The beach itself is very nicely maintained on a daily basis however, unfortunately the sea is full of plastic and rubbish 😢

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🔥 ATTENTION: I have really bad news folks 😢

Today, (just this morning in AEST) I accidentally nuke my pod ( I keep backups, but unfortunately the recovery point objective (RTP) is at worst a month! 🤦‍♂️ 😱 (the recovery time objective is around ~30m or so, restoring can take a while due to the size of the archive and index) – For those that are unfamiliar with these terms, they essentially relate to “how much data loss can occur” (RPO) and “how quickly you can restore the system” (RTO).

This pod ( is back up and online. However we’ve last the last ~5 days worth of posts y’all may have made on your feeds (for those that use this pod).

I’m so sorry 😞

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Can anyone recommend a decent Android ROM that strips out as much of the spyware as possible? Is GrapheneOS a good option? I need to get a new phone anyway so I don’t mind buying within a supported device list as long as I can get one on the used market for $300-$400 or less.

If anyone could recommend some learning resources for this stuff I’d really appreciate it.

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