Et tant que j’y suis, quel meilleur support pour du stockage à long terme? HDD? Carte SD? (on oublie le CD, il faut un lecteur/graveur)

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Quel format de fichier choisir pour stocker des fichiers sur le long terme? Pour l’instant, j’ai FAT32, mais la limite des 4G va devenir un problùme lorsque je vais refaire ma filmothùque
 Des conseils?

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Maintaining 30 years old code be like blindly knowing exactly what to do to restart a service at 4am using the phone, because decades old memory leak doesn’t let the damn thing run much longer then 10 months without exhausting the available resources.

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In-reply-to » Thanks again @movq !! I have figured things out and set up Jenny and Vim completion following your blog post! Cheers! Thank you! and sorry, I’ve just noticed your twt. About the funky characters, it’s probably something off with my editor, I’ve just ssh-ed from mobile and checked my .txt file, it looked like that when I cat the file but normal on neoutt. I’ll try and see what’s the deal first thing in the morning. (/me wondering if the same thing would happen with this twt)

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</> htmx - high power tools for html really liking the idea of htmx đŸ€” If I don’t have to learn all this complicated TypeScript/React/NPM garbage, I can just write regular SSA (Server-Side-Apps) and then progressively upgrade to SPA (Single-Page-App) using htmx hmmm 🧐

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