Enjoyed the eight christmas party at work today with some colleagues who I have known and worked with for more than ten years now. That is a nice feeling.
Imagine if all computer UIs would act like the UI from my NAS system… I feel I need to be waiting for output from the machine like it’s 1973.
The web server in Calibre is pretty cool. Love how the UI was designed and made. Feels intuitive, yet powerful. Now i do need to organise the book collection a bit better.
Did I write here already that the reason why I love Twtxt so much is that it works without having to compile, install anything extra. Just the bin applications that come with 95% of all operating systems and you’re good to read and participate, giving you have a domain name somewhere to host the twtxt.txt file.
We had a great weekend overall. N. loves ice-skating and we had a nice time with friends today playing a round of bowling and visiting the Dussy christmas market.
Organised my decades old ebook collection and cleaned up all the duplicates. The Czkawka application helped a lot with getting that done. Also - finally - using Calibre as our home digital library.
Got tickets for the Germany - USA 🏒 ice Hockey game in Düsseldorf on May 4th 2025
Cleaned up my npm package for twthash; made it CommonJS compatible, added more documentation and even a test. Current version is 1.2.2
Always a great feeling when you can solve npm install problems by simply copying over the whole node_modules folder from your own (linux) machine. One of the benefits of developing on a Linux machine I suppose.
Added TwtHash hashes to every message on my personal Twtxt HTML renderer. Code is not yet ready for prime-time. Need to work out some kinks still.
You can select some text from a web page and right/command click and select print… and select To PDF to quickly save snippets for save-keeping or further reading.
If I use Fedora on my PC, Vivaldi as my browser, Signal as my main messenger program, then which OS should my phone run on?
Getting my knowledge refreshed on web accessibility through a course on deque university.
I have been on Twtxt for five years straight now. Hurray me.
My 7-year old invented the word guakilijion which is a 1 with a bazillion zeroes following after it. He wants to be a word inventor.
Was on the receiving end of multiple robocalls originating from the UK so now I blocked the whole of the UK from being able to call me on my phone.
@sorenpeter@darch.dk Really cool that you did the presentation about Twtxt! Thanks for doing this.