:12Z (#djb7lbq) Also `mkws` has a _familiar_ directory structure, you kinda intuit where stuff goes. 2022-02-22T21:04:36Z (#djb7lbq) Any kind of _extensions_ go in `bin`, simple, shared stuff goes in `share`, again, familiar and simple, and in plain view, you KNOW the directories are there, no looking for them, plain `ls` just works, you don't have to `ls -a`. 2022-02-22T21:06:53Z (#djb7lbq) > It’s like hiding complexity, best is not to have complexity to hide.

Or if you have complexity, keep it as close to the reader's eyes as possible. 2022-02-22T21:09:01Z (#djb7lbq) > Any kind of extensions go in bin, simple, shared stuff goes in share, again, familiar and simple, and in plain view, you KNOW the directories are there, no looking for them, plain ls just works, you don’t have to ls -a.

And if you have stuff you "don't know where to put", just replicate your operating system's directory structure `hier(7)`. 2022-02-22T21:13:48Z (#djb7lbq) Also `Markdown` by default falls short when it comes to customizability, if you have lots of pages, then yes and maybe writing often (blog), I agree, it's a good idea to use `Markdown`, but if you have a 3-4 page site, that you don't update often, `HTML` is enough IMO and _the good tool_. Having to do all this in `Markdown` https://peguero.xyz/ might not work so great! I'm pretty sure he's using `Markdown` for the blog posts tho. 2022-02-22T21:21:31Z Btw @ wrote a piece [https://peguero.xyz/blog/boston_im_breaking_up_with_you.html](https://peguero.xyz/blog/boston_im_breaking_up_with_you.html)! 2022-02-22T21:22:25Z (#5g62wka) @ Aren't those your initials actually? 2022-02-22T21:30:35Z (#5g62wka) > as well as it’s my initials.

Your name's initials, or your _chosen_ initials? 2022-02-22T21:31:28Z (#2k3rywq) @ Not trying to convice you! 2022-02-22T21:35:49Z (#2k3rywq) @ But disagree on _opinion_ but rather _fact_ that for complex pages `Markdown` is ill suited as you yourself saw when building https://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au/ 2022-02-22T21:41:11Z (#2k3rywq) Granted we simplified that and remove most `HTML` from `Markdown` as far as I remember. 2022-02-22T21:42:42Z (#5g62wka) @ https://github.com/imdario/zas doesn't say anything about initials, is this the original repo? 2022-02-22T21:45:08Z (#2k3rywq) @ Facts and opinions are different! It's a fact! 2022-02-22T21:47:48Z (#2k3rywq) @ Arguing doesn't work by us trying to convince each other, arguing works by us providing logically correct arguments and proof. When there is enough evidence (proof, arguments) that a statement is true, it becomes a _fact_, not an _opinion_. 2022-02-22T22:12:00Z (#2k3rywq) @ 

> fact that for complex pages Markdown is ill suited

Do you believe `Markdown` is suited for something like this https://git.suckless.org/9base/log.html or this https://git.suckless.org/9base/commit/09e95a2d6f8dbafc6601147b2f5f150355813be6.html? Those are statically generated btw. 2022-02-22T22:14:42Z (#2k3rywq) Or actually, if `Markdown` was that great for everything, we would all be writing `Markdown`, not `HTML`. 2022-02-22T22:22:29Z (#2k3rywq) @ The fact that most of the WWW is written in `HTML` is evidence enough. 2022-02-22T22:23:38Z (#2k3rywq) @ It's evidence that you wouldn't have a great time writing https://git.suckless.org/9base/commit/09e95a2d6f8dbafc6601147b2f5f150355813be6.html in `Markdown`, don't nitpick on words, whereas `HTML` is doing a good job there. 2022-02-22T22:33:19Z (#2k3rywq) @ Also, forms! 2022-02-22T22:37:01Z (#2k3rywq) @ Also https://mkws.sh/ 2022-02-22T22:50:23Z (#2k3rywq) I say, use `Markdown` when you're updating often, like blog posts, `Markdown` is easier on the fingers indeed (less to write) but when doing the _presentation_ part, do `HTML`. 2022-02-22T22:54:43Z (#2k3rywq) In `mkws` I used `HTML` by default because using `Markdown` as most static site generators do feels limiting. That's why people complain they of the lack of customizability. In the `About Me`, `My Projects`, `Other Stuff` _presentation_ pages you can go as wild as you prefer with `HTML`, on the blog side, do `Markdown`. 2022-02-22T22:59:14Z (#2k3rywq) When you get to customizing your _presentation_ pages you wrote in `Markdown` you start to see its limits, that it's not that flexibile and you have to get in the internals of the static site generator, complicating things. 2022-02-22T23:02:35Z (#pneitwq) @ Yeah, that's pretty cool! 2022-02-22T23:05:14Z (#pneitwq) `mdoc(7)` is also nice if you're on OpenBSD to get a nice `mdoc` template. 2022-02-22T23:07:03Z (#2k3rywq) It's super complicated to customize these _simple_ `Markdown` based static site generator! 2022-02-22T23:08:51Z (#2k3rywq) Because `Markdown` was made mostly for content less for presentation. 2022-02-22T23:23:41Z (#2k3rywq) _article content_, _blog content_, rather than _presentation content_. 2022-02-22T23:34:58Z (#2k3rywq) > The HyperText Markup Language, or HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.


> Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web **writers**. 2022-02-23T00:04:17Z (#2k3rywq) 

> The idea was to make writing simple web pages, and **especially weblog entries**

> We’ve tested it extensively: on our blogs, in my comments form, in our emails.


And by "simple web pages" he means this kind of _simple_ https://mkws.sh/docs.html !

`Markdown` is not for landing pages like https://mkws.sh or https://peguero.xyz/ or https://www.andrewjvpowell.com/. 2022-02-23T00:21:17Z (#2k3rywq) More proof!

> The basic idea behind all weblog software — reduced to a nutshell — seems so simple in retrospect. Rather than managing a web site as a collection of pages, you manage **a collection of posts**, and the **weblog software** takes care of turning the posts into pages for you.

https://daringfireball.net/2004/03/dive_into_markdown 2022-02-23T00:23:17Z (#2k3rywq) 

>That is of course your opinion bud 😆 And one I don’t share 🤗

Not opinion but quotes from the authors! 2022-02-23T00:48:11Z (#2k3rywq) So basically, **lots of static site generators are actually static blog generators!** 2022-02-23T00:55:22Z We're using static blog generators to generate static sites and blogging software (Wordpress) to generate presentation sites, congratulations everyone for "succeeding"! 2022-02-23T01:05:33Z (#2k3rywq) > Markdown is not for landing pages like https://mkws.sh or https://peguero.xyz/ or https://www.andrewjvpowell.com/.

Ok, I misunderstood the term “landing page”, but the main idea is Markdown is for blog posts. 2022-02-23T02:08:44Z (#bxxbuya) @ I believe most of us agree over here that it's a good idea that everybody runs their own website. 2022-02-23T04:33:58Z (#dfxgdfq) This idea would go great with `mkws` http://s.minos.io/ (and other stuff too), but I don't see any http server or `Markdown` procesor (`smu`, `lowdown`, `cmark`, `discount`) inside. 2022-02-23T13:43:04Z @ Did you read the stuff about having `Markdown` by default in a ssg? 2022-02-23T23:41:52Z (#djb7lbq) @ Yes, I understand it supports inline html, is it a good idea to inline `HTML` in `Markdown`? I believe most of the times, no, but again `Markdown` is mostly for blog post like content. 2022-02-23T23:54:39Z Discovered this these https://github.com/kyx0r/nextvi, small, clean `vi` implementation: https://github.com/kyx0r/nextvi 2022-02-23T23:57:46Z (#djb7lbq) @ Would like to see the source code, yes! 2022-02-24T00:01:41Z (#djb7lbq) @ Why not just do plain `HTML` then if you're getting into more complex stuff? Why insist on `Markdown`? Use `Markdown` for blog posts or similar content and use `HTML` for the complex stuff? 2022-02-24T00:11:27Z (#djb7lbq) @ Yeah, I see... Have you considered `m4(1)`, altough I'm not a big fan of the syntax? 2022-02-24T00:13:06Z (#5g62wka) @ Who, me? 2022-02-24T00:18:49Z (#djb7lbq) @ Well, `mkws` is my solution, you could replace the main script with `make(1)` or Plan9's `mk(1)` if the build time gets too long, but it makes sense it works well, you're basically compiling "source code", `.upphtml` files to "binaries", `.html` files using a compiler, `pp`. All the tooling fits well. 2022-02-24T00:20:03Z (#djb7lbq) Here's a `mk(1)` version https://adi.onl/bin/mkfile ! 2022-02-24T07:41:18Z (#bwyl3yq) Yup... 2022-02-25T00:27:02Z (#plojrcq) @ Good idea to stay safe, agree, very much aware we're really close! 2022-02-27T03:06:24Z > Hope is a bad planning assumption!


I'm just saying... You can do some research on that guy, Major General in the Australian Army.

