In-reply-to » I wish that this experimental Capture Checking feature in scala 3 were available in the official distribution so that I could play with it in a project i'm working on now.

anyhow, that’s what programming with monads is like, to me. Oh, I want to do X. OK I’ll try using SpecialEffectsLibrary. But to do that I have to wrap my code in FooMonad. OK. But then to use FooMonad with this other monad I like using, I need a FooMonadTransformer. OK. Oh but now that doesn’t compile because I didn’t wrap such-and-such in a call to FooMonad.pure. OK. Oh and since I’m using monads I can’t do this other thing recursively. Hmm what now. By the time I sort out all the compiler errors I forgot about X.

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