

1.56K Posts, 394 Following, 1.13K Followers · Non-academic research fellow at non-profit org @thentrythis@mastodon.thentrythis.org, working on algorithmic patterns (@alpaca@mastodon.thentrythis.org). Instigator of @tidalcycles@post.lurk.org, and co-founder of @algorave@post.lurk.org, toplap, algomech festival, etc he/him

Recent twts from @yaxu@post.lurk.org

Looking for ideas for places to stay in the South of France early July.. We’re taking the train to Lyon, then hiring a car to Gorges du Tarn to camp there for a couple of days, then …? We’ll spend some good time in the alps on the way back but would like to visit somewhere nice and not too by the seas as well.. Maybe the Calanques but seems it gets super busy and often closes in hot weather. ⌘ Read more

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My son wants to make his own electric guitar as a long term project. I think this might be too big a project to jump into. He’s not even particularly keen on the idea of starting with a kit.. Any passing luthiers have advice about an easier step into this world? ⌘ Read more

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What are some nice tracks that have everything hard panned either left or right? Particularly tracks beyond the early stereo era when crazy panning was the default. Orbital’s input out is one example but there must be more examples.. People should do this more ⌘ Read more

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This journal tickets a lot of boxes.. Rich media, online, no fee for publishing..


But submission to publishing takes up to 12 months. You’re not allowed to publish pre-prints in the meantime. Plus the read-only license they use (cc-by-nc-nd) isn’t _really_ open access (and my funder mandates cc-by), and there doesn’t seem to be a possibility to pick a more permissive one.

I guess I’ll just do some blogging instead :/ ⌘ Read more

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Idea: a crowdfunding platform for people who don’t need any money at the moment. People can sign up to donate small amounts to people who share stuff for free, but only in the months when they need it. They might never need it, but it could make life decisions with less precarity.

I closed my fairly healthy ko-fi when I got my fellowship funding but it would have been nice to have just paused it for 7 years. You can pause patreon things but (because they take a huge cut) they won’t let you pause for more than a month. ⌘ Read more

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