@ @ @ 2022-02-27T04:18:43Z (#6x34hpq) @ Thread is pretty cool, yup! 😎 2022-02-27T05:02:10Z (#6x34hpq) @ @ just saying 

> We all learn it at the infantry school at Benning: hope is not a course of action.

https://mobile.twitter.com/WarintheFuture/status/1497716050799980545/retweets/with_comments 2022-02-27T16:55:09Z (#6x34hpq) @ What kind of issues? What kind of help? 2022-03-01T23:34:53Z I feel grateful to @ for pointing out https://keepachangelog.com/, for me it's a good idea because I don't use a versioning system! Thanks! 2022-03-01T23:35:44Z I've added some `bash(1)` related dotfiles to [https://adi.onl/.*.html](https://adi.onl/.*.html)! 2022-03-02T02:31:35Z (#jlumida) @ I prefer not that to for these projects, I run a back up cron every 30 minutes. It's not that I don't know how it's that I chose not to. 2022-03-02T02:32:37Z (#jlumida) I back up my whole `$HOME` every 30 minutes. 2022-03-02T02:45:17Z (#3ok4daa) @ Directories, copy from production, fix the production bug, apply the fix on the current working copy. It's a good idea to understand that the projects are really small and simple. 2022-03-02T05:29:03Z Small statistics page https://s.mkws.sh/, all done via awk, log parsing and cron. 2022-03-02T05:56:27Z (#2f65kvq) Goat Counter is not bad, I agree. 2022-03-02T08:24:26Z (#2f65kvq) Front page [Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/) and [Lobsters](https://lobste.rs/)! 🤩 2022-03-02T09:10:33Z (#3ok4daa) @ Ah, no, but it's mostly not needed as complexity is very low. 2022-03-02T15:29:26Z @ Welcome back! Just it time, look what I built [https://s.mkws.sh/](https://s.mkws.sh/)! 2022-03-02T15:55:33Z (#r43fnfq) @ https://mega.io/ via https://rclone.org/. Would switch to https://rsync.net/ if I had the cash of just rent a storage VPS. 2022-03-02T15:56:09Z (#r43fnfq) Probably the VPS tho. 2022-03-02T15:57:37Z (#r43fnfq) There's also https://www.tarsnap.com/ 2022-03-04T05:01:45Z (yknv6oa) @ This is my static site generator https://mkws.sh. 😋 2022-03-05T10:43:38Z (#6zxcdxq) @ What model Thinkpads? 2022-03-05T13:27:17Z Count page views per page in Combined Log Format:

 #!/usr/bin/awk -f
 $6 !~ /GET/ ||
 $9 != 200 {
 $7 !~ /\/*\.[^.]*$/ ||
 $7 ~ /\.html$/ {
 END {
 for (p in ps)
 print p" "ps[p]
 } 2022-03-05T13:39:59Z (#ga46axq) Also uniques:

 #!/usr/bin/awk -f
 $6 !~ /GET/ ||
 $9 != 200 {
 ($7 !~ /\/*\.[^.]*$/ ||
 $7 ~ /\.html$/) &&
 !us[$1]++ 2022-03-05T14:14:55Z (#6zxcdxq) @ I'm considering buying a used ThinkPad somewhere in the 100$-150$ range, if you have one please let me know. 2022-03-05T14:26:24Z (#u2dgmfa) @ So what's your opinion on `mkws`? 😁 2022-03-05T14:27:44Z (#6zxcdxq) @ I'm in Romania. I'm considering something with 8GB RAM. 2022-03-05T14:29:24Z (#6zxcdxq) @ Wonder how much it cost to get one of those in full working condition. 2022-03-05T14:49:59Z (#6zxcdxq) @ Where are you located? 2022-03-05T16:10:31Z @ @ The reason I asked about the initials in https://git.mills.io/prologic/zs `README` is that `zs` are not the original author's initials https://github.com/imdario, so who's initials are `zs`? 2022-03-05T16:47:25Z @ https://www.ebay.com/itm/194891200377?hash=item2d606bb779:g:o34AAOSwG8NiIsE9 $80 shipping for this one. How much RAM in one of yours? 2022-03-05T16:48:04Z (#oandoaq) Ah, no memory! 2022-03-06T04:03:54Z (#3qzdsra) @ Pff... Lol! Thx! Now it makes sense! 2022-03-06T04:34:48Z (#3qzdsra) @ It just didn't make sense to me, now it's clear. 2022-03-06T13:18:52Z (#oandoaq) @ Your laptops have the same configuration? Didn't you say they didn't have any memory? 2022-03-07T06:58:38Z Speaking of back-up [https://blobbackup.com/](https://blobbackup.com/)! 2022-03-07T07:03:04Z (#lzh242a) Also 1TB at 5$/month [https://www.kimsufi.com/en/servers.xml](https://www.kimsufi.com/en/servers.xml)! 2022-03-07T09:50:11Z (#lzh242a) @ So is it decent or not? 2022-03-07T11:16:43Z Using this https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_mount/ to mount a free cloud storage solution to a cheap VPS is an idea. 2022-03-07T15:06:48Z (#apfbgnq) @ https://github.com/rollcat/judo is something I would probably use, didn't actually use it. @ had something similar, forgot the name. Right now I manage config by storing my config files in `~/etc`, `~/var` which are backed-up every 30 minutes and symlink appropriately. 2022-03-07T15:08:02Z (#p66gvmq) @ Back-up purposes. 2022-03-07T15:10:46Z (#35kn2ia) @ Pretty cool, agree! 2022-03-07T15:15:02Z (#oandoaq) @ Nvm, solved my laptop issues, will be getting a new laptop in a few weeks. If you're still in a generous mood you could donate to https://mkws.sh/ so I can buy myself something nice. Cigarettes probably! 😛 2022-03-07T15:23:09Z I will finally be running OpenBSD as my main OS and stop working via `ssh`. 2022-03-08T06:30:40Z @ You haven't told me your opinion on `mkws`. 😁 2022-03-08T07:27:08Z @ Finally sync-ed my wallet! Thanks for the XMR! Feeling grateful! 😁 2022-03-08T08:01:38Z https://twitter.com/Raphael_A_Bauer/status/1500916499883700230 is also impressed with `mkws`! 2022-03-08T09:19:20Z Ok, updated web site again [https://mkws.sh/](https://mkws.sh/)! 2022-03-08T09:51:08Z (#c7sqfjq) @ Agree it's not difficult, it's not easy either tho. 2022-03-08T11:28:04Z (#c7sqfjq) @ I'm keeping my stuff as simple as I can if that counts. 2022-03-08T11:36:02Z (#nc4mgfq) Less `CSS` for me to manage! 😁 2022-03-08T11:41:05Z I've been using https://github.com/kyx0r/nextvi for a while and as I continue working on small codebases I realize `vi` makes a lot of sense. On large codebases, I always thought I was using it wrong like it was my fault I couldn't do the arithmetic in my head. 2022-03-08T13:58:43Z (#dhacx4a) @ Cool! Let me know when you get something up or... do you have anything up already? Btw I've opted out of adding a webserver or `Markdown` support or live reload in the idea you can use your preferred web server or `Markdown` processors. You can add those however as per the docs https://mkws.sh/docs.html. 2022-03-08T14:41:39Z (#dhacx4a) I've added you to the contributor list, if you prefer some other info (nickname, url) please let me know. https://mkws.sh/#cs 2022-03-10T15:41:28Z https://mkws.sh CSS - https://mkws.sh/share/s.uppcss 122 LOC 2022-03-10T17:42:05Z (#ttygdxa) @ I'm a fan! 😁 2022-03-10T18:59:38Z (#kg2ghea) @ Didn't crack the password yet! 2022-03-11T16:39:27Z @ Regarding your IRC question: https://mkws.sh/docs.html#howtocustomizemkws See "How to output in a separate directory" 2022-03-13T20:43:17Z (#mw65x5a) @ https://youtu.be/-F_Tk3Ep8oU 2022-03-15T11:56:16Z (#3dlduhq) @ I'm using https://uptimerobot.com/ 2022-03-15T11:59:23Z (#3dlduhq) @ Probably https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/dropdowns/ or some other jQuery plugin. 2022-03-15T13:04:10Z (#3dlduhq) @ Glad you found it cool! 😁 2022-03-15T14:46:48Z (#zgwlupa) @ I would say best _usable_ operating system is OpenBSD. 2022-03-15T14:49:32Z (#5eqpm3a) @ As long as you're not judging other people for smoking, it's fine. 2022-03-15T14:52:14Z (#zgwlupa) @ Ha! GPUs, I don't miss those, I'm not a gamer, and simple, minimalist UI fits me well. For gaming, I would probably get a Windows desktop. 2022-03-15T14:59:02Z (#dj5zvhq) @ What VPS provider for the lowendbox? 2022-03-15T16:27:13Z (#zgwlupa) @ Favorite Linux distro is [Void](https://voidlinux.org/), @ keeps recommending [Crux](https://crux.nu/) which from reading about it, I don't think it sucks, I didn't get the chance to install it yet. 2022-03-15T16:32:07Z (#zgwlupa) @ I'm neither for nor against systemd but at least for now I'm enjoying the simplicity of systems like Void and OpenBSD. 2022-03-16T00:02:14Z (#zgwlupa) @ Never installed to be honest, might be a fun a experience. 2022-03-16T13:24:51Z (#zgwlupa) @ I saw the videos, they're at least funny, but the man did have some skills. 2022-03-17T08:02:40Z (#ojevvcq) @ Looks super cool! 2022-03-17T12:27:40Z (#xuauuta) @ I'm experiencing my 6th cold this autumn-winter-spring, not bothering testing. 2022-03-17T14:04:13Z About macOS as an operating system, considering it has an UNIX foundation, I believe the guys who made UNIX are best at creating a GUI for UNIX, look at Plan9. 2022-03-18T08:37:31Z (#642j7gq) @ I've been doing this, very happy https://blog.sanctum.geek.nz/series/unix-as-ide/ 2022-03-18T08:40:45Z (#xuauuta) @ Hibernation works great, I agree. 2022-03-18T08:46:17Z Ok, some cash for 1-2 packs of cigarettes would be great at this point. 😁 2022-03-18T16:28:15Z Rewrote my HTTP analytics awk scripts https://adi.onl/cbl.html 2022-03-18T17:13:54Z @<~duriny https://envs.net/~duriny/twtxt.txt> Read comment https://tilde.news/s/tumlwr/simple_small_awk_analytics_http_log, maybe it fits https://envs.net also. 2022-03-18T18:44:34Z (#642j7gq) > I’ve been doing this, very happy https://blog.sanctum.geek.nz/series/unix-as-ide/

Meaning I don't manage plugins. 2022-03-18T20:16:29Z (#btbbuea) @ cwm user here 2022-03-18T20:22:27Z (#btbbuea) @ `cwm` on OpenBSD 2022-03-18T20:27:50Z @ Some cigarette cash would be great again, only if it's fine by you. Maybe you would enjoy my `awk` http analytics https://adi.onl/cbl.html or https://adi.onl/fl.html, I've got them set up here https://s.mkws.sh/. 2022-03-18T20:49:37Z (#btbbuea) @ I'll get you my `.Xresources` when I'll get my laptop, looks really good. 2022-03-19T08:29:54Z (#yjr6s2a) @ Singing at karaoke. 😁 2022-03-19T12:25:31Z (#yjr6s2a) @ Yup, that's me! 😉 2022-03-19T12:27:29Z (#btbbuea) @ It's still at my sister, it's an high end asus from a few years ago. 2022-03-19T12:49:45Z (#btbbuea) @ I switched to `cwm` because it's more Plan9 `rio`-sh. 2022-03-19T15:30:24Z I'm front page lobste.rs again, needles to say. 😁 2022-03-19T15:34:51Z (#5chf2va) @ I'm using https://github.com/kyx0r/nextvi and https://github.com/martanne/vis these days. 2022-03-19T16:34:44Z (#btbbuea) @ There was a guy around offering free Plan9 "hosting". 2022-03-19T20:49:01Z (#fqyebtq) @ My cold is almost over. 2022-03-19T20:50:46Z (#5eqpm3a) @ Agree! 2022-03-19T20:52:59Z (#5chf2va) I'm considering Acme, but it doesn't make sense to use it outside a Plan9 install. 2022-03-19T21:48:24Z (#5chf2va) @ It's an option, last time I was using OpenBSD as a daily driver, `vmm` was still new, I see it now supports running 9front. http://wiki.9front.org/openbsd-vmm Could be a pretty cool setup! 2022-03-20T10:17:28Z (#5chf2va) @ I keep forgetting my issues with Acme and Plan 9. Laptops and mice. 😁 2022-03-20T14:08:40Z (#btbbuea) @ No, it's @. 2022-03-20T21:38:46Z Comments on https://mkws.sh/pp.html by an ex Apple employee https://lobste.rs/s/nzjf01/how_make_templating_language_part_1#c_avquab 2022-03-20T22:54:30Z (#fdcypsq) @ What's that cream? 2022-03-23T12:17:19Z Such a bad idea [Please stop writing shell scripts ](https://lobste.rs/s/iofste/please_stop_writing_shell_scripts)! 2022-03-23T16:25:32Z (#iphs6mq) Stopping writing shell scripts 😛 Regarding Perl, I don't believe I have ever written more than 10-15 lines of Perl code in my life. 2022-03-23T17:10:01Z (#jqwu6oa) @ Hi @! 2022-03-23T17:14:15Z @ Not sure you saw the message! I was saying the other days some cigarette cash would be nice. 😁 In exchange I said maybe my analytics scripts would pick your interest https://adi.onl/cbl.html, I have them implemented here http://s.mkws.sh/. 2022-03-23T18:28:45Z (#iphs6mq) Source to Gopher server? 2022-03-23T18:33:15Z (#iphs6mq) Having a Gopher server in shell sounds weird, maybe C or Go would be better for that, but for small, simple, UNIX automations nothing beats shell. Keywords are small and simple. If things get complex, either create a new script or switch languages. 2022-03-23T18:38:54Z (#iphs6mq) I'm insisting on small and simple and "building afresh" as to not complicate. 2022-03-23T18:47:23Z New `mkws` user https://iorgos.net/, Romanian also. 2022-03-23T21:44:13Z (#iphs6mq) @ Yeah, wrong tool for the job, just rewrite in C or Go. Not shells' fault. 2022-03-24T11:49:45Z (#c2incca) @ Thanks! No need to apologize! Some guy asked for that kind of analytics in a https://getpelican.com/ theme https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/827 2022-03-24T11:50:45Z @ I saw you were testing your Gopher daemon, might consider taking a look at https://adi.onl/test.sh.html 2022-03-24T12:06:05Z (#llfg2zq) @ I have https://envs.sh/E5z.bin, maybe it's of use. It converts `twtxt.txt` to `Markdown`, run through a `Markdown` processor to convert to `HTML`. 2022-03-24T13:46:22Z (#c2incca) @ 😁 2022-03-24T18:35:25Z (#lcaaosq) @ Why would you chase something? 😁 2022-03-24T21:53:12Z (#tid7wea) @ Those legs in the background... is he wearing only the "trouser legs"? 2022-03-25T15:36:10Z > `mkws` is a very pleasant surprise! I migrated from Hugo, because I wanted something simple, straightforward and minimal. And boy, do I love this!😁Thanks for building it! 🙏

https://twitter.com/cibiliciceanu/status/1507366269862957061 2022-03-25T17:53:24Z (#zutt6oq) @ Super cool! I feel happy! 😁 2022-03-25T17:55:11Z (#ngiu4aa) You could integrate those twts like you previously did, just use my script. 2022-03-25T18:32:30Z (#ngiu4aa) @ Ok, you're up on the web site https://mkws.sh/ 😁 2022-03-25T18:59:46Z (#zutt6oq) Oh, @ and @ have been using `mkws` to generate their gemini site also, same codebase. 2022-03-25T22:31:26Z (#elzgrta) @ I'll take a better look tomorrow, what problems does it solve? 2022-03-25T22:42:24Z (#elzgrta) @ Glad you had fun then. 😁 2022-03-26T12:34:34Z (#73466ta) @ Super cool web site! 😛 Might consider taking at look at my static site generator [https://mkws.sh/](https://mkws.sh/)! 😁 2022-03-26T13:04:01Z (#2guos2q) @ Glad I saw you too! 😁 That was my morning coffee! 😁 2022-03-26T14:29:45Z (#2guos2q) @ Sure! 2022-03-26T18:45:07Z (#idtsqdq) @ 

> that one was a true sentence :D

Not easy to tell the difference. 😛 2022-03-26T18:47:23Z (#idtsqdq) 

 Captain, we have to override one of the command we often use in the terminal, to generate one sentence and send it to a group chat in a decentralised social media account 2022-03-26T21:01:40Z I feel like reading some literature. 2022-03-27T10:44:56Z (#lxv2pka) @ Do you have anything in particular in mind? 😁 2022-03-27T18:34:44Z @ Suggest yarn! https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1507777261654605828 2022-03-27T18:37:27Z (#euq2xva) There https://twitter.com/adi_onl/status/1508150832524673029?s=20&t=TocwzadBpsBrDywNcivPVQ 2022-03-27T18:39:10Z (#6h5hbvq) @ If there's no pressure there, sign me up. 2022-03-27T22:20:59Z (#6h5hbvq) @ I was talking about this place

> it was us thinking how nice it would be to be paid to experiment to solve tough problems that we feel are important vs solving x-y-z problem at acme corp.
😁 2022-03-28T01:35:45Z (#mmshy2q) OpenBSD on the desktop, OpenBSD on the server, Void Linux as a Linux. Void as opposed to Alpine because of the GNU userland and libc, I've encountered some compiling issues with musl also I'm not a big fan of how busybox packs everything in one binary although it does have speed benefits. Also, given that I run OpenBSD, it's good to have something that "most" UNIX-y software runs on. 2022-03-28T01:42:44Z (#2x4rkhq) Nix never felt quite right, it's the functional part combined with the UNIX part I assume? Somehow, they don't mix? 2022-03-28T14:20:35Z (#w6bmmwa) @ Last time I used a tiling window manager, it was https://github.com/conformal/spectrwm, I felt it integrated well in the OpenBSD ecosystem, i3, not so much. 2022-03-28T14:28:56Z Ok, got another small donation from https://twitter.com/cibiliciceanu 😁 and added him to the Contributors list [https://mkws.sh/#cs](https://mkws.sh/#cs)! 2022-03-29T02:26:42Z (#gr5hp3q) @ WDYM fediverse is a lie? 2022-03-29T23:19:45Z > tea is built with a “it just works” philosophy.

Since when "just works" is a _philosophy_? 2022-03-30T02:09:01Z (#cft3h4q) @ 

> `sh <(curl tea.xyz)`

https://tea.xyz/ 😛 2022-03-30T20:27:55Z @ @ Might consider looking into opening links in a new tab via right click. It's not working now. 2022-03-31T18:24:59Z So grateful for this comment

> /*
 * Treat equal times as out-of-date.
 * It's a race, and the safer option is to do
 * extra building rather than not enough.

http://git.9front.org/plan9front/plan9front/5ddff681670a0090cab6486d467399d92dffbef6/sys/src/cmd/mk/mk.c/f.html 2022-04-01T21:38:56Z `mkws` downloads for March

 /mkws@4.0.16.tgz 59
 /mkws-openbsd@4.0.16.tgz 29
 /pp/pp@1.0.11.tgz 27
 /themes/base/base@3.0.2.tgz 13
 /mkws/mkws@4.0.16.tgz 9
 /lts/lts@0.1.4.tgz 8
 /mkws@4.0.10.tgz 4
 /mkws/mkws@4.0.14.tgz 4 2022-04-02T00:21:27Z @ You posted recently about some guys who were doing self hosted software. They had a mailing list software. I forgot their web site. 2022-04-02T02:02:31Z (#7vk7huq) @ Autocomplete. About those guys with the mailing list software? 2022-04-02T19:53:43Z (#7vk7huq) @ These were the guys https://flounder.online/ 2022-04-03T00:55:59Z @ @ Please remember to check opening links in a new tab via right click. It doesn't work now. Progressive enhancement ftw! 😁 2022-04-03T14:41:40Z (#kn7dzsa) @ [twtxt](https://twtxt.net) 2022-04-03T14:43:04Z (#kn7dzsa) Link verification is disabled now, when it's enabled, it opens the https://twtxt.net/#verifyLink url in a new tab but it doesn't show any verify dialog. 2022-04-03T14:44:58Z (#kn7dzsa) Lol, tested on bad link https://he.net opens https://twtxt.net/#linkVerify?uri=https://he.net in a new tab. On right click -> Open in a new tab! 😁 2022-04-04T11:51:07Z (#5rgfyba) @ I agree with simple, lightweight design. No bloat. 2022-04-04T18:36:30Z (#rrgofoq) @ Looks super cool! 2022-04-05T14:39:13Z (#r6q453a) @ Don't forget Void for GNU libc and coreutils. 2022-04-07T02:22:58Z @ How are you generating https://envs.net/~novaburst/? 2022-04-07T04:40:49Z (#77ttzja) Or is it just an `HTML` file which would be a good idea? 2022-04-07T19:28:34Z (#2ipurca) @ 2022-04-07T19:31:55Z (#kn7dzsa) @ Didnt' follow the @ conversation on why it was implemented client side only. @ If you think that would work and it works rocks solid, sure. 2022-04-11T02:58:05Z (#g6k5fea) @ Void? 2022-04-11T15:28:20Z I sent @ a request for 9srv.net but he didn't reply. :( 2022-04-13T09:38:32Z (#o3cxqba) @ I probably would pay for not having to set-up a pod. Make it as simple as possible to set-up a pod and charge hosting fees and a little extra. 2022-04-14T10:33:46Z New `mkws` user [https://keenanpautler.com/](https://keenanpautler.com/)! 😁 2022-04-14T16:24:14Z (#tjbslbq) @ 

> Remember when that rich guy bought Freenode and completely ruined it by kicking everyone out of their channels and now no one uses it?

https://twitter.com/jcs/status/1514604201690628098 2022-04-17T11:01:53Z (#th6zxhq) @ My 63 LOC TLS reverse proxy

https://envs.sh/EN0.bin 2022-04-17T12:09:57Z (#tl3gdha) @ I just visit the sites. 2022-06-24T17:24:37Z My refugee friends! 😁 I speak a little Ukrainian. ![](https://twtxt.net/media/6mVaZETMmDWF4bu8F7fqgN.png) 2022-06-25T11:54:35Z (#rxmifga) @ Hey, I've been AFK since the war started. We have refugees here at the college dorm where I'm sleeping and given that I speak a little Ukrainian, have been hanging out with them, translating and answering questions regarding their stay in Romania. 2022-06-28T19:55:44Z @ or anybody a small donation would be nice as I haven't asked for one in a long time. :D 2022-08-13T12:21:25Z hello, world! 2022-08-16T13:19:35Z $14.98 would be nice for renewing adi.onl domain @ @ @ @ ! Expires tomorrow! 2022-08-17T05:24:19Z (#kglknja) @ Things are good, I understand a little bit of Ukrainian and hanging out with the refugees here at the place I live at. 2022-08-17T05:28:50Z (#4xxgkfq) @ New log analyzing tools are at https://adi.onl/projects.html, please consider a $14.98 donation for renewing my adi.onl domain. It expires today! @ @ @ @ 2022-08-17T05:41:56Z (#4xxgkfq) You can see the tools in action here https://s.mkws.sh/ 2022-08-17T06:35:40Z (#4xxgkfq) Domain renewed, please still consider donating to ease the burden off my parents! :D 2022-08-24T13:36:58Z (#vvpcrpa) @ I've been using https://github.com/kyx0r/nextvi for a while. Highly recommended! Also, check out my static site generator [mkws](https://mkws.sh)! 2022-09-02T12:38:08Z Launched [mkws themes](//t.mkws.sh)! 🎉😁🥂🍾 2022-09-02T14:34:51Z (#2qdcx3q) @ Check this out! 2022-09-03T12:08:44Z First page on https://lobste.rs, https://reddit.com/r/programming and [https://tildes.net](https://tildes.net)! 2022-09-03T12:25:55Z @ A small donation would be nice! It's been a while. I'm done with the refugees here and just launched [mkws themes](https://t.mkws.sh/)! 🎈🎉🎊 2022-09-03T12:49:49Z Top post on [https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/](https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/)! 🎈🎉🎊 2022-09-17T14:17:52Z Check out https://unpoly.com/ if you're interested in progressive enhancement! 2022-09-17T20:47:28Z (#xsnmvda) @ It doesn't have to output specialized templates, it works with normal full server side pages. It extracts the `main` element's content and replaces it in the current page. Of course, it could be optimized for sending only fragments. 2022-09-17T20:48:43Z (#xsnmvda) Basically, just add it over any server side rendered web site and it works. 2022-09-17T20:51:17Z (#xsnmvda) I, personally am not a big fan of custom attributes, but that's what we have right now https://unpoly.com/, https://htmx.org/ and https://github.com/hotwired/turbo 2022-10-01T14:37:31Z Front page on https://lobste.rs/ and https://news.ycombinator.com/ again! https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33046330 https://lobste.rs/s/s3lplv/58_bytes_css_look_great_nearly_everywhere 🥳 2022-10-01T15:16:26Z (#bicuxtq) @ Looks cool! 2022-10-01T15:17:19Z (#bicuxtq) I already have [new.css](https://t.mkws.sh/new/) there! 2022-10-01T15:56:20Z (#bicuxtq) @ Screenshot please? 2022-10-01T15:58:10Z @ New yarn theme looks great btw! 2022-10-01T17:16:24Z (#bicuxtq) @ 

https://stackoverflow.com/a/8365089 2022-10-01T23:05:39Z (#bicuxtq) Seems to be the CDN's problem. `curl https://o.mkws.sh` works normally. 2022-10-03T12:33:33Z @ @ What other icon sets like https://tablericons.com/ (no attribution required) can you recommend? 2022-10-22T14:20:18Z Two new mkws users https://benwibking.github.io/ and https://dandavis.dev/, also ended up on https://planet.kde.org/! 2022-10-22T14:42:17Z (#kx3ncfa) @ Thanks! Did you see the themes? https://t.mkws.sh/ 2022-10-26T07:12:59Z I bought [self.onl](https://self.onl)! 2022-10-26T07:18:50Z Also, [Twitter 2.0](https://blueskyweb.xyz/), has it been talked around here? 2022-10-26T07:41:31Z (#momapxa) @ I was personally considering writing `man` pages for HTML elements at some point. `man` pages are very cool! 2022-10-26T07:41:55Z Also first in Google for "mkws" https://www.google.com/search?q=mkws 😎! 2022-10-26T07:43:39Z (#ccol7gq) It's a cool domain, I'm considering building something like https://envs.net/ or https:// tilde.institute there. 2022-10-26T07:49:02Z (#mznemaa) @ Blockchain based... 2022-10-26T08:00:42Z (#fqekltq) @ I assumed he was scraping for offline viewing, in which case `man` pages solves more problems, but there's some work in porting from `HTML`. 2022-10-26T08:02:05Z (#fqekltq) @ Ah, you have `Markdown`, I believe you could do a lot of the work with `awk`. 2022-10-26T08:04:58Z (#fqekltq) @ Care to donate some 💰 💵 if I do the job? 😀 2022-10-26T08:06:24Z (#fqekltq) @ They're very fast as you have them in your terminal, you don't have to fire up a browser, move the mouse, do any search, watch tabs... just something like `man body`. 2022-11-21T10:30:35Z New mkws user https://markbucciarelli.com! 🥳🎉 2022-11-21T10:32:23Z I've added recurrent donations btw https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=7QXC2F3ANCDC2 @ and everybody 2022-11-21T10:33:24Z @ Also added themes in case you didn't see them https://t.mkws.sh/ 2022-12-07T19:07:54Z (#cpwvyxq) @ Heh, thanks! I actually set up recurrent donations on the web site at https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=7QXC2F3ANCDC2. I'd probably cancel the buy me a coffee subscription and go with that instead, I'd rather not pay a buy me a cofee comission. I really am required to get $40 by the 10th to renew the mkws.sh domain, so anybody who would like to contribute is welcomed! 2022-12-07T19:36:15Z (#cpwvyxq) I believe you can also make recurrent payments from the Revolut app (I pay 0 comissions on Revolut), from the Hub->Pockets section! 2022-12-07T19:47:25Z (#cpwvyxq) @ I'm referring to my own already registered [mkws.sh](https://mkws.sh/) domain! 2022-12-07T21:24:34Z (#cpwvyxq) @ I believe it's normal to just renew my existing domain! 2022-12-08T14:00:06Z (#gxbtvyq) @ Domain renewed! Very generous indeed! Thank you! 2023-02-13T19:30:27Z After seeing some ChatGPT interactions I believe all doomsday AI scenarios are stupid and I also believe it's impossible for an intelligent creature to create a _creature_ more intelligent than itself. 2023-02-13T19:33:20Z I believe ChatGPT is just an example of Artificial Stupidity! Does that term exist? 2023-02-28T17:01:31Z Yay! Installed DragonFly BSD on a https://www.kimsufi.com/en-ie/dedicated-servers/ 5€ /month instance! Wasn't easy! 2TB dedicated server for 5€/month! 2023-03-01T10:42:20Z (#s6wx52a) @ Congratulations! How long did it take? 2023-03-05T21:59:31Z @ https://cbrueggenolte.de/ looks really cool! 2023-03-05T22:05:25Z (#s6wx52a) @ Heh! Patient man! 2023-03-07T19:37:11Z (#3wbpsgq) @ I saw it's just a `water.css`. I believe its the font that got me. Regarding file uploads, small media manager sounds fine for what you're considering. 2023-03-07T20:08:15Z (#bbacqeq) @ Did you build anything with `mkws`? What was your previous static site generator? 2023-03-12T23:00:35Z In the mood for a coffee! 2023-03-12T23:53:17Z (#2xsfwha) @ Looks good! Enjoy! What's it sitting on? 2023-03-12T23:54:25Z `monerod` is eating all my CPU! Ideas? 2023-03-13T00:19:43Z (#2xsfwha) @ What's under the wooden coaster? 2023-03-13T00:22:20Z (#2xsfwha) @ Why does it have a digital display? What does it show? 2023-03-13T00:25:11Z I recently figured out `cwm` groups. They're super cool! 2023-03-13T00:30:09Z (#ba7zmdq) @ Once issue is that I'm not a big fan of hidden (dot) directories: https://web.archive.org/web/20180827160401/https://plus.google.com/+RobPikeTheHuman/posts/R58WgWwN9jp 2023-03-13T00:40:33Z (#ba7zmdq) @ For me it is! 2023-03-13T00:54:37Z I see I'm not doing any work today, so rest day. Watching YouTube day. 2023-03-13T01:00:20Z I recently discovered [Jack Harlow](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6vZl7Qj7JglLDmN_7Or-ZQ/), all his pieces are great, but my favorites, in order of preference are [Side Piece ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2_8GkA3HA8) and [Like A Blade of Grass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0a5i-jJ77s) 2023-03-13T01:03:38Z (#bg5l56q) He's _doing_ [Dua Lipa ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUqYdsBjZxg) as far as I know and not as in singing the song! Dua Lipa for me personally, is the most beautiful female artist at the moment. 2023-03-13T01:24:48Z (#bg5l56q) Also kinda discovered [Mark Ronson](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSY5V7BJSrxNvvBF0Drslow) 2023-03-13T02:11:11Z (#fupapta) @ I configured a DragonFlyBSD backup server recently on a https://www.kimsufi.com/en-ie/dedicated-servers/ 5€ dedicated server. 2 TB of disk space for 5€ a month, very good offer. Now I have to configure some cli Bitcoin and Monero wallets on that server, but `monerod` is hogging all my CPU! It's weird that cyptocurrency is supposed to be decentralized and there we are keeping our money in centralized locations like FTX or Binance. 2023-03-13T02:39:41Z (#fupapta) @ Centralized because of the mining process, right? 2023-03-13T02:40:25Z (#wmv5u6a) @ Yeah, it's very cool! 2023-03-13T05:03:07Z (#fupapta) @ 

> but you are essentially centralizing the storage of transactions, the so-called block chain, ledger, onto infrastructure and computers that aren’t yours or in your control.

Which exactly are those computers? Isn't the blockchain distributed and stored on each individual node? 2023-03-13T23:06:00Z (#fupapta) @ I was talking more about political and financial decentralization, as in no institution to regulate it, but the discussion derailed to technical decentralization. The idea of an institution that can allow you or prevent you from withdrawing money for instance, like Binance or FTX. 2023-03-13T23:18:39Z Now tell me how can I prevent `monerod` from hogging on my CPU. I'm on DragonFly BSD, `cpulimit` doesn't works, also `nice` doesn't. I believe this is an IRC question. 2023-03-14T00:09:14Z (#7w2qk7q) @ It's just for a wallet? 2023-03-14T02:31:30Z (#fupapta) @ I'm saying that this were the original ideas of cryptocurrency. Having no central institution to regulate it, like central banks or a central place that has controle over your money. The cryptocurrency industry has collapsed exactly because people "invested" in an centralized exchange and hedge fund like FTX. Exactly what I'm saying, this is not a cryptocurrency issue, but just fraud. 2023-03-14T02:35:03Z (#fupapta) @ 

> How is an institition different from a few powerful players that control >50% of the network? 🤔 

I can't say I understand completely how cryptocurrency, works, I wasn't interested in the subject until recently but this is what they say: https://www.coindesk.com/learn/what-is-a-51-attack/

> A 51% attack, however, is theoretically limited in the amount of disruption it can cause. While the attacker could trigger the double-spending problem, they cannot reverse others’ transactions on the network or prevent users from broadcasting their transactions to the network. Additionally, a 51% attack is incapable of creating new assets, stealing assets from unrelated parties or altering the functionality of block rewards.

This is not verified by me personally and and the source is a crypto exchange. 2023-03-14T02:43:47Z (#7w2qk7q) @ Well, I'm using this https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/monero-wallet-cli.html, any other options? 2023-03-14T03:06:10Z (#7w2qk7q) @ Any CLI one? 2023-03-14T03:21:29Z (#7w2qk7q) @ Yes, I understand this! 2023-03-14T06:15:38Z (#7w2qk7q) @ 

I understand it's not a good idea to keep your wallet on the VPS. It is preferred to run your own node? 2023-03-14T06:16:49Z It's interesting there's a "just works" philosophy and no "just doesn't work" philosphy! 2023-03-14T15:51:05Z (#fupapta) @ 

> Love it or hate it, institutionalized fiat currency has value because the issuing country has people with guns who will drag you off to a metal box if you don’t use the currency in the intended ways (unless you’re super rich I guess). 

Yes, 100% agree on this!

> The cryptocurrency industry collapsed because the idea at its core is a Ponzi scheme. It doesn’t matter how you implement the Ponzi scheme in software. The only way to accrue value is to bring in more people who are willing to pay more money for the currency than what you paid for it. That’s the literal definition of a Ponzi scheme and is inherently unstable (it crashes the moment the of rate of incoming new users slows down).

That's the problem, people saw cryptocurrencies as way to make money quick (classic money making problem), it's not that the idea of cryptocurrency is a Ponzi scheme, is that people are using it to engineer Ponzi schemes or do fraud with it as they do with fiat money. 2023-03-14T16:07:14Z (#fupapta) @ 

> The only way to accrue value is to bring in more people who are willing to pay more money for the currency than what you paid for it.

Crypto increases or decreases in value just as any other good (or currency), based on demand, you can do Ponzi schemes with potatoes, you can't say potates at their core are Ponzi scheme.

> institutionalized fiat currency has value because the issuing country has people with guns who will drag you off to a metal box if you don’t use the currency in the intended ways (unless you’re super rich I guess).

And cypto's value is that it's a currency outside the (at least the digital) reach of a countries institutions. No institution can give an order to block your transactions! Even if you're bank account is blocked, you can still trade with crypto! That's at least one of the reasons it has value! 2023-03-14T16:10:40Z (#fupapta) @ I understand crypto is an implementation of the blockchain, distributed legder, if that's what you mean. I may use the terms as if they were same thing. Where do you think the confusion is? 2023-03-14T16:19:13Z (#fupapta) @ 

> That is not a value. I have absolutely no need or desire for that, nor do the vast majority of people. People avoiding accountability from their community might view it as such.

You can never tell for sure, that's where crypto's values lies in.

I have no doubt a lot of crypto transactions have been made with the West sanctions and all. That's value! 2023-03-14T16:29:19Z (#fupapta) @ 

> You’re literally trying to say that if your community has decided that you should not have access to certain funds, you should be empowered to thwart that decision.

Yes, because it's YOUR money!

> Banks can’t legally decide that you no longer have access to your funds. You have a right to those funds that is protected by law. Legal authorities in some cases can restrict your access to your funds, but there is a reason and purpose to that, and in theory that reason and purpose is protection of the community. Yes I know I’m being simplistic, but the alternative is to take the extreme libertarian view that these institutions are all broken and hostile beyond hope, we should resist them at all costs, everyone else be damned. 

You're going to extremes now, I'm saying there MAY BE SOME situations when if would be a could idea to have some money outside of the institution control. 2023-03-14T16:32:56Z (#fupapta) @ 

> Get a bunch of cash, bonds, and prepaid debit cards and bury it all in your backyard. That’s far better.

I believe that in those kind of situations is better to have your cash in digital form rather than in any kind of physical form, not sure if prepaid cards can't be blocked. 2023-03-14T16:33:57Z (#fupapta) @ 

> well, fuck Russia lol. Crypto should burn if only to deny those genocidal pricks access to money.

What if the balance of power would change? What if you would be affected? 2023-03-14T16:38:22Z (#fupapta) @ How can it be blocked? 2023-03-14T16:39:27Z (#fupapta) @ 

> @ what are you talking about?

Please quote, I don't understand on what reply you're asking the question. 2023-03-14T16:50:13Z (#fupapta) @ I understand, but also understand that time is of maximum importance in those situations. 2023-03-14T17:14:33Z (#fupapta) @

> This sounds like a scary event and I’m sorry that it happened to you.

No reason to be afraid of law enforcement! People are people! 2023-03-14T17:27:06Z (#672x76a) @ I'm insisting speed is of great importance here. The longer it takes for them to get to your funds the better is for you, you have something to exchange for goods! 2023-03-15T01:56:54Z (#x2z6kxa) @ Depends on what you understand by "beating"! Depends on what you understand by "death". 2023-03-20T16:53:41Z Super impressed by this song, sounds super sexy [Childish Gambino - Redbone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRJnZsB52Es)! 2023-03-21T22:15:56Z @ Did you post about a tool to generate QR code images like this https://mkws.sh/i/xmrqr.webp? With an embeded logo I mean. 2023-03-22T12:54:26Z (#mqmilfa) Found it https://www.bitcoinqrcodemaker.com/ 2023-03-24T20:04:58Z News [`mkws`](https://sherman.codeberg.page/) web site [https://sherman.codeberg.page/](https://sherman.codeberg.page/)! 2023-03-25T01:57:50Z (#65pchpa) @ What usage page? 2023-03-25T01:58:40Z (#65pchpa) @ There's also this one! https://nyx-the-pooh.codeberg.page/ 2023-03-26T12:12:57Z (#65pchpa) @ Ah, https://cbrueggenolte.de/uses/! 2023-03-26T19:25:28Z (#uqfaqea) @ :P 2023-03-27T21:21:20Z Finished migrating my domains to my `nsd` instances. 2023-03-27T22:36:31Z (#3mpg65a) I feel very relaxed understanding I don't have to do all that waiting for the registrar's web site to load, click all those buttons, just to update a DNS record. 2023-03-28T03:52:56Z Also installed a `9front` on `vmd`! 2023-04-05T11:35:15Z (#h6wh7qa) @ How about one for C? 2023-04-10T12:38:00Z Btw, `mkws` works GREAT with Plan9 [mk](https://9p.io/sys/doc/mk.html). You just replace the `bin/mkws` script with a `mkfile`. It's drop in! Just create a `mkfile` in the `bin` directory, name it `mkws` and use a `mk` shebank like `#!/usr/local/plan9/bin/mk -f`.

 #!/usr/local/plan9/bin/mk -f



 TPLFILES=`{find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.upphtml" | cut -c3-}

 $URL:V: sitemap.xml $HTMLFILES

 %.html:Q: %.upphtml $THEMEFILES
 echo Making $target
 pp $SHARE/l.upphtml ${target%.html}.upphtml $URL > $target

 sitemap.xml:Q: $HTMLFILES $SHARE/sitemap.uppxml
 echo Making $target
 pp $SHARE/sitemap.uppxml $URL > $target

 echo "$HTMLFILES" sitemap.xml | xargs -n1 echo "Removing"
 rm -f $HTMLFILES sitemap.xml

There, your web site builds only when assets are out of date!` 2023-04-10T12:42:02Z (#aq5xyja) `mk` can be installed on `Linux`/`BSD` systems via [plan9port](https://9fans.github.io/plan9port/)! 2023-04-10T12:53:30Z New song I listen to on repeat [Ellie Goulding - Easy Lover feat Big Sean (Official Video) ft. Big Sean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDht4fSRLgk)! 2023-04-10T14:26:43Z @ Very grateful for the 5€/month donation, it's paying my backup server Intel ATOM N2800 [Kimsufi](https://www.kimsufi.com/en-ie/dedicated-servers/) dedicated server. It's running DragonflyBSD! :D 2023-04-10T19:45:33Z (#2dlcg3a) @ And what's preventing you from running it? 2023-04-10T19:55:57Z (#2dlcg3a) @ Get the cheap 5€ server from [Kimsufi](https://www.kimsufi.com/en-ie/dedicated-servers/) when it's available and have fun installing it via `NFS` with no `VNC`. I had alot of fun installing it. 2023-04-10T20:01:59Z (#2dlcg3a) Use it as backup machine! 2023-04-11T15:25:08Z Ok, I have to make 200€ to pay rent. I've moved places in the meantime! Have a decent place. You're familiar with my work, let me know if you have some problems I could solve! 2023-04-11T15:42:31Z Oh, btw, I'm considering building a VCS. The whole repository is just a single big patch file. It's for small projects tho. Ideas on what problems I might encounter with this approach? 2023-04-11T15:50:45Z (#bcwm4fa) @ Is the repo plain text? 2023-04-11T15:51:39Z (#bcwm4fa) My VCS would allow you use standard UNIX tools like `diff` and `patch`. 2023-04-11T15:55:18Z (#bcwm4fa) Example _repo_ for my VCS

https://envs.sh/hzH.diff 2023-04-11T16:19:44Z (#alrqzkq) @ Interested in migrating https://cbrueggenolte.de/ to `mkws`? Isn't flask a little bit overkill? :D I could do the work! :D 2023-04-11T17:19:06Z (#bcwm4fa) @ Ah, I remember at leas one issue I had with Pijul. Rust.... 2023-04-11T17:27:08Z (#bcwm4fa) I'm installing now, It's not the first time. I remember tho I wasn't satisfied with their repo format. 2023-04-11T17:38:24Z (#alrqzkq) @ Also, if you have any problems I could solve? 2023-04-11T17:40:25Z (#bcwm4fa) Yeah, errors on ` cargo install pijul --version "~1.0.0-beta"`... 2023-04-11T17:49:36Z (#alrqzkq) Also, don't tell me to get a job, my sleep schedule is fucked and I don't want to do React. 2023-04-11T17:50:29Z (#alrqzkq) I was rejected for a `go` job a while ago @ , weird reasons. Something that I sent a "Resume" instead of a "CV". 2023-04-11T18:27:52Z (#bcwm4fa) @ Ran it on OpenBSD, running it on Linux now. 2023-04-11T19:26:12Z (#bcwm4fa) Error compiling `nix`. Crap, so complicated! See, that's why I'm building a VCS and not doing React. 2023-04-12T12:57:04Z (#bcwm4fa) @ I'm not a big fan of the CLI interface! 2023-04-12T12:57:25Z (#bcwm4fa) And I'd rather have a plain text repo! 2023-04-12T18:19:09Z (#bcwm4fa) @ Yeah, I'm considering a simpler storage format. 2023-04-12T19:30:48Z (#bcwm4fa) Like this https://envs.sh/hzH.diff, it's a single patch file. 2023-04-21T16:29:10Z (#zyhzp7q) @ Wow! You drew this? 2023-05-24T15:42:37Z I rediscovered Garbage! :D

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxXAbzeSC28 2023-05-24T15:43:00Z https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwjwdVYMX44 2023-05-24T15:43:49Z The VCS is shaping up pretty nicely! I'm already using it! :D 2023-05-25T17:10:10Z (#fh5mizq) @ Patience! :D 2023-06-03T16:18:14Z @ There, first place: https://news.ycombinator.com/ 2023-06-03T19:40:50Z (#wqgxhea) @ https://validator.github.io/validator/, I'm running it locally on OpenBSD via `pkg_add vnu` 2023-06-03T19:42:51Z https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkpT948yTGw 2023-06-03T20:04:40Z (#wqgxhea) @ You simply run `vnu ` and that's all! 2023-06-04T09:35:20Z (#wqgxhea) @ I've integrated it in my workflow! I can validate all my `HTML`s via a shell script before uploading! 2023-07-16T23:16:27Z Been doing some embedded development lately. Building a driver for an electricity metering chip. First time I developed a driver. Got some $$$ also finally! :D 2023-07-26T10:21:06Z @ Can you recommend me some good pixelated fonts? 2023-07-27T17:32:00Z (#4sbpj2q) @ I may be settling on the one shown here https://worldwideweb.cern.ch/browser/ 2023-07-27T17:35:22Z (#4sbpj2q) Not sure about the licensing tho. 2023-08-31T04:17:41Z Ok, broke off my relationship with the guys I developed the driver for. They're using a C framework which I find super crappy (https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf) and I do plain C.

I developed the driver in plain C. 2023-08-31T04:21:01Z Also, I'll never take responsibility for other people's **expectations**! I do what I do, work as I work, am as I am, never do what _should_ do, work as I _should_ work, be as I _should_ be. 2023-09-01T08:56:04Z (#kpxlwra) @ 

> Trying to 😆

Ah, the subtle difference between "trying" and "doing"! :D 2023-09-01T09:25:14Z Oh btw all, Fairphone 5 is out https://www.fairphone.com/en/, I remember @ was interested in it! :D 2023-09-01T09:30:54Z I remember as a teenager thinking of [Republica](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgffRW1fKDk) as _the other [Garbage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypr18UmxOas)_ :D 2023-09-01T12:15:02Z (#7dxtvnq) @ It's the new model of Fairphone? :D It's self upgradable and repairable, not sure about the upgradable part. 2023-09-01T12:15:43Z (#7dxtvnq) Self as in the user repairs his own phone. 2023-09-01T13:14:46Z (#7dxtvnq) @ Let's say that for me personally it's an option that _sucks less_. 2023-09-01T13:17:19Z I wonder why people didn't settle on `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` as `~/etc`. Makes so much sense! 2023-09-01T13:19:38Z (#7dxtvnq) @ To having to buy a new phone every year for instance? 2023-09-01T13:20:07Z (#if5eb2a) @ What's the solution to Google/Android garbage? 2023-09-01T13:21:01Z (#7uig3sq) @ https://www.opensmtpd.org/ for email! I've been running mine for more than an year! 2023-09-01T13:22:29Z (#7uig3sq) @ https://poolp.org/posts/2019-09-14/setting-up-a-mail-server-with-opensmtpd-dovecot-and-rspamd/ I skipped the rspamd part. 2023-09-01T13:24:10Z (#if5eb2a) @ 

> Google/Android garbage 2023-09-01T13:33:36Z (#if5eb2a) @ I have no experience with F-Droid! Is their app inventory decent? 2023-09-01T13:37:06Z (#eqvdabq) @ I belive Linux as a desktop sucks more now than in 1996! :D 2023-09-01T13:41:29Z (#7uig3sq) @ Just use Gmail as an email client, lol "operational complexity", just configure the thing one time and have it run for years! 2023-09-01T13:52:25Z (#7uig3sq) @ 

> What Calendar and Contacts?

I have no experience with calendar and contacts, just email, and it's really good.

>I think we have very different ideas of what “operational complexity” means.

Maybe, what's your definition? 2023-09-01T14:01:12Z (#kpxlwra) @ Exactly! :D 2023-09-01T14:08:11Z (#7uig3sq) I see this recommended as solution for calendar and contacts https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2023-04-23-calendar-and-contacts-with-radicale.html 2023-09-01T14:13:45Z (#7doseoq) @ Have no experience with it! :( 2023-09-01T14:20:50Z (#7doseoq) @ Other options https://kristaps.bsd.lv/kcaldav/, https://www.sogo.nu/ or https://sabre.io/baikal/ PHP, I wouldn't use. 2023-09-01T14:22:14Z (#7doseoq) @ Ah, I personally wouldn't want a web app, just use whatever client you prefer. 2023-09-01T14:23:03Z (#7doseoq) @ See https://www.sogo.nu/, it looks it has an web app. 2023-09-01T14:27:22Z (#7doseoq) @ Maybe install the server and a separate web app of your preference. Or use Gmail as a client if it works? 2023-09-01T15:00:30Z (#7doseoq) @ I'd just go with radicale or kcaldav în this situation. 2023-09-01T15:32:07Z (#7doseoq) @ Just go with the solution that sucks less. 2023-09-01T16:14:24Z (#if5eb2a) @ Joke aside, I remember enjoying Ubuntu with Gnome 2, now it just seems bloated. Most Linux distros seem bloated. 2023-09-01T20:04:23Z (#kudffeq) @ It's not that hard https://poolp.org/posts/2019-09-14/setting-up-a-mail-server-with-opensmtpd-dovecot-and-rspamd/ 2023-09-01T20:13:15Z (#kudffeq) @

> My outgoing mail will pass the basic checks at Gmail, namely SPF, DKIM and DMARC, which are more than enough to get your mail through. 

It's in the article. 2023-09-02T05:33:23Z (#pnswdva) @ Yeah, I'm not a big fan of docker. 2023-09-02T05:56:53Z (#pnswdva) @ Yeah, I believe the "works on my machine" problem is solved by understanding why it works on my machine and not on another. 2023-09-02T06:08:47Z (#pnswdva) @ Yeah I believe the "I don't have time" excuse it's just sweeping the dust under the carpet. 2023-09-02T07:35:18Z (#yfko2ya) @ 

 export XDG_DATA_HOME=~/share
 export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=~/etc
 export XDG_STATE_HOME=~/local/state
 export XDG_CACHE_HOME=~/var/cache
 export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=~/var/run 2023-09-02T09:27:52Z Stumbled on this on lobste.rs:



Can't run it tho. 2023-09-02T10:51:04Z (#pnswdva) @ What "annoying" software packages specfically? :P 2023-09-02T16:47:10Z (#yfko2ya) @ 

My `XDG_STATE_HOME` directory doesn't even exist, no program has created it.

> $XDG_STATE_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user-specific state files should be stored. If $XDG_STATE_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.local/state should be used.
> The $XDG_STATE_HOME contains state data that should persist between (application) restarts, but
>that is not important or portable enough to the user that it should be stored in $XDG_DATA_HOME. It may contain:
> actions history (logs, history, recently used files, …)
> current state of the application that can be reused on a restart (view, layout, open files, undo history, …)

I don't believe it's a good idea to wipe it.

 $ cat /etc/fstab
 swap /home/adi/var/cache mfs rw,-s512M,noatime,nosuid,nodev 1 0

and https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2021-12-15-openbsd-mfs-persistency.html for `XDG_CACHE_HOME`. 2023-09-02T17:04:52Z (#yfko2ya) Related threads https://nixers.net/Thread-How-do-you-tidy-your-home-aka-tree-L2, https://nixers.net/Thread-XDG-CONFIG-HOME-as-etc?pid=23654#pid23654 2023-09-02T17:22:19Z Lol, just visited https://www.gnome-look.org/, I believe I haven't been there in more than a decade! :D 2023-09-02T18:13:29Z (#ukzxwoa) @ 

> (Nope, that’s not Twitter.)

lol 2023-09-02T18:37:53Z (#jnfajzq) @ I'm really happy with `cwm`. 2023-09-03T07:42:16Z (#pw3hn3q) @ I was theming gtk 2.0 apps in OpenBSD. 2023-09-03T18:44:01Z (#yfko2ya) @ I so wouldn't want to delete this :

> view, layout 2023-10-03T19:42:19Z (#5ym4qia) @ They suck bad! Artificial stupidity as I said. Real problem with ChatGPT is to discover when it's actually outputting bullshit because it's outputting it in a very convincing way, but in the end it's still bullshit. Maybe that's why they call it "intelligence", because he's good at lying to us. 2023-10-03T19:45:13Z (#a56s6mq) @ I'm porting https://github.com/kyx0r/nextvi to 9front. 

![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/bf775a80332c4fc93f5531aa123d78a4be1fee23fe60386b013cd9264d78c4af/687474703a2f2f7777772e3970617374652e6e65742f6e6f6e652f3230372d3738372d343939342e706e67) 2023-10-03T20:18:35Z (#5ym4qia) Actually, it's outputting bullshit most of the times. 2023-11-20T13:57:51Z What do you think of Typescript removal from Rails? 2023-11-20T14:44:37Z Also, I think the EU is doing a great job with the recent laws regarding Microsoft and Apple! (Uninstallable default apps, sideloading and USB-C for Apple Products) 2023-11-21T03:49:22Z (#bsl6gma) @ Cool! 2024-01-19T18:06:20Z Cool, "The computer association at Lund University and Lund University of Technology" in Sweden is using `mkws` https://dflund.se/ 2024-01-19T20:43:30Z (#uxwpu2q) @ Thanks! :D 2024-01-24T12:05:27Z (#uxwpu2q) They got the Nobel in Physics last year! Just saying... 2024-01-24T13:28:20Z (#uxwpu2q) @ Thanks! :D 2024-01-25T18:34:59Z This sounds super good! 

https://youtu.be/sCz5y84dwuA?si=vjYMMkY6da7mHZI1 2024-01-25T18:37:23Z This sounds even better!

https://youtu.be/uDqvmeq1nj0?si=5k8gwBPoZapnQMIv 2024-01-26T12:02:45Z (#hav3dva) @ I maintain my opinion that's it's just not worth avoiding learning HTML, CSS. 2024-01-26T12:03:30Z (#mgs427q) @ 👏 2024-01-28T10:18:46Z (#obpdfca) @ Nice name! 2024-01-30T14:21:18Z I've been playing https://store.steampowered.com/app/588430/fallout_shelter for the last months. 2024-01-30T15:11:36Z I remembered `cu` is next to `vi` in the "impossible to quit software" list. 2024-01-30T18:22:11Z (#vt6nxha) @ I personally used it to connect to embedded dev boards via serial connection (dev boards I noticed come with a lot of crap frameworks and tools. I just used `cu` and plain C). You can also use it for https://man.openbsd.org/vmctl.8#console. 2024-01-30T18:25:46Z (#vt6nxha) You quit `cu` by pressing `~.`. If that doesn't work, "just hit Enter a couple of times before the combination" (read it on some forum). 2024-01-30T18:56:59Z (#vt6nxha) @ 

> [...] It is now frequently used for tasks such as attaching to the serial console of another machine for administrative or debugging purposes.

https://man.openbsd.org/cu.1 2024-01-30T19:07:30Z (#vt6nxha) @ Heh! I think I just closed the window or just `kill`-ed the process whenever I got **that** laggy, if ever, that I couldn't quit with just `exit`. 2024-01-31T00:21:19Z Haven't seen something as funny as this in a long time!

https://youtube.com/shorts/WNZ_8S7ADKk?si=8N43TO5Bbe_P8J7x 2024-01-31T00:24:20Z (#xnhrg5a) First comment is also gold:

> This is also adult me listening to Many Men. 2024-02-03T18:43:51Z (#62vi2ma) @ `movq.de` is cool. I don't see any problem as long as you set up redirects. 2024-02-08T18:20:21Z Ex Microsoft executive in Romania sentenced to 6 years for tax evasion. https://www-digi24-ro.translate.goog/stiri/actualitate/justitie/fostul-director-al-microsoft-romania-a-fost-ridicat-de-politisti-dupa-ce-a-fost-condamnat-la-6-ani-de-inchisoare-pentru-evaziune-2680453?_x_tr_sl=ro&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp&__grsc=cookieIsUndef0&__grts=56913881&__grua=a8877bd08bc4b8d79850cfe10dc29217&__grrn=1 2024-02-21T16:25:49Z (#shms72a) @ Honest philosophy would say you don't need help! 2024-02-29T01:23:10Z @ This is what I was using `cu` for https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf?tab=readme-ov-file#viewing-serial-output 2024-03-01T12:14:05Z (#b3ia53a) @ That was for an energy metering driver I made (EV charging stations).

I'm currently working on a VCS for small projects. Single file, plain text repository made entirely of just patches. I'm currently porting to 9Front and all I have is to do add suport for 3 way merging (I think I'll just use `diff3` on Linux and `merge3` on OpenBSD for that. Currently it only supports plain text and no binaries.

This an example repo for my dotfiles https://0x0.st/HRnc.diff, view log implementation in `awk`: https://0x0.st/HRnT.sh

If interested, some 💵 would be great as I've been out of job for a few months now and they payed like shit when I was working with them.


You could clone that repo with only:

 curl https://0x0.st/HRnc.diff | tee v | patch -p0 

However, `patch` would leave some extra files in the directory. 2024-03-01T13:54:23Z Oh, btw, previous guys I worked with never heard of Go! 2024-03-01T22:19:48Z (#7wys7xa) @ Yeah! They called themselves embedded C programmers, pretty sure they couldn't write a `Makefile`. I called them scammers tbh! 2024-03-01T22:24:54Z (#7wys7xa) @ They knew about `microPython`, but the boss never heard about Go, the other guy may have heard of it tho,... I think! 2024-03-01T22:28:34Z (#7wys7xa) The owner/boss was a Python progammer, never heard of Go! 2024-03-01T22:38:35Z (#7wys7xa) @ They were doing embedded development just like you would JavaScript development, using only "the framework", as I said: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf, compile times were super long (20s), the boss asked "How many times do I compile **per day**?" I said: "constantly....". Just couldn't work with the framework, was super slow. Had to develop the driver bare metal and after that integrate it! 2024-03-02T00:43:07Z I just figured out, their domain was just one letter different from another EV charging company domain. 2024-03-02T01:03:38Z (#acum7hq) In their defense, they don't have a web site up at that domain address. 2024-03-02T14:37:54Z (#rjfiy7q) @ Lots of content is crap tbh! 2024-03-31T21:33:39Z Ok, had some fun porting 9front virtio drivers to 9legacy for OpenBSD vmd:

https://prnt.sc/xOCx0q7yT_WD 2024-04-01T18:20:50Z (#stg6sjq) @ https://9front.org/ is a fork of the original https://plan9.io/plan9/. I just ported 9fronts drivers (https://git.9front.org/plan9front/plan9front/1b51d5683a5d8adcde03bbd277e6331f23c2f723/sys/src/9/pc/ethervirtio.c/f.html and https://git.9front.org/plan9front/plan9front/1b51d5683a5d8adcde03bbd277e6331f23c2f723/sys/src/9/pc/sdvirtio.c/f.html) to the original Plan 9. It was almost drop in to be honest. If I were to build one from scratch, there's this: https://brennan.io/2020/03/22/sos-block-device/, looks digestible. 2024-04-01T21:07:19Z Oh, and I'm finally starting to feel confortable with `ed`. :D 2024-04-04T11:35:13Z (#dabdvaq) @ For some reason I kept reading `dusage` like you would read French `visage`. 2024-04-04T19:19:58Z (#dabdvaq) @ Sounds very frenchy "d'usage" or something like that. 2024-04-04T19:23:57Z Earliest version of `mkws` https://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/Provider/ShellScript.html 😀 from the first web site ever. 2024-04-04T19:27:10Z I see myself slowly migrating to Plan 9. 2024-04-04T19:42:28Z (#dabdvaq) @ I'm pretty happy with my naming abilites. I do alot of research before hand tho so that my names fit with the overall naming scheme. `dusage` is not a bad name to be honest, but we already have `du` with is short for "disk usage", if you don't have a `du` in OS/2 I think it's an ok name. 2024-04-05T06:05:44Z (#stg6sjq) @ Ooops, there were already ported drivers http://9legacy.org/9legacy/patch/pc-sdvirtio.diff. Oh well, learning experience. 2024-04-05T08:21:18Z (#ndaoqya) @ That's money for p9f? 2024-04-05T17:35:26Z (#dabdvaq) @ Matters for your own personal sense of satisfaction. 2024-04-08T22:53:54Z (#ndaoqya) @ Haha, no leads ! But would be cool! :) 2024-04-08T22:59:08Z (#d6xxntq) @ There's no guarantee you'll increase your portofolio and wealth if you invest, much less if you borrow to invest. 2024-04-08T23:42:39Z I just remembered Mr. Oizo https://youtu.be/qmsbP13xu6k?si=g7yNfWeONis8D5Eh 2024-04-15T10:18:19Z I'm tinkering with the Plan 9 9k kernel https://github.com/0intro/plan9-contrib/tree/main/sys/src/9k testing if I can boot it on OpenBSD `vmm`, it's booting but interrupts don't work. 2024-04-15T11:41:36Z (#b6m7laq) And it booted


I can drawterm and all. 2024-04-15T11:43:43Z (#b6m7laq) Serial console doesn't work tho. 2024-04-15T11:51:06Z (#b6m7laq) Also, not sure about those _lost_ RAM